JULY/AUGUST 2019 SIVAN/TAMUZ/AV 5779 THE SHUL SHOFAR VOL. 23, NO. 6 * Congregation Beth Israel * Bellingham, WA 98229 * bethisraelbellingham.org * (360) 733-8890 FROM THE RABBI What does a Chicago, December 11-15, 2019 Rabbi do? McCormick Place The following is part of the report I delivered at our Annual Meeting on May 19. Oftentimes I am asked by friends and even congregants from time to time, “Rabbi, what does a typical day look like?” And I an- swer, “There is no such thing as a typical day. It has been two years since I was Development, and Engagement. They’re all at the last URJ Biennial, in Boston, And you can also attend seminars on different.” and I feel like I am still energized by Gender and Justice in the Jewish Neverthe- that experience. Come join me in Community; Your Voice in Israel: less, I will try Chicago, December 11-15 for a Mobilizing our Movement to Make an to answer this question now. Jewish experience like no other. Impact; and Striving Towards Each day when I walk into the Imagine what it must be like to learn, Creativity and Collaboration: New office in the morning, I turn on the socialize and pray with 5000 other Ideas about Jewish Education and chandelier lights in the foyer so Jews from around North America. Engagement. when visitors come, they immedi- This year there will be eight blocks Please let me know if you are ately walk into a bright and beauti- of learning sessions on a variety of interested. Registration is almost ful space. Next, I answer any topics related to congregational life. open. phone messages that came in the In addition, there are going to be night before and then I check intensive workshops on Social emails. It is not unusual to receive Justice, Membership, Leadership Rabbi Samuels 30 messages a day. I try my best to respond in a timely manner, but this doesn’t always happen. Some of you have probably heard me INSIDE: say that if there is a matter you’d • Faces in our like to discuss, call me. community: • Library news, On Tuesdays, I have regular page 4 Joan Wayne, meetings with our Cantorial Solo- page 8 ist, Andrea Shupack. We review the past week and services we’ve led together, the b’nei mitzvah Continued on Page 11 Page 2 The Shul Shofar July/August 2019 From the President... CONGREGATION Honoring Noémi BETH ISRAEL Dear Congregants, Contemplative Service, and our contin- 751 San Juan Boulevard Bellingham, WA 98229 As I write this article, we are still uing variety of Shabbat services, under mourning the loss of one of our dear the leadership of Rabbi Samuels. We The Shul Shofar ones, Noémi Ban. With courage, forti- have held many simchas, and our Volume 23, Number 6 tude, and an unshakable belief in the space is being sought for community July/August 2019 message she had to share, she gave a events. We host the High Holidays, Sivan/Tamuz/Av 5779 precious gift of love and hope in the Passover Community Seder, and other face of darkness. There are many lights events right here at home. But really, in the darkness, and she is among the the most important part of these things brightest. In our sacred work of Tikkun is that we are doing them together. The Olam, there are many challenges. connections we have with each other While people may see the challenges of and with our spirituality, more than the our times differently, it seems we still venue, is what gives them meaning. All live in a world that is often greatly these things help strengthen a commu- Deadline for submission of all amiss. At the same time, I see many nity, just as Noémi did, and with them, articles and calendar events for causes for hope and much that is going we honor one another, just as we honor the September/October issue is right. For me, this community of CBI is the memory of Noémi , whose commu- AUGUST 11. Call the office for one of my lights in the darkness. This is nity we are. more information. why I am looking forward to starting my So how can we grow this? How do term as President of the Board. we meet the needs of a diverse com- CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL munity, with respect, inclusivity, and Two years ago, we were awaiting Rabbi: Joshua Samuels curbs and gutters for our parking lot. understanding? How can we create a Kesher Director: Sagit Hall Board meetings were held at the Gate- safe, welcoming environment, both Cantorial Soloist: Andrea Shupack way Center, Kesher classes at Larra- physically and interpersonally, that Admin. Assistant: Mary Somerville bee Elementary, and services at helps people feel connected? I have Executive Board Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship. Our