Growing the game - growing communities Growing the game - growing communities annual reviewAnnual and Review summary and financial Financial statementsStatements 20102014 The FooTball associaTion oF ireland is The GoverninG body oF FooTball in ireland. The sporT is beinG developed by The Fai and iTs associaTes; clubs, leaGues and aFFiliaTes in every Townland, ciTy sTreeT and communiTy across ireland in line wiTh our mission To FosTer, develop and promoTe The Game. our Goal is To increase parTicipaTion in all secTors oF The communiTy ThrouGh our members, volunTary and execuTive, workinG wiTh The many sTakeholders who supporT and play irish FooTball. CONTenTs presidenT’s MESSAGe 2 chieF EXECUTIVE oFFicer’s MESSAGe 4 chieF EXECUTIVE oFFicer’s review 8 Financial review 42 direcTors and oTher inFormaTion 43 direcTors’ reporT 44 sTaTemenT oF direcTors’ responsibiliTies 46 audiTors’ reporT 47 sTaTemenT oF ACCOUNTinG policies 48 Financial StaTemenTs 50 inTernaTional resulTs 63 FooTball ASSOCIATion oF IRELAND annual review and Financial sTaTemenTs 2014 1 PReSident’S Message On behAlF OF the AssociAtiOn, it GiveS Me GReAt PleasuRe tO welcOMe the deleGAteS tO tOdAy’S AnnuAl GeneRAl MeetinG. Since the AssociAtiOn was formed in 1921, MeMbeRS hAve been cOMinG tOGetheR AnnuAlly tO Meet And diScuss the develOPMent OF footbAll in iRelAnd. Over the course of time, the The National Player Development Plan is For the Junior and administration of the game has changed. being accompanied by reforms elsewhere Today’s Association draws significantly in the game that are interconnected and intermediate game, hosting throughout the year on feedback from will strengthen our position as a whole. the ueFA Regions’ cup members through its many local and The Women’s Strategic Plan, changes was already special, but the national committee structures to ensure to the Emerging Talent Programme, that communication to, between and from the on-going SSE Airtricity League achievement of Gerry Smith’s the members is better, faster and more consultation, and the introduction of the eastern Region representatives responsive. As a result, the dynamics SSE Airtricity National U17 League are all of our Annual General Meetings have of equal importance in helping to shape in winning the european final undoubtedly changed. However, one the future of Irish football for the better, and lifting the trophy was a constant is the passion and dedication of from grassroots to elite level, providing a our members to drive the game forward coherent and functional player pathway for momentous occasion that as a united body. That drive transcends the all abilities. made us all proud. generations of individual volunteers and administrators involved, and has brought We can also look forward, thanks to the the game to the position it is in today - the extensive work that has been done by largest team participation sport in Ireland. many, to the imminent opening of the National Academy in Abbotstown, which is During the year in review, communication to be the new training base for our senior to, from and between members has been men’s team and a very important addition vital in laying the foundation for some very for the development of our elite players. important, and required, changes to the development of the game, and I am proud The development of facilities remains that our volunteers are again rising to very important for all of our members, those challenges that will yield benefits for affiliates, leagues and clubs, and I us all in the future. would like to thank the Government, the Department, and especially Minister The National Player Development Plan, Paschal Donohoe and Minister Michael which has been discussed and debated Ring for their work in this area throughout in what is one of the largest consultation the year. processes ever undertaken by the Association, is living proof that the desire Their support, along with all of the many to work together, and to change the partners involved, was essential in game for the better is abundant among delivering one of the highlights of 2014, our members, affiliates and constituent the successful joint bid by the Association leagues. From the start of the new and Dublin City Council for UEFA’s pan- season, and on a phased basis in the European 2020 championships. coming years, those important reforms will ensure that the game retains its strength and importantly, that players, and their development, are at the centre of our collective efforts. 