WBraieaSDAT. JU LT 8, 19«C n, i THE WEATHER Fotoeaot et D. 8. Weather Bortaa, y^VtCBAGB DAH .T dKUDLATtOM Bartfore Close to filly members are ex­ perior Court, Dover, N. H., yester­ fort to do bualneaa, <m Monday. Fair tonight and. Saturday foDow- pected to take part in the break­ RIVIERE RESTRAINED day restr^ning Horace A. Riviere, Mr. Riviere Is well known to for the Heath o( Jobs, IMS ABOUT TOWN fast hike which the Luther League NO HERALD vice preaident of the U.T..W.A., and members of Loeal 2125 and In the ed by local thunder abowera. late CEMETERY BOUQUETS Saturday ottoraoon or ni^t; HHIa of the Emanuel Lutheran church raembera of Local 2366 of Roches­ past boa appeared In Manchester and Trinity Fast Noble Grands a ^ - will hold tomorrow morning to the TOMORROW FROM PICKETING ter, N. H., from picketing, or other­ and addressed meetings. S 2 5 R k W A R D 5 , 5 1 3 change In temperature. PLANT COMBINATIONS Will be paid for any oom which olatlon wUI have a picnic on Thurs­ lookout at Highland Park. Mem­ wise“ Interfering" wUh the business Great Christopher Postlve Oom Meobcir of the Audit day, July 11, at the Highland Park bers will moot af. the south end' No issue of the Manchester of the Cocbeco Manufacturing Com­ For the Fourth ^ Injunction Granted lii Dover, flare cannot remove.' Also gonu Bnreoa of CIronlatlon* Community clubhouse. terminus at 6:15 o’clock. An out­ pany, a Rochester woolen mill. tor callouses, warts and moles. Evening Herald will be N. H„ Yesterday— Is Well Anderson Greenhouses PRICE THREE CENTS door breakfast will be served at the The injunction also provided for 188 Eldridge SL TeL 8680 Sold In Manchester by Glenney's. .-(FOURTEEN PAGES) Mrs. Carl Bengs has moved from home of Gus BengSton of Gardner published tomorrow. Inde­ Known to Workers Here. the appointment o f 10 deputy TOWN AOVERTtSEHENT 789 Main Street. (daaalSed Adverttataig on Page U-). / MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, JULY 5. 1935. ISOO Main street to 96 Chestnut street, after a short devotional serv­ pendence Day. ahetiffa -to assist 20 special officers ' " — - T ? VOL. U V „ NO. 235. street ice at the Ixiokout. Erik Mbdcan Ofricera o f Local 2125, U. T, W. in policing the plant Company of­ will speak on ’’National Defense." A., will be Interested to learn that ficials said they wolild reopen the NOTICE OF THE The Salvation Army will hold an plant, which baa been closed since open air service tonight at 7:30 on The senior choir of the Emanuel a labor Injunction was issued tn Su­ June 14 when strikers resisted ef- Goodrich, Sougrht As Slayer VON CRAMM IS WAGNER UBOR BILL Main street at Birch street. Lutheran church will hold an out­ 79 Keeney street, charged .with non­ BIG FIREWORKS Of Detroit Girl, Caught In N. Y. ing at Holmesi’s cottage on Coven­ support of his child, was continued TAX COLLECTOR Fireworks ETHIOPIA APPEALS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McGrath try Lake this Friday evening. to July 10 to give him an opportu­ Complete Display—All Kinds! EASILY BEATEN and their son, Joseph, Jr., of Brook­ Moinbcr.s are asked to meet at'the nity to obtain counsel. Also Blank Cartridges. Fireworks SHOW FEATURE lyn, N. Y., are here for a vacation church at 6 o’clock and transporta­ Charged with operating a motor SIGNED; PRESIDENT with Mrs. McGrath’s sister, Mrs. All petsona liable by law to pay Large Assortment! tion will be furnished. In case of vehicle .with defective brakes, An­ Town or Personal taxea In the Town Thresher’s Tydol Frank Rawson of Main street. rain, the party will be held In the gelo Glola, 37, of 680 Keeney street, TO UNITED STATES BY FRED PERRY a j TONIGHT of Manchester, are hereby notified church. was fined $16 and costa and given 10 Filling Station First stafid on right, O FFO U ^H ERE The Past Matrons’ and Patrons’ that I win have a rate bUl for the days in which to pay the assess­ list of 1934 of 32 mills on the dollaf Pleasant Valley, So. Windsor top ^ N ig g e r Hill, OUTLINES PURPOSES association of Chapman Court, Or­ ment. He was arrested last night der of Amaranth, will hold its an­ At The Block due and collectible oh April 15th and Sales'Start Today! World’s Greatest Amateur on Main street by Policeman Ru­ July lat, 1935. Personal taxes due Ttf reach our place from Man- Asks Help to Find Way to SEEFIRSTSIGNS nual meeting and picnic Saturday dolph Wlrtalla. BoRon. Weather Favors Manches­ afternoon at the cottage of Mr. and POLICE COURT April 1st, 1935. chesler, go to Bucklond and Mrs. Ernest Bantly at Coventry Dance take Windsor street to Pleas- Wins AU*Fngland Title in Describes