VOLUME XXXII. NO. 21. SOUTH AM BOY. N. J.. SATURDAY, AUGUST IJ1. 1912. Price Three Cents. SCULLY WILL BE J0ULON WITHDRAWS WIDOW GETS $8.25 I AT CONVENTION A HIS PETITIO FOR 300 WEEKS Patrick F. Fallon, who filed n peti- Congressman Thomas J. Scully will Oa Thursday in court at New Brun3- tion for councilman of the Second attend tlio convention of the Atlantic i wick Judge Daly found that the wage Ward at primary election on the Dem- Deeper Waterways Association to bo i earnings of Albert F1. Burbank, of ocratic ticket, has dp .ided to with- held at New London, Conn., September > was draw his petition and will not be PamS. Miller, of Glenville, Pa., 4, li and 6. Mr. Scully has been ap- Karl Karlesen, a Sailor, While Crab- His Hydro-Aeroplane falls in Bay | f the iu the race. It was through the urgent pointed ii delegate from New Jersey Will Have Charge of High School bing Falls Off Pier and Loses appeal of many friends that he entered Off Keansburg —PassengerWith ! I'^tricalCompany at Elizabeth, were by Governor Wilson, also by the Mar- 1(i tbe contest. His withdrawal Is not H. D JI i • J r. i. r I i- -50 per week, and he directed that —A Graduate of Pennsylvania itime Association of the 1'ort of New Life—Could Not Swim, Although through "getting cold feet," for be York, and the Staten Island Sound mm Badly Injured, But He ts- \ the company pay to Margaret Bur- bellevcH lifi could easily win out nt bank> widow of tbe (leai1 man 5B per College. Deeper Waterway Association, Followed Water for a Living. the primary for the nomination, but capes With Slight Bruises. I « o The Board of Education hold a it was through heeding the earnest Aviator O. G. Simmons and his pas- j cent, of his wages each week for 300 On Sunday Karl KarJescn, a sailor weeks, meeting on Friday evening, GOVBRNftlt WILSON CANNOT p!«i!i of the county nnd loc.nl Demo- nengcr, Mr. James H. Hubbard, of on tho schooner Carrie McLean, Cap- The compensation is given under tho August 23. Present—Messrs. Oliver, ATTBNI> •KAENWERKEST cratic executive committees for him Ued I Sank, narrowly escaped death at tain Peter Peterson, was drowned In Kniployors' Liability act. The woman Davis, Poarce, Sutliff and Wyckuff. tci retire from tho, Held In order that Knnn»burg on Saturday afternoon Sheriff Albert linllsehwi'iler on the P. It. II. slip at the coal pier. It had originally asked for $10 a week Messrs. Pearce mid Wyckoff, the harmony m:ty exist In the local ranks, when tin) liydro-auroplitne In which i Tuesday headed' a delegation of Perth apprars that Karlrscn was fishing for for 300 weeks, which would bring tha .committee appointed to investigate j^ boy Oerman-Amcrlciins who walt- crabs from the pier, and it Is «up- liiing a Democrat be does not. dctslro they Hew from Soldier's Heacli to m ototaf thl ou pcour to t$3,000 ehe . 1BUnde to receiver the rulin$8.2g5 ebarges made by Miss A. M. Kveritf, ; ciovcrnnr Woodrow Wilson nt poofid that in reaching down to scoop In stir up pt.THonal feeling that would Keansburg fell sideways into shallow ! wl on I per week, or a total of $2,475.00. made a report. In part it was as Col- \ ) itntion to at- ii cnilj ho lost his balance and fell In any wuy injure (lie success of tho water close to the bench at that place. Sea aMi w]th an nV Tho Public Service disputed tho lows: into the water. Several people Haw Democratic party at tho fall election, Tlio cause of the accident eanno'. ti-nd and address the snrngerfest amount asked tor by the widow, "In giving our decision on the hcar- tho accident from a distance, but 1)«- mid ho will uwall for Homo more, op- bn positively ascertained but It Is which is to bo held at I'erth Amboy claiming that they should pay only ?5 Ing of Miss Everitt vs. Prof. Pitch j g ,i and Monday. foro they could get to Knrlcsnn hu porluno time when ho may ngaln «n- next un ay thought that on making a circle the per week. The matter was brought held August 12, it is our opinion that J fl . a worry to have stink for tho last time. He could not IIT tb(! fluid for honors from the peo- Tno ovcrnol wa machine- bnnknd too much, causing It into court to decide. Leonard Ty- Mlfls Everitt placed herself in n very j j couldn't accept as ho swim. ple. Mr. Fallon't) withdrawn! now to say t liU Ile to ulldo sideways through the air. mann appeared for the company and unenviable position before thy board ; engagement to speak In I laces tho