Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B, 33(2), pp. 47–54, June 22, 2007 Ascomycetes and Anamorphic Fungi Collected from Yakushima Island, Southern Japan Tsuyoshi Hosoya1 and Kazuaki Tanaka2 1 Department of Botany, National Museum of Nature and Science, Amakubo 4–1–1, Tsukuba, 305–0005 Japan E-mail: [email protected] 2 Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science, Hirosaki University, Bunkyo-cho 3, Hirosaki, Aomori, 036–8561 Japan E-mail: [email protected] Abstract A list of ascomycetes and anamorphic fungi collected in Yakushima Island in the ex- ploration in 2005 is provided. In total 68 genera 82 taxa (41 genera, 49 taxa in 9 orders of as- comycetes and 27 genera in 33 taxa of anamorphic fungi) were recognized. Seven anamorphic fungi was recognized as new records from Japan. The mycobiota of Yakushima embraced both temperate and subtropical fungi, but characterized mainly by subtropical elements. Key words : anamorph, checklist, mycobiota, local inventory, new records. Introduction Materials and Methods Due to heavy rain fall and diversified flora dis- For ascomycetes, isolation was attempted tributed in small area with relatively high altitude when possible, to examine the anamorph. Isola- difference, Yakushima Island has drawn attention tion procedure followed Hosoya (1997) and by mycologists. Mycological explorations have Tanaka and Harada (2003). The isolates were been done for rusts (Morimoto, 1953; Hiratsuka cultured on potato dextrose agar (PDA; Nissui, et al., 1955), sooty moulds (Katumoto, 1958, Tokyo), modified Weitzman-Silva-Hutner medi- 1965, 1975), and wood parasites (Katsuki, 1965; um (WSH; oatmeal 10 g, KH2PO4 1g, Kobayashi 1976, 1977). Otani and Tubaki (1976) MgSO4·7H2O 1 g, NaNO3 1 g, agar 20 g and dis- presented a preliminary list of discomycetes and tilled water 1000 ml) plate, and Miura’s agar anamorphic fungi, in which 18 discomycetes and (glucose 1 g, KH2PO4 1 g, MgSO4·7H2O 0.2 g, 33 anamorphic fungi were listed, but many addi- KCl 0.2 g, KNO3 2 g, yeast extract 0.2 g, agar tions are required. In the course of a research 13 g, distilled water 1000 ml; pH adjusted to program of the National Museum of Nature and 6.5–7.0) at 23°C to examine the anamorph. Spec- Science (Taxonomic research for plants and imens were desiccated by heat after isolation. fungi in areas with remarkable biodiversity in Specimens are deposited in the herbaria of Hi- Japan), Yakushima was visited in the autumn of rosaki University (HHUF) or National Museum 2005. In this paper, additional records of as- of Nature and Science (TNS). comycetes and anamorphic fungi are presented with taxonomic notes. A list of aquatic hy- Enumeration of the species phomycetes, hitherto unexplored in Yakushima, will be given elsewhere. The recognized fungi are enumerated in alpha- betical order of the species assembled in orders, followed by specimen numbers. Collection data were indicated in the parentheses (collection site, 48 Hosoya and Tanaka Fig. 1. A view at the one of the sampling sites. Environments with high humidity are preferable for collecting fungi. TNS-F-13521 (Awao, on branch of unidentified tree, 2005–X–21, coll. T. Hosoya). Chlorencoelia