VOL. XX. No. 34. MANASSAS, VA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 22. 1915. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR i^id- WILL ADDRESS SCfiOOLSi^ ^•'-^« »«•'*-« HONOft SOUTHERN fiEBQES CoarM« tat Fa nsmM lEETS FRIDAY At Blackshorg. WSL ELECTS OFFICERS Richmond, Va., Jan. 21.—Gov­ Asufttant HealA ernor Henry Stuart, in addreas- CeMtratioa Ifctd at To HiM Joint ^WA Pa- Prevdent J. D. Eggle^od, of Itr.Weatwoo^liatchMaB Made To Spend N«zt W«ek Lac- mg the Sute Teacb««' Aasoda- Rrffaer BpMing to Observe tram' to V^^xuua Polytechaic Tn8titute, Solicitor of TkeNa^paal 'toi BBthdays. ^has announced 1^ subjects.that Baakof "I have Meiiu^cben come as win be eonadered in the short strangers into a eommunity, and^ course in agriculture offered to An itinerary that will cover the The 108th anniversary (^ the Friday. January 29, the Farm- , , _^ ^, ^ ,_,., everybody would be figuring how th9 farma« of the state from Feb- A meeting of the directors buthday of hpt?m fi. I^y, and Th^ National Bank of Manassas inciudes addresMB~ Iwfore tiie theiselebi atiuu' indansRiwratriv iHffi -the^ftfr — i-r-— of boardiag the pora- girl, passing be taught by lectures and donon- was- joint sessicH) of the Farmers' In- General Stonewall Jaelraoh. were trons' Leagues of Prince William time lir. C,^ A. Heineken,who has her around as .sort of plague in­ BtratioDS both in thelfield and stitote and thejbl^ns' League observed Tuesday at the Ruffner Co^Bty will hcdd a meeting at terved in the capacity of presi­ stead of stretching out the hand Uhoratory. TheeoafKia ».fol- IB [Maimed b/^\A>\W. Free- school bvdldiQg. TV exercises the courdtouse, in Mtnaimaw. de- dent since the death of tiie late of fetiomhip and making her a lows: _^ the direction ^ voted to aanitatioa and health.. fieary Lynn, was etected to bald pari of Ihe domnnnity?'^ Silo and Farm Cmpa." Pro- of health, w&o is sent here nmn I Onrrtf tha nrwt' anrMiiiB fmiiMiM the Manaawas Chapter of the pedl$A} JAIVection in !'«Urjthat ^ce, and Mr. Charlea R. Richmtrnd t^W State Coimtta- United Baufl^rters of the Con- fasaorT. B. antcbeson; expeneneed •.y vuvina teachers and ^-cooTtt'atiar of sioDer of HeidUi. Mc^Geerve G. federaey^ Dr. S. L. <iuaric8, and Fertilizer," Professor David­ is that of seeonng boarcKng troilks' Imagoes .througfaoot die "ryla-, superinteadeat of the chaplain of Ewdl Camp, C. V., son; "Animal Husbandry." Pro­ placea. One young lady naiag a county aehoolB. has received word presided. The exercises (^>eaed fessors Hunt and J. R. Hutche- dutch, had to walk two miles to Dr. A. W. Freeman, of the, to that effect from Bidunoad. irith General Lee's .favoriU son; "Dairying," Professors school past ooD^ortahle homes ^Sauhden^id H<ddawav; ' 'Farm The addr^ses made by Dr. Free­ hymn, "How "Firm A f^MUMJ^ifrof. J. EL JMHtt man will be giTen wIQt s] Son." folkired by a poem w^ Sanitatioa and—Fnrinffring." number of teachers /3:ive op po^ ^BA Ceoperath^|HPnon Soifae- Professor? Bee^ Randtdph and tttaehoe. to wnitation and hetUk \isA by Dr. H. M. Chuksua,~pui^ ty of Viiginia, WI^M the main tioiis