CAST at CERN as a laboratory for Axion and WISP physics Giovanni Cantatore University and INFN Trieste - Italy G. Cantatore - IBS MultiDark - Daejeon 17/10/2014 1 Summary • Why hunting for WISPs (and Axions of course…)? • Welcome to CAST • Physics programs at CAST • Solar Axions & ALPs (Axion Like Particles) • Relic Axions & other WISPs • the dish antenna concept • dielectric loaded waveguides (hint) • (crazy ideas) • Dark Energy and Chameleons • CAST as a Chameleon helioscope • Chamelon direct matter coupling and the KWISP force sensor • Conclusions G. Cantatore - IBS MultiDark - Daejeon 17/10/2014 2 Hunting for WISPs G. Cantatore - IBS MultiDark - Daejeon 17/10/2014 3 WISPs ? • What are WISPs? a. I don’t know b. Something blowing in the wind c. Weakly Interacting Slim Particles • Why bother with WISPs at all? • A few possible answers • address difficulties in the Standard Model • find the Dark Matter (and perhaps the Dark Energy) • … • it is fun! G. Cantatore - IBS MultiDark - Daejeon 17/10/2014 4 Main puzzles in the Standard Model • Large number of free parameters • Does not include gravity • (g-2)μ deviates from SM prediction • “Fine-tuning” • θ parameter (CP conserved in strong interactions ⇒ Axions!) • … • (see your favourite theorist for more…) G. Cantatore - IBS MultiDark - Daejeon 17/10/2014 5 Hints and puzzles from cosmology • Matter-antimatter asymmetry • Composition of the Universe (see your favourite cosmologist for more…) • STScI-PRC-01-09 ding xpan univ e e ers h e T Pr ese nt This diagram shows how the universe slowed down and then revved up since the Big Bang. The concentric red circles denote that galaxies are migrating apart at a slower rate during the first half of the cosmos. Then a mysterious, dark force overcame gravity and began Expansion Expansion pushing galaxies apart at an ever-faster rate, slows down speeds up signified by the green circles. Astronomers found evidence of the universe's deceleration Big Bang when they observed the farthest supernova ever seen, which detonated so long ago FarthestFarthest that the universe was still slowing down. supernovasupernova ~15 billion years http://imgsrc.hubblesite.org/hu/db/images/hs-2001-09-h-pdf.pdf http://imgsrc.hubblesite.org/hu/db/images/hs-2001-09-e-pdf.pdf G. Cantatore - IBS MultiDark - Daejeon 17/10/2014 6 Enter WISPs… • Could solve a few of the SM model puzzles • CP conservation in strong interactions ⇒ Axions • (g-2)µ deviations from SM ⇒ Hidden Photons • DM or DE candidate constituents • Axions and Axion Like Particles (ALPs) ⇒ Dark Matter • Chameleons ⇒ Dark Energy -10 -1 • WISP search experiments probe extremely weak interactions (usually couplings < 10 GeV ), reaching energy scales not accessible at accelerators ⇒ complementarity • Possible mediators with “hidden sectors” predicted in string theory • Hidden Photons • Mini-Charged particles • … G. Cantatore - IBS MultiDark - Daejeon 17/10/2014 7 WISP zoo • “Standard” or QCD Axion • Axion Like Particles (ALPs) • Hidden Photons (HP) • Mini-Charged Particles MCPs • Chameleons • … (your own here!) G. Cantatore - IBS MultiDark - Daejeon 17/10/2014 8 Axion Primer • Axions in pills • CP symmetry is conserved in strong interactions and therefore the electric dipole moment of the neutron must be vanishing (experimentally dn < 2.9·10-26 e·cm) However the QCD Lagrangian contains a CP-violating “theta” term which must then be “fine-tuned” to zero • -9 (within 10 ) ⇒ “strong CP problem” • Enter Peccei&Quinn (1977): the “theta” is a dynamical variable with vac. exp. value = 0 • Enter Wilczek&Weinberg (1978): a new particle is Introducingassociated with the the PQ axionmechanism, they call it Axion, following a detergent brand, since it “cleans-up” the strong CP problem • Axions and Axion Like Particles (ALPs) > CP-conservation in QCD: • Axion properties are predicted by the theory (see following slide) ⇒ “QCD” axion A dynamic explanation for Q < 10-9 predicts the axion, • Axions are Dark Matter candidate constituents (Sikivie,which 1983) couples and couple very to two-photonsweakly to two (Primakoff photons. effect) • ALPs also could exist as DM particles, for them, however, the precise relation between mass and coupling to photons dictated by QCD does not hold The axion “wipes out” the CP-conservation problem in QCD. G. Cantatore - IBS MultiDark - Daejeon 17/10/2014 9 A. Lindner | Astroteilchenphysik 2013 | WISPy Dark Matter | Page 49 Hunting for WISPsAxion or ALP Axion or ALP • Main interaction channel: Primakoff coupling to two photons HiddenHidden Photon Photon Axion or ALP Mini Charged Particles Mini Charged Particles Hidden Photon Hidden Photon • Other couplings possible, but highly suppressed or excluded by experiments Exception: Chameleons coupling directly to matter • Hidden Photon G. Cantatore - IBS MultiDark - Daejeon 17/10/2014 10 Mini Charged Particles Hidden Photon Where to find them… • Look for photons interacting with a magnetic