MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) l DOCUMENTS PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MAINE, DURING ITS SESSION A. D. 1848. ~ununta: WILLIAM T. JOHNSON, PRINTER TO THE STATE. .. OF THE STOCKHOLDERS, (With the amount of Stock held by each Jan. 1, 1848,) IN THE BANKS OF MAINE. Prepared and published agreeably to a Re~olve of the Legislature, approved March 21, 1839: By EZRA B. FRENCH, Secretary of State. AUGUSTA: WM. T. JOHNSON, •••••••• PRINTER TO THE STATE. 184 8. STATE OF MAINE. Resalve requiring tlte &cretary 'lf State to publish a List of tlte Stockholders of the Banks in this State. RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is required annually to publish a List of the Stockholders in each Bank in this State with the amount of Stock owned by each Stockholder agreeably to the returns made by law to the Legislature of this State; and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to distribute to each town in this State, and also to each Bank in this State one copy of such printed list; and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to require any Bank, which may neglect to make the returns required by law to the Legislature, to furnish him forthwith with a list of the Stockholders of such Bank, and also the amount of Stock owned by each Stockholder. [Approved Marek 21, I8a9.] LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Androscoggin Bank, (Topsham.) Names. Residence. Amouut of Stock, ,-~----------- I Androscoggin Bank, \Topsham, 1,000 Betsey N. Baker, (guardian,) !Roxbury, (Mass.,) 1,000 John Barron, 1 Topsham, 2,500 William Barron, do. 2,500 \ John Curtis, :Harpswell, 400 Sophia Chick, Topsham, 1,400 1 \Villiam Dennett, I do. 1,000 John Given, (deceased,} :Brunswick, 500 Crispus Greaves, ;Topsham, 200 Priscilla Hallett, Augusta, 400 Peletiah Haley, 'Topsham,. 1,100 Benjamin Basey, do. 3,100 Joshua Haskell, do. 2,300 Sarah Hunter, do. 500 Lithgow Hunter, do. J ,500 Hannah Hunter, do . 1,000 .Mary Holbrook, do. 100 Collamore Mallet, do. 700 Isaac .Mallett, do. 300 James Mc Keen, do. 1,000 Charity Mustard, i do. 500 Jabez Perkins, I Brunswick, 2,000 Nahum Perkins, Topsham, 1,000 Sarah Purinton, / do. 3,000 Ezekiel Purinton, ( deceased,} I do. 600 Samuel Perkins, : do. 500 Woodbury B. Purinton, do. 1,000 Hannah E. Purinton, do. 300 David Scribner, do. 2,400 David Scribner, (guardian,) do. 700 Charles Thompson, do. 10,000 Ann E. Thompson, do. 2,100 Francis Tucker, (deceased,) do. 500 Samuel Thompson, do. 1,300 Nathaniel Walker, do. 2,000 $50,000 4 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Augusta Ban!c. Names. Resid1mce. Amount of Stock. William Allen, jr., Norridgewock, 1,000 Stephen Allen, Augusta, 300 Charles F. Allen, Norridgewock, 300 J. W. Bradbury, Augusta, 900 Est. Joshua Bowles, Wayne, 500 W. A. Brooks, Augusta, 500 Benjamin Davis, do. 600 Cony Female Academy, do. 4;soo Isaac Coffin, Wiscasset, 500 Martha Curtis, Boston, 1,200 James L. Child, Augusta, l,600 Cashier Boston Bank, Boston, 10,000 Anna Child, Augusta, 2,500 Susan B. Cony, do. 2,800 H. B. Dillingham, do. 600 A.G. Dole, . do. 400 E. Dole, C. Dole, and A.G. Dole, do. 400 Am. Education Society, 400 Betsey Eustis, Unknown, 100 Benjamin