It As “ An Import­ Frederick Bruns, <6, o f 'Vemon, , ant Valley. , / Ray Schaller Keep Peace Under Kei- AGNES SAMUELSON tAke. Husbands and wives of the Refresh Yourself With A Good Said Tax Payable at the Tax OF LOAN INCREASE ter’s Program from Block members have been invited. Those in Police Court this morning charged GIVE ORAZIO SCARLATO with drunken driving. Was fined *100 Glass of That Famous Straight Sets by Scores of ant Step Toward the reqi.lrlng transportation, or unable Collector’s Office in the logg-Briand Pad — Deli­ Dance Wednesday Night to attend, are requested to notify and costs hy Judge Raymond. A. HEADS EDUCATORS the secretary. Miss P'lnls Grant. John.son. Claiming he had only con- PARTY ON BIRTHDAY sumod four glasses of beer, Bruns WHITE HORSE Municipal Building cate Situation. Banks Beginning to Invest Through Great Display. 6-2,64,6-4. Achievement of Just and Lady Roberts Lodge. Daughters said he had driven lOO.yards-before of S.t. George, will omit its regular he was stopped. He was arrested Group of 2(1 Friend.s Gather at From April 15 to May 15 and shortly before midnight • on North , m Real Estate for First Wimbledon, Eng., July 5.— (AP) Iowa School Ma’am Is Elect­ Peaceful Labor Relations meeting tonight. Earl Roberts His Home Last Night for Big ALE and By ASSOCIATED PBBSS Lodge, Sons of St. George, will Main street by Motorcycle Police­ Celebration. ffbm July 1st to Aug. 1st, 1935 Manchester celebrated the Fred Perry, dashing British star man Raymond GrllTin. Examined In Headquarters Ethiopia has appealed to the Fourth" with traditional commun­ meet as usual in Odd Fcllow;s hall Time in Years. of tee courts, captured tec All-Eng­ ed President of the Na­ m Industry.” at 8 o’clock tonight. the police' station by Dr. LcVeWie Inclusive For United SUtes to find a way to keep ity spirit with great crowds con­ .Holmes, Bruns was declared under Orazio Scarlato of 36 Cottage LAGER land tennis championship for the street was the guest of honor at a Honrs: 0 a. m. to 4 p. m., except peace in East Africa under the gregating at tee Block dance the Miss Ruth Beverly. Laubensteln the Influence of liquor and unfit. to On Draught At second successive year today, de­ operate an automobile. surprise party given by 20 of his Wednesday, 5Uy 1, Thursday, !«ay Kellogg-Briand pact, by which "night before" and a record-break­ tional Organization. Washington, July 5.— (A P )— who recently graduated from Weav­ friends In his home last night In New York, July 5.— (A P )— The feating Baron Gottfried von Cramm er High school, Hartford, and is Stanley Mankus. .’>4, of 62 North B and Toeoday, May 14 and Wednee- Italy renounced war aa an Instru­ first faint crack in the dam which ing crowd jamming tee confines of of Germany,'6-2, 6-4, 6-4 in the final Signing the Wagner . labor- bllL celebration of his 40th birthday. day. May 15: also Thnrsday, July 18, spending the summer with her street, was found not guilty of non­ A large birthday cake lighted Fireworks ment of national policy. tee Old Golf lots, East Center street round. President RooseveH today described baa held back the flow of money In support on recommendation of Pros­ GEORGE'S TAVERN Thursday, July 25, Wednesday, July Although Von Cramm battled the Denver, July 6.— (A P )—A keen ;iTandmothcr, Mrs. Sarah E. Flack %yith 4i candles lone to live for) Cor. Oak and Cottage Streets Emperor Halle Selassie himself. In to the urban real estate loan mar­ last night for one of the beat dis­ It "as an important step toward tea o f Bolton, has returned from a visit ecuting Attorney William J. Bhon, 81 and Thursday, Aug. 1. Hours 9 Briton every Inch of the way, he willed little woman from Iowa's vvas the center of attraction. The a. m. to 9 p. m. a statement to the Associated Prtss, plays of fireworks ever shown In achievement of just and peacefjil in Forestvlllo with one of her for­ who told Judge Johnson the testi­ house was prettily decorated in pink asserted that Ethiopia will col­ ket la beginning to appear at last, Manchester. never had a chance against the farmlands laid a imall band to the mony given in court by the man’s black-ha(red champion. At every relations In Industry.’’ mer teachers. Miss Mona G. O’Hara. and green. Also Serving Utica Club Pilsner and Failure to make first payment In laborate with any nation for peace, some prominent banking men In Weather Perfect throttle of tee Nation's biggest edu­ oldest son and wife was not the Ga-mes were played during the GOW DY'S aa long aa her Independence and Wall street believe.
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