a ¿ o VOLUME 11 Sjty 1 9 3 4 NUMBER 173 W a n t e d * _____________ - Washington, Thursday, September 5, 1946 The President America the one hundred and seventy- CONTENTS first. THE PRESIDENT Harry S. Truman PROCLAMATION 2700 Proclamation : Paee By the President: Fire Prevention* Week, 1946___ 9729 F ire P revention W eek, 1946 W. L. Clayton, Executive Orders: BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Acting Secretary of State. Bonds, notes and other securi­ OF AMERICA |F. R. Doc. 46-15797; Filed, Sept. 3, 1946; ties acquired on behalf of A PROCLAMATION 2:52 p. m.l U. S.; designation of Re- construction Finance Cor­ WHEREAS fires threaten this year to poration to act-________ 9729 exact the greatest toll of lives and the Federal Committee on Highway greatest waste of material resources that EXECUTIVE ORDER 9774 our nation has ever experienced; and Safety; establishment_.1_ 9731 WHEREAS this destruction is taking D esignating the R econstruction Fi ­ REGULATIONS AND NOTICES place at a time when the entire world is nance Corporation as the Agency T o faced with distressing shortages of food Act With Respect to Certain B onds, Agriculture D epartment. See and housing and nearly every commodity Notes, and Other S ecurities Acquired also Entomology and Kant essential to speedy reconversion to a on B ehalf of the United S tates U nder Quarantine Bureau. peacetime economy; and the P rovisions of the T ransportation Administrative regulations; offi­ WHEREAS the vast majority of de­ Act, 1920 cial records— ------- -------- 9731 structive fires are preventable by the Bakery products (WFO 1, Am. exercise of greater caution on the part By virtue of and pursuant to the au­ 16)___________________ 9732 of all our citizens: thority vested in me by section 213 of Flue-cured marketing quota NOW, THEREFORE, I, HARRY S. Title H of the Transportation Act, 1920, referendum for three mar­ as amended by the act* of August 13, keting years beginning July TRUMAN, President of the United States 1940, 54 Stat. 788 (40 U. S. C. 316), I of America, do hereby designate the week 1,1947 ; proclamation of re- hereby designate the Reconstruction Fi­ . suits__________________ 9732 beginning October 6, 1946, as Fire Pre­ nance Corporation as the agency au­ vention Week. Grain and grain products (WFO I ask every citizen to do his part by thorized to sell, exchange, or otherwise 66, Am. 17>_____________ 9732 learning how to detect and eliminate all dispose of, or to enter into arrange­ New York Metropolitan area; possible causes of fires in his home and ments for the extension of the maturity milk handling (Corr.)___I 9732 in his business, in order to safeguard both of, any bonds, notes, or other securities Salaries and wages in Califor­ lives and property from the holocaust of taken, held,-or exchanged with respect nia ____ _________- _____ 9734 fire. I also request that the State and to loans made to the Georgia and Florida Sugar determinations: wage local governments, the Chamber of Com­ Railway Company pursuant to the pro­ rates in production, culti­ merce of the United States, the National visions of section 210 of Title H of the vation, and harvesting of Fire Waste Council, business and labor Transportation Act, 1920, in such sugarcane in Fiorida_____ 9732 organizations, the churches and schools, amounts, at such prices, for cash, securi­ Alien P roperty Custodian: civic groups, and the agencies of the ties or other property, or any combina­ Vesting orders, etc.: press, the radio, and the motion-picture tion thereof, and upon such terms and Fukuda, J. (Jinzo)_________ 9787 industry throughout the country cooper­ conditions as the Reconstruction Fi­ Grundman, Paul-__________ 9785 ate fully in the observance of Fire Pre­ nance Corporation may deem advisable Hauck, Georg, & Sohn______ 9786 vention Week; and I direct that the ap­ and in the public interest. All moneys Kifioshita, Sakuichi____ ___ 9788 propriate agencies of the Federal Gov­ realized through the exercise of the au-% Lewenthal, Isaac____________ 9787 ernment likewise assist in arousing the thority conferred by this order shall be Ruser, Anna Katherine.__- _ 9787 public to the awareness of the dread paid to the Secretary of the Treasury for Szabo, Helen______________ 9787 thi-pat of fii'pci U. S. currency and coin owned deposit to the appropriate account. by Germany____--------- 9788 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ Executive Order No. 8533 of Septem­ unto set my hand a/id caused the seal of Civil Aeronautics Board: the United States of America to be ber 6, 1940, is amended accordingly. Hearings, etc.; affixed. Harry S. T ruman Arizona Airways, Inc. and DONE at the City of Washington this Transcontinental & West­ 3rd day of September in the year of our The W hite House, ern Air, Inc__________ 9763 Lord nineteen hundred and September 3, 1946. Ellis Air Transport et al_____ 