Commercial Section Alphabetically Arranged

Commercial Section Alphabetically Arranged

Wigan Commercial Section 1 Alphabetically Arranged Commercial Section WIGAN Alphabetically Arranged A. & B. limber. Park Industrial Estate, Liverpool Road, Adams, Leo, Newsagent, 50 Tunstall Lane, Pemberton. Tel. Ashton-in-Makerfield 76962 Tel. Wigan 82457 A.B.C. Cinema, Station Road, Tel. Wigan 42376 Adamson, V. R., Farmer, Brookside Farm, Bickershaw. A.L.G. Investments (Wigan) Ltd., Industrial Properties, Tel. Wigan 66481 8 King Street, Tel. Wigan 44222 Addison, N., Plumbing & Heating Engineers, 22 Pine Abbey School of Motoring, 22 St. Lukes Drive, Orrell. View, Tel. Wigan 83394 Tel. Up Holland 2057 Adelphi Inn, Harrogate Street, Tel. Wigan 44622 Abbeydene Proeprty Co., 362 Ormskirk Road, Pem­ Advisory Committee, Wigan — Mr. R. Hart, 198 Wigan berton, Tel. Wigan 83112 Road, Standish, Tel. Wigan 2341 Abbott, A , Greengrocer, 71 Wigan Lane, Tel. Wigan Agriculture, Fisheries & Food, Ministry of — 42219 Area Government Buildings, Moorgate, Ormskirk. Abbott & Best, Plumber, 1 Burrows Yard, Tel. Wigan Tel. Ormskirk 72201 45150 Drainage and Water Supplies Officer, 44b Church Abbott, E., Farmer,. « Brownlow Farm, Crank Road, Tel. Street, Tel. Standish 3548 Billinge 268 Ainscough Hair Fashions, 267 Mossy Lea Road, Abbott, J. R., Farmer, Fir Tree Farm, Kings Moss, Tel. Wrightington. Tel. Standish 2120 Billinge 277 Ainscough, H. & R., Ltd., Flour Millers, Cattle, Pig and Poultry Food Manufacturers, Newburgh Mill, Tel. ABBOTT & SMITH, LTD., Parbold 356 Central Buildings, 735/737 Ormskirk Road, Pember­ Farms : ton, Wigan. Tel. Wigan 82429. Complete House Damswood Farm, Miry Lane, Tel. Parbold 2204 Furnishers Piggery, 22 Lathom Avenue, Tel. Parbold 2981 Ainscough Martin Farms, Ltd., Giants Hall Farm Cot­ Abbeyfield Wigan Society, Ltd., 395 Poolstock Lane, tage, Newburgh. Tel. Parbold 2084. Also atFair­ Tel. Wigan 47384 hurst Farm, Tel. Parbold 3247 Abraham J. J., Grocer 28 Mesnes Avenue, Tel. Wigan Ainscough, W., Market Gardener, 349 Mossy Lea, Tel. 45434 ' Standish 3327 Abram Alloys, Ltd., Non-Ferrous Metal Refin., Park Ainscough, W. C., Market Gardener, 351 Mossy Lea Lane, Abram, Tel. Wigan 66145 Road, Wrightington. Tel. Standish 3410 Abram Labour Club, Rear of 385 Warrington Road, Abram, Tel. Wigan 66491. (Secretary) Tel. Wigan 66191; (Members) Tel. Wigan 66585 AINSCOUGH, WM. & SONS, LTD., Abram Motor Co., 510 Bickershaw Lane, Tel. Wigan Mossy Lea, Wrightington, Wigan. Tel. Standish 66382 2555/6/7. Crane Hire. Agricultural Merchants Abram Post Office, Tel. Wigan 66387 Abram Urban District Council — Ajax Motor Driving School 49 Hallgate, Tel. Wigan Abram Platt Bridge, Tel. Wigan 66231 45373 Clerk : 10 Park View, Tel. Wigan 66495 Albion Ballroom, 28 Chapel Street, Pemberton. Tel. Surveyor: (Residence) 43 Hall Lane Hindlev Tel Wigan 82332 Wigan 55546 ' ACAdr^y9Qanments (Wi9an) Ltd., Clothing Manufac­ ALBION MOTOR ACCESSORIES, turers, 28 Dicconson Street, Tel. Wigan 43477 27 Hallgate, Wigan, Lancs. Tel. Wigan 43025. Motor A TeeL U',gHaenat4°2n285 Pi9°'' S°'iCitOrS' Bank Chambers. Factors; Motor Accessories Afe'oGTe|arw%'ani962487 Fam- Bi,lin9e Road. Pern- Alexander & Fowler, Ltd., Surgical Instruments & Equipment, Pitt