AUTHOR AND KEYWORD INDEX Author Index Abadie, J. P1 Abraham,T. P47 Afzal, M. S53 Agrawal, A. S3 Agrawal, A. S5 Alexander, R. S32 Allan, C. P22 Anderson, D. P18 Andollol, W. P14 Andrew,T. S41 Anne, L P56 Avella, J. S46 Averin, O. P27 Ayres, P. P23 Backer, R. P6 Ballesteros, S. S25 Balraj, E. S41 Bankson, D. P1 Barnes, A. P47 Barnes, A. P39 Barnes, A. P35 Barnes, A. P32 Barry, M. S32 Baylor, M. P33 Baylor, M. P34 Behonick, G. S39 Bell, S. P50 Benoit, M. S16 Benski, L. P43 Bih, C. P56 Blackwell, W. P43 Blackwell, W. S10 Blum, K. P53 Bodepudi, V. P56 Boehme, D. S49 Borges, C. P58 Bramlett, R. P42 Briglia, E. S46 Bultman, S. P29 Burbach, C. P23 Bush, D. P33 Bush, D. P34 Bynum, N. S23 Callery, P. P41 Callery, P. S51 Callery, P. P50 Callery, R. S12 Capian, Y. S7 Cardona, P. S36 Carr, P. S37 Chao, O. S48 Chaplinsky, L P5 Chaturverdi, A. S36 Chechlacz, R. P12 Cheng, P. S52 Chmara, E. P19 Choo, R. P40 Chronister, C. P26 Cibull, D. P9 Clarke, J. P53 Clay, D. S51 Cochems, A. S44 Cochems, A. S11 Cody, J. P54 Cody, R. S38 Cody, R. P38 Colona, K. P4 Cone, E. P32 Cone, E. P39 Cone, E. P35 Cone, E. S7 Cone, E. S34 Cone, E. P55 Conoley, M. P44 Conoley, M. P15 Couper, F. S41 Cox, D. S21 Cox, D. P30 Coy, D. P5 Crook, D. S9 Crouch, D. P58 Dahn, T. P51 Darwin, W. P55 Datuin, M. P56 Day, D S4 Day, J. P27 Deakin, A. P38 Deakin, A. P10 Demander, A. P23 DeRienz, R. P30 Diamond, F. P24 Downs, T. P51 Edwards, J. P36 Edwards, J. P15 Edwards, J. P44 Elian, A. P2 EI-Kadiki, A. P46 Esposito, F. P34 Esposito, F. P33 Fandino, A. S2 Feldman, M. P8 Feldman, M. S3 Feldman, M. S5 Feldman, M. S4 Feyerherm, F S1 Forrest, A. P46 Forrest, A. P20 Fortner, N. S8 Fortner, N. S9 Fowler, D. S21 Fowler, D. P22 Fowler, D. P30 Fowler, D. S29 Fritch, D. P53 Frolov, V. S41 Fu, C. S52 Fuller, K. S37 Galloway, J. P46 Galloway, J. P20 Gannett, P. P41 Gantverg, A. P8 Garcia-Repetto, R. P16 Garside, D. P31 Garside, D. S23 Garside, D. S26 Gauthier, G. S2 Gebhardt, M. S51 Georgakopoulos, C. S43 Giang, Y. P17 Gilman, J. S16 Gimenez-Gracia, M. P16 Giorgi, N. S5 Giorgi, N. S3 Given, J. S19 Gock, S. S41 Goldberger, B. S34 Goldberger, B. P26 Gonzales, C. S50 Gopal, V. S50 Gorczynski, L S17 Gordon, A. S41 Gourlay, D. S7 Gowen, R. S16 Grinstead, G. P42 Hackett, J. P2 Hardin, G. S37 Harding, P. S44 Harding, P. S11 Harleman, G. S46 Harrison, E S5 Harrison, E S3 Hart, D. P34 Hearn, W. S41 Heit, H. S7 Hepler, B. S41 Hill, V. S48 Hippolyte, T. P14 Honey, D. S10 Honey, D. P43 Horn, C. S19 Huestis, M. P35 Huestis, M. P55 Huestis, M. P40 Huestis, M. P39 Huestis, M. P32 Huestis, M. P27 Huestis, M. P47 Hughes, J. S42 Humphreys, I. S6 Hwang, R. S10 Hwang, R. S32 Hwang, R. P43 Impey, G. S30 Irvan, D S5 Irvan, D S3 Isenschmid, D. S41 Jacobs, A. S22 Jacobs, A. P55 Jagerdeo, E. P13 Jagerdeo, E. S38 Jagerdeo, E. P38 Jain, R. S53 Jamerson, M. P3 Jamerson, M. S14 Jamerson, M. S15 Jannetto, P. S41 Jasinski, D. P27 Jayashanker, G. S53 Jenkins, A. S41 Jenkins, A. P55 Jennings, J. S12 Jentzen, J. S41 Jin, M. S41 Johnson, J. P5 Johnson, R. P27 Johnson, R. P7 Johnson, W. S11 Johnson, W. S44 Jones, H. P40 Jones, H. P27 Jortani, S. S41 Jufer, R. S12 Jufer, R. S29 Jufer-Phipps, R. P30 Kacinko, S. P35 Kacinko, S. P39 Kaplan, J. P41 Karas, R. P38 Karas, R. S38 Karch, S. S41 Kaushik, R. S13 