Applications for the post of Medical Officer against UR Category for 14 posts Sr No Application No Date of NameofApplicant Father Name Address Date of receipt Birth Mandi/MO(M)Ays/61 11/26/2015 Abhinav Rathore Sh Yoginder Vill Groru Adarsh 09/30/1987 Singh Rathore Colony, PO & Tehsil Joginder Nagr, Distirct Mandi 175015 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/88 11/28/2015 Abhishek Kaushal Sh Surender VPO Talyarh, Teahsil 04/03/1987 Kumar Sharma Sadar, District Mandi/ Ayurveda Regional Reseach Institure Ghandhi Bhawan Mandi 175001 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/115 11/30/2015 Aditya Sh Hem Raj VPO Basantpur, 02/19/1986 Tehsil Sarkaghat Distriact Mandi 175042/ Alloveda Clinic, Lower Bazar Sarkaghat Distrirct Mandi HP 175024 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/100 11/28/2015 Ajender Partap Sh Jatinder Ward No 3 Jail Road, 01/29/1983 Singh Tehsil Sadar, District Mandi/ C/o Dordarshan Maintance Center Tarna Mandi 175001 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/47 11/27/2015 Amit Rana Late Sh Karam VPO Kalahod, Tehsil 12/23/1983 Singh Rana Sunder Nagar, District Mandi 175002 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/58 11/27/2015 AshishKumar Sh Roop Lal Vill Naulakha, PO 10/17/1987 Kanaid, Tehsil Sunder Nagar, district Mandi 175019 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/70 11/26/2015 Balbir Singh Thakur Sh Dharma Shandikunj Building, 03/15/1981 Singh Thakur Po Sanjauli, District Shimla 171006/ Dhanwatri Clinic, Shiva Complex, Rewalsar , District Mandi 175023 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/25 11/24/2015 Binesh Chambial Sh Ashok Vill Main Bhrola, PO 11/05/1986 Kumar Sainthel Prain , Chambial Tehsil Joginder Nagar District Mandi HP 175032 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/18 11/21/2015 Chaman Lal Sh Hari Singh Vill Ner Chowk, PO 04/02/1984 Bhangrtu, Tehsil Balh, District Mandi HP 175021 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/112 11/30/2015 Chetan Sharma Sh Dumni Ram Vill Traur, PO Segei, 03/14/1985 Tehsil Chachiot, District Mandi 175029 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/8 11/18/2015 Chirag Thakur Sh Rajinder Vill - Mundru, PO 03/26/1991 Singh Thakur Troh, Tehsil Balh, District Mandi HP Mandi/MO(M)Ays/91 11/28/2015 DeepakKumarSharma Sh Dharma Dutt Vill Ganvi, PO Chail 05/26/1987 Thakur Chowk, Tehsil Chachiot, District Mandi 175028 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/119 11/30/2015 DineshKumar Sh Pawan VPO Sakroha, Tehsil 06/17/1986 Kumar Balh , District Mandi 175006 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/83 11/28/2015 EreshKumar Sh Prakash VPO Seoh, Tehsil 05/28/1989 Chand Sarkaghat, District Mandi/ HNo 15 Type II ES Coloey HPSEB Ltd Mattansidh , PO Cugha District Hamirpur 177001 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/7 11/18/2015 GaganDhruv Sh Raj Kumar Village Bhoor , PO 12/24/1984 Jhangi, Tehsil Sarkaghat, District Mandi HP / C/o Shardha Ayurveda Clinic , Ner chowk, Mandi HP 175008 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/17 11/20/2015 GaganKumarThakur Sh Kamal Patti Vill Arnodi, PO & 09/17/1986 Tehsil Kotli, District Mandi HP 175003 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/81 11/28/2015 HarshGupta Sh Mani Gupta VPO Bhojpur, Tehsil 01/18/1983 Sunder Nagar, District Mandi 175002 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/82 11/28/2015 HimanshuBehl Sh Harish HNo 32/8 New 70/8 10/11/1982 Chander Behl Bangla Street Mandi District Mandi Mandi/MO(M)Ays/63 11/26/2015 HiteshBhardwaj Sh ML Vill Haripur, PO 02/18/1981 Bhardwaj Chatrokhari, Tehsil Sunder Nagar District Mandi/ HNo 3443, Sector 71, Hohali, Punjab 160071 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/71 11/27/2015 IshwarDass Sh Laxman Vill Bajwas, PO & 01/24/1984 Singh Tehsil Thunag, District Mandi 175048 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/37 11/23/2015 KartikKapoor Sh MK Kapoor HNo 74/9, Harjus 02/01/1985 building, Bhagwan Street, Mandi 175001 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/13 11/20/2015 KuldeepSingh Sh Khem Singh Vill Tarysal , PO 07/31/1989 