
•^ Γ · AIRCRAFT t AIRCRAFT OR IN OTHER WORDS AIRCRAFT ANNOUNCES A NEW 1-8 INCH TO THE FOOT SOLID SCALE MAIÍT1.N "ΓΗΙΝΑ ΓΙ.ΙΡΡΕΚ" !š" TO THK FOOT SCALE. SPAN. 10" $1 no Plus -Jo cents posture. COMPLETE IN EVEUY UESPECT Authentic One-Quarter Inch to the Foot Solid Scale Models A PERFECT MODEL OF AMERICA'S MOST HK.U/THTL HOMHKR The Kit To Build The Model Of This Modern Giant Contains: selected balsa parts cut to outline shape, turned hardwood cowls and wheels. 3 supir-detailed pilot busts. 2 three-bladed Hamilton propellers, a replica aircraft machine gun. a finished transparent gunner’s turret, formed to shape, drilled Aluminum landing gear struts, liberal portions of authentic army colored lacauers, wood filler and fillet making material, colored inslenia, full-size detailed drawings, etc. $1.00. Plus 20c packing and postage. EACH AIRCRAFT KIT CONTAINS Lihi'rnl purl Ions of eolorod lacquors ami rmirnt. finished pine wheels, colored in- hIk iiIiim, rlg^im; w ire s , most dillunlt purls fin in oniliin» sh:n»e detailed drawings. UI· cast ITopidlers and Pilots and many other fine features too nu­ merous to mention. All Wartime kits contain super detailed Machine BOEING F4B4, Colored white and yellow $.40 KUHN. The following Kits contain detailed Kudlal ΚιικΙηνβ and spun metal Cowlings. Boeing 1* 28 A. NEW MONOCOUPE Colored all yellow, red trim. Boeing K III], Boeing K IK::. Boeing I» 12 K. Boeing I* 12 K and «'urtlss Goshawk. In addition to the Urne Kits illustrated at the top of the page. we carry In stork the following M e, ί'.ι-U for Immediate shipment. Spad 13 Fokker D 7 Boeing F4B3 O Fokker Ο 8 Fokker Tripe u 3 Boeln, F4B4 ,5 S. E. 5. Pursuit Boeing P26A w Waco Model ‘ A” DeH • Comet” Winner of London to Melbourne Race 2 » Curtiss Goshawk + * 50 Cents. Nieupnrt 17 Cl c £ Sopwith Camel Curtiss BF2CI § New Monocoupe Boeing PI2E U Albatross 05 W r* \ SPAP 13 All yellow, black detail $.35 “DEALERS” Curtiss Hawk PGE ir Howard Mulligan We have an attractive DE HAVILAND COMET 50c profitable $5.00 special For single kits add 5c postage. Personal cheeks add 10c extra. assortment, sent C.O.D. C.O.D. Shipments to dealers only. anywhere in the United States, in ordering use NOTE. These are actual photo­ business letter head. graphs of models built from AIR­ CRAFT kits. SOP WITH CAMEL Blue wings, olive body $.35 Add 20% to these p r ic e s for ship­ ments to Foreign Coun­ tries. —— 1— BOEING P26A Colored olive drah and yellow $.40 AIRCRAFT, 3502 NORTH CICERO AVE., DEPT. B. 5, CHICAGO vs.1 0 $ t f V S k ' W » ^ T e l l Π ΙΜ you really want to know, from his point of view, what he thinks about your work. How ure you doing now and whut are your chances for the future? 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A ge.......... — Address.. City— ..........................State— ........................................ Present Position........................................... Ij yóu rčsMc iii cmada s'end this coupon to the International Corrctpondente Schools Canadian, Limited, Montreal, Canada Λ A STREET & SMITH PUBLICATION VOL. VI JUNE, 193Ó NO . 3 Official U. S. Nary photo CAPTAIN CONTENTS ARTHUR B. COOK Bill Barnes Air Novel: Into the leadership of the navy's air affairs next month Brethren Of Death 8 comes Captain Arthur B. Living skeletons, they came to regain a deadly treasure—a Cook. He will assume the treasure whose weird glow inflamed men’s greed until the skies echoed with bullet-borne hate! post of chief of the Bureau by George L. Eaton of Aeronautics vacated by Rear Admiral Ernest King, This Month's Features: whose tour of duty expires T H IS W IN G ED W O R L D ............................................. 