City of Davenport, Iowa XVI. Adjourn 6:17 p.m. EASY STREET PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC LANDLORD RENTS 6,554.00 City Council Meeting Minutes EBONI EDWARDS LANDLORD RENTS 1,000.00 Wednesday, August 25, 2021 ECONOMY ROOFING & INSULATING COMPANY, CORP CONSTRUCTION COSTS 47,357.50 The City Council of Davenport, Iowa met in regular session on Wednesday, August 25, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. in Brian J. Krup ECO-SCAPES Inc LANDLORD RENTS 361.00 the Council Chambers at Davenport City Hall, 226 West 4th Street, Davenport, Iowa with Mayor Mike Matson Deputy City Clerk ED M FELD EQUIPMENT CO INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 23,784.99 presiding and all Aldermen present (Alderman Dunn, Alderman Dohrmann, Alderwoman Lee, Alderwoman Po # 2022/2201630 EDWARD WIESE *EMPLOYEE* TRAVEL EXPENSES 285.20 Meginnis, Alderman Gripp, Alderman Condon, Alderman Miller, Alderwoman Dickmann, Alderman Jobgen, and City of Davenport Publication Report EHDG LIMITED PARTNERSHIP NORTH LANDLORD RENTS 333.00 Alderman Ambrose). From 7/1/2021 To: 7/31/2021 ELDRED NUNN CLAIMS AND JUDGMENTS 12,264.40 I. Moment of Silence Fund Description Amount ELECTRIC PUMP INC OPERATING EXPENSES 1,246.89 II. Pledge of Allegiance | Led by Alderman Dohrmann 2020 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND $245010.09 ELLIOTT EQUIPMENT CO Inc REVOLVING EXPENSES 17,317.17 III. Roll Call 2021 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND $1534614.29 ELM USA INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 212.95 IV. Meeting Protocol and Decorum 2022 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS $9559.52 EMEIS PARK APARTMENTS Inc LANDLORD RENTS 6,787.00 V. Approval of Minutes APPROVED CITY ASSESSOR PAYROLL $1284.80 EMERY CONSTRUCTION GROUP INC CONSTRUCTION COSTS 165,686.39 Approval of the City Council Meeting minutes for August 11, 2021. HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP $127896.28 EMILY RASCHE *EMPLOYEE* TRAVEL EXPENSES 27.50 VI. City Administrator Update TRANSIT $217851.62 ENHANCED HOMES PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LANDLORD RENTS 3,136.00 VII. Report on Committee of the Whole APPROVED GOLF COURSES OPERATING $102185.38 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, LLC MAINTENANCE-BLDGS & GRNDS 972.00 Approval of the Report on Committee of the Whole for August 18, 2021. SECTION 8 HOUSING GRANT $329793.62 ERNEST HENRY ARKU LANDLORD RENTS 476.00 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, Davenport, Iowa, Wednesday, August 18, 2021 -- The Council met in SPORTS CENTER $1607.26 EUGENE A TAETS EVENTS EXPENSES 105.00 Committee of the Whole at 5:30 p.m. with Mayor Matson presiding and all Aldermen present (Alderman Dunn, SOLID WASTE $100126.01 EUGENE DEL PREORE LANDLORD RENTS 315.00 Alderman Dohrmann, Alderwoman Meginnis, Alderwoman Lee, Alderman Gripp, Alderman Condon, Alderman LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX $102197.43 EUGENE DEL PREORE LANDLORD RENTS 1,036.00 Miller, Alderwoman Dickmann, Alderman Jobgen, and Alderman Ambrose). The Council observed a moment of CLEAN WATER $63753.85 EUGENE R BUTIKOFER LANDLORD RENTS 374.00 silence. Pledge of Allegiance led by Alderman Dunn. SCATTERED SITES $230.50 EXCALIBUR LAUNDRIES INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 455.00 The following Public Hearings were held: Community Development: 1) on the proposed conveyance of RIVERCENTER $63007.09 EXPRESS SERVICES INC OPERATING EXPENSES 6,048.09 City-owned property located at 1006 Warren Street to Yoshis Place LLC (petitioner). Public Works: 1) on the AIRPORT $18853.80 EXSO EARNEST JR LANDLORD RENTS 571.00 plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimate of cost for the Modern Woodmen