field • in the heavens • stars (sun) as sources • astrophysical processes producing or interacting with WISPs • in the lab • send a photon beam through a magnetic field • Look for cosmological signatures • relic WISPs (mainly axions) interacting in a magnetic field • Look for other interactions with dedicated sensors • Chameleons coupling to matter - force sensor G. Cantatore - IBS MultiDark - Daejeon 17/10/2014 11 Welcome to CAST G. Cantatore - IBS MultiDark - Daejeon 17/10/2014 12 Axion properties Neutral Pseudoscalar Pratically stable Magnetic helioscope principle Principle of*the*helioscope Very low mass Very low cross3section Primakoff production Coupling to8photons8 LLa =gag (EBE)a B a eff aγγ · ⇣ ⌘ Production*of*axions Detection of*axions • Axion production in the sun Possible8dark matter candidates88888 Photons*of*blackbody• Axionsradiation* are produced(X6rays* by the Primakoff Axionsprocess in hot solar core and photons)* stream out freely reaching the Earth (strong magnetic field in* (strong EM*•fieldsCombiningin*the*solar the detailscore) of Primamoff productionlab.) in the solar plasam with axions the knowledge coming from the StandardX6ray*photons Solar Model allows the CAST prediction of the expected spectrum of the solar axion flux at Earth’s surface N a A Pa Solar axion detection2 on Earth 2 2 g BL ga • a 17 1.710 10 -1 10 1 Pa 9.0T 9.3m 10 GeV • A10 magneticGeV field reverses Primakoff production turning axions back into photons g 0.3*evts/hour**with***g =*10610 GeV61 and*A*=*14*cm2 Converted photons carry the same amomentum and energy of the g • X virtual original solar axions B • Photon counters detect an excess of photons at the expected energies • Possible results • An excess of photons is seen: great discovery!!!! (Excess photons must match predicted spectrum of course...) 3 • No excess of photons is detected: the background counting rate combined with the calculated flux yields an upper bound on the axion- photon coupling G. Cantatore - IBS MultiDark - Daejeon 17/10/2014 13 CAST in pictures • CAST location at CERN CAST http://cast.web.cern.ch/CAST/ G. Cantatore - IBS MultiDark - Daejeon 17/10/2014 14 CAST in pictures Control room Sun tracking Sunset Detectors Sunrise Detectors G. Cantatore - IBS MultiDark - Daejeon 17/10/2014 15 Principle of*the*helioscope CAST in words • LHC dipole magnet (9 m length, 9 T constant field intensity, two 43 mm dia. cold bores) • Magnet is mounted on a moving carriage and can track (point its bores at) the Sun for ~1.5 hrs. at sunrise and ~1.5 hrs. at sunset - background data are taken in the remaining time • The four available bore ports are instrumented with soft X-ray detectors (peak sensitivity at 4 keV) Production*of*axionsand two out of four always “see” the sun during a single tracking. DetectionOne of the portsof*axions is also equipped with a dichroic mirror directing eventual low energy photons towards and off-axis visible photon counter Photons*of*blackbody radiation*(X6rays* Axions • Two “sunset ports” both equipped with a MicroMegas X-ray counter photons)* (strong magnetic field in* • One “sunrise port” equipped with an X-ray focusing telescope and an InGrid sensor (strong EM*fields in*the*solar core) lab.) One “sunrise port” equipped with an X-ray telescope and a MicroMegas detector axions• X6ray*photons • The magnet bore is at 1.8 K and can be kept in vacuum or filled with He gas isotopes to explore wider mass ranges 2 N a A Pa 2 2 g BL ga a 17 2 2 1.710 BL 10 -1 gaγγ 10 1 Pa 179.0T 9.3m 10 GeV 10 GeV Pa γ =1.7 10− 1 ! ⇥ (9.0 T) (9.3 m) 10 10 GeV− ✓ ◆ ✓ − ◆ 10 1 2 Nγ = ΦaSPa γ 0.3 events/hour gaγγ = 10− GeV− and S 14 cm ! ⇡ 610 61 ' 2 0.3*evts/hour**with***ga=*10 GeV and*A*=*14*cm G. Cantatore - IBS MultiDark - Daejeon 17/10/2014 16 Solar Axions and ALPs G. Cantatore - IBS MultiDark - Daejeon 17/10/2014 17 CAST so far: • In 2013 we have taken data with vacuum in the pipes: with SSMM (axion-like particles), and SDD (search for chameleons in the sub-keV) Update on recent CAST activities • July-August 2014 we have taken data only during the evening shift for almost 2 months. • A contamination due to accidentally used grease by the InGRID detector vacuum system, Solar Axions and ALPs stopped the scheduled data taking• with this better performing detector in the sub-keV range, where the solar chameleon signal •is expectedstarted new. The search cleaning for Axions of contaminated and ALPS: solar pieces tracking is almost with vacuum in the magnet beam pipe completed. In between the XRTelescope• installation was sent of tothe PANTER new X-ray / Garching telescope for from tests LLNL. Fortunately it has NOT been contaminated. • commissioning of the new low-threshold InGrid detector • End of August: 2nd new X-ray optics from LLNL was installed. • Solar Chameleons • Since 11/9/2014 we have started with commissioning / data taking with the new X-ray line.
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