4 then, and who will become A graphic review of what's new in the air. a irc ra ft base force com­ D E V E L O PM E N T OF M AIL P L A N E S .............................................19 mander. Captain Cook, like Tabloid glimpses of flying progress. Rear Admiral King, was a THE WORLD’S BIGGEST AIRCRAFT . by John DuBarry 20 navy man for several years A bow-to-stern survey of the LZ-129' dirigible. before aircraft began to be THE FLIER’S DICTIONARY . by C. B. Colby 27 considered seriously as a Instrument Panel—ninth lesson in technical terminology. service arm. He came to THE AUTOGYRO JOINS THE ARMY . by Frank Tinsley 30 Annapolis from Evansville, About “windmill’’ craft and the ship on the cover. Indiana, his birthplace, was PICTORIAL HISTORY OF MAN IN THE AIR . 33 More episodes for an aeronautic scrapbook. g ra d u a te d in 1905, and ' THE CURTISS NAVY III HAWK . by G. Christy 39 thereupon began a busy ca­ Solid-model plans of a favorite combat plane. reer that carried him aboard AERONCA STEPS OUT . by Albert J. Carlson 40 13 ships and into many shore Details of a popular design and a model contest. stations. He caught up with A IR TR A ILS G A L L E R Y ................................................................ 45 aviation in 1928 at Pensa­ A page of pictures of modern planes for the collector. cola, qualifying as naval avi­ IT ’S A FA CT T H A T ........................................................................... 80 ator. Since then he has served in several air jobs, Short Stories: among them commander of SMUGGLER’S WINGS .... by Jack Straley 24 the carriers "Langley" and Death stalked the clouds for the Coast Guard pilot. "Lexington." He will fake HO T A IR H E R O E S .....................................by George Swift 28 No. 1—Peter C. Jones (Prop-wash Pete). the title of rear admiral when he shortly becomes head Departments: man of all naval aviation. THE MODEL WORKSHOP . Conducted by Gordon S. Light 34 Fly the famous Sky Flea, from complete plans and instructions! WHAT’S YOUR QUESTION? . Conducted by Clyde Pangborn 42 Two pages of interesting expert information. AIR ADVENTURERS CLUB . Conducted by Albert J. Carlson 44 Ceiling Unlimited—a prediction for the future. (Cover Painting by Frank Tinsley) Next Month: Single Copy, 10 Cents Yearly Subscription, $1.00 THE The entire contents of this magazine are protected by copyright, and must not be reprinted without the publishers' permission. Monthly publication issued by Street λ Smith Publication*. Inc.. 70-80 Seventh Avenue. Nev\ York. N. V. George C. Smith. Jr.. President; Ormond V. Gould. Vice President and Treasurer: A rtem a 4 Holmes. Vice President LANCER STRIKES and Secretary; Clarence C. Vernnni. Vice President. Copyright, 1936, by Street & Smith Publications, Inc.. New York. Copyright, 1936. by Street & Smith Publications. Inc . Great itritain. Entered as Srcnnd-rlims Matter, A great Bill Barnes novel in October lu, 1935, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y.. under Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. Subscription* to Cuba. Dom. Republic. HaltI. Spain, Central ami South American Countries except Tim Guiana* anil IlritixU a bigger magazine packed Honduras, $1.25 per year. To all other Foreign Countries, Including The Guianas and Uritlsh Honduras, $1.7.» per year. We do not accept responsibility for the return of unsolicited manuscripts. with surprises! To facilitate handlino. the author should Inclose a self-addressed envelope with the requisite postage attached. STREET & SMITH PUBLICATIONS, INC., 79 7th AVE, NEW YORK, N. Y. 3 Bill Barnes—AirTrails Will Be Bigger Next Month The magazine has grown in the favor of aviation readers until it becomes necessary to increase its size in order to in­ clude all the features the readers demand. There has been an increasing number of requests for more models, more pictures, more special articles, more stories, more of everything—and there hasn’t been room enough between its covers! So—we are giving you more—of everything N E X T M O N T H The July issue will carry the finest collection of author­ itative model plans we can assemble; including flying models and scale models.
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