because of their inalMfity to Reed; "Pbmt Disease,'^ Dr. Beid; t(q>ies iadm^ag the Ttdoe of laureate of the Coofedency, speakers. Tlieir addreues will find satisfactory h<»ne& "Fruit Growing," Profefesors niedicai inspeetimi <rf sehoi^ In the larger schools it has titled the "Southern Flaga." ^eal with the above tofHcs. Every Prirp, Statrherand Ralston; "Q*. Dr. fyMttu Will be aeram-; boon ouggootod that the truMeea The puaa waa »ad by Mr. A. weaSss of- ih- e FarmttB- * Xn^- ^ bail4-a-bome for the teacboa; H. Comptcm. The prioeipd ad- chard Insects," frofeskor panted byT^rof. Binf ord7 «»eerfr^ hnt this ia impractical for- tote, of the. Patrons' League and tary uf the CwnjenUivi; Eduealiwr 'Were ^Hev.T:iI «V<£fy<IA6 interested in these mb- jncfl ai^ two room schools^ Thanefore Dr. Chrisman, i&d lantern slkle Society of Virginia, who will the State Amociation urges D. Cho^, _on 'T«e. the Virgin­ jects are earnestly retjoested to idid leetiues on various subjects by ^eycJnJbdialf ^ Sciiool Lea@be sdxKd officials and patrons evesy- ian.*' uid' Rev~ . ~E . *Afioftds . wbo^hetii^eseiit and profit hy die lea- Professors Smythe, Baadolf^ work. llr. Tyler'will accompany wha« to SBBsttaKfaoBin aecor- told some wfai^^ thoee gcntteaon will iag equf<Htabie boarding places. Price apQ Ralstuwt tod interi'T*' Jjjie ipeataragt jflte ^«yv^ nf the war- taach. Itisegpemil^TiBqqBstBd • 8ChO(^ —Thwas ^conferre Suuthertd j upoCruen sHr of. JataeiHoaorj that the people of ifananaas at- rodsT VISIT TO WOODBSIDGE. UT OIB CMH SnwR.Pear8on.o f HOMU^. Aframeit t«id this raeedhg. mm niiiK ROAD jnrtfit. nf f>npr»l Ja^lranw W*«L The domestic sciew*^ C^'W^jm* VVBTWOOD presented todieChapta- by.lba, do- tiM direcliQn.4)^ Mi^s Lola D. J.D. W MeDou^ was eteeled vic<B-preai=~ - —r^^^^^^ST"^^ gift wiaJMefa will »^^m^,if^Wiaac 10 Ufa- ''dentl t1i« dSxA <vf soiieiUir is to uary 257 jS^^oodtaidge. iDrT <me of the wedding prnoics re-' ^^ = *~ BSnfoidwill benqdiletojem I^. cajvad by Mni filh)d by Mil. Freemm at tins ponit bat be #fll &oin Pro£. Gravctt. fj,, ^tending die instknfce Hntririwon, who is also a member^ }oia Dr. FreeoMi at Betiiel Con- lived in foraoPM 4wUy inva»d to talce &iner. iaf the board of directors. Hie aeven^ ammri shew after the wv. Ibe m< inat Maaaaaas may~riiare in soSdated School Toeeday aftei^ of - Don't foigetwtet the bar of the finance conunittee and namheca B^ehided a solo fa^ Re^. the benefits of die highway to be -idien—bndi wiB tipeak. the VirgiBia Can Growers* ia riwot, who the sykw aie has bepn cashier of the baidc i9r_ where tiie Meeta^ is to be}""«'**'*mjBd MhmiewBeand WoodbJBei *m5?*»: Ow pawl IwtaHyytaraL mhoA wffl be va^ed aad mghtot tbe^aoB iaj tbe ^ wJe^adwoi^U have# chance to te>eia at Gatlar- pM'tlat uag^ Friday Ihe-VMK tan wH' Be m MawwwM and ag- di^miM wgl be aaadeat^he aaeetr JiHifiiinai gives-eat the ial- t^iaee Witliam coimQrroecmTea^ ta&s win begnenat CfiftoB Sta- at-nooo on Wedneeday m Wash-T«^1fiseaae8. -ti9ir«ldMr4B tbe altaniooa V1^ iowiog atatfmwit ia Tdfewcc^b the pozpoeesof the ingt3o at Trinity f^aseopal avenuey when the Bev; Ch W.]agc at