sp. TNS-F-13537 (Awao, on unidentified wood, 2005–X–23, coll. T. Hosoya). Chlorociboria aeruginascens (Nyl.) Kanouse var. aeruginascens TNS-F-13533 (Yakusugi Land, on unidentified wood, 2005–X–22, coll. T. Hosoya). Dicephalospora rufocornea (Berk. et Broome) Spooner TNS-F-13482 (Shiratani-unsui-kyo, on un- Fig. 2. Photograph to show collecting woody identified log, 2005–X–18, coll. T. Hosoya); substrates immersed in water to collect fresh- TNS-F-13494 (Shiratani-unsui-kyo, on branch of water ascomycetes and fungi in aqueous habi- broad leaf wood, 2005–X–18, coll. T. Hosoya); tat. TNS-F-13504 (Shiratani-unsui-kyo, on branch of broad leaf wood, 2005–X–19, coll. T. Hosoya); substrates and/or hosts, collection date, and col- TNS-F-13534 (Arakawa mountain trail entrance, lector). on unidentified branch, 2005–X–23, coll. T. Hosoya). Hamatocanthoscypha laricionis (Velen.) Svrcˇek Ascomycetes var. laricionis 1. Helotiales TNS-F-13530 (Yakusugi Land, on Cryptome- Bisporella sp. ria japonica leaf, 2005–X–22, coll. T. Hosoya); TNS-F-13516 (Sarugawa Gajumaru, on un- TNS-F-13508 (Shiratani-unsui-kyo, on Gleiche- identified wood, 2005–X–21, coll. T. Hosoya); nia japonica stem, 2005–X–19, coll. T. Hosoya) Fungi of Yakushima 49 Hyaloscypha sp. 13529 (Yakusugi Land, on unidentified wood, TNS-F-13492 (Shiratani-unsui-kyo, on un- 2005–X–22, coll. T. Hosoya). identified log, 2005-X-18, coll. T. Hosoya). Orbilia spp. Hymenoscyphus sp. TNS-F-13518 (Sarugawa Gajumaru, on Ficus TNS-F-13497 (Shiratani-unsui-kyo, on petiole microcarpa wood, 2005–X–21, coll. T. Hosoya); of broad leaf, 2005–X–18, coll. T. Hosoya); TNS-F-13487 (Shiratani-unsui-kyo, on unidenti- TNS-F-13524 (Yakusugi Land, on deciduous fied wood, 2005–X–18, coll. T. Hosoya); TNS-F- broad leaf, 2005–X–22, coll. T. Hosoya); TNS-F- 13489 (Shiratani-unsui-kyo, on unidentified 13531 (Yakusugi Land, on Cryptomeria japonica wood, 2005–X–18, coll. T. Hosoya) ; TNS-F- leaf, 2005–X–22, coll. T. Hosoya). 13526 (Yakusugi Land, on unidentified wood Lachnum sp. residue, 2005–X–22, coll. T. Hosoya); TNS-F- TNS-F-13507 (Shiratani-unsui-kyo, on fern 13536 (Arakawa mountain trail entrance, on stem, 2005–X–19, coll. T. Hosoya); TNS-F- unidentified wood, 2005–X–23, coll. T. Hosoya). 13515 (Sarugawa Gajumaru, on bark of unidenti- Rutstroemia petiolorum (Roberge ex Desm.) W. fied wood, 2005–X–21, coll. T. Hosoya). L. White Lachnum palmae (Kanouse) Spooner TNS-F-13523 (Yakusugi Land, on blackened TNS-F-13500 (Tomari-gawa Birou Park, on leaf petiole of unidentified deciduous broad- Livistona chinensis var. subglobosa leaf, 2005– leaved tree, 2005–X–22, coll. T. Hosoya). X–19, coll. T. Hosoya); TNS-F-13510 and TNS- Strossmayeria spp. F-13511 (Tomari-gawa Birou Park, on Livistona TNS-F-13491 (Shiratani-unsui-kyo, on un- chinensis var. subglobosa leaf, 2005–X–20, coll. identified wood, 2005–X–18, coll. T. Hosoya); T. Hosoya). TNS-F-13505 (Shiratani-unsui-kyo, on wood of Lachnum varians (Rehm) Spooner evergreen broad-leaved tree, 2005–X–19, coll. T. TNS-F-13495 (Shiratani-unsui-kyo, on Pteris Hosoya); TNS-F-13506 (Shiratani-unsui-kyo, on wallichiana stem, 2005–X–18, coll. T. Hosoya). unidentified rotten wood, 