Kearney, J. S50 Keever, J. S2 Kelly, T. P32 Kettle, A. S14 Kiely, E. P29 Kim, I. P40 Kin, I. P32 Kirkton, C. P21 Kjos, A. S8 Klette, K. S15 Klette, K. S14 Klette, K. S19 Klette, K. P3 Kolbrich, E. P32 Kowalski, J. P52 Kraner, J. P50 Kraner, J. P41 Kraner, J. S51 Kronstad, R. S35 Kuntz, D S3 Kuntz, D S5 Kuntz, D S4 Kuntz, D P8 Labay, L P24 LaCourse, W. S13 Lalani, S. P55 Langille, R. P59 Langille, R. S33 Langman, L. S41 Lasater, M. P15 LeBeau, M. S24 LeBeau, M. P13 LeBeau, M. P38 LeBeau, M. P10 Lee, C. S52 Lehrer, M. S46 Leichtfield, D. S45 Lemos, N. S41 Levine, B. S29 Levine, B. P22 Levine, B. S21 Levine, B. S18 Levine, B. P30 Levine, B. S13 Lewis, R. P7 Liddicoat, L S11 Liddicoat, L S44 Lil, T, P17 Lin, C. P17 Lindsey, T. S32 Lintemoot, J. P18 Liu.C. S52 Liu, R. P17 Logan, B. S41 Lowe, R. P47 Luckie, C. S16 Lykissa, E. S50 Lyons, T. P9 MacDougall, K. P26 ; Marinetti, L. P28 Marinetti, L P29 Marr, J. S43 Martinez, M. S25 ', Martinez, M. P26 Massello, W. S39 Mazarr-Proo, S. P43 Mazarr-Proo, S. S32 Mazarr-Proo, S. S10 McCall-Tacket, K. S47 McClure, F. P33 McClure, F. P34 McCue, J. P3 McCusker, R. S34 McHugh, K. P54 Mclntyre, I. P21 McKinnon, A S6 McMullin, M. P24 Mertens-Maxham, D. S47 Merves, M. P26 Merves, M. S34 Miller, E. S20 Mitchell, J. P33 Mitchell, J. P34 Mitra.S. P56 Monforte, J. P6 Montgomery, M. P11 Montgomery, M. P10 Montgomery, M. S24 Moody, D. S41 Moolchan, E. P35 Moolchan, E. P32 Moolchan, E. P39 Moore, C. S5 Moore, C. S1 Moore, C. S3 Moore, K. P22 Morley, S. P20 Morley, S. P46 Morre, K. S21 Morris-Kukowski,C. S15 Morris-Kukowski,C. P13 Morris-Kukowski,C. S14 Morris-Kukowski,C. P11 Mundy, L P19 Musselman, J. P45 Negrusz, A. S16 Nelson, S. P26 Newland, G. P53 Nystrom, I. S35 Ohr, J. P14 Oliver, J. S20 Ostrowski, J. P20 Pasha, M. S37 Paul, B. S22 Paul, B. P55 Pelletier, M. P12 Petersen, H. P49 Peterson, J. S16 Pfannkoch, E. P42 Pfeifer, E. S28 Phillips, E. P36 Phillips, E. P44 Pietruszka, M. S48 Pilipiak, D. S16 Plumley, A. P50 Poklis, A. P25 Poklis, A. P48 Poklis, A. P6 Poklis, A. S18 Poklis, J. S23 Poklis, J. P25 Poklis, J. P31 Poplin, K. P5 Powell, K. P5 Prall.J. S36 Prest, H S1 Pretzler, R. S12 Price, E. P23 Rajotte, J. S31 Rajotte, J. S17 Rana, S. S1 Rana, S. S5 Rana, S. S3 Robarge, T. P36 Robarge, T. P15 Robarge, T. P44 Rock, C. P27 Rogers, J. S27 Rollins, D. P37 Ropero-Miller, J. P33 Ropero-Miller, J. S41 Ross, W. S5 Ross, W. S3 Runkle, J. P47 Ruzicka, R. P56 Sarin, N. S53 Sarin, R. S53 Sartori, D. P9 Sasaki, T. S49 Satpathy, K. S53 Schaff, J. P11 Schaff, J. P13 Schaffer, M. S48 Schmid, R. S45 Schmidt, C. S41 Schur, C. S41 Schwilke, E. P39 Schwilke, E. P35 Scott-Ham, M S6 Seabaugh, S. S16 Sellers, K. P52 Shakleyal, D. P50 Shakleyal, D. S51 Shakleyal, D. P41 Shearer, L. P5 Shi, R. S41 Shier, D. P57 Shih, C. P17 Shimomura, E. P55 Sianos, E. S43 Sklerov, J. S21 Sklerov, J. P22 Slanky, A. P45 Slawson, M. P58 Smeal, S. P37 Smith, D. P5 Smith, M. P23 Snyder, J. S14 Scares, J. S5 Scares, J. S3 Soria-Sanchez, M. P16 Spiller, H. S28 Spiller, H. S27 Srivastava, A. S53 Steinkraus, L. S37 Stoll, D. S37 Stone, P. S42 Stout, P. S19 Suka, A. S16 Sung, U. P17 Taddei, L. S16 Terrell, A. P51 Torrance, H. S20 Iran, M. S40 Trinidad, D. P55 Trygg, T. S35 Tsay, W. S52 Tsoupras, G. S43 