JTrd sT iBsrysTiiirii. Tiiiiiisiy lir s. Fms If ¥mm 1909. VDA its objeetB are: bnnal took'place in the Oakdaie of their stops aad then vis^ Ma- Eltiot and Ifc. JSBMS W. Bitkett conetety. She was 61 year; oM Z.' and types flf coca wUdi dtaSin inmamage. Tbe and had ^entpoatof her fife in' oaauiiKn CSE crarntsvn.LB sistad of theriai^ and T^ Priaee l^ffiiteeomty. Before Hie vacancy as cashier, eaosed beat possQjle way ' the ^y Mr. Hotehnoai's appojataaect oftheVitsnia preasiva marriage i^nal. of the her marriage riie waa Miss Sarah «IM1 ^mm ^^- Hawlinwi brafewfiieadaaad rda- , Ibe Maunaas ffigb Sdeoi twaaof ^ bnketfaad teaiBi IfiiraMq^ '*Tb fomiafa a meaas by wlueh RoBt fio^ last Saiarday m9et- Effiot, who fivea at ifiUoedHBid^ DowhoK valaable attlive varieties <rf «en <ihaai>eaiB office to t^eef- ingr tiieqinitaf Randotph-Maeaii Xr. Btricettis t^aaa^Mr. aadlhodi of Mra. Doradiy aakmg the route which ahew ptaity of baoediag. feet on February Mr. R H- Aeadfmy and tfaey were forced atty be reeogpized as |Hu<a4a«L •la. jaaMB tiitaeti^ ot and t»retiH«iratli.tibeahart ead of a dria, -After a nort Gaffihaa. aB a< Ade^; Kra. WB- t elected to the board of '"To pfoteet ; and the request for 8ie 27tea0 •relD pfinAase ptae-hnd bor ^K ar Nokonffle;' dM Cora. Offia aeceiitance of~a resignatMo froai W. P. Hale, who finds it ia- of firat twHan, Ma- *^lS%Eir la na—aa atarted with a mrii and, and to farther ja potting thcff oppwixpti en the d^emive, aoon had the coant 6 hie the to 0 in their favor. R M. A. the state. took a ^«ee and fought hard, the 'To t'stahliwh a score card, «r half ending with the aeore 13 to a Btaadard of perfectieo." 10 in their favM-. Bandolph-lCa- mKMifl^ this aasoostioa baa eoa atarted the second poiod though they were goiqg to Beariy2K> members seat- tended Eaatcra goDeire.at Fri»t;dead in bed op a big score foot about the mid- Royal, for two yeBr& IIr.Krk«tt when she dte of the lulf • Manawwan got to- terodthmnghoiit Virginia. I ooe point are two foraaof fSae^esTm W«^ fastZl^ Waham of tying the score, The needed Tsaad; ooe for life at ^ with as ">S*^ at aadjportioB of the road be 'jevideady "punch" was lacking however, »nnual does, sad tbe other «*-j "IJI^JL*^^****" Bek theitween ito boandariea by paying and IL M. A added time •3-^alght SOB for the gnalatathrirtotali«*^e«the:^;;;;f^J'^*^^ ^*^-^ SrtT^ ^ mfv >, I>»VPI tiiB«r'awhistle ' " -" ;iBiai«.Jl rfn—«fdues of Sf50l «-*. nora. The yoang CM^ii rwisiield the inthia sectioa aadi hone of her parenta aad Bev. J-[highway aad4teiatefest that has R. IL A. M.H.S. The objects of this convenient for him to attend the Cutler, RF. Green should appeal to evetj farmer in^ jdiaaoaetrlR Cooke eoodncteddie ' accrued OB the amount^' The act-j meetings, was received, Pearoe, L.F. WiUcoxon the state, and they are mged to falkflCAiPiandria. I The burial vfll take ptar iaal wotk^gradhigtheroad willj The fofiowingwvre the direc- Adaaa, Center Lyndi join in helping to make Virginia row at Aagoita \ be begun daring the stunmer and j tors present at the meeting: Peters.
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