Dawahan, Tehsil Kotli, District Mandi 175003 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/108 11/30/2015 LokeshThakur Sh Pukar Singh Vill Rohari, PO 08/27/1988 Sapnot, Teshil Karsog, District Mandi / C/o Astha Clinic, Main Bazar, Churag, Tehsil , District 175010 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/57 11/28/2015 MaheshChandel Sh Rajender Vill Kathyori, PO 12/06/1981 Singh Balu, Tehsil Aut, District Mandi 175121 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/32 11/24/2015 MandeepKumar Sh Gian Chand Vill Benjli, PO 04/16/1986 Gopalpur, Tehsil Sarkaghat, District Mandi HP Mandi/MO(M)Ays/85 11/28/2015 ManishSharma Sh RP Sharma HNo 193/6 04/21/1983 Samkheter Bazar, District Mandi HP 175001 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/94 11/28/2015 ManojKumar Sh Ramesh Vill VPO Mahadev, 03/07/1984 Kumar Tehsil Sunder Nagar, District Mandi 175018 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/10 11/19/2015 PankajKumar Sh Parkash Vill Badal, PO 08/01/1987 Chand Gopalpur, Tehsil Sarkaghat, District Mandi 175007 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/110 11/30/2015 PankajKumarPalsra Sh Sohan Lal VPO Brarta, Tehsil 05/04/1987 Sarkaghat, District Mandi 176115 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/114 11/30/2015 PankajSaklani Sh Amar Singh VPO Nagchala, Balh 06/11/1982 Saklani Balh District Mandi 175021 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/24 11/21/2015 PawanKumar Sh Surjan Singh Vill Dusra Khaboo PO 11/05/1987 Sardwar, Tehsil Balh District Mandi/ VPO RewalsarTehsil Balh District Mandi 175023 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/16 11/20/2015 PrakashChandChauhan Sh Sher Singh VPO Ratti, Tehsil 01/08/1956 Balh, District Mandi 175008 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/125 12/02/2015 PraveenKuamar Sh Manohar Lal Vill Kharoh, PO 04/20/1987 Sadhot, Tehsil Sarkaghat, District Mandi / Kothi No 235, Ground Floor, Back Side Phase- 2 Mohali, 160055 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/96 11/28/2015 PraveenKumar Sh Vijay Chand VPO Kalahod, Tehsil 01/14/1983 Rana Sunder Nagar, District Mandi 175002 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/53 11/27/2015 PraveenKumrRana Sh Hem Raj Vill Tatahar, PO 09/22/1987 Rana Nabahi, Teshil Sarkaghat, Distirct Mandi 175024 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/74 11/30/2015 PriyankSharma Sh CL Sharma Vill Panjehti, PO 09/12/1984 Talyar, Tehsil Sadar District Mandi/ HNo 320/3, Jail Road, Near PWD Office Mandi 175001 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/80 11/28/2015 PuneetSharma Sh Balwant Vill Chouri, PO 05/17/1986 Sharma Thona, Tehsil Sarkaghat District Mandi 175049 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/99 11/28/2015 PushapRaj Sh Vill Surandhi, PO 10/24/1992 Dharmeshwar Jachh, Tehsil Dutt Chachiot, Distirct Mandi 175039 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/50 11/26/2015 PushapRajThakur Sh Gopal Singh VPO Chhatri, 12/27/1983 Thakur Thunag, District Mandi 175047 / C/o Tehzin Hospital Near Shiv Mandir NH 2 Kasumpti Shimla 171009 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/116 11/30/2015 Rahul Sh Kishori Lal S-4/87 BBMB Colony 01/06/1986 Sharma Sunder Nagar, District Mandi, 175019 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/48 11/28/2015 RakeshKumar Sh Inder Singh Vill Khanour, PO 07/10/1981 Seoh , Tehsil Sarkaghat, District Mandi 175051 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/118 11/28/2015 RakeshKumar Sh Hukum Vill Dhundhon, PO 12/27/1983 Chand Alsindi, Tehsil Karsog, District Mandi/ C/o Naina Medical Centre Banjar, near new bus stnd Darudhar , PO & Tehsil Banjar, District Kullu 175123 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/78 11/28/2015 RakeshKumar Sh Brestu Ram VPO Churadh, Tehsil 04/08/1987 Sunder Nagar, District Mandi 175018 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/54 11/27/2015 RamanKumarSandal Sh Amar Singh Vill Pansai, PO 04/10/1987 Bhdhan, Tehsil Bangana, District Mandi Una 174308 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/34 11/23/2015 RishabhSharma Sh Vijay Raj HNo229/13 