present Democratic office. hml a prior Tho borly was recovered nnd Cor- All control of the hydro-aeroplane Lawyer Thomas Drown for the wom- in writing such a letter to the secre- Huffalo, N. Y. He expressed hearty lifjlilei-H In tin- Held without opposi- oner Mason munitioned, who deemed ;in WIIH lost wlinn It Htarted to fall, al- an. tary of the board in view of the fact ,.,. , too, remarklnK thnt ho was tion for re-nomination jit the prlinnny. grct Inquest not nocessiiry. The body WRH tfnmgh Aviator Simmons made dea- Mrs. Burbank testified that she and that she could not produce, evidenco i ,.,. , v y font of mlmlc aB lt i8 taken to Stillwell & Mason's morgue, juirato efforlB to right it again, her husband were married by Rev. corroborating any of the accusations i (,y S| ngerfe.stn. lC whorn funeral sorvlcn was hold at '.\:'A0 FOIt PltOfllUCHNIVK A gftsp of horror arose from the .Irimos O. Mason at his home at Me- • made in. the letter, and in that she p. ni. on Monday, tho Rev. Ii. M. }'. At tlio tlrHt convention of the Pro- UioiiKiindK gathered on the beach as tuchen four years ago after which repeatedly stated it was her wish Pearno ofllclatlnt;. interment wiiH party of Middlesex County to tho liugi! blrd-llke machine, with the they went to llvo in Ilrunswick ave- that the letter be not used as charges ENTERTAINS FRIENDS nmde In the cemetery of the Chapel be held in Metuchcn September (i a velocity gained from its lfiO foot drop nue, Perth Amboy. against Prof. Pitch. Therefore we j of the flood Shepherd, Krnston, toward the earth, plunged with a crash recommend that her wish be granted full county and legislative ticket will In the course of her 'estlmony a Kurlcsen wan twenty-five years of Into tho shallow water about HO feet and the charges against Prof. Pitch INHONOROFHfRSON bohofidi; up. Progressive lenders ro- letter was produced written by one age and Hlnglo. He did not hnvp any from shore, narrowly missing the be dropped. But, gentlemen, as this fune to indorse John F, Ten Brooclt of the employes of the company and On Thursday evening Mrs. Sophia relatives In this country. for Senator because Iti Is claimed that power boat of Dr. W. P. Moss, of this signed by Mrs. Burbank. In the letter does not seem to bo the first letter city, which was just making a land- of the same motive that Miss Kverltt Southwick entertained a few friends ho 1H too friendly with former Senator It was stated that the dead man was ing at tho (short dock. has sent different boards of educa- Ht her homo on Broadway in honor of DEATH OF JOII.\ 1HHS Theodore Strong. There will be sev- aiming $n a week and afterwards AH tho machine struck the water tion, it is evidence conclusive In our the birthday of her son, Harry South- A CIVIL WAR VETEIMV eral speakers for the dollar dinner $3.22 per day. lt crumpled up like a piece of card- minds that she is disposed to be ivlelt, of New York, who, with his John Ibbs, aged 71 years and 8 vhlch is to be run In concctlon with On examination by Lawyer Brown board. Simmons and Hubbard struck disagreeable in manner and frequent- wife, Is spending the week in thla months, departed this life on Sat- the convention. Some of those willing Mrs. Burbank stated that she d.d not with the machine and both disappear- ly disobedient in obeying instructions city. While nn impromptu affair, it urday last at his homo on Augusta to go to Metuchen for tho occasion, write the letter, that it was written ed In tho water. Sifhmons, who was given her by the board and supervis- proved u most enjoyable social event. street, from an attack of dysentery. according to the committee in charg?, by an employe of the Publjc Service wearing a life preserver, rose to tha ing principal, and this in our opinion Mr. Southwick received hearty con- He wns a veteran of the Civil War, are Senator Bevcrldge, Clifford Pin- company whom she pointed ont in gratulations, and best wishes for many surface Immediately uninjured. His having served three years in defence chott, George W. Perkins, James R. court, and she simply signed her is a very bad precedent for teachers : first act waa to find Hubbard. Tha jmore birthdays. During the evening of his country. He had resided In Garfield and Everett Colby. Former name to it. and pupils. We would therefore fur- latter seemed to be caught In th« refreshments were served.
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