528 ODD RODE. CHESHIRE. from the year 185o. The living was declared a rectory , Lieut.-Col. John Coutts Antrobus, of Eaton Hall, George Feb. 15, 1867, net yearly value £325, with residence, Herbert Shakerley-~.\.ckers, of Moreton Hall, Thomas in the gift of the rector of Astbury, and held since 1894 Chaddock Lowndes esq. and the trustees of the late by the Rev. Piers John Benedict Ffoulkes M.A. of Keble William Lawton esq. There is a variety in the soil, College, Oxford, and surrogate. The chapel of the Good but strong loam prevail!!. The area is 3,693 acres of Shepherd at Rode Heath was built of bricks in 1906. The I land and ·57 of water; rateable value, £13,379; the Old Hall, Little Moreton, in this parish, and now occu- population in 1911 was 3,326. pied as a farmhouse, is, with that of Bramall Hall, the finest example of the style in the county: the mansion, MOW COP, partly in Odd Rode township in this which dates approximately from 1540, stands near the county, and partly in Staffordshire, takes its name from road from Congleton to Newcastle-under-Lyme, on a Mow Cop Hill, and has a station on the North Stafford· site of about one acre, and is an ~xtremely picturesque shire railway, 9 miles from Stoke, 3 from Congleton, 6 many-gabled structure of timber, wicker-work and from Burslem, u! from Macclesfield and 154~ from plaster, the exterior timbers being ornamentally dis- London. The Mow Cop, a. lofty eminence, rising to the posed at right angles or diagonally, varied by others height of 1,091 feet above the level of the sea, is in thrs m the form of quatrefoils; the buildings surround a township, on the bDrders of Stafford~hire, and its sum­ courtyard, and are in turn encompassed by a m1~at, mit affo.rds extensive and beautiful views. St. Luke's still filled with water and crossed on the south side church, erected in r875, is an edifice of local stone, by a stone bridge, w.,hich leads up to the entrance gate- consisting of chancel, nave and south porch: the church way, pierced through the lower stage of a lofty gahled affords 220 sittings. wing, the upper floors of which successively overhang T • • • • each other: the portion of the house facing the court- HALL GREEN ls a VIllage m 9dd Rode townshlp, a~d yard on this side and consisting of several gabled bays I has a Wesl~yan chapel, er~cted m 1874, but actually m irregularly placed, forms one of the loveliest bits of · Lawton P.arish, a.nd_ ~here lS ano~her at BANK. architectural grouping in the whole pile, and includes I There 18 a Prrmrtlye Methodlst chapel at Mow Cop, the dining-room, the mantel-piece in which displa~·s the Kent Gre~n, erected ~n 1892, another at THURLWOOD, arms of Queen Elizabeth, and in the windows are the i and a Umted Method1st chapel at Mount Pleasant. arms of Brereton and Moreton and the badge of the Lane ' Post, M. 0., T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office, family; the long gallery above, 70 feet in length, 1 Scholar Green.-Richard W. Baxter, sub-postmaster. retains • some good oak carving; and on the timbers Letters arrive from Stoke-on-Trent at 6.15 a.m. & 3-45 over the upper windows on the outside are carved p.m. & are• dispatched at ro. 15 a.m. & 7.50 p.m.; inscriptions with the name of "William Moreton," and sundays (for callers only), 6 a.m.1; dispatched at 8 p.m the date 1559: ov.Pr a window on the west side is a 1 Post & M. 0. Office, Rode Heath.-Edwin Lunt, sub­ figure of Fortune, with a wheel above her head and the I postmaster. Letters arrive from Stoke-on-Trent at motto, "Qui modo scandit, corruit statim," and at the 6.20 a.m. & 5 p.m. & dispatched at 8.20 a. m. & 6.30 other end is another figure holding in the right hand a p.m.; no sunday delivery. Alsager is the nearest sword, thrust through a terres.trial globe, andl in the left telegraph office, 2 miles distant a pair of scissors, with the motto, "The speare of Des- Post & M. 0. Office, Mow Cop.-Mrs. Sarah Haneock, tiny, whose ruler is Knowledge": many of the beams in sub-postmistress. Letters arrive from Stoke-on-Trent the mansion are of great size and strength, and there is a at 7·55 a.m. & 6.45 p.m. & are dispatched thereto at great deal of carved work, chie·fly figures, animals and 10 a.m. & 8.5 p.m. Scholar Green is the nearest foliage; on some of the window panes are quaint couplets telegraph office , and names cut with a d'iamond; the latter include that. of Post Office, Mount Pleasant.