some ideas. We have started already, time and energy were directed at finish- in a small but visible way, with our new President: Miriam Schwartz Vice Pres: Gaby Mayers ing the building and planning to move Beth Israel logo. A fresh logo for a fresh Vice Pres: Josh Greenberg in. In March 2018, our family was hon- start in our new location. It is a stylized Treasurer: Terri Weiner ored that the first Shabbat service of our bet-yud in the shape of an eternal Secretary: Paul Blum official occupancy at 751 San Juan flame, whose colors range from the Blvd. was the Bat Mitzvah of our daugh- blue of tradition to the yellow of hope, Board Members ter, Samantha. with many colors and shades in be- Steve Ban Jodi Litt Here we are in the summer of 2019! tween, just like us. Many thanks are due Steven Garfinkle Harriet Markell With much gratitude for the leadership to Nora Mazonson for the gift of her tal- Isaac Konikoff Jane Relin Lynn Korner David Zimmerman of Steven Garfinkle, and appreciation ent in creating this for us. Marcia Lippman for the tremendous ruach of our Board, I have other ideas, and I want to hear Youth Rep.: Samantha Sommers we are settled in. Not done, mind you! yours. Here are a few nuts and bolts It’s like moving into any new space. You about me: I work on Mondays, Wednes- Brotherhood: Isaac Konikoff Sisterhood: Miriam Davids, Joan Wayne have to live in it a bit to see just where days, and Thursdays as a family prac- to put things and how to make the tice doctor, so I am more available on Shofar Coeditors: Vermeda Fred and Nora Mazonson space work best. There is still some Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. E-mail work to be done, but I feel that now the works best, at least for an initial contact, You can reach us at: building is serving the congregation, and my email is [email protected]. phone: (360) 733-8890 [email protected] and we can turn more attention to our I’m an early to bed person, and I so ap- community. preciate it if calls do not come after 9:00 Visit our website at bethisraelbellingham.org CBI is already a place with which pm. many people have a strong connection. Let’s talk. Together we can be a light Printed by Lewis Publishing Inc. in Lynden, WA We have a thriving Kesher program in the darkness for each other and the with exciting changes coming up, community, as we try to follow the path Beth Israel is a member of: expanding the hours for all grades to that Noémi so beautifully illuminated for include Hebrew learning from the Gan us. year on up. We have begun a Con- servative-style lay-led Shabbat morning — MIRIAM SCHWARTZ, service once a month, a monthly PRESIDENT July/August 2019 The Shul Shofar Page 3 From the Social Action Committee News from the Social Action Committee BY LINDA BLACKWELL The Social Action Book Group is CBI is a support congregation with the event directly supports over 200 chil- sponsoring a CBI community ALL Interfaith Coalition. There is ongoing dren in those households. READ event on Sunday, July 21, be- training to work shifts as little as 1.5 So what do they need? This year we tween 11:00 am and 1:00 pm. The hours and to provide meals at our are really hoping to amp up on sup- book we will be reading is Refugee, by sister congregation, First Christian plies of underwear and shoes, which Alan Gratz. We are happy to welcome Church on Bakerview. Please contact were continuously requested last year. all ages to this event; however, due to Andrea Shupack regarding training. They could use water bottles, back- some violence in the narrative, it may Linda Blackwell, Gloria Lebowitz, packs, sleeping bags, tents, flash- be more appropriate for ages nine and and Arlene Feld can also answer lights, and hygiene items. If you want above. questions. to drop off any items, please leave Refugee is a young adult historical The 11th annual Project Homeless them in baskets on the first floor of the fiction novel that features three stories Connect is being held on Friday, July synagogue by July 12. Also, if you in one: Josef, a Jewish boy escaping 19. Once again, PHC will be held at would like to volunteer for this or other Nazi Germany in the 1930s; Isabel, a the Bellingham High School as a one- events, please go to https:// Cuban girl escaping Castro’s regime in day, one-stop event to provide a wide www.facebook.com/ 1994; and Mahmoud, a Syrian boy variety of medical and other essential events/674542736309452/, or search fleeing from the conflict in Syria in services to people experiencing home- for “Project Homeless Connect Belling- 2015.
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