llDND^T,lIARCa28. M » T 1 1 L T 9 Manchester Evening Herald Aferage Doily Circalatien The Weather r «r MW Mmth •< Vabnwiy, ISIM S Forecaat of U. S. Weather acquainted with otowr Buropawa ficate from the - State Department states and with ths Near East Mrs. Ellen Pickles Is chairman of ' Education certifying that the Lectume Here Fair and iinHeaMinnbly waraa to­ of a rummage sale, scheduled for Cadet Nurses and tbs OrlenL 9,116 equivalent o f a JS-unlt high aotaool , PRACTICAL night and w'edaeaday. About Town April 4 In the vestry of the North oourM haa been completed. There In her lecture Mrs, RMs will el the Aadit emphasize the U.N.RJl.A. con­ Methodist church on North Main should be presented a ^tftem ent By Mrs. Rose ference and the coming San Fran- street, and under the direction of •Drive Is Near of the eubjecta taken' in high ' T k t AM bk Boelaty will InMt at claco conference, and will dlacuaa Afqncfcesler— -4 City of Village Charm the Women's Society of Christian school, and the grades obtained, kk Alplaa club, Eldiidga Service. The people of the church varioua angles of the,peace plans EASTER GIFTS tenicbt at 7 o'clock and this statement to be slgped by the Well Known News Com­ PRICE THREE CEN'TU^ are asked to remember the project Campaign for Recruits principal o f the high school. Grad­ and world organizatlbn. (TWELVE PAGES) h ki a body to tht T. P. Hol- The Educational Club will hold Adverttateg m Page M ) MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1945 when houseclcaning, apd save for uates from secondary schooljr oth­ mentator to Speak at YOL. LXIV., NO. 149 „ Funeral borne to pay their a business session at 7:30 which the sale articles o f house furnish­ To Start Here Begin,- er than those on the accredited roapecU to BattleU Anaaldi, members are 'urged to attend. The ings, dishes or "white elephants." list Issued by the United States Hollister St. Seliool. fonser member t€ tbe eociety. ning on April 1. public is cordially Invited to the Offlca o f Education, must present lecture which will begin at 8:15. I Memoital Temple, Pythian 8U- ■nte snntr’ meeting of the Man­ a qualifying certificate from the Mrs. Lewis Rose, well known Paratroopers Spill Out Over Germany Mrs. Celia Wandt, Manchester tera, win meet tomorrow evening chester Oreen Community Club Cbnnectlciit BUte Department of news commentator, will apeak on House Approves Yankee Tanks Burst win be held at seven o'clock this school nurse, who is chairman of i'a t eight o'clock In Odd Fellowe Education. the subject "The Nation’s Get To­ ' hall. A lter the business session evening at the Green school. The the drive for recruits In the U. S. club sponsors the Boy Scout troop gether," at the Hollister street] Bingo will be played and refresh­ Cadet Nurse Corps which will be DON WILLIS ments w ill be served by the social at Manchester Green, and matters achool, Wednesday evening, April perUlnIng to this and other sub- held throughout the nation during O ffer Slreaiiiliiiecl Salary Increase ; committee. 11, at 8;lh. Mrs. Rose, well GARAGE jecU will be discussed. the month of April, reports that known thrmigh many previous en­ Into German Plains; there haa been a great Interest In Niirge Course gagements in Manchester, comes Complete A n to A rric e The Married Couples Club of thfi matter among many Manches­ again under the auspices of the 18 Main St. ^ 1 . 8085 the Second Congregational church ter girls who are ahoiii to gradu­ Educational Club, and her lecture For Legislators ASHES and RUBBISH will collect waste papers on Sat­ ate this June from High school or There are atill a few vacancies la open to the public without urday. The church people who REMOVED who have graduated within the In the afternoon class of the new charge. wish to have bundlea of paper Racing Across ReieW last year or two. \ In several years Mrs. Rose has called for are requested to tele­ streamlined Red Croea home nurs­ Abolher Pjropo«d Con- M i g h t t e l e p h o n e 8962 ' Some Requiretneuta devoted much of her time to ex­ phone Earl Butler o f Phelpe road. For the Information of young ing course, to start April S. The tensive travel and study. She PRESCRIPTION StituUonalstituUonal Amend- ^ O women who are contemplating course consists of only six lessons, knows Mexico and South America g a v b l l o a E. SCHJJLZ and covers the basic essentials of PHARMACISTS Eisenhower Declare* Et The Little Flower of Jesus Joining this Corp.s some of the well; haa been five times to Rus­ ment Providing for 1 Still Needed requirements for admission to ap­ home nursing, but is presented in sia and Siberia; and visited Ger­ Always On Duty! Uill Needed emy Lines Broken Mothers' Circle will hold a meet­ this short form for the conven- Quadrennial E 1 e c • Red A rmy Strikes ing tomorrow night at the home proved schools of nursing In Con­ many ai^ually for some time be­ Arthur DniR Stores necticut. follow: , .ience of women who are unpble to fore the war, observing the Nazis’ 845 Mate St. Maachastar Massive Defeat; of Mrs. John Hllditoh. 