r ~ Warm The Deny 1__ wRI ... ,...Ith T.....t.y, S........... 3. and The MQ schHuied puWk...... I, W..... y, ..,.. .... , 4. Humid 01 Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City ~sta6liShea m 1868- liember of Associated Press AP Leased Wire and Photo Sen;ce Iowa City, la., Saturday, August 31, 1951 Check Kiters Get Prison Sentences Congress Closes "Up Shop DES MOINES IA'I - Livestock dealers Eldon Viers, f:lrshalltown, and Merle Mersman, Colo, received federal prison sentences Friday Cor what the government termed the largest check kiling scheme in his· Southerners tory. Report Ike .Is Glad Federal Judge Henry N. Graven sentenced Viers to 30 months and Mersman to 15 months. Both were gran\;ed until Nov. 1 to start their Hit Thurmon~, sentences. To See Them Quit Woman First Viers, 44, and Mersman, 32, were convicted July 30 by a Federal Praise Russell Iy DO. UGLAS I, CORNELL I"the President need nat be disap. Court jury on a 12<ount indict· WASHINGTON ~n,re ad· pointed." journed at 4:Z2 p.m. Friday with By Johnson'l count, M,. EI ..... ment charging use oC the mails to Talkathon Stirs Demand Victim of Labor defraud by exchanging checks with· a final nourish oC oratory, action how., rn.de 155 ~mend.- out sufficient Cunds in banks on To Curtail Filibustering and conoroy. tionl to C......... mere ....n half which the checks were dr:lwn. House and Senate quit In quict w.... palNd .nd ....." .......ady WASH! GTON (,fI - Southcrn ruccession with little of th usual for p ...... wfMfI me""" come Vie,.. pl.aded guilty Aug. 12 to Democrat, furious with Soulh Car. Day Weekend hJ·Jinks and hilarity. Members back to work noxt J.n... ry • • nother limll.r 12<ount .Indlct. oUna's Sen. Strom Thurmond Cor By THE ASSOCIATED rll.U8 ment which ch.rged him with op- breaking ranks lo filibu ter against ru lied Cor plane and traIn, head· Senate Minority Leader William The first traCCic death oC tho! .r.tlnt a simll.r scheme with the compromi. e civil rights bill, I ing home or of( on official junkets. F. Knowland complained that a Labor Day weekend occurred 15 H_.rd Stout, 52. 0111:.101. liye- Friday gave Sen. Richard 8. Rus. Behind them they left Ad minis· ubstantial part of the Eisenhower minutes after the slart of the ltock ..I .. bam operator, sell CO l oC Gt'orgis the major cre. tration d fents, spaced betwt'Cn program -. he counted 200 .propos. three.day observance, which Cound U.S. Dist. Atty. Roy Stephenson dit Cor the fight again t a tronger some real victories, standing out Is - got little or no attentIOn. millions of Americans streaming said the charges against Viers and measure. lik mUepo ts along th long, twi t· And, Knowland said, when the to the higbways Cor summer's last Mersman involved $13 million in "The people of the SoUth could Ing legislaUv road oC th first people re-elected Mr. Eisenhower holiday {)ing. so<alied "kited checks." not have h d leader hip greater ion oC th 85lh Congr by an overwhelming margin last Mrs. Yola Tidwell Green, 28, oC He said the total involved In the and more devoted," Sen. Lister n w.. • ....ion which chop- fall, t.hey "had a right to expect peel billions from .ppl"Opriatlonl that a substantial part of the Presi· Thomaston, Ga., died in an auto- two 12<ount indictments was $37,. Hill CO·Ala .> said oC Russell. in • su.talnocl .conomy cam. d nt's recommendatIons to Con· mobile crash at an Intersection 025,000 -the "largest on record in Russell himself said the Dixie p.lgn. ess would receive Cavorable con· ncar North Culloden, Ga. the nation." bloc had succeed!d in pullIng the It adopted an Ei enhower Doc· sid ration." Police said the car she was Stout has pleaded innocent and fangs oC legislation which, in it Itrine for th tiddle E t. Adjournment day was sort oC a driving ran a stop sign and smash· is awaiting trial. original form, could have brought It put th Unit d States into an drab denouncement. ed broadside into another auto. The judge said he considered about "the social intermingling oC International Atomic En rlY Ag n' Th spectacular part of the ad· Seven other persons were injured, Viers the "principal operator" oC the race (rom th kindergarten to j cy. journm nt drive as Scn. Strom some critically. the two men sentenced Friday. the grave" and d !royed south rn It enact d the Cirst civil rights Thurmond's