Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 477–486 Ó 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Printed in Malaysia Æ All rights reserved ECOLOGY OF FRESHWATER FISH Individual growth and its implications for the recruitment dynamics of stream-dwelling marble trout (Salmo marmoratus) Vincenzi S, Crivelli AJ, Jesensek D, De Leo GA. Individual growth and its S. Vincenzi1, A. J. Crivelli2, implications for the recruitment dynamics of stream-dwelling marble trout D. Jesensek3,G.A.DeLeo1 (Salmo marmoratus). Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 477–486. Ó 2010 John Wiley & 1Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Universita` Sons A ⁄ S Degli Studi di Parma, Parma, Italy, 2Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat, Le Sambuc, Arles, Abstract – The role of density-dependent individual growth in the France, 3Tolmin Angling Association, Most na recruitment dynamics of fish populations has rarely been analysed in a Soci, Slovenia quantitative framework. Variations of mean size of juveniles in response to changes in population densities have frequently been observed in salmonids and it has been shown that body-size differences at the juvenile stage can persist through the sub-adult and adult stage. As fecundity and sexual maturation are often a function of body size, inter-cohort variations in individual growth may ultimately affect the reproductive output and, consequently, the amount of yearly recruitment. Here, we present a simulation analysis investigating the effects of density-dependent growth on the reproductive output and, ultimately, on the population dynamics of stream-dwelling salmonids. The demographic model used for the numerical analysis was parameterised using marble trout Salmo marmoratus as a reference species and explicitly accounted for the occurrence of major floods events causing the population to collapse to very low densities. Our simulations showed that density-dependent Key words: marble trout; density-dependent individual growth is a powerful mechanism to foster population individual growth; recruitment dynamics resilience through compensatory recruitment. In addition, we argue that S. Vincenzi, Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, density-dependent growth also helps regulate recruitment at high Universita` Degli Studi di Parma, Viale G.P. Usberti population densities. We show that even slight variations in the growth 33 ⁄ A, I-43100 Parma, Italy; e-mail: svincenz@ trajectories of fish substantially affect the size and the dynamics of the nemo.unipr.it population. Accepted for publication June 7, 2010 salmonids (e.g., Rose et al. 2001; Milner et al. 2003) Introduction and it is widely believed that density-dependent The issue of which factors control the abundance of mortality during the juvenile phase is the most natural populations is central to biology and has important endogenous mechanism of population reg- spurred a ongoing debate on the relevant mechanisms ulation in salmonids (e.g., Elliott 1994; Milner et al. that prevent populations from growing without bound. 2003). On the other hand, failure to detect consistent Both environmental factors (usually operating in a stock-recruitment relationships in stream-living sal- density-independent way) and density-dependent pro- monids led Lobo´n-Cervia´ & Rincon (2004) to suggest cesses affect the abundance of a persistent population. that exogenous factors and their interplay with habitat However, it is generally accepted that only intrinsic features, in particular juvenile habitat, are the domi- mechanisms can provide the necessary density-depen- nant drivers of population dynamics with little or no dent feedbacks that make a population decrease when operation of density-dependent processes. The exis- it is too abundant, and increase when it is too sparse tence of multiple regulatory mechanisms in fish (e.g., Turchin 1995). Density-dependent effects on populations is well accepted, but the role for population dynamics have frequently been observed in population regulation of processes other than doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0633.2010.00441.x 477 Vincenzi et al. density-dependent survival at the larval ⁄ juvenile stage population in a given place, where life-histories reflect still remains very controversial (Lorenzen 2008). In the expression of traits closely related to fitness, such addition, most theoretical work has focused on as age and size at maturity, reproductive output and the density-dependent mechanisms that prevent a popula- timing of the expression of these traits through the tion from growing unbounded while mechanisms lifetime (Hutchings 2003; Kozlowski 2006). We could enhancing population resilience, i.e., a prompt recov- thus expect that density-dependent growth might ery after a major population crash, have attracted less provide