2005–X–19, coll. T. Lambertella sp. Hosoya) ; TNS-F-13535 (Arakawa mountain trail TNS-F-13503 (Shiratani-unsui-kyo, on un- entrance, on unidentified wood, 2005–X–23, coll. identified root, 2005–X–19, coll. T. Hosoya). T. Hosoya). Lanzia sp. TNS-F-13484 (Shiratani-unsui-kyo, on un- 2. Hypocreales identified wood, 2005–X–18, coll. T. Hosoya). Calonectria sp. Moellerodiscus sp. TNS-F-13539 (Shiratani-unsui-kyo, on broad- TNS-F-13490, 13483, 13493 (Shiratani-unsui- leaved tree log, 2005–X–18, coll. T. Hosoya). kyo, on petiole of evergreen broad leaf, 2005–X– Cordyceps nutans Pat. 18, coll. T. Hosoya). TNS-F-13532 (Yakusugi Land, on Scutelleri- Mollisia spp. dae body, 2005–X–22, coll. T. Hosoya). TNS-F-13488 (Shiratani-unsui-kyo, on un- Nectria sp. identified log, 2005–X–18, coll. T. Hosoya); TNS-F-13541 (Sarugawa Gajumaru, on Ficus TNS-F-13522 (Yakusugi Land, on unidentified microcarpa leaf vein, 2005–X–21, coll. T. branch, 2005–X–22, coll. T. Hosoya); TNS-F- Hosoya). 13501 (Miyanoura, on bamboo column, 2005– Nectria pseudotrichia (Schwein.) Berk. et M. X–19, coll. T. Hosoya); TNS-F-13509 (Shiratani- A. Curtis unsui-kyo, on Elaeocarpus japonicus log, TNS-F-13540 (Sarugawa Gajumaru, on un- 2005–X–19, coll. T. Hosoya); TNS-F-13512 identified branch, 2005–X–21, coll. T. Hosoya). (Upstream of Tomari-gawa River, on unidentified wood, 2005–X–20, coll. T. Hosoya); TNS-F- 50 Hosoya and Tanaka 3. Hysteriales heterocycla var. pubscens stem, 2005–X–19, coll. Glonium sp. K. Tanaka and T. Hosoya). TNS-F-12410 (Isso, on Miscanthus stem, Byssosphaeria schiedermayeriana (Fuckel) M. 2005–X–18, coll. K. Tanaka and T. Hosoya). E. Barr Glonium clavisporum Seaver TNS-F-12462 (Hirauchi, on Rhapis excelsa TNS-F-12403 (Shiratani-unsui-kyo, on stem, 2005–X–22, coll. K. Tanaka and T. Kalopanax pictus bark, 2005–X–18, coll. K. Hosoya). Tanaka and T. Hosoya); TNS-F-12433 (Senpiro Herpotrichia sp. Waterfall, on unidentified wood, 2005–X–20, TNS-F-12438 (Yudomari Forest Path, on coll. K. Tanaka and T. Hosoya). unidentified wood, 2005–X–20, coll. K. Tanaka Hysterographium fraxini (Pers.) De Not. and T. Hosoya). TNS-F-12416 (Nunohiki Waterfall Park, on Herpotrichia macrotricha (Berk. et Broome) unidentified wood, 2005–X–19, coll. K. Tanaka Sacc. and T. Hosoya). TNS-F-12445 (Sarugawa Gajumaru Park, on stem of Gramineae, 2005–X–21, coll. K. Tanaka 4. Patellariales and T. Hosoya). Rhytidhysteron rufulum (Spreng.) Speg. Kirschsteiniothelia incrustans (Ellis et Everh.) TNS-F-12419 (Isso, on unidentified wood, Chi Y. Chen et W. H. Hsieh 2005–X–19, coll. K. Tanaka and T. Hosoya); TNS-F-12439 (Yudomari Forest Path, on TNS-F-12434 (Tomarigawa Birou Park, Kami- unidentified wood, 2005–X–20, coll. K. Tanaka yaku-machi, on unidentified wood, 2005–X–20, and T. Hosoya). coll. K. Tanaka and T. Hosoya); TNS-F-12444 Leptosphaeria sp. (Sarugawa Gajumaru Park, on unidentified wood, TNS-F-12414 (Isso, on Miscanthus stem, 2005–X–21, coll. K. Tanaka and T. Hosoya); 2005–X–18, coll. K. Tanaka and T. Hosoya); TNS-F-12449 (Forest road along Awao river, on TNS-F-12461 (Hirano, on Pleioblastus sp., unidentified wood, 2005–X–21, coll. K. Tanaka 2005–X–22, coll.
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