Near 05/25/1991 Sharma Employment Exchange Padal Mandi HP 175001 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/105 11/30/2015 RohitGupta Sh VK Gupta Vill Nagrota, PO 06/12/1985 Baldwara, Tehsil Sarkaghat District Mandi 175033 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/75 11/30/2015 SachinKumar Sh Balvir Singh VPO Mundkhar, 05/20/1987 Tehsil Bhoranj, District Hamirpur 176044 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/76 11/30/2015 SachinSood Sh Surender Vill Lower Seri, Tehsil 07/22/1985 Kumar Joginder Nagar, Disrtict Mandi 175015 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/36 11/23/2015 SanjeevThakur Sh Prem Chand Vill Dhar, PO Darpa, 04/27/1975 Thakur Tehsil Sarkaghat, District Mandi/ VPO Amroh, Tehsil Bhoranj , District Hamirpur 177024 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/56 11/27/2015 ShashiKantSharma Sh Nek Ram Vill Bhatehar, PO 09/10/1986 Sharma Mandap, Tehsil Sarkaghat, District Mandi/ Vill Brahm Fald, PO Tour Jajar, Tehsil Sarkaghat District Mandi Mandi/MO(M)Ays/20 11/21/2015 SumeetKapoor Sh Hemant SCO -33 Indira 08/13/1985 Kapoor Market, Mandi 175001 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/101 11/28/2015 SuneelSharma Sh Prem VPO & Tehsil Karsog, 09/07/1986 Sharma District Mandi 175011 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/9 11/18/2015 SunilThakur Sh Dayal Singh Vill zheer, PO Gehra, 06/03/1986 Thakur Tehsil Sarkaghat, District Mandi 175049 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/49 11/26/2015 SureshKumar Sh Jiwan Lal Vill Thour, PO 11/08/1982 Nabahi, Tehsil Sarkaghat, District Mandi 175024 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/65 11/26/2015 SureshKumar Sh Lal man Vill Nanta, Sarsera, 12/26/1987 Bhardwaj Po Hari Behna, Tehsil Sarkaghat District Mandi/ Vill Haroli, PO & Tehsil Haroli, District Una 177220 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/21 11/21/2015 UdayShankar Sh Bhanu HNo 197/2, Purani 12/27/1982 Kumar Mandi, District Mandi HP Mandi/MO(M)Ays/19 11/21/2015 UmeshKumar Sh Jagar Nth Vill - Lunadha , PO 12/01/1986 Fatehpur, Tehsil Sarkaghat, District Mandi HP Mandi/MO(M)Ays/14 11/20/2015 Vikash Sh Hans Raj House No 186/6, 04/20/1984 Ropa Colony (near old gas ageancy)Sarkaghat, District Mandi 175024 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/77 11/30/2015 VikasVerma Sh Jagdish Vill Lagyar, PO Tihra, 06/30/1983 Chand Tehsil Sarkaghat, District Mandi 175026 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/23 11/21/2015 VikeshKumarThakur Late Sh JD Vill Saliyana, PO 12/09/1983 Thakur Panchrukhi, Tehsil Palampur, District Kangra / Vill Dabrog PO & Tehsil Sarkaghat, District Mandi HP 175024 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/52 11/27/2015 VikramJitSinghSaklani Sh Kuldeep Vill Kachhali, PO & 01/03/1983 Chand Saklani Tehsil Sandhole, District Mandi 176090 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/12 11/20/2015 VinayKumar Sh Rattan Vill Saroon, PO 16/021984 Chand Kango Ka Gehra, Tehsil Sarkaghat, District Mandi 1750024 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/55 11/27/2015 VinodKatoch Sh OP Katoch HNo 156, Ward No 01/09/1984 10, Thanera Mohalla, Mandi District Mandi 175001 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/122 11/30/2015 VirenderKumar Sh Rajmal Vill Fakhomal, PO 03/15/1986 Rangra Seoh, Tehsil Sarkaghat Dsitrict Mandi /Sh Rajmal Rangra HPPWD Rest House Baijnath, PO & The Baijnath Dsitrict Kangra HP Mandi/MO(M)Ays/44 11/26/2015 VishalKumarSoni Sh Baldev Singh VPO & Tehsil 07/10/1989 Soni Sarkaghat District Mandi/ WNo 4, HNo 161 Near Forest Range Office Sarkaghat District Mandi Mandi/MO(M)Ays/15 11/20/2015 VivekSharma Sh Vijay Sharma VPO Basantpur, 05/23/1985 Tehsil Sarkaghat Distriact Mandi 175042/ Alloveda Clinic, Lower Bazar Sarkaghat Distrirct Mandi HP 175024 Mandi/MO(M)Ays/103 11/28/2015 VivekSharma Sh Ishwar Dass VPO Ner Chowk, 02/26/1988 Sharma Tehsil Balh, District Mandi 175008 Applications for the post of Medical Officer against SC Category for 1 +1+1 posts (including SC WFF -1, SC -Dependent of Ex -S-Man) Sr Application No.
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