USO08075138B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,075,138 B2 Thomas (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 13, 2011 (54) SYSTEMAND METHODS FOR ANGULAR SS A t 3. E. SLICE TRUE 3-D DISPLAY 6,229,561- - - B1 5/2001 SoncLaughlin 6,533,420 B1 3/2003 Eichenlaub (75) Inventor: Clarence E. Thomas, Knoxville, TN 6,665,100 B1 12/2003 Klug (US) 6,877,857 B2 4/2005 Perlin 2005/0213182 A1 9, 2005 Cossairt 2006, O256302 A1 11, 2006 HSu (73) Assignee: This pimension IP LLC, Knoxville, 2007. O139767 A1 6, 2007 Yoshikawa FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this JP 2002184402 6, 2002 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 WO WO99/39513 8, 1999 U.S.C. 154(b) by 415 days. WO WO2005,117458 12/2005 Appl. No.: 12/391,178 Primary Examiner — William C Dowling (21) ppl. No 9 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Law Offices of Mark L (22) Filed: Feb. 23, 2009 Berrier (65) Prior Publication Data (57) ABSTRACT Systems and methods for generating a true 3-D display, where US 2010/0214537 A1 Aug. 26, 2010 each of a viewer's eyes not only sees a different scene, but the Int. Cl scene changes continuously as the viewer moves his/her head (51) or change his/her position from one angular location to G03B 2/14 (2006.01) anotherangular location with respect to the display screen. In (52) U.S. Cl. ............... 353/7, 353/94; 359/472: 359/458 one embodiment, a system comprises a set of 2-D image (58) Field of Classification Search .................. 353/7, 8, projectors and a display screen. The 2-D image projectors are 353/10; 359/462, 466,471, 472, 458; 348/42, configured to project individual 2-D images Substantially in 348/51.54, 59 focus on the display Screen. The display screen then diffuses See application file for complete search history. (or reflects) each pixel from each of the 2-D images into a small angular slice. This enables the viewer observing the (56) References Cited display screen to see a different one of the 2-D images with each eye. Further, the image seen by each eye varies as the U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS viewer moves his or her head with respect to the display 3,814,513. A 6/1974 Nims SCC. 4,799,739 A 1/1989 Newswanger 5,379,133 A 1, 1995 Kirk 13 Claims, 19 Drawing Sheets Viewing Zones alf-Screen Projection Full Screen LenSeS U.S. Patent Dec. 13, 2011 Sheet 1 of 19 US 8,075,138 B2 Rotating Inner Dome (Outer Dome Y W not Shown) Projection Screen Rasterization System and Graphics Memory Actuality Systems, Inc. Fig. 1 U.S. Patent Dec. 13, 2011 Sheet 2 of 19 US 8,075,138 B2 Projection Lenses Display Screen Fig. 2 U.S. Patent US 8,075,138 B2 U.S. Patent Dec. 13, 2011 Sheet 4 of 19 US 8,075,138 B2 Projection Lenses Viewer Display Screen Fig. 4 U.S. Patent Dec. 13, 2011 Sheet 5 Of 19 US 8,075,138 B2 oKHs.13ao!A U.S. Patent Dec. 13, 2011 Sheet 7 Of 19 US 8,075,138 B2 Display Screen/Image Top View Plane Diffuser Projection Intermediate Lens ImageS Array Scan DMD Mirror(s) SLM Strobed LED Light Source Fig. 7 U.S. Patent Dec. 13, 2011 Sheet 8 of 19 US 8,075,138 B2 100000 OOOO 1000 100 O 2 4 6 8 10 12 4. 16 Grayscale bits / frame (N) Fig. 8 U.S. Patent Dec. 13, 2011 Sheet 9 Of 19 US 8,075,138 B2 70 N. 150 140 u-130 11 O Fig. 9 U.S. Patent Dec. 13, 2011 Sheet 10 of 19 US 8,075,138 B2 Fig. 10 U.S. Patent Dec. 13, 2011 Sheet 11 of 19 US 8,075,138 B2 Fig.11 U.S. Patent Dec. 13, 2011 Sheet 13 Of 19 US 8,075,138 B2 120 31 O 3OO -1 &N 'SQ Fig. 13 U.S. Patent Dec. 13, 2011 Sheet 14 of 19 US 8,075,138 B2 U.S. Patent Dec. 13, 2011 Sheet 15 Of 19 US 8,075,138 B2 Dara Forna Conferrer Channel U.S. Patent Dec. 13, 2011 Sheet 16 of 19 US 8,075,138 B2 U.S. Patent Dec. 13, 2011 Sheet 17 Of 19 US 8,075,138 B2 Angular Slice 3-D Display: Viewing Zones alf-Screen Full Screen Projection Lenses Fig. 17 U.S. Patent Dec. 13, 2011 Sheet 18 of 19 US 8,075,138 B2 Diffusing Screen-Projection Imaged Here Y View from different s viewing positions Electronic ( 1. projectors st-Sc O Fig. 18 U.S. Patent Dec. 13, 2011 Sheet 19 of 19 US 8,075,138 B2 Electronic Projectors Viewer Positions Fig. 19 US 8,075,138 B2 1. 