Park Suite Level HVAC FAIR HOUSING GRANT $222.00 EYEMART EXPRESS LTD Inc CLOTHING EXPENSE 89.00 Replacement project, CIP #23055. DOWNTOWN DAVENPORT SSMID $151168.16 FAIRMOUNT CEMETARY & CREMATORY ASSOCIATION CITY CONTINGENCY 18,750.00 Action items for Discussion: (The votes on all motions were by voice vote. All votes were unanimous 2018 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS $196860.28 FALEY ENTERPRISES INC REVOLVING EXPENSES 4,281.57 unless specifically noted.) Community Development: Alderman Gripp reviewed all items listed. On motion by 2019 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS $265562.72 FAMILY RESOURCES INC PAYMENT TO OTHER AGENCY 6,359.02 Alderwoman Lee, second by Alderwoman Dickmann all items moved to the Consent Agenda. Public Safety: LIBRARY SPECIAL LEVY $28459.39 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP OFFICE SUPPLIES 130.53 Alderman Jobgen reviewed all items listed. On motion by Alderwoman Dickmann, second by Alderman Gripp 2016 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS $3012.48 FERRELLGAS LP PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 730.15 all items moved to the Consent Agenda except the temporay liquor license for Thunder Bay Grille under item #5 RISK MANAGEMENT $1037624.09 FIGGE ART MUSEUM OPERATING SUPPLIES 62,812.26 that would be voted on later on the agenda under Other Ordinance, Resolutions and Motions. Public Works: COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT $287815.53 FIREHOUSE FABRICATORS INC OPERATING EQUIPMENT 2,930.00 Alderman Dunn reviewed all items listed. On motion by Alderman Dohrmann, second by Alderwoman Dickmann TRANSIT SALE $28815.00 FIRST CALL Inc REVOLVING EXPENSES 3,040.44 all items moved to the Consent Agenda. Finance: Alderman Condon reviewed the one item listed. On motion by SEWER OPERATIONS $50687.05 FIRST FINANCIAL GROUP LC LANDLORD RENTS 415.00 Alderman Miller, second by Alderwoman Dickmann the item moved to the Consent Agenda. WPCP EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT $361530.85 FIRST TRANSIT INC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 77,098.60 Other Ordinances, Resolution and Motions: On motion by Alderman Ambrose, second by Alderwoman WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT $452181.23 FISHER SCIENTIFIC COMPANY Inc MAINTENANCE-MACH & EQUIP 4,264.61 Meginnis with all Aldermen present voting aye except Alderwoman Lee, the rules were suspended to vote on HOTEL MOTEL TAX $237741.27 FIVE CITIES CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION COSTS 93,282.67 the listed item. On motion by Alderwoman Meginnis, second by Alderman Dunn with all Aldermen present DOJ CESF GRANT $5627.30 FIVE SEASONS LANDLORD RENTS 738.00 voting aye, the following Motion passed: LEVEE IMPROVEMENT $5063.12 FLORATINE CENTRAL TURF PRODUCTS MAINTENANCE-BLDGS & GRNDS 3,138.00 1. Motion approving the following beer and liquor license application. PASSED 2021-318 RESIDENTIAL REHAB LOAN $5172.39 FLUID COMPONENTS INTL MAINTENANCE-MACH & EQUIP 2,672.27 A. New license, new owner, temporary permit, temporary outdoor area, location transfer, etc. ROAD USE TAX GRANT $1009447.75 FORTY SECOND STREET PARTNERS LANDLORD RENTS 695.00 (as noted): PARKING $10411.21 FRANCIS HOUSING LLLP LANDLORD RENTS 753.00 Ward 3 EMPLOYEE HEALTH $134466.25 FRED’S TOWING SERVICE Inc REVOLVING EXPENSES 13,425.65 Thunder Bay Grille (Thunder Bay Grille, LLC) – 400 W Beiderbecke Dr – Temporary Outdoor Event LIBRARY GIFT FUND $19521.90 FROHWEIN OFFICE SUPPLY CO REVOLVING EXPENSES 4,916.14 - “Riverfront Pops” August 21 - License Type: Beer/Wine INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY $196118.98 FRONTIER MANAGEMENT CORP ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GRNTS/LNS 5,584.23 Council