-Charles William Lowe, "Margaret. Mnreton, Aug. 3, 1649," one dated 1627, and i sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Stoke-on-Trent, others without date: within the moat, at the north-west ~ via Mow Cop, & are dispatched thereto at 8.15 a. m. angle, is a circular mound, and at the south-east angle t & 7 p.m. Scholar Green is the nearest telegraph another; bo-th were probably the sites of towers: the ' office & Mow Cop the nearest money order office most ancient portion of the house is the east side, which Wall Letter Boxes at Hall Green cleared at Io.rs a.m. ~omprises· the chapel, a low and· narrow chamber dh·ided & 8 p.m. daily,. except sunday; Odd Rode, cleared at into an ante-chapei, r8 feet by 15 feet, and the chapel J 8.40 a.m. & 7·5 p.m.; Kent Green, cleared at 9·30 proper 12 by 9 feet; the old leaden lights of the windows a. m . .& 'Z· 10 p.m.; Bank, cleared at 6.50 p.m. & are exquisitely designed, and the interior is decorated / Thurlwood, 6.15 p.m with scripture texts, but thes·e are now scarcely dis· 1 cernible : the chapel is now used for divine service. Public Elementarv Schopls. ' . Rode Hall, the seat of Katharine Lady Baker-Wilbraham, Woodcock's Well, :Mow •Cop (mixed & infants), built in is a large apd handsome mansion delightfully situated r858, for 400 children; average attendance, 232 mixed in tastefully laid-out grounds overlooking a fine sheet & 120 infants; Frederick Willmer, master of water. The manor of Moreton anciently belonged to Odd Ro!le (boys), built & supported in great measur& by the Lostocks, whose descendant her~ in the 13th century· the Wilbraham family, & endowed with an estate of took the name of " de Moreton ; " the main line of the 26 acres within the township, producing £3o yearly: • Moretons ended on the death of Sir William Moreton this school is for 70 boys; average attendance, 68; kt. I'ecorder of London, 14 March, 1763; the property Samuel Rowland Platts, master then descended to his nephew, the Rev. Richard Taylor, Rode Heath (l?irls), for r6o children; average attendanc&, rector of West Dean and vicar of \Vest Firle, Sussex, 123; Miss Emily J. Griffith, mistress who assumed the name of Moreton and died in 1784; Scholar Green (infants), for 79 children; average attend­ he was succeeded by his son, the Rev. William Moreton ance, 65; Miss Ellen J. Moseley, mistress Moreton; the Right Rev. Charles Thomas Abraham D.D. Bishop of Derby, and Katharine Lady Baker-Wilbraham Police Station, Scholar Green, John Griffiths, police constable are now joint owners of the manor. The ch~ef land­ owners are Katharine Lady Baker-Wilbraham, the Right Railway Station, Mow Cop, Albert ~nellgrove, station Rev. Charles Thomas Abraham D.D. Bishop of Derby, master PRIV.ATE RESIDENTS. Bailey Albert, farmer, Moor's farm Brownsword Arthur, blacksmith, Baker-Wilbraham Katharine Lady, B2iley Arthur John, farmer, Hole Boarded barn Rode hall Hou.se farm Buckley Jn. & Son, paintrs.Rode Hth Baker-Wilbraham Sir Philip Wilbra- Bailey Wm. farmer, Pack House frm Buckley Spencer, boot & shoe maker, ham hart. Rode hall Baskerville Frank, farmer, Pump fm Hall Green Bithell Jn. Alma cot. Scholar Green Bateman Arth.E.blacksmith,Rode Hth Carman Wm. farmer, Scholar Green Campbell Ronald George, Boden hall Baxter Richard. William, grocer, Post Carrington Ellen (Mrs.), beer retailer Ffoulkes Rev. Piers John Ben edict office, Scholar Green Cartwright Charles, joiner, Hall Gm M.A. (rector & .surrogate), Rectory Beckett John, Broughton Arms P.H. Cheshire Farmers' Supply Association Furriivall Jsph. Sunnyside, Kent Grn Rode Heath . (James Dutton, manager),Rode Htb Hopldns Geo. Portland ho.Scholar Gn Berisford Esther (Mrs.), cowkeeper, Clarke Luke, grocer, Thurlwood Leech Mrs. The Oakes, Rode Heath Cinder Hill Clarke Thomas, coal mer. Kent Grn Lowndes Thomas William, Chadd.ock, Bevan .Albert Edward, beer retailer, Commercial Salt Co. Limited, salt Ramsdell hall Kent Green manufacturers, Rode Heath Moore Fredk. Thos. Old House Green Birtles Hy. shopkeeper, Scholar Grn Cotton Thomas, collector of King's Wood Arthur P. Stone Chair, Bloor Arthur, farmer, Town end taxes & assistant overseer,Hall Grn Scholar Green Bowler John Chas. farmer, Brick ho Dale Fredlc (Mrs.), frmr. Thurlwood Wood W. P. Bank house Brassington Charles, farmer Dale Joseph Henry, farmer,Old More~ Woolley Wm. Edward, Old Rectory Rroadhurst; lVm. farmer, Pump house ton hall COMMERCIAL. Brown .Arthur, grocer, Thurlwood Dale Mary Ann (Mrs.), grcr.Hall Grn Astles Richard, farmer, Hall Green Evans Edward, farmer, Hall Green .
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