Street, Wallgate. Tel. Wigan 44011 Wigan Commercial Section 2 Alphabetically Arranged Alexander, William, Poultry Farmer, 4 Heath Gardens, Amberswood Service Station, Wigan Road, Hindley. Hindley Green, Tel. Wigan 55707 Tel. Wigan 42408 Alexandra Hotel, Whelley, Tel. Wigan 41545 Amberswood Tavern, Manchester Road, Higher Ince, Alexandra Hotel, Swan Lane, Hindley Green, Tel. Tel. Wigan 41160 Wigan 55710 Amusement Arcade, 17 King Street, Tel. Wigan 41492 Alison Arms (G. A. Lakin), Appley Lane, Tel. Appley Anderton, A., Coal, 27 Battersby Street, Higher Ince, Bridge 2700 Tel. Wigan 44724 Alker Bros. & Partners, Ltd., Insurance Brokers, 1 Anderton Arms Hotel, 82 Ince Green Lane, Tel. Wigan Wrightington Street, Tel. Wigan 41741 43240 Alker, Edward L. & Ball, Royal London House, 33 King Anderton, R. J., Ltd., Drapers 3 Market Hall, Tel. Street, Wigan, Lancs. Tel. Wigan 46241/2/3. Solici­ Wigan 42502 tors; Commissioners for Oaths Andre Bernard, Mayfair Hair Stylists 30 Station Road, Alker (Insurance) Ltd., James, Brokers, 27 Library St., Tel. Wigan 46281 Tel. Wigan 43446 Andrews, Dr. H. B., "Woodfield1 , Croasdale Drive, Alker, J., Farmer, Promised Land Farm, Crank, Tel. Tel. Parbold 466 Billinge 294 Angior, F. C., Physician & Surgeon, Claremont Park Alker, James R., Farmer, Swift Gate Farm, Winstanley fl Avenue, Tel. Wigan 42350. AL:o at: Sellingham Road, Orrell, Tel. Up Holland 2983 House, Wigan Lane, Tel. Wigan '.478 Alker, J. & Son, Farmers, Lower Pimbo Farm, Tel. Up Angior & Johnson, Physicians G . \ .‘/.aremont Holland 2630 Park View, Tel. Wigan 42350 Alker, S., Painter and Decorator, 109 Winstanley Road, Ann & Lyndis, Hairdressers, 275 1 . “el. Wigan Orrell. Tel. Up Holland 2836 45055 Alkers, Greengrocers, 552 Atherton Road, Hindley Anne, Hair Stylist, 118 Gathurc Road,.ac' Orrell, Tel. Green, Tel. Wigan 55497 Wigan 82238 Anne's Hair Styles, 36 Wigan Road ..a.-.springs, Tel. ALL CLEAR KNITTING CO., LTD., Wigan 41965 8 Princess Street, Wigan, Lancs. Tel. Wigan 43002. Ann's, Ladies' Hair Stylist, 70 Gatb.rst Lane, Sheving­ Drapers ton, Tel. Appley Bridge 259 Ansdell, Dr. A. L., 3 Clovelly Drive, Newburgh. Tel. Allard, Tony, Hardware & Electrical, 126 Wallgate Tel. Parbold 606 Wigan 43923 Appleby, J., Newsagent, 61 Warrington Road, Tel. Alldred, E., Printer, 13 Walthew Lane, Platt Bridge, Tel. Wigan 66104 Wigan 66155 i Appleton, H., Hair Stylist 85 Warrington Road, Abram. Allen, A. & Sons (Shevington) Ltd., Haulage Contrac­ Tel. Wigan 66472 tors^, 3a Miles Lane, Shevington. Tel. Appley Bridge Appleton, T., Farmer, The Millets, Pimbo Lane, Tel. Up Holland 2756 ALLEN BROTHERS (LANCASHIRE) LTD., APPLEY BRIDGE BRICK & TILE CO., LTD., Holly Street, New Springs, Wigan, Lancs. Tel. Wigan Green Slate Siding & Wharf, Appley Bridge, Nr. 46265/6/7/8. Civil Engineers, Building Contractors Wigan. Tel. Appley Bridge 215. Brick Manufacturers Allen Construction (Wigan) Ltd., Building Contrac­ Appley Bridge British Legion Club, Ltd., Mill Lane, Tel. tors, 6 Dingle Avenue, Back Lane, Tel. Appley 2858 Appley Bridge 481 Allen, W. E., B.Sc., A.I.C., 113 Dicconson Street West, Appley Bridge Post Office, Tel. Appley Bridge 249 Tel. Wigan 44114 Aquamaster Ltd., Manufacturers, Stopford Street, Allerton, A., Vauses