Established Oct 13, 1875 Devoted to Developing the Great Bay District Member Associated-Press FORECAST TMFER.miRES Fair and mild tonight and Thursday; High 61 (past 34 hours. 8 _ ta.) low 48 moderate northwest winds off shore. 8 A. M. READINGS IN OTHER CITIES OCEAN TIDES Los Aneeles 54 St. Paul 28 j *—_h Low Boston tejDevor _ —32 4:59 a.m.; 7:19 p.m. 12:37 p.m.; ll_5-__p.ni. Pittsburgh 20. New York SUN RISES SUN SETS Tampa 40 Kansas Cltr _ New Orleans •'•" ChicaRO , — 6:01 o'clock 6:02 o'clock EVE 52 LOOK Des Moines 32 San Francisco TAP)—The Associated~Press ^At^Consolidated Press (UP)—The United P.*-. 2NS)- City News Seivice VOLUME LVHI NUMBER 64 SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1932 PRfeE TWO CENTS Mystery^Man DEATH PLOT BARED IN RECEIVERSHIP PROBE Police Called On $1-000 Required if For Cowboy Duty [Its Get Ready [Tangled Web of Romance, Unfolding Likeijwe Phftot Federal Trustee "Police here went m for ani-1 mal husbandry in a big way Movie, finds Joan Bennett Again Assuming Wife's Role early this morning. First a re­ port came in that a large dog Santa Monica to was killing a gdat in a vacant For New Effort Film Star Becomes Bride Of Mortgage Co. lot at the corner of Seventh street and Pennsylvania ave­ of Gene Markey, Well nue. Known Author Start Air Classic The dog was dragged away To Legalize Beer Reveals Gunplay from 'the goat ami -both were H. BE A lit. carried to their respective By or.oaor homes. Then, another person I*n It Pit Pr-.i_ Staff ro.re_pnnd.nt San Francisco Rival for) ported that an angry (?) cow Majority Not in Sight, [ HOLLYWOOD. March lfi (U.R) — Claims Murder Attempt Take-Off Point in was roaming the streets and 1 Joan Bennett-, daughter of Richard Followed His Refusal yards of the vicinity of Twen­ But Record Vote to Bennett and sister of Constance ] Annual Derby ty-third street—and Ashland Help Campaign I Bennett, was married here today to to Accept Bribe avenue. The bovine was chased I to Oene—Markey. prominent film If Santa Monica wants to into an enclosure where its By DAVIB LAWRENCE writer; The marriage ceremony was | LOS ANGELES, ow ner—recaptu red—it. That-; n, lwlli 1 rf Pr read before a small group of wit­ March 16 start tne National air races ' *l thti l_.?i ^"nr"l . if f._ '"'»' nesses by Lewis R. Works, presid-1 done with, police hung up their "WASHINGTON. March 16j An t0 prop­ from Clover Field this sum- lariats and chaps and went to ling justice of thc eourt of apw-leaJosition "~~ Fran _ k _E_C. Mortimer; Imer, it will have to guarantee work, prosacially hunting —Efforts to amend the Vol­ I LOR Angeles. Richard Bennett, said to be recu­ federal receiver, for the Amer­ |a prize fund of $1,000, Cliff criminals. stead law so as to permit the ican Mortgage Co., and a sub­ Henderson, director of this event, perating in Northern California manufacture of beer contain­ I from a recent illness, did not see sequent gesture of assassina­ announced at a meeting of South­ ing 2.75 per cent alcohol will his daughter wed. She was given tion when the maneuver failed to­ ern California aviation enthusiasts | be made in congress in the next into Markey's keeping by Ann May day were bared by the official as |ac ine ttooseveit notel last night.— few weeks togetner with a drive to Sullivan, actress, and one of her authorities hastily prepared for a —San Francisco Bids France's Tennis I raise revenue by taxing beer. most-—Intimate—friends.—Constance thorough investigation of state re­ Bennett attended her sister. Henderson, who is already busy A. widespread impression prevails ceiverships. making arrangements for the 1932 On Motor Honeymoon that by a majority of congress both Mortimer, whom it is claimed show program at Cleveland, re­ steps can be accomplished. Spurred The couple attended a recepi ion ported that San Francisco is mak­ and a buffet wedding breakfast "high political figures" sought to on by the gains they made in the "straighten out" through his friends ing arrangements for the 1932 show Hopes Smashed recent vote on the proposed sub­ after the reception. Then they left program at Cleveland, reported on a motor honeymoon, limited by by offers of huge sums of money that San Francisco is making a stitute for the eighteenth amend­ the fact that Miss Bennett's studio shortly after he waa appointed to strenuous bid to be named the start­ ment, the wets are determined to will require her presence in a star­ the federal receivership, revealed the ing point for the derby this year, Boussus, Gentien Beaten push for another record vote. ring picture within 10 days. indirect approach subsequent to and that sponsors of the race would Seek Record Vote The wedding climaxed one of Hol­ sensational