A itG. THE POST OFFICE DIEECTORY CHESHIRE. WITH MAP ENGRAVED EXPRESSLY FOR THE WORK EDITED BYg^JE.«jyy.LY, M.A., F.S.S. A. J. KENNEDY " <'^? \ ^V28 BROWN STR2!:ET/'cs>,^ PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY KELLY AND CO., 61, GREAT QUEEN STREET, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS, W.C. BRANCH OFFICES: BIBHIKOHAH : BROAD STHSKT COIuniB. I SI^SFFIBLD: OBNTRAL CHAMBBRS HIGH STRSBT. VAKCHEBTBK : 38, BnOWK STKBBT. MDCCCLXXVIII. ' { ? FIFTEEN SHILLINGS. INDEX TO THE POST OFFICE CHESHIEE DIRECTOEY. PAOK FACE rton 11 BlckOTton .17 Carrington 97 Cuddlngton, see Weaver- ctoo, »e< Wearorbaui.,.. 376 Blokley, see Malpae 244 CaHtle Norlhwloh, see ham 375 Acton Orange, see Dares- Bldnton-cum-Ford 38 Northwioh 275 Curzon Park, see Cliester.. 106 • SJW* 187 Birehee, see Gt. Budworth 89 Caiifrhall,«fe Backford.. 30 Daoebridgu St. PauPs, see AOIInglon ...^ 12 Birkenhead 3l>IChadklrk, sec llomiley .. 296 Northwlch 275 AdfWood,MeCheadle .... 100 Birtlea, see ITeatbury 288 Cheadlo 97 Darcsbury 166 a2(l«n,<eeBolUagtan(jiear Blackden, see tioostrey- Cheadle Bulkcley, see Daruhall, see Over 281 .^«inch*m) 79 cum-Barnshaw 191 Chcadle 08 Davenham 168 AMOtt, see Malpas 244 Blacon-cum-Crabwall 77 Cbeadio Kealh.see Cheadle 90 Davenport.seeAstbury.. 26 AOTM. sw Tuehlngham .. 370 Blakenhall, seeWybunbury 392 CheadtcHulmcseeChcadle 98 Deane Kow, see Wilmelow 383 AiettttWW,»e« Moreton .. 2t$ Bollln Fee, seeWllmslow.. SftJ Choadlo Moseley, see Dolamere 170 ^^*>y'• .• 13 Bollinffton nr. Altrlncham. 79 Cheadle , 98 DUIey 171 AlSen^y mwejsee Alderley 13 Bollingtoa nr. Prestbury .. 77 CheoklcT - cum -•VVrlnehlU, Dleley Stanley 171 Aldertef-^lfether 13 Booth Lane Head, see see DoddlDgton 172 Dodcott, see Burley Dam.. 94 AMerler--OTer 13 Klworth 185 Chelford 100 Doddington 172 Aldersey.setfCoddington.. ISl Boaden, see Handforth . 194 ChcBtor 101 Doddloston 173 Altfford 14 Bo»ley 79{Chldlow, see Tushlngham. 370 Dodd's Green, see Newhall, Allonook, feeLowerFeorer 286 Bostock, see DaTenham .. 169 Obllder Thorutun, see Wrcnbury»cnm-rrith... SOT Alprkhanl, see Tllatone I Boughton—Oreat 80 Kastham 180 DnckJngton, see BIckerton 38 mrnall 358 Bowdon 81 Cbolmondelcy, see Malpaa. 244 Daddon, .tee Tarvin 363 AiugBi' 14,BradlleldGreeti,seeLeigh- Cholmondcstouo, seeWor- Duklnfield , 173 AUmeham „ 16l tori T.. 211> leBtoDc 390 Dunham Woodbouae, tee Aitkaley 22lBradford, I6« Davcnham.. 169 Cborley 145 Dunham filassey 178 Alviwt()ii,weNantwloh... 263 Bradlejr, sedFrodNham.... 188 Chorley, see Wren bury.... 2W Dunham Massey 17& Aaaet'toii, tee Barnton.... 33 Bradley, see Tushingbam.. 370 Chorlton,see Backfurd.... 30 Dunham*on-the-Hill, see 'W't'obos a2iBntd*ail, see Klworth 185 Chorlton, see Weston ....379 Thornton-fn-thc-Moora 356 Aprthorne,seeWemeth .. 377iBramhaU 83 Chontob, see KCalpas 244 Dutton, see Little Leigh... 