9763 [seal] forty-six, and of the Independ­ [F. R. Doc. 46-15837; Filed, Sept.. 4, 1946; Royal Dutch Air Lines ence of the United States of 10:28 a. m.] (K LM )___ __________ 9763 9729 9730 FEDERAL REGISTER, T h u rsd a y, September 5, 1946 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued D efense T ransportation, Office Pag0 P rice Administration, Office of— Page of: Continued. FEDERA^REGISTEB Administration, procedures; cer­ Goods, finished piece (MPR 127, V 193* JiV tification of transportation Am. 52)_____ - ________— 9741 personnel for deferment Hogs: Dressed, and wholesale pork Published dally, except Sundays, Mondays, from military service------- 9762 and days following legal holidays, by the Rail equipment, conservation: cuts (RMPR 148, Am. Division of the Federal Register, the National Carrots, new fresh harvested; 38)____________ - ____ 9735 Archives, pursuant to the authority contained shipm ents------- --------- 9763 Live (MPR 469, Am. 22)_____ 9738 in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Exception____ _____ —--------- 9762 Kitchenware, household (MPR 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Entomology and P lant Quaran­ 188, Am. 2 to Order 5122) 9768 ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the tine Bureau: Lamb and mutton carcasses and Administrative Committee, approved by the wholesale cuts (RMPR 239, President. Distribution is made only by the Japanese beetle quarantine on Superintendent of Documents, Government cut flowers, fruits, and vege­ ' Ahí. 27)________________ 9745 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. tables; restrictions discon- Machines, parts, industrial ma­ The regulatory material appearing herein is tinued for season------------ 9731 terials and services; exemp­ keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, F ederal P ower Commission: tion and suspension from which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant, control (SO 129, Am. 49) ___ 9744 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Hearings, etc.: Regional and district office amended June 19, 1937. First Iowa Hydro-Electric Co­ operative ____________ 9775 orders: The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Building materials: mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 New York State Natural Gas per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ C o rp ________________ 9775 Beaver County, Pa--------¿— 9769 New York City anct Nassau vance. The charge for individual copies F ederal Trade Commission: (minimum 15^) varies in proportion to the Cooter, Paul M., et al., hearing. 9775 County, N.Y________ 9769 size of the issue. Remit check or money Virginia________________ 9771 order, made payable to the Superintendent H ousing Expediter, Office of: Community ceiling prices, list of Documents, directly to the Government Priorities regulation^ directives and certificates for surplus of orders filed------------- 9768 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. S ecurities and Exchange Com­ There are no restrictions on the republica- equipment for veterans’ m ission: tlon of material appearing in the F ederal emergency housing pro­ R egister. _ __________________ Hearings, etc.: gram ----- 9733 Central New York Power I nterstate Commerce Commission: Corp. and Hammond NOW AVAILABLE Unloading: Light and Power Co------ 9784 Baskets at Brownsville, T ex„ 9782 Code of Federal Regulations Commonwealth & Southern Lumber at Oshkosh, Wis------ 9783 Corp. (Delaware)_____L 9783 1945 Supplement Land Management Bureau: General Public Utilities Corp_ 9783 Book 1: Titles 1 through 9, in­ Canals, d i t c h e s , reservoirs,' Southern Natural Gas Co. water pipe lines, etc.; et al_____________ _— 9784 cluding, in Title 3, Presidential doc­ rights-of-way---------------- 9761 uments in full text with appropriate W ar Assets Administration: Leases, oil and gas------ ;------— 9760 Acquisition, disposal, and in­ reference tables. Public lands and reservations ventory of surplus personal Book 2: Titles 10 through 14. of U. S. for electrical plants property; forms for report­ Book 3: Titles 15 through 32. and transmission lines; in g _______________ 9760 These books - may be obtained from the rights-of-way-------------— 9761 War Contracts P rice Adjustment Superintendent of Documents, Government State, County or privately owned Board: lands in grazing districts; Text of statutes, orders, joint Printing Office, at $3 each. leasing ’---- ------------------- 9761 A limited sales stock of the 1944 Supple­ regulations and directives; Maritime Commission: delegations of authority ment (3 books) is still available at $3 a Orders, determinations, etc., is­ book. within Reconstruction Fi­ sued by War Shipping Ad­ nance Corporation------— 9757 ministration; adoption----- 9762 War Mobilization and R econver­
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