Farm, Shevington, Wigan. Tel. Higher Ince. Tel. Wigan 41574 Appley Bridge 2220 Arcadia, Hope Street, Tel. Wigan 41363 Alliance Building Society, 15 Bridgeman Terrace, Tel. Arcadia (Wigan) Ltd., Amusemnt Caterers, 705 Orms- Wigan 41103 kirk Road, Pemberton. Tel. Wigan 83648 I Allison, W. G., Tailor, 219 Wigan Road, Tel. Standish 2309 ARDEX CARPET WAREHOUSE, THE, Almond, A. & Son, Haulage Contractors, 206 Whelley 37 Hallgate, Wigan, Lancs. Tel. Wigan 43087. Carpet Tel. Wigan 43394 Specialists, Linoleum Specialists, Glassware Almond Brook Motel, Almond Brook Rd., Tel. Standish 2348 Arkwright, J., Plumber, 104 Orrell Road, Orrell. Tel. Almond, J., Joiner, Joinery Manufacturer, 86 Caroline Wigan 82278 Street, Higher Ince, Tel. Wigan 41948 Arkwright, P., Woodworker, 223 Warrington Road, Almond, J. B., Brewer, Tel. Standish 3210 Goose Green, Tel. Wigan 42733 Arkwright, T. J. & Son, Ltd., Tailors, 55 Standishgate, ALMOND, J. B., LTD., Tel. Wigan 43646 The Brewery, Standish, Nr. Wigan, Lancs. Tel. Arley Cabinet Co., Ltd., Furniture Manufacturers, Orrell Standish 3210. Brewers, Wine & Spirit Merchants Street, Tel. Wigan 43646 Arley Cabinet Co., Ltd., Furniture Manufacturers, Orrell Almond, V., Ladies' Wear, 164 Scholes, Tel. Wigan Street, Tel. Wigan 46190 44617 Armoury Body Works, Armoury Bank, Tel. Ashton-in- Almshouses, The, Basin Lane, Haigh, Tel. Wigan 42866 Makerfield 77264 Alstead, Herbert, Dairyman, Mort Street, Springfield. Armstrong Bros., Park Street Garage, Tel. Wigan Tel. Wigan 44196 45463 Amalgamated Electric Services, Ltd., North Florida Rd., Armstrong, L., Ladies' Hairdresser, 450 Warrington Rd;, Tel. Ashton-in-Makerfield 78678 Goose Green, Tel. Wigan 44870 Amalgamated Engineering Union, 35 King Street, Tel. Armstrong, N., Decorator, Property Repairs, 105 Back Wigan 42378 Lane, Tel. Appley Bridge 626 I Wigan Commercial Section 3 Alphabetically Arranged Armstrong, T., Haulage, Plant Hire, 51 Back Lane, Tel. ASHTON COAL CO., Appley Bridge 668 40 Bridgeman Terrace, Wigan. Tel. Wigan 41151. Coal & Coke Merchants ARMSTRONG, T., LTD., Little Lane, Goose Green, Wigan, Lancs. Tel. Wigan Ashton, E., Farmer, Thompson House Farm, Pepper 83222 (3 lines). Plant Hire, Haulage Contractors, Lane, Tel. Standish 3184 Builders' Merchants, Earthmovers, Plant Hire Re­ Ashton, H., Photographer, 2 Moorland Vill., Woods pairers Road, Aspull. Tel. Wigan 47341 Ashton Hospital, Tel. Ashton-in-Makerfield 77306 Armstrong, W., Butcher, 308 Preston Road, Tel. Ashton, J. F., Ltd., Tobacco Merchants, Barrack Sq., Standish 2248 Library Street. Tel. Wigan 45858. Also at : 20 Wall­ Army — gate, Tel. Wigan 45461 Army Careers Information Office, Powell Street, Tel. Ashton, John H., Farmer, The Lawns Farm, Orrell, Tel. Wigan 43904 Up Holland 2646 Arnold, A., Poodle Clipping, 34 Mill Street, Tel. Ash- Ashton Private Day Nursery, Liverpool Road, Tel. Ash­ ton-in-Makerfield 77481 ton-in-Makerfield 76310 Arstall, / ... Painter & Decorator, 14 Heaton Street, Tel. Ashton, T., Haulage Contractor, 3 Thompson Street, Gtandisi: : 508 Whelley. Tel. Wigan 44528 Ac-oo Bize.’ba, Ltd., Scales, Slicers, Refrigerators,' G . 1-3 Ashton-in-Makerfield Conservative Club, Princess Rd., Cidlov,

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