2 SYSTEMAND METHODS FOR ANGULAR requires in this display size at normal working distances. SLICE TRUE 3-D DISPLAY Typical high-resolution displays have 250-micron pixels—a holographic display with 500 nm pixels would be a factor of CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED 500 more dense than this—clearly far more data would be APPLICATIONS contained in a holographic display than the human eye needs or can even make use of at normal viewing distances. Much of This application claims the benefit of U.S. patent applica this incredible data density in a true holographic display tion Ser. No. 1 1/736,063, filed Apr. 17, 2007, which claims would just go to waste. the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application 60/744, FIG. 1 shows a present generation volumetric 3-D display. 977, filed Apr. 17, 2006, both of which are incorporated by 10 The technology is amazing, but a spinning object enclosed in reference as if set forth herein in their entirety. a glass bowl is a poor candidate for interactive technologies, immersive technologies, or remote collaboration since it BACKGROUND gives no chance of being involved in the scene. It also has the even more difficult problem of all objects in the display being 1. Field of the Invention 15 transparent. The present invention relates generally to the field of three Anotherform of volumetric 3-D display has been proposed dimensional (3-D) displays. More specifically, the invention by Balogh'''''' and developed by Holografika. This sys relates to a system and methods for true 3-D display suitable tem does not create an image on the viewing screen, but rather for multiple viewers without use of glasses or tracking of projects beams of light from the viewing screen to form viewer position, where each of the viewers’ eyes sees a images by intersecting the beams at a pixel point in space slightly different scene (Stereopsis), and where the scene (either real beams crossing between the screen and viewer, viewed by each eye changes as the eye changes position or virtual—beams apparently crossing behind the screen as (parallax). seen by the viewer). Resolution of this type of device is 2. Related Art greatly limited by the divergence of the beams leaving the Over the last 100 years, significant efforts have gone into 25 screen, and the required resolution (pixel size and total num developing three-dimensional (3-D) displays. To date none of ber of pixels) starts to become very high for significant view these efforts have been truly satisfactory. There are existing ing Volumes. 3-D display technologies, including DMD (digital-mirror Eichenlaub" teaches a method for generating multiple device, Texas Instruments) projection of illumination on a autostereoscopic (3-D without glasses) viewing Zones (typi spinning disk in the interior of a globe' (Actuality Systems); 30 cally eight are mentioned) using a high-speed light valve and another Volumetric display consisting of multiple LCD scat beam-steering apparatus. This system does not have the con tering panels that are alternately made clear or scattering to tinuously varying viewing Zones desirable for a true 3-D image a 3-D volume (LightSpace/Vizta3D); stereoscopic display, and has a large amount of very complicated optics. systems requiring the user to wear goggles (“Crystal Eyes' Neither does it teach how to place the optics in multiple and others); two-plane Stereoscopic systems (actually dual 35 horizontal lines (separated by Small vertical angles) so that 2D displays with parallax barrier, e.g. Sharp Actius RD3D); continuously variable autostereoscopic viewing is achieved. andlenticular stereoscopic arrays (many tiny lenses pointing It also has the disadvantage of generating all images from a in different directions, e.g., Phillips nine-angle display, SID, single light valve (thus requiring the very complicated optical Spring 2005). Most of these systems are not particularly systems), which cannot achieve the bandwidth required for Successful at producing a true 3-D perspective at the users eye 40 continuously variable viewing Zones. or else are inconvenient to use, as evidenced by the fact that Nakamuna, et al.'', have proposed an array of micro-LCD the reader probably won't find one inher/his office. The Sharp displays with projection optics, Small apertures, and a giant notebook only provides two views (left eye and right eye, with Fresnellens. Theapertures segregate the image directions and a single angle for each eye), and the LightSpace display the giant Fresnellens focuses the images on a vertical diffuser appears to produce very nice images, but in a limited Volume 45 screen. This system has a number of problems including: 1) (all located inside the monitor.) and would be very cumber extremely poor use of light (most of the light is thrown away Some to use as a projection display.
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