9 West Mid­ ' give sufficient time for the stand­ tions to Be Acted For Pacific dle Turnpike. Age, 18 to 35. rise to power. She Is equally well Height and weight, average. ard home nursing dburse. sufficient Strengthl The evening class, scheduled to Upon Tom orrow. LECLERC Physlca! Itealth Including sight The monthly meeting of th? start on the same date, la filled, King A$$ert$ German Lower Raba River At Hand With W h id | | FUNERAL HOME Arm y and N avy Club will be held and hearing should be normal. : but registrations are already be- A physical examination \by a State Capitol, Hartford,, To Make Stand; Read£| 28 Main Street at the clubhouse tonight at 8 I ing taken for another course to March 27.—(4*)— The House; Collapse Can Mean a'clock. physician appointed by the nurs­ start In about six weeks. Point Where Stream in Weilbiirg, 224 Mile*| Phone 5269 ing school committee or the hos­ ! For further information or to HALE'S SELF SERVE overwhelmingly approved _ to­ Only * Redistribution* British Statesman The Women's Club o f Manches­ pital should be given candtdate.s ! register, call Mrs, Jack Mnoe. day a proposed constitution­ Northwestern Hungary I * Is Taken by Death Southwest of Berlinil ter will beet at 8 o'clock tonight in before final acceptance into the 2-062"./ The Orlpinal In New England! O f Fleet's Forces. achool o f mirslng. al amendment increasing leg­ Reached Not Revealed > -------- the parish hall of the South Meth­ ' • / ______________________ _ islators’ pay from 5300 to Paris, March 27.— odist church. The guest speal^r Proof of reoent Immunization against emallpox, typhoid fever, Washington, March 17— {/P) — In German Report. will be Mrs. Anna 5600 per term, bht postponed Paratroopers and parapacked supplies split out from their big planes over the drop rxine In the American tanks huVst intof paratyphoid, and a negative TUESDAY SPECIALS! Germany's collapse can mean only Strawberry Mine, whoee topic wll^l be "WJ^en ketion on another amendment Rees-Wesel area of Germany. (AP wirephoto from Signal Corps la d io p h o t o .) _________________ the open plains of middl^ in the Post-War World." Mrs. Bhlok test. a “redistribution” of Naval might, London, March 27.— — Oraduatioii #rom an accredited 52” X 52” Fast Color Printed providing for quadrennial in- Germany less than 244 milej Henry A. Janssen o f the program Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! •tead of biennial election! for the nation's top seadog declared The Third Ukrainian Army high sobool or a qualifying certi­ from Berlin today throii_ committee haa made the arrange- atate offlcera because about SO today, and even then “ no quick has striicl^ to the lower- Raba Plants menU. Mrs. Frank H. <>*rtach ta ----------- -— Na. X!'] Can SaltaMa enemy lines which Gener^^ C<M mambera o f the Houae were ab- and easy victory can be taken for river which runs within 20 FOR SA LE chairman of a large com m it^ of Lunch Cloths aent. Japs Announce Yanks Establish Eisenhower declared had been hosteases, with Mre. Earl Chap­ granted.” to 23 miles from the Austri­ Can XS8 to 4 la Favor broken in a massive defeat.'^ Aho Cow Manure man, eo-chalrman. Mrs. Everett Clam Chowder 35c Colorful printed cloths to brighten Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King an border, and 60 to 65 miles Keith Is in charge of decorations. Nu-Wood " 7426* ■Tbe roll call vote, necessary on made the assertion in his annual Swift armor of both the Firxtil by the Load. — •' all constitutional amendments, from Vienna, the German and Third Armies raced acroaq^ Non-memhdra will be welcome at Rio Dai Mar your kitchen or dining' room. Six report as commander in chief liif Kerama Islands Beachf^dds the usual guest fee. $ 1 . 6 9 was 2S8 to 4 In favor of the pay the fleeL high command announced to­ the Reich unchecked, because— aa) Tile Ceilings FOR OIL BURNER patterns in all colors. incraasa propoaal. Twenty-nine Eisenhower said— the foe bad tn*^ Vast Supply Task Ahead day. The broadcast German mambera were recorded aa absent sufficient strength at hand wlUI- ' Attic Insulation SERVICE Sardines 13-Oz.
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