an adaptive advantage in a stochastic envi- attention. ronment with respect to a variant species that do not Density-dependent individual growth has been exhibit such a trait, i.e., whose individual growth detected in the juvenile stage in a number of salmonid pattern is invariant with respect to changes in popu- species (e.g., brown trout Salmo trutta L., Jenkins et al. lation density caused by exogenous events. However, 1999; Lobo´n-Cervia´ 2007; Atlantic salmon Salmo salar the contribution of density-dependent individual L., Imre et al. 2005; for a meta-analysis of density- growth in recruitment regulation has been little dependent growth in juvenile salmonids refer to Grant & investigated in a quantitative framework in salmonids, Imre 2005). The emerging relationship between average and both observational and experimental studies have growth rates and density of 0+ individuals is generally mostly focused on the detection of density-dependent well described by a negative power function (e.g., Grant individual growth at young-of-the-year stage. In & Imre 2005). As for postjuvenile phases, Utz & contrast, the degree to which size differences in Hartman (2009) found that adult growth and excess juveniles (both intra- and inter-cohort) caused by energy acquisition was density-dependent in brook trout fluctuations in population density persist through the Salvelinus fontinalis, but only during periods when adult stage (the carry-over effect), and density-depen- temperatures were warm and energy intake was low. dent effects on individual growth during the post- Many ecologists suggested that exploitation competi- recruit phase have been scarcely investigated in tion for drifting prey rather than space limitation may be freshwater fishes. Both empirical evidence as well responsible for density-dependent individual growth experimental result for a variety of species (fish, (e.g., Jenkins et al. 1999; Imre et al. 2005). Conversely, lizards, snakes, humans, birds, etc.) show that the Ward et al. (2007) found that competition for space also environmental conditions experienced early in life yields concave density–growth curves. Whether the may affect growth of individuals through the lifetime observed pattern is due to exploitative or interference as well as several related properties, such as metab- competition or a combination of the two is still a matter olism and immunocompetence (see Lindstrom 1999 of debate (Ward et al. 2007). for a review of carry-over effects). Therefore, pres- Density-dependent individual growth may contrib- ently observed phenotypic traits may have developed ute to population regulation at the adult stage. In fact, a through ontogenic trajectories originated in early life tight relationship is commonly observed between body phases (Schlichting & Pigliucci 1998). size and sexual maturation rates, egg production and In a previous work, Vincenzi et al. (2008a) showed spawning frequency (e.g., Rose et al. 2001). As a that density-dependent individual growth fosters pop- consequence, larger female fish are expected to ulation resilience in stream-dwelling salmonids after a produce more eggs. Moreover, if minimum body size population collapse caused by severe flood events. In at sexual maturity is insensitive to variation in density, this work, we used marble trout (Salmo marmoratus) time to reach sexual maturity can substantially change as a model system to test whether density-dependent in response to variation of population densities growth can provide recruitment regulation. We affecting body size growth (Rochet 1998; Beverton explored multiple scenarios through a simulation 2002). Beverton & Holt (1957) acknowledged the analysis based on a demographic model of marble existence of density-dependent growth in recruited fish trout dynamics accounting for the occurrence of flood but claimed that its importance for population regu- events. We specifically investigated recruitment regu- lation was small with respect to the other compensa- lation at either high and low population densities. We tory responses, such as density-dependent survival. also explored whether slight changes in body growth However, this could be caused by an asymptotic stock- trajectories of fish could substantially alter risk of recruitment relationship where variations in body size extinction and population abundance of marble trout. had little effect on population dynamics. Hence, the implications of density-dependent individual growth Materials and methods in population regulation and resilience remains little appreciated and its potential is still controversial (e.g., We developed a data-driven individual-based model Rose et al. 2001). (IBM) of population dynamics of marble trout living Natural selection for increasing lifetime reproduc- in Slovenian streams. Full details are
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