CuUle ecord.smashing Mrs. Green was the first of 420 Maximum penalty would han civiliUlUon "beyond the hope of reo bill In 82 vl'llr~ . fUlbu ter Collowed y £lnal approv· demption." School, er, Congress Is Outl persons tile National Safety Coun· been $1.000 fino and fln y.a,. ,He predicted that under the vot. HOUSE PAGE BOYS, with a 1Itt1. rromptlng by photograph.,.. rush clown the It.PI of the C.pltol to Yet much of Presid nt Elsenhow· al of a civil rights bill in the Sen· r's legIslative program - aid Cor ate Thursday night. cil c~timatpd would be kllled duro ImprllOnment on .ach count, ing rights section of th bUI the show how fttoy feel .bout the Ind 0 the congr.ssion I I".ion-Iul. In ti",. for them to g.t reedy for I ing the holiday weekend - a 78· In a statement before the. court attorney general would mak "po.. school. The first ....Ion of tho 15th congr," eloled wh.n the ..nat. &hut up shop lbout a h.lf an hovr after schools, heallh and uood insurance, That blasted the last big barr~ hour period extending Cram .6 p.m. Friday, Stephenson alleged addl· litical Corays" Into the South. And thl hou .. quit. a po tal rate Incr ase, mInimum out of the way and Congress was Friday local time to nudnight lional "kiting," involving a Courth he said Vice.President Nixon would woe ext nsion - was kill d or left about ready to knock off after eight stranded. months of work. Monday. man, which he said increased the act as an agenl for the Nalional AF M" I~ L h d T N Y F All in all, lh, final re ults gave Th. only r.maJnlnt malor 1.,- The saCety organization pointed grand total to more than $55,600,· Association for the Advancement at ISSl.e aunc e wo "rmers k EI nhower little r a on for Illation whipped throuth the out that during this year's four· 000. Colored People In pressing Cor th • • modiCylng this opinion thal the r c· Hou .. In a hurry. Tho HOUle a,. day Memorial Day holiday and Stephenson said invcstigation by I bill 's enforcement. Fr"lday May Be 1st ord is "trem ndously disappoint· prov.d. compromi .. bill to pro­ four-day Independence Day period postal inspectors indicates that Without m ntionlng Thurmond's Ing." teet ..creey of FBI fil .. in court traUic deaths were no greater Mersman was involved in a check· name, Russell show d irritation at S f I 'Th' D . '5 I ' Ch Some members of his own party trial., Ihan during nonholiday periods oC kiting scheme of limited scope the one·man filibu I r. UCc~SS u or eny ave arge have said he would hav Cared bct· It squired a bit, then took anoth· simUar lengths. from 1949 to 1953 with a Junior Sen. Ru ssell B. Long (D·La.) " tcr had he Cought harder for what cr compromi appropriating $3,. The tolls were 412 Cor the Mem· Liston, who then was a busincss said Russell' strategy reflected "the he want d. 435,810,000 Cor 'foreign ald. orial Day period and 426 for Inde· parmer oC Viers. almost unanimous vlcws oC Soulh. COCOA BEACH, Fla. "" - An in· ALBA Y, .Y. I.fI - Two Up tat New York Carmers d nicd Friday But th ilem Cor which he got in , Both the FBl and aid bills w1t pendence Day "termediale range type missile be- I that migrant labor cam!} they operate w s a lave camp as pictured his heaviest licks, the (orelgn aid to th White House {or th Pre . Th h· h . t II' It' The district attorney said Viers ern senat~rs. ll'eved lo be th Air Force Thor by a G orgis ' gro who had worked thert'. e Ig way 0 .or as year S also engaged in a check.kiting Long saId he wantcd the re~ord proliram, sUlI was hobbled In scope dent's signature. lhree-day Labor Day holiday was I ·th Li t bet F b to how that he flCr~onally ral cd was fir d (rom the Cape Canav ral George hillson and Frank Patune aid sg.y ar-old Jam s H. Brun· and funds. The aid Cund wa Car Ie s than 435, one of the highest in the last SC leme WI s on ween e· the issue of a filibuster with the mi· iJe tcst center horUy artcr 3 son of AUiU ta told "a bunch oC On the word of Sonat. Oem.. the $4,400,000,000 Mr. Ei nhower several years. ~uary, 1954 , and August, 1956, dUro Southern bloc whcn the comprom. p.m. Friday. lie " When he claimed that white cratlc Leader Lyndon JohnlOn of orIginally urged. With Congress In addition, there were 89 drown· ang ~hich they exchanged checks ise civil rights bUl came to th Sen.
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