Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 6-3-1976 The BG News June 3, 1976 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News June 3, 1976" (1976). BG News (Student Newspaper). 3256. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/3256 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Mrs. Carter greets area supporters; predicts husbands first ballot choice By Joe Wollet HER HUSBAND has an advantage BROWN IS an "attractive candidate Editor over some candidates because of his who might be a leader on the national lack of obligations to anyone, such as scene some day. but nobody knows "I'm Mrs. Jimmy Carter. My business interests, she said. Special what he can do yet." she said. There husband's running for President." Interests do not control her husband at are no similarities between Brown and "President of what?" all. she said. Carter, she said. "President of the United Slates." She predicted that Carter will go to "He might be great. I'm not saying When Rosalynn Carter began the Democratic National Convention anything about him except that there's campaigning for her husband in his bid in New York with about 1.300 no comparison lo Jimmy. ' she said. for the presidency more than a year committed delegates. A total of 1.505 "To me. Jimmy has a record as ago, the unknown Georgia governor's are needed for the nomination. She govemor-the things that he did. wife said the hardest thing to do was said she is confident that her husband Brown has nothing yet." to get campaign contributions, she said will get the nomination on the first last night. ballot. Carter has recently come under While she spent a monlh on ihe Other candidates, such as Rep attack tor his zero-base budgeting plan phone with her son Jack trying to raise Morris K. Udall of Arizona, are not for restructuring government. While he money, son Chip knocked on doors in close to Carter in committed delegates eliminated many state agencies as Texas, New Mexico and Colorado in Rosalynn Carter said they are involved governor of Georgia, the slate budget an effort to raise the necessary money in a stop-Carter campaign that is far increased. for the candidate's campaign. from stopping the former Georgia "The reason the budget increased Rosalynn Carter came lo Bowling governor. was because we had so much money." Green last night to greet supporters of California Gov. Edmund G. Brown she said in defense of hei husband. her husband at the newly-opened Jr. and Idaho Sen. Frank Church Carter did not raise taxes and even Carter campaign headquarters at 332 entered the presidential race too late, gave a S50 million rebate to property S. Main St. she said. taxpayers one year, she said. An Independent Bowling Green. Ohio Student Thursday. June 3. 1976 Voice ■me BG news Volume S9/Number 125 Hoys payroll-sex scandal probe may start today WASHINGTON (AP)The House Albeit said. "I don't think he'll resign want to add to his depression at this Ray's attorney. Albert Ahem, said Albeit said lie told Hays thai House for such ■ move lo the Democratic ethics committee voted from the House." stage of the game..." he will reserve judgment on whether to memberi have expressed concern Caucus latei tins month overwhelmingly yesteiday lo start an The ethics committee probe, to advise hei to appear before the ethics about Hays' leniaining as chairman of Meanwhile, ledeial investigators immediate investigation ol the Wayne But the speaker said Hays, a begin as early as today, will be the committee without being subpoenaed. the campaign committee. subpoenaed the iccords of Ray. of Hays payroll-sex scandal and will Democratic congressman from Ohio, second into allegations by Ray. a Paul Panzaiella. who shared an office invite him to appear. Elizabeth Ray. lias not decided what to do aboul .'.'-year-old blonde, lhat Hays. 65, put ALBERT SAID: "Rightly oi House Majority Leader Thomas P with her and of two other unidentified who says she was his mistress, will be demands that he resign as chairman of her on the government pay oil to wrongly, many people have accused O'Neill Jr, refined comment on a employes of Hays' House subpoenaed if necessary. two important committees-the House provide him with sex. She said she did hi in (Hays) of doing more than an tepo'i in (he Boston Herald-American Administration Committee The full Administration Committee and the virtually no work. indiscreet, immoral act -when he says that he iliiuks Hays should step down House will decide whether to honor The vote was 110. with Rep. Olin House Democratic Congressional he hain't, He told me that girl, Miss as chairmen *>f the two comrnittoei. the subpoenas. Teague (D-Tex.) absent. Campaign