2 FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION OF IRELAND ANNUAL REVIEW AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2014 The bid would have been unthinkable For the Junior and Intermediate game, to promote social inclusion is equally were it not for our biggest asset, Aviva hosting the UEFA Regions’ Cup was impressive, and, while sometimes out of Stadium, and I am very happy that our already special, but the achievement sight of the public at large, is delivering national stadium is being used for our of Gerry Smith’s Eastern Region truly life changing results. members, to create a real excitement representatives in winning the European within some of our oldest and most final and lifting the trophy was a In my role as President, I am greatly cherished competitions, the Irish Daily momentous occasion that made us all assisted by my colleagues on the Board Mail FAI Senior Cup final, the Continental proud. of Management and National Council, Tyres FAI Women’s Senior Cup final, the as well as the staff of the Association, FAI Junior Cup final with Umbro and Aviva, Another source of inspiration for everyone led executively by John Delaney whose and the FAI Umbro Intermediate Cup final. in the game was Stephanie Roche’s continued work and hunger to develop Of course the honour of competing in deserved recognition in the final three of Irish football is outstanding. and winning these national competitions the Puskas Goal of the Year Award. Her remains primary, but the allure of being achievement in becoming the first player On the occasion of the AGM, I would on the road to the Aviva, has added from the women’s game to make the also like to remember all of those friends something truly special. Of equal last three in the world was phenomenal among our volunteers who we have importance is the use of Aviva Stadium and has made her a true international lost in the past year, in particular serving for national events such as the SPAR ambassador for the women’s game. Board member Tim Fitzgerald, and serving Primary Schools 5 a-side competition and International Committee member, John the SportsWorld Soccer Sisters festival of Congratulations must also go to our Coughlan, as well as former FAI President football, helping to provide unforgettable referees for the excellent work they do. Charlie Cahill, and Jack Kelly. The many days in the development of some of our Michelle O’Neill and Damian McGraith’s departed volunteers and players who we youngest players. appointments to the FIFA Women’s World honour in our prayers, programmes and Cup and the UEFA Super Cup respectively at our matches deserve our recognition, The SFAI Umbro Kennedy Cup and WFAI are deserved recognition for their talent for it is their contribution and their steps Gaynor Cup competitions also remain real and dedication. forward that have contributed to the giant occasions in our schoolboy and schoolgirl leap we have taken collectively since calendar that young players from all over Closer to home, it was wonderful to our foundation to develop as a modern, the country look forward to playing in. The witness the passion around the SSE volunteer-facing, multi-faceted Association increasing regional development of the Airtricity League in a very exciting season, of today. game was highlighted when Kerry won where my own native Cork pushed the Kennedy Cup, Cork the Gaynor U16 Dundalk every step of the way to the Tony Fitzgerald Cup and the MGL the Gaynor U14 Cup. last match. St Patrick’s Athletic’s FAI Cup President The enjoyment for all of the participants victory over Derry and the promotion in these and many other national of Longford Town and Galway all added competitions plays an important role in the to the drama. I have no doubt that the fabric of the Irish game. addition of the National SSE Airtricity U17 League from August, below the During the past season, we strengthened SSE Airtricity U19 League, will help to our close ties with our European strengthen the League and its clubs, neighbours by hosting a record number which are of real importance for us all. The of UEFA tournaments, the men’s U16 and sight of the Shane Long’s goal celebration women’s U16 development tournaments at the Poland match, surrounded by in Dublin, a men’s U17 qualifying round in Seamus Coleman, James McClean and Athlone, Longford and Galway, a women’s Wes Hoolahan, was an illustration of U17 elite qualifying round in Cork and the importance of our senior domestic Cobh, an U19 qualifying round in Wexford, game, and its role in helping to develop so Waterford and Tramore, and the finals of many players. The extensive consultation the UEFA Regions Cup in Dublin. process for the SSE Airtricity League that has been undertaken over the past year The qualification of our men’s and is very important in that regard, and one women’s U17 teams for European finals that we all hope will help to bring tangible was a tremendous achievement during results for the future. the season, and prior to that, but since our last AGM, the achievements of our As we look towards next year, I would like women’s U19 team in reaching the to thank all of the volunteers, coaches, European semi-finals are a great credit referees and administrators who are to the players, coaches, backroom teams helping to develop Irish football.
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