218 4l>Pl^it 23 Brammall, see Stockport.. 329 ChoWley, seeCudalugton.. 152 Eastham 180 'rota, ttt Apple- Bredbury 84 ChriBtloton 146 Eaton 181 % 23 Brereton-cum-Smethwlck. 85 Church Goppenhall, see KatoQ, see Davenbau 160 Awl«t4}a Thorne, Hridgeihere.seeDoddington 172 Coppenhall 159 Katoti, tee Ki^ileston 18^. Appleton 2a Bridge I'raffotd, see Plem- Churcn Ilulme, see Holmes Katoa, sed. Tarporley 391 Arelid, see Sahdbwih 3X2 aUTl 286 Chapel 199 Eccletton 182 AiWGreeri,aee AatOn-by- Brighton—New 85 Church Lawtnn 147 Eddlabury,seeDelamore.. 171 Bndworth 27 Bri^'hton—Upper, s^e Lls- Church Minsbull 148i]Cdi!:eVAi^e,, see'Malpas see Malpa.s 244 Amfleld.see Titatwlstto ... 860 oard 222 Church Shocklach 317 Edaolcy""" , see Stoikport...' ' . 320 Anrpw, see Woodchurch .. 389 Brlniatftge, iee Tborntoa Cburton - by • Aldford, see EdjjOTley, see Aldford 14 Ashley 23 Hough 356 Aldford 14 Edlotton, see Acton 11 A(hto<i,ie« AsbtOD Hityefl 25 Brindley, see Acton 11 Cburton Uoath 148 Egerton, see BIckerton.... 38 Aihton Hayes ,,.. 25 Brinnington, see StoOkport 331 Churton-by-Farndon, see RffieraoDt 183 Aahton-JosU-Tarrln. see Broad bottom, see Mottram- Farhdon 180 Ellnaraoro Port 185 *MTln 352 In-Longdeitdalo 269 Cinder Hill, see Odd Rode. 295 Elton, see Thomton-ln- Aihtoii-t<];ron-]II«ra6y 24 Bromborough 88 Cls Greon, see ABtbury .... 20 the-Moors 357 Aatbtof- ' 2« Brookhonse Qreon, tee Clarko Greou,«ee.Adlii)gton 12 Elton, »e^ Warmingham... 374 A«tte, «« Chelford loo Smallwood 319 Claughtoa 149- Elworth 186 Attmoor, see Halton 103 Brooklandd, see Bagaley .. 31 ClavcMon, see Eccloston l8'i|Etcbcll8,seeNorthenden.. 272 Aftoa, see Kfewhall, Wren- Broomhall, see Wrenbury.. 390 ClitTe Lauc, see Lymm 2231Kttilc7HFath,seeSandbach 312 b«rjr-«uin-yrlth 391 Broomhill, see Barrow .... 3:i Clifton, see Halfon 193 Faddlley, see Acton 11 Aaton-bjr-Bndworth 27 Broom Kdge, see Lymm .. 223 Clive, see Mlddlcwlch a.MiFallybroom, see Prestbury 288 Aston-br-Suttori 27 Brozton, see Blokor ton.... 37 Clotton, see Tarviu 353 j Farndon 186 Artoh Oradge, see Aston- Brown low, see Astbury .. 26 Glutton, see Farnrton 180 Five Ashes, sec Marlston.. 247 br-Bikttoa 28 BruenStaplefordiSeeXarvln 35.? Coddlngton 1511 Flookersbrook, see New- J^n&A Heath, set Nowhall, Braera, see Cburton Heath 148 Cogshall, see Great Bud- I ton-by-Chester 271 fWriraburjr-cam-Frith.... 891 Bucklow HUl, tee BoIIlng- worth 80 Flowery Field, see Newton 2V0 Altdtt-JUzti-MoBdrmn, tee ton. 79 Comberbaeh, see Great |Ford, see BldBton-cnm- ^1^«8tone 390 Budworth—Great 89 Budwortli QPI Ford : 3S AnaleiB 2S Budworth-Iittle 91 Compstall, see Werneth ., 377 Four Lane Ends, see Tll- Ail«tetMA,«eeAoton 11 Budworth-ln-the-Frlth .. 91 Congk'tou 162' stone Fearnall .IS* Bucrtoo, see Aldford 14 Coolo Pilate, .SCO Acton 11 Fraukby 1S7 Bwhe , 30 Coppenhall 159 Frith, see Wrenbnry !W BMkroM..