adjourned at 5:58 p.m. DOWNTOWN TIF $368986.87 FULTON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY LANDLORD RENTS 701.55 VIII. Appointments, Proclamations, Etc. HERITAGE $21199.19 FUTURE CAPITOL LANDLORD RENTS 624.00 A. Proclamations ISSUED 2021-319 GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS $2949122.19 GALLS AN ARAMARK CO LLC PAYMENT TO OTHER AGENCY 21,715.00 1. National Women’s Equality Day | August 26, 2021 GENERAL FUND $863865.71 GAMBER JOHNSON LLC MAINTENANCE-MACH & EQUIP 66.00 IX. Presentations HELD $11608654.45 GARY ARNOLD LANDLORD RENTS 451.00 A. Mayor’s Community Excellence Award | Humility Homes and Services City of Davenport Publication Report GARY HARLAND CLAIMS AND JUDGMENTS 68.40 B. Assumption High School Girls Softball Team - Class 3A State Championship Recognition From 7/1/2021 To: 7/31/2021 GE MONEY BANK/AMAZON.COM LIBRARY BOOKS 127.53 X. Petitions and Communications from Council Members and the Mayor Vendor Name Reason for payment Payment GEARHEAD PROPERTIES LC LANDLORD RENTS 626.00 XI. Individual Approval of Items on the Discussion Agenda 1606 BRADY MASTER TENANT LLC LANDLORD RENTS 392.00 GENERAL CONSTRUCTORS INC CONSTRUCTION COSTS 280,245.15 XII. Approval of All Items on the Consent Agenda 501 BRADY ASSOCIATES LP LANDLORD RENTS 717.00 GENESIS HEALTH SYSTEM CLAIMS AND JUDGMENTS 1,744.20 Alderman Jobgen asked to remove item #14, Resolution approving the plans, specifications, form of 7G DISTRIBUTING LLC OTHER SUPPLIES & SERVICES 5,566.05 GENESIS MEDICAL CENTER CLAIMS AND JUDGMENTS 3,787.00 contract, and estimate of cost for the Modern Woodmen Park Suite Level HVAC Replacement project, CIP AARON MARX LANDLORD RENTS 563.00 GENESIS MEDICAL CENTER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5,008.35 #23055, from the Consent Agenda and placed on the Discussion Agenda to allow for further discussion. ABERNATHY’S LLC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GRNTS/LNS 7,989.82 GENESIS MEDICAL CTR CLAIMS AND JUDGMENTS 15,604.52 After discussion, the item was placed back on the Consent Agenda. ABG DAVEPORT LOFTS LLC LANDLORD RENTS 1,094.00 GENESIS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH CLAIMS AND JUDGMENTS 22,969.20 On motion by Alderwoman Dickmann, second by Alderwoman Meginnis with all Aldermen present voting ABG SIEG IRON LOFTS LLC LANDLORD RENTS 1,843.00 GENORTHO LLC CLAIMS AND JUDGMENTS 13,797.63 aye, the Consent Agenda was approved as follows: ACCURATE ANALYTICAL TESTING LLC REHAB GRANTS & LOANS 204.00 GENVENTURES CLAIMS AND JUDGMENTS 61.14 1. Third Consideration: Ordinance amending Schedule XI of Chapter 10.96 entitled “Resident Parking ACE TREE SERVICE INC REHAB GRANTS & LOANS 4,500.00 GEORGIA MOSSAGE-MULLENDORE LANDLORD RENTS 373.00 Only” by adding 16th Street along the north side from 70 feet east of Division Street, east 25 feet. A-CHECK AMERICA, INC TECHNICAL SERVICES 656.90 GETZ FIRE EQUIPMENT CO Inc MAINTENANCE-BLDGS & GRNDS 300.00 [Ward 4] ADOPTED 2021-320 ACME SIGN CO MAINTENANCE-BLDGS & GRNDS 120.00 GFL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES USA LLC MAINTENANCE-MACH & EQUIP 619.21 ORDINANCE NO. 2021-320 ACP CREATIVIT LLC OPERATING EQUIPMENT 2,105.34 GIERKE ROBINSON CO INC PROJECT EXPENSE 2,122.98 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10.96 ENTITLED SCHEDULES OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF DAVENPORT, ADDOCO INC OPERATING EQUIPMENT 4,322.25 GILLESPIE AUTO ELECTRIC, INC REVOLVING EXPENSES 2,060.00 IOWA, BY AMENDING SCHEDULE XI “RESIDENT PARKING ONLY”THERETO BY ADDING 16TH STREET ALONG THE ADVANCE STORES COMPANY INC REVOLVING EXPENSES 5,029.82 GILLIG CORP 1350000-102135 2,720.16 NORTH SIDE FROM 70 FEET EAST OF DIVISION STREET, EAST 25 FEET.
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