disclosures assertedly have to take this into considera­ by Mangin, Seligson in They do not have a majority in lywood's most talked of romances. appearing in the uncompleted re­ tion, as a definite understanding U. S. Indoor Meet sight, hpt it will be helpful, from It united one of the screen's most port of auditors now busy on rec­ regarding the prize fund is neces- their political viewpoint, to get a prominent actresses and one of the ords of state receiverships of the sary. record of how individual members American Mortgage Co. BULLETIN vote not only on the proposition to outstanding film writers of Holly­ Last year, when the races were NEW YORK, March 16 </P>— revise the eighteenth amendment. wood. Grand Juries Push Probes started from Santa Monica under Berkeley Bell, of Texas, defeated I but on the specific question of Constance Bennett's own latest While unconcerned with develop­ auspices of the Junior Chamber of Jean Borotra, of France. 6-1, f-4, romance, touched in places the com­ ments in state receiverships, the amending the Volstead act and also plicated and interwoven pattern Commerce. Clover Field pilots, and tn the quarter finals of the na­ a separate proposition involving a federal grand jury still is investigat­ the city, the event was self-sustain­ tional indoor tennis tournament behind today's wedding. ing the collapse' of the S18.000.000 tax on beer. Markey first started keeping com­ Morris Rosner, former gov­ ing financially, but only $750 was today to complete the rout of the As a practical matter, there is no concern, -it was learned today, while contributed toward the expected French team. pany with the bride, n film star In the county grand Jury sent its audi­ ernment agent, who Is supposed $1,000 prize fund. | chance either of the 2.75 beer bill her own right, while she was recov­ tor. Eugene Berger, to work with to have wide connections ln becoming law or of revenue being ering from injuries suffered last gang circles, ls aiding in nego- More Publicity NEW YORK. March 16 UP> — derived from beer taxation in the the auditing firm Investigating rec­ The city -starting the derby this Gregory Mangin. of Newark, elev­ summer when thrown from a horse ords of the company. nations seeking the return of immediate future, especially when during the filming of a motion baby Lindbergh. He recently an­ summer will get much more in the enth ranking American star, defeat­ revenue to balance the budget is so The auditors' findings yesterday way of publicity and of entertain­ ed Christian Boussus. left-handed picture. bared alleged gifts of clothing to nounced that the baby was "safe sorely needed. The legal steps and Bethroth-ri to Considlnr and will be returned." ment, Henderson promised, as the French star. 6-3. 6-4. today in a necessary delays in determining the I Assooialeil Press Photon Superior Judges Walter Guerin and program has been changed to keep fourth-round match of the national constitutionality of the proposed One of the movie colony's most talked of romances culminated At that time she was regarded as Caryl M. Sheldon and the- asserted the ships at the starting point for indoor tennis tournament. bills would be sufficient to deprive today in the marriage of Joan Bennett of the famous stage and screen bethrothed to John Considine, Jr., payment of a charge account of a five-day period prior to the be­ Francis X. Shields, of New York. the federal treasury of the ex­ Bennetts and Gene Markey, prominent film writer. They are shown young producer, who brought her Judge Dailey s. Stafford. ginning of the race. This prelim­ here from the New York stage, but The three jurists temporarily [third ranking American, reached pected benefits and to keep beer here as they applied for their marriage license. inary period will give the sponsors the quf_.t_r.-_n_i.i_ hy turning back from being-sold lawfully in higher she turned to Markey and Consi­ were suspended yesterday by 'Pre- | PoliceStudyOliT a better opportunity to collect funds Eugene McCaullff, New York. 6-4. alcoholic content than the present dine, in turn, turned to carmen B-3Ir_5 Judge ttarry Arcnbftld, who sufficient to cover their guaran­ Pantages, daughter of Alexander later rescinded his order when other tee. 6-4. restriction of one-half of one per This practically assured him a cent. Pantages, millionaire theater man. members of the state judiciary ad­ As result of last night's meeting. place in the semifinals, as the pair­ Considine and the lovely Carmen vised him he was without authority Henderson arranged to confer to­ Popular Fallacy Aimee Receives Bingham Attacks now are honeymooning, to suspend the trio.
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