Ellis, Carver, (Mass.,) 3,000 Est. J. D. Emery, Augusta, 800 . Lydia K. Blake, .Monmouth, 300 Elisha Folgier, Sidney, J,400 Francis M. Folgier, Augusta, 300 Lucretia G. Fuller, do. 1,400 E. G. Fuller, do. 1,000 B. A.G. Fuller, (trustee,) do. 400 Eliza W. Fuller, do. 100 Est. Joshua Gage, do, 2,000 S. A. Hitchcock, Boston, 5,700 William Hunt, Augusta, 1,000 Abby G. Ingraham, do. 2,500 Judith F. Jones, do. 500 E. Hathaway, jr., Hobarttown., 200 Sarah F. Lambard, Augusta, , 300 John G. Loring & Co., Boston, 600 Dudley Haines, (guardian,) Readfield, 1,300 George W. Morton, Augusta, 500 Est. James Hall, do. 2,000 John Mulliken, HaHowell, 200 Thomas Rice, Winslow, 1,000 Roxana Rockwood, HalloweJJ, 300 Mary Ann Rockwood, Waterville, 200 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 5 Augusta Bank, (Continued.) Names. Residence. Amount of Stock. Hannah G. Rockwood, Waterville, 200 Sophronia Randall, Augusta, 100 Sarah J. Rockwood, Gardiner, 200 Elizabeth L. Sawtelle, Norridgewock, 800 Est. Issachar Snell, Augusta, 2,000 John Smith, Readfield, J,700 George W. Stanley, Augusta, 6,000 Hannah Sanford, do. 100 :Mary H. Southwick, do. 100 William Sayles, Boston, 5,800 Sarah H. Snell, Augusta, 200 Samuel E. Smith, Wiscasset, 300 Thomas W. Smith, Augusta, 5,500 John McLellan, Woodstock, (Vt.,) 2,800 Judah McLellan, Skowhegan, 200 Eliza P. Vose, Augusta, 5,000 J. H. Ingraham, do. 500 State of Maine, 10,000 Reuel Williams, Augusta, 2,600 Sarah L. Williams, do. 1,800 Abby L. Williams, do. 600 Helen M. William~, do. 600 J. H. Williams, do. 400 P. B. Weston, do. ~,000 David White, Solon, 400 Greenlief White, Augusta, 1,000 Na than ·west on, do. 1,600 Sarah Williams, do. 100 Susannah Rockwood, do. 600 Mary M. Smith, Warren, 400 ---$110,000 Bank of Cumberland, (Portland.) John Anderson, Portland, 520 John Anderson, (trustee,,) do. 4,160 John Anderson, (guardian,) do. 2,400 Isaac Adams, Gilead, 240 Joseph Badger, Brunswick, 400 2:tl< 6 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Banlc of Cumberland, (Continued.) Names. ResidEnce. Amount of Stock. ------------·----- Rufus Burnham, Unknown, 600 James W .' Bradbury, Augusta, 200 Charles Brooks, Boston, 400 James Bradbu.ry, Unknown, mo John Barron, Topsham, 360 William Barron, do. 200 Thomas Browne, Portland, 2-10 Clarissa Brooks, do. 440 Mary Bradbury, Standish, 2,600 Amelia Bradbury, Unknown, 360 Molbory Brown, do. 200 Daniel Brown, do. 120 John Curtis, Gorham, 200 Thomas Crocker, Paris, 800 Asa Clapp, Portland, 3HO Thomas J. Coburn, Unknown, 160 Mary Cleaves, do. 1,200 E. N. Chaddock, do. 500 Rebecca K. Chesley, Westbrook, 3GO Charles M. Cumston, Unknown, 8,l"IOO Sarah Cumston, do. 3,280 Ira Crocker, Portland, 2130 Oliver Dennet, Standish, 200 Emeline Dennet, do. 200 David Drinkwater, Portland, I,000 Benjamin Day, Unknown, 24·0 Charles S .. Daveis, Portland, 400 Ann and Euni'ce Deering, do. 200 Ezekiel Day, do. 520 Asa Dresser, do. 400 Mary L. Deering, do. 400 Rufus Emerson, do. 800 Nicholas Emery, do. 1,440 William Evans, do. 760 Ebenezer Everett, Brunswick, 520 Henry S. Edwards, Portland, 280 James L. Farmer, do. 480 C. D. French, Unknown, :360 W. P. Fessenden, Portland, 400 Joseph Goold, do. 400 R. G. Greene, Gorham, 320 Samuel C. Grant, Gardiner, 1,000 