February 25, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E287 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS INTRODUCTION OF THE CIVIL fairness; at worst, it is a tainted forum in which and the grandfather of Jessica and Amanda. RIGHTS PROCEDURES PROTEC- an employee can never be guaranteed a truly Willis was, above all else, a family man. It is TION ACT OF 1999 fair hearing. Like forcing employees to buy with these that our friend Willis' legacy now goods at the company store, the price of such rests. HON. EDWARD J. MARKEY so-called justice is just too high. Like his family, all of Willis' friends, including OF MASSACHUSETTS The legislation Mrs. MORELLA and I are in- myself, feel a great sense of loss in this dif- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES troducing would protect the rights of workers ficult time. Though family, friends and the to bring claims against their employers in community of Glenwood Springs are clearly Thursday, February 25, 1999 cases of employment discrimination. By worse off in his absence, I am hopeful, Mr. Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Speaker, I am proud to amending seven Federal civil rights statutes to Speaker, that each of these will find comfort join today with Representative CONNIE make it clear that the powers and procedures and strength in the knowledge that they are MORELLA to introduce the Civil Rights Proce- provided under those laws are the exclusive better off for having known Willis Parkison, a dures Protection Act of 1999. This bill is de- ones that apply only when a claim arises, the truly remarkable man. signed to reassert workers' rights to have their Civil Rights Procedures Protection Act would f claims of unlawful employment discrimination prevent discrimination claims from being invol- settled by a court of law. untarily sent to binding arbitration. In short, LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD During the last decade, our nation has wit- this bill prevents employers in all industries FOR WARREN M. DORN nessed a sharp increase in the use of binding from forcing employees to give up their right to arbitration as a means of resolving legal go to court when they are discriminated HON. LOIS CAPPS claims. In particular, the number of employers against on account of race, sex, religion, dis- OF CALIFORNIA using arbitration to resolve complaints of ille- ability, or other illegal criteria. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gal employment discrimination or sexual har- This legislation has the endorsement of nu- assment in the work place has skyrocketed. merous civil rights groups, including the Na- Thursday, February 25, 1999 According to the U.S. General Accounting Of- tional Organization for Women, the American Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to fice, in just two years the number of employ- Civil Liberties Union, the National Partnership share with all of my colleagues the award for ers using arbitration almost doubled; jumping for Women & Families, the National Council of Lifetime Achievement that was presented to from 10 percent of employers in 1995 to 19 La Roza, Women Employed, the National Em- my distinguished constituent Warren Dorn by percent of employers in 1997. The nation's ployment Lawyers Association, and the Na- the Alumni Association of the University of leading association of arbitration professionals, tional Association of Investment Professionals. California, Santa Barbara. Warren Dorn, the American Arbitration Association, con- By reinforcing the fundamental rights estab- UCSB class of 1941, has had a remarkable curred, noting that their caseload of employ- lished under various civil rights and fair em- record of public service. ment arbitration disputes more than doubled ployment practice laws, our bill restores integ- He served as the Mayor of Pasadena, Cali- between the years 1993 and 1996. rity to employerÐemployee relationships. No fornia which is famous for its Rose Bowl and This rise in the use of arbitration has pro- employer should be permitted to ask workers Caltech University. duced largely positive results. Voluntary arbi- to check their Constitutional and civil rights at He served four terms as a member of the tration, when it is administered in an impartial the front door. Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. His manner, can provide employees and employ- f service to L.A. County was honored in 1986 ers alike with a fair, fast and inexpensive by the dedication of the Warren M. Dorn mechanism to resolve disputes. But too many TRIBUTE TO THE LATE WILLIS Recreation Complex at Castaic Lake. employers have taken this potentially impartial PARKISON Following his retirement from the Board of judicial forum and tainted it by requiring arbi- Los Angeles Country, Warren Dorn was per- tration of all employment discrimination claims. HON. SCOTT McINNIS suaded to continue his public service as the As a condition of employment or promotion, OF COLORADO Mayor of Morro Bay, California in my district. a growing number of employers are requiring IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Morro Bay is noted for its distinctive coastal workers to agree to submit any future claims beauty and excellent restaurants! of job discrimination to mandatory binding ar- Thursday, February 25, 1999 Warren Dorn remains active in his commu- bitration panels. By forcing employees to sign Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, it is with great nity as President of the Morro Bay Beautiful away their fundamental rights to a court hear- sadness that I wish to take this opportunity to Foundation. Based on his record, I am con- ing, employers across the country have suc- pay tribute to the remarkable life of my friend, fident that Mr. Dorn has many more lifetimes ceeded in circumventing our nation's civil Willis Parkison. Sadly, Willis died on February of achievement remaining to be recognized. I rights laws. Employees who sign mandatory 5, 1999. Though friends and family will no wish to join the entire UCSB community in arbitration contracts give up their right to due doubt miss him greatly, everyone who has honoring this outstanding individual for his life- process, trial by jury, the appeals process, full known Willis can take great solace in the long dedication to local public service. discovery and other ``guaranteed'' rights. In memories of this truly exceptional individual. f essence, mandatory arbitration contracts re- As those familiar with the area would surely duce civil rights protections to the status of the testify, Willis Parkison was one of the ablest SALUTING THE SECURITY company car: a perk which can be denied at and most respected attorneys in Western Col- FEDERAL CREDIT UNION will. orado during his over thirty years in the legal The United States Constitution guarantees profession between 1938 and 1978. In fact, HON. DALE E. KILDEE every citizen ``equal justice under law''. Forc- except for being called into service during OF MICHIGAN ing employees to choose between their civil WWII as a Special Agent in the FBI, Willis IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rights and their job denies them their right to practiced law in Glenwood Springs, Colorado equal justice. continuously and with great distinction, spe- Thursday, February 25, 1999 Mandatory arbitration of civil rights is wrong cializing in probate work, wills and tax law. Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to even if the arbitration process is balanced. As the fourth of six successive generations ask the House of Representatives to join me But, too often, it has a semblance of impartial- of Parkisons living in the Glenwood Springs in congratulating the Security Federal Credit ity. Mandatory arbitration panels are often area, Willis was also a proud member and ac- Union on its 50th anniversary. Security Fed- comprised solely of members hand picked by tive participant in his community. What's more, eral Credit Union will be celebrating this anni- the industry they are supposed to regulate. At as the proud husband of Ruth Parkison for 57 versary at its annual meeting on February 28 best such a setting has the appearance of un- years, the father of Don, Susan, and Sarah, in my hometown of Flint, Michigan. · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E288 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks February 25, 1999 For the past 50 years, Security Federal ceremony in St. Peter Basilica in Rome, the all his personnel ``shall be transferred to the Credit Union has been an integral part of the Cuban Maristas Alumnae Association, of my commonwealth with no impairment of employ- financial community in the Flint area. Since Congressional district will be preparing a mass ment rights held immediately before the trans- signing the organizational charter in 1949, Se- at St. John Vianey Seminary and a reception fer date, without interruption of service, without curity Federal Credit Union is committed to at Christopher Columbus High School in my impairment of seniority, retirement or other supplying the best service to its members. The Congressional district to pay homage to Fa- rights of employees, without reduction in com- staff and officers have forged a relationship ther Marcellin Champagnat. pensation or salary grade and without change with the over 40,000 members based upon re- f in union representation.'' spect, understanding and cooperation. However, the issue of whether or not these Security Federal Credit Union has helped INTRODUCTION OF THE PAUL consolidated employees were required to pay families realize their dreams of new homes, ROBESON COMMEMORATIVE the Medicare portion of the FICA tax needed and college educations for their children, POSTAGE STAMP to be clarified. Federal law creates an exemp- through the savings program and the exten- tion from this tax from state and local employ- sive loan program.
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