NEWS OF THE CHURCH 183rd Annual General Conference Includes Sustaining of New Young Women General Presidency ur hearts have been Elder Ulisses Soares of the First “ touched,” said President Quorum of the Seventy was sustained OThomas S. Monson in the as a member of the Presidency of the closing session of the 183rd Annual Seventy. General Conference on April 7, 2013, Sustained as the new Young Women “and our testimonies of this divine general presidency were Bonnie Lee work have been strengthened as we Green Oscarson, president; Carol Foley have felt the Spirit of the Lord. May McConkie, first counselor; and Neill we long remember what we have Foote Marriott, second counselor. heard these past two days.” Three new members of the First Elaine S. Dalton, former Young More than 100,000 people attended Quorum of the Seventy were also Women general president, served in the five sessions of general confer- sustained: Elder Edward Dube of the Young Women general presidency, ence at the Conference Center in Salt Zimbabwe; Elder S. Gifford Nielsen either as a counselor or as president, Lake City, Utah, USA, on April 6 and 7. of Sugar Land, Texas, USA; and Elder for 11 years before her release in April. Millions worldwide watched or listened Arnulfo Valenzuela of Queretaro, See a complete list of sustainings via TV, satellite, radio, and Internet Mexico. Five new members of the and releases on page 26. broadcasts. Between live broadcasts Second Quorum of the Seventy were Find biographies of the newly and online video, audio, and text of also sustained. called leaders starting on page 139. ◼ the conference on LDS.org, members were able to access the conference in 95 languages. President Monson opened the YOU CAN HELP annual conference by announcing plans to build temples in Cedar City, oth President Thomas S. and because many of our mission- Utah, USA, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil— BMonson and Elder Russell M. aries come from modest circum- bringing the total number of temples Nelson of the Quorum of the stances, we invite you, as you are announced or under construction Twelve Apostles encouraged able, to contribute generously to to 29. Currently, 141 temples are in members to contribute to the the General Missionary Fund of operation. General Missionary Fund. As of the Church.” Several changes were made in April 4, 2013, 65,634 full-time Members can donate using Church leadership during the Saturday missionaries were serving, with a tithing donation slip and afternoon session. All members of the more than 20,000 more who entering the amount they wish Young Women general presidency had received calls. to contribute under the General were released, and Elder Walter F. During the opening session Missionary Fund. Members can González was released as a member of general conference, President also donate online through of the Presidency of the Seventy. Fifty- Monson remarked, “To help ldsphilanthropies.org. one Area Seventies were also released. maintain this missionary force, 134 For many years, Church leaders The Church Needs Senior Couples’ have encouraged senior couples to serve. Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Maturity and Experience Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said: “Missions everywhere need more cou- ples. Their maturity and experience make them some of the best mission- long with the increase in the specifically encouraged senior couples aries we have. Their special skills . number of young missionaries to serve. “You senior couples, you enable them to train local leaders A due to the lowering of mission- plan for the day when you can go effectively, strengthen and reactivate ary age, senior couples are also greatly on your mission. We will be most members, and bring nonmembers to needed in missions throughout the grateful for your service,” he said Christ” (“Missionary Couples—Trading world. With the recent creation of (see page 45). Something Good for Something 58 new missions, many more senior In the opening moments of the Better,” Ensign, June 1988, 9, 11). couples will be needed to provide October 2012 general conference, Worthy couples who wish to serve the leadership experience and other President Monson said: “We continue as missionaries are encouraged to let support that are so vital to a success- to need many more senior couples. their bishops or branch presidents ful mission. As your circumstances allow, as you know of their desire to serve. Length In the April 2013 conference, are eligible for retirement, and as your of service can vary between 6 and 23 President Thomas S. Monson spoke health permits, I encourage you to months. of the rapidly increasing number make yourselves available for full-time Those who have questions about of missionaries and expressed his missionary service. Both husband and senior missions may call 1-800-453- love for those willing to serve the wife will have a greater joy as they 3860, ext. 