Mary Garland, Unknown, 120 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 7 Banlc of Cumberland, (Continued.) ~--=-=-=-=============================================== Namos. Residence. Amount of Stock. Stephen Gale, Portland, 240 Mary Hyde, Unknown, 400 Charles Hunt, Gorham, 1,000 John Heard, Boston, (Mass.,) 120 James Hasty, Standish, 400 William Hackett, Kennebunk, 400 Joseph Hale, Unknown, 200 Rufus Horton, Portland, 480 Charles Holden, do. 360 Joseph Howard, do. 160 Elenore W. Head, do. 920 Augustine Haines, do. 720 Ann Jameson, do. 240 William Kimball, do. 400 Moses Kittredge, Unknown, 400 Joseph M. Kellogg, Portland, 120 Frances E. Kimball, Unknown, 200 Joseph Leavitt, Portland, 200 Benjamin Lord, Falmouth, 200 Eliza Little, Windham, so Moses :Mason, Unknown, 480 Isaac Merriam, do. noo Parker McCobb, Portland, 1,920 Esther Mussey, do. 400 William Moulton, do. 2,400 Sarah Moulton, Unknown, 1,600 Dolly Mussey, Standish, 400 Matthias Meserve, Scarborough, so Edmund Mann, Gorham, 280 Serena Megquire, Unknown, 400 Serena M orgridge, do. 200 Joshua B. Osgood, Portland, 320 Ocean Insurance Company, do. 1,720 Simeon Pease, Cornish, 2,480 Clarissa A. Parsons, Windham, 40 Albion K. Parris, Washington, 600 Hannah Pierce, Gorham, 200 George W. Pierce, Portland, 400 Lucy Pritchard, do. 200 Barnabas Palmer, Kennebunk, 1,000 Mark Pease, Cornish, 200 President and Trustees Bowdoin College, Brunswick, 4,000 8 LIST OF STOCKHOLD:ERS. Bank of Cumbr,rland, (Continued.) Names, Rei;idence. Amount of Stock. P. D. & Co. Merchants' Bank, Portland, 400 do. Brunswick Bank, Brunswick, 2,000 do. Casco Bank, Portland, 280 do. Bank of W esthrook, Westbrook, 2,360 C. D. Robinson, Unknown, 200 Charles Rogers, Portland, 80 Lucy Russell, Unknown, 240 James F. Rawson, do. 200 Eliza Sawyer, Portland, 80 Horatio Southgate, do. 800 Samuel Staples, do. 200 Ether Shepley, do. 1,440 Nathaniel Shaw, do. 440 Joseph Stephens, do. 200 Isaac Sturdivant, Unknown, 2,000 Ephraim Sturdivant, Cumberland, 760 Dianna E. Shaw, Oxford, J,080 Cornelia E. Shaw, do. 1,080 Saco and Biddeford Institution for Savings, Saco, 840 Willliam B. SewaII, /Kennebunkport, 600 Isaac Stevens, Unknown, 240 James Todd, Portland, 800 Jonathan Tukesbury, do. 880 Eliza C. Turner, do. 360 Nancy B. Thatcher, Unknown, 160 Calvin Thomas, do. 3,200 Isaac C. Thayer, do. 200 David Winslow, Westbrook, 600 Daniel Winslow, do. 240 Sa11y N. Warren, Unknown., 280 John Webb, Windham, 1,000 Levi Woodbury, Unknown., 6,000 N. L. WQOdbury, Portland, 680 Jabez C. Woodman, Minot, · 40 Ashur Ware, Portland, 1,600 Harriet S. Woodbury, Unknown!, 240 Samuel Wells, Portland, 1,000 I $100,000 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 9 Belfast Bank. Names. Residence. Amount of Stock. ---------- H. J. Anderson, Belfast, 1,100 Adams & Gay, Castine, 1,000 Ann Avory, Belfast, 500 David Alden, jr., Northport, 200 Hiram 0. Alden, Belfast, 200 Elisha Ames' estate, Isles borough, 400 Amos Atkinson, Boston, 1,000 Alden & Crosby, Belfast, 100 Benjamin Brown, do. 100 Joseph Bean, Montville, 200 John Bean, Elizabethtown,(N.J.) 900 Hannah Bean, Unknown, 300 Isaac C. Brown, Boston, 1,000 Elizabeth Barnes, Belfast, 200 Elizabeth A.
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