Tuerk, B. S45 Tung, J. S40 Turk, R. S8 Uhlin-Hansen S41 Urizar, B. P18 Valtier, S. P54 Vance, D. P5 Vasiliades, J. P4 Vincent, M S5 Vincent, M S3 Vollmer, M. S2 Wade, N. S47 Wagner, M. S41 Wang, L. P8 Wang, S. P17 Warren, R. S31 Watts, D. P58 Welton, R. S15 Whitecavage, J. P42 Whitney, C. S16 Wilkins, D. P37 Wilkins, D. P27 Wilson, L P5 Windberg, C. P49 Winecker, R. S41 Winecker, R. P31 Winecker, R. S23 Winecker, R. P25 Winecker, R. S26 Wingert, W. P19 Wittrig, R. P52 Wogoman, H. P28 Wolf, C. P48 Wong, R. S40 Wong, S. S41 Wtsadik, A. P40 Wunsch, M. S39 Young, S. S8 Zhang, A. S47 Zumwalt, M S43 Zumwalt, M S42 Zumwalt, M S2 Key Word Index Accident 10 ADHD 35 Adsorption P3 Adulteration 22 Alcohol 13 Alprazolam 10 Amphetamine enantiomers 35 Amphetamine(s) 3, 14, P54 Analysis 51, P4 Autosampler P13 AxSYM P6 Benzodiazepines P5, P20, P51 Benzoylecgonine P44 Beta-blockers P7 Bilateral P53 Biomaker 13 Blood P23 Blood concentrations 29 Blood marijuana P48 Brake fluid P14 Buprenorphine 20 Caffeine 32 Carbon monoxide P49 Carboxymyoglobin P49 Case report P59 Chemical submission 27 Chiral derivatization 35 Chloroform 50 Clonazepam P2 Cocaine 5, 47, P32, P39, P50, P52, P55 Confirmation 30 Coniine in blood and gastric P24 Controlled substance 51 Cotinine 48, P40 Cyclobenzaprine 29 DART 38, P38 Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol P37 Designer drugs 14 Detection 22 Dexedrine P54 Dextromethorphan 11 Diethyl ether P30 Direct and affordable analysis 13 Distribution P16 DOA testing 45 Donepezil 23, P18 Doping 6 Driving 11, 32, 44 Driving under the influence P43 Drug detection 8 Drug overdose P25 Drugs of abuse 2, 34, 37, 42, P19, P53 DUID 10 EDDP/methadone P16 ELISA 20, P10, P11 EMIT P48 Environmental exposure 19 Enzyme immunoassay P56 Ephedrine/pseudoephedrine P4 Ethanol P13 Ethyl glucuronide P56 Excretion P39 Exhumed body P26 Extraction P5 Fast GC 15 Fast GC-MS 14 Fatal overdose 18 Fatalities / Fatality 17, 25, 31 Five drugs P59 Flunitrazepam 6 Flunixin 16 Forensic drugs P8 Forensic toxicology P7 Formalin P41 G6PDH P56 Gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer 36 Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry P9 Gasoline 25 GC/MS or GC-MS 16, 36, 50, 52, 53, P9, P25, P42, P43, P44, P55 GC-MS analysis 15, P26 GC/MS/MS P15 GHB 38, P38 Glucocorticoids P58 Hair 1, 3, 5, 48, P17, P27, P29, P33, P37 Headspace GC/MS P30 Headspace-gas chromatography P30, P49 Helium P31 Heroin P17 History 26 Homicide 46 HPLC P5, P52 Huffing P31 Hydrochloric acid 50 Hydrolysis P47 Hydromorphone 7 Immunoassay P1, P6, P11, P48 Impairment 11, 44 Incorporation P37 Insulin P10 Insulin analogs P10 Interpretation 33 Investigation 25 Iodine effects 22 Ion Trap 2, 42, 43 Ketamine 52 Lactic acid 9 LC 37 LC/MS/MS 24, 30, 49, P12 LCMS, LC-MS, or LC/MS 2, 20, 42, 43, P7, P8, P51, P58 Loperamide P22 Macro 36 Marijuana 1, 4, P43 Marker P50 Mass spectrometry 51, P41, P52 Matrix effects P28 MDMA P41 Medical examiner 26 Memantine 23 Metabolism 7 Metabolites P55 Methadone 26, 41, P27 Methamphetamine 19, P35, P50 Methanol or wood alcohol 46 Methyl parathion 53 Mivacurium 24 Molecular autopsy 41 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM) P9 Morphine 7,
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