Committee. Requiting a public employe to Ray, worked, there isn't any question The ethics committee decided lo provide sex as part of hei job could he about that. And lie told me a lot of SEVEN OTHER Democrats Mil "proceed immediately with a lull scale Speaker Carl Albert said Hays told Iljys said Tuesday night he had no I violation of laws against misusing other things Ihai were pniely Iheii paiiy colleagues in the House a invcsiigation" of Hays and whether he him in a meeting after the committee plans to quit. public funds. A source close to a confident ill.' le i urging ilia1 Hays step aside, at lined Kay to be his uustiess. He admits acted that "he didn't want to hurl the federal grand jury probe says least uiilil issues raised by his a "personal relationship" with her but House and that he was seriously "I THINK he is a very depressed investigators hope the committee will The speakei did not elaborate. II rys HI,i ti ■" aie resolved ITiej Mid they denies thai she was required to be his considering the whole situation." person." Albeit said, "and I don't share what it finds. refund lo talk to reporters. will recommend ■ resolution calling mist less as pail ol her duties. Chairman of UPCAC resigns; two new members appointed By Renee Murawsiki Klem moved that election o( a Kenneth M. Alvares. assistant Staff Reporter chairman be postponed until the group piolessoi of psychology, who resigned meets in September. his UPCAC posi because he was unable The University Police-Community Klein expressed satisfaction with lo attend meetings, was replaced by Advisory Committee (UPCAC) Ihe committee's efforts this year in Slelania t Gloss, assistant professor yesterday accepted the resignation of "creating a greater consciousness of of the language laboratory. its chairman and the appointments of ciime on campus. two new committee memberi, "I think this committee has helped Gross, who was a member of Thomas D. Klein, assistant piolessoi increase student awareness of Ihe UPCAC's ammunition subcommittee, of English, who has headed UPCAC crime problem on campus and in doing was appointed lo the position by for almost two years, resigned Ins post so has helped the potentialities of the Klein. and asked that the committee elect a University Police." he said. new chairman. Ted Shobe, Kohl Hall director, was Dale Shaffer, director of University "I would prefer to get sonic new appointed as residence programs Police, commended the committee leadership on the committee. It's representative to UPCAC by Fiyetta memberi for iheii efforts in healthy for us to get new direction," Paulsen, coordinator of residence publicizing crime reports and their Klein said. programs. assistance in compiling the ammunition study. BECAUSE ONLY four of UPCAC's SHOBE replaces Jennifer King, nine voting members attended the Chapman Hall director, who resigned Shaffer said that he would like to meeting, which was the last scheduled hei position because she is leaving the see UPCAC move in the direction of session of the 1975-76 academic year. University. crime prevention next year. Five topics . President Gerald R. Ford will speak in Anderson Arena early Monday evening, marking the first time in the University's history that an incumbent President has visited here. Ford will travel 250 mies from Cincinnati to Toledo in a President Ford 20-vehide motorcade Monday in his final swing through Ohio Poll finds many confused about before Tuesday's primary. The exact time of his address will be announced later. candidates' stands on issues Lebanon sees unsettled peace; Copyright by The Associated companies-an average of half the Those who named noncandidate Press. All rights reserved. people said Ihcy didn't know what Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey as their Iheir chosen candidate advocates. choice for president correctly picked NEW YORK (AP)-Economic Of those who claimed to know their his stand on Iwo of the five issues, clashes continue sporadically problems and crime top the list of candidate's position, the supporters of were wiong on one and split on the ' BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP)-Syrian American-run oil refinery vital to President-elect Elias Sarkis. Americans' concerns in this election Rep. Morris K. Udall and Ronald others. • tumps and tanks brought peace to Syria. Despite JumMatt's tough stance, year, bul an Associated Press poll Reagan, and to a lesser extent. Sen. The interviews for The AP Poll were .northern and eastern Lebanon for the Arab diplomatic sources said the observers said his meeting with Sarkis found that more than half the people Henry M.
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