2-6741 (or 1-801-240-6741), Lord in the mission field (see pages together serve our Father’s children” or email SeniorMissionaryServices@ 4, 66). Elder Russell M. Nelson of (“Welcome to Conference,” Ensign ldschurch.org to receive a response the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles or Liahona, Nov. 2012, 5). to specific questions. ◼ The maturity and experience of senior couples allow them to train local leaders and strengthen members as well as bring nonmembers to Christ. PHOTOGRAPH BY DON L. SEARLE © IRI May 2013 135 New Online Tools Help Preserve and Share Family Photos and Memories isitors to FamilySearch.org Family Tree key points: will notice some significant Vchanges as of April 2013. Fresh, • Find it at FamilySearch.org under bright colors, inviting pictures, and the “Family Tree” tab. a host of new features offer a vari- • The tree is prepopulated with over ety of experiences beyond research. 900 million individual names con- Although the site will still be a great tributed by patrons. © IRI destination for genealogists and • It’s free of charge. researchers, the new features will • It enables individuals to collabo- attract a much broader swath of ratively build, manage, and share visitors. their family history entirely online. The new features help move family • Users can discover what others history beyond research and appeal may have already found about to a larger audience of novice family their family history. historians young and old. Visitors can • Users can readily attach photos now collaboratively build their family and stories and link sources. tree online and preserve and share • Users can permanently preserve family photos and stories—all free their shared family tree for future of charge. generations. Family photos and stories bring • The easy “grab and pull” feature ancestors to life. The real people allows users to move up and down behind the dates can teach us princi- their family tree with ease. ples such as the value of hard work, • Patrons will have access to billions how to deal with life’s challenges, of free records on FamilySearch.org and how choices impact our lives. to help fill in the missing branches Making it easier to record and pre- of their Family Tree. serve family histories helps us connect with our past and create a legacy for the future. Photos. Users can preserve favor- ite photos of ancestors, attach them New Features at FamilySearch.org to their profiles in the FamilySearch FamilySearch Family Tree. For Family Tree, and share them through the first time on FamilySearch.org, social media. Over 200,000 photos individuals can start collaboratively have already been contributed, pre- building their shared family tree served, and shared. entirely online, beginning by Stories. Users can write favorite adding information about them- stories about a specific ancestor in selves and then expanding to past the FamilySearch Family Tree. This © IRI generations. feature enables families to gather, 136 © IRI share, and perpetually preserve their family stories. Interactive Fan Chart. In 2012 Family History Changes Hearts FamilySearch tested a feature that enabled individuals to see themselves By R. Scott Lloyd and their ancestry in the context Church News of a colorful fan chart. This feature is now enhanced and available on any family history centers just genealogy, finding names and FamilySearch.org. Mof the future will be in the dates. The gravestones of any cem- Family Tree Wizard. Those new to home, predicted Elder Bradley D. etery in the world contain a name, creating their family tree will find this Foster of the Seventy in an address birth date, a dash, and then a death tool useful. In an inviting interview given on March 23 in conjunction date, he said. “That little dash style, the tool asks questions about with the RootsTech 2013 Family between the birth and death date your living and deceased ancestors, History and Technology Conference seems so small and insignificant, but then builds those connections into the in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. our whole history lies within it,” he family tree to get you started. Elder Foster, an Assistant remarked. “So while we often focus Live Help. Interest in family Executive Director of the Family on discovering those dates, our love history is growing worldwide. History Departments, said that of our ancestors—the turning of FamilySearch has launched a global there will soon be nine billion peo- our hearts to our fathers—comes online community that provides free ple on the earth and that the Lord forth from discovering the dash.” product help and personal research has prepared technology that will Family history brings us together assistance by phone and web chat 24 make it possible to “bind and con- as we share stories and work hours a day—now in 10 languages. nect all those families together.” together, he explained.
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