<« 30 Buerton, see Audictn 29 gftddijiey Baglawton 01 Cotton Abbots, see Chris- Frodshnm 187 Baddiiigton, fee Aotbri... Bulkeloy, tee Bickcrton ;.. zn tloton 1471 Frodsham Brldge,BeeA8toa flignWy ..; Bonbnrjr Vi Cotton Kdmuiiils.see Chris- | by-Sutton 28 PkMihliW.jeeGooatrejr . leOjBarfordLane,see Lymm.. 2'^.S tleton 147 Frodsham Brldge.seeFrod- wnstoD. 321 Borland, see Actoti 11 Crabwall, sec Blacon 771 abam IW Bmt^ 32|BurleyDa„, , m 94 Cranage 159 Fulshaw, see WHmalow.... 384 ^rroJr SslBiirtoi" - i 05 Crewe 159 Furness, sec Dlsley 171 BWrowaQreen,see Middle- Burton-by-Tarvln, see Crowe, sec Farndon 1«0 Gatlev, see Stockport Et- iMch ;. 2531 TarWn'. .' r63 CreweGrron 105 cliclls 345 BarUiomley .U Bnrwardsley 95 Crochley Lane,see Lymm ',"23 Gawsworth 189 BijrtllistO&i see Little Butley,tfeePrestbury .... 288 Cross Lanes, see Le!f{liton. 219 Gayton,see Heswall 198 Leign 218 Buttcrhouse Green, see Cross Street, see Awhton- Gei-Cross, see Hyde2ii3,& lM»on.|ie« r^odon. 1861 Bredbary 84 upon-Morsoy 24' Werneth 377 SMfora, see weston 379 Byley-cum-Tatehousc .... 90 Cross Town, iiee Knuts- Gorlley 190 wtbertotL, see Wybunbury 392 Caldecott, see Shocklach .. 317 ford 211 GolbournoBclleau,.<ee Tat- BkttMlay, ««e Barthomley. 34 Caldy, see West Kirby .... 210 Croughton 160 tcnhall 354 II«Mturtoti '.. 34 Calveley,see Mnnbury .... osiCrowley. .vee'it. Budworth 9o GolbournoDavld.seeUanJ- Hu'alEon, aee Bubory 93 Capenhnrst 96 Crowton IW _loy 1W B*teMoa 37 Capeathorne 96 Croxton, see MIddlewich.. 251 Goostrcy-cum-Uanishaw.. 100 BaxiMli, «aa Ton SOl Garden, see TUaton aos Cuddington, iec Malpas.... 214 Gorseley Gi-ccn,:*ecMartou 200 Tl INDEX TO THE POST OFFICE CHESHIRE DIRECTORY. PACK I PAGE PAGEI PAGB Goratajfc,see Weaverham.. 376'Hvdo IJLC JIarton 2.'io I Onston, see Crowton 166 Gor8teria,seeDoddle8toa.. 173:idaiushall 208 Masbey—Dunham 47S ; Osoroft, see Tarvln Hb3 Grafton,see Tilston 358|Ince 2ob Macit<ie 255 .Oujjhtrington, see Lymm.. 223 Grange, see Claughton.... 14U j Inferior— Peuver, seeLower Matlcy, see Mottram-in- Oulton Lowe, se.e Over 281 Grange,see West Kirby... 210 Poovpr 284 LoDgdendale 259 Outwood, see Stockport Grappenhall lOlllufi'rior—Wnltou, see Meolse-Great& Little, see | Etchells 346 Orcasby, see Frankby 187| Stockton Heath 346 Hoylakc 201iOver 280 Great Barrow, see Barrow 83|Inlerlor—Wliitley 3Sl Mere, see Rostheme 29" Over Alderley ,8ee Maocles- Great Boughton 80|lrby, see Woodchurch ',m Murton, see Marton 250 fleld, 227 Great Budworth 89,lKuoyd, see Mnlpa.s 244 Mlcklehurst 250 Over KuutBford,8ee Knuta- Great Meolae, see Hoy lake 2J1 Jenklu ChHpul, see Saltcrs Mickle Trafford, see Plem- ford 211 Great Mollingtou.see Buck- lord 310 atall 286 Over Peover 286 ford 31 ICckewIek, sceDaresbury.. 167 Middlewich 251 Over I'uol, see Kustbam.... 180 Great Moreton.seeAslbury 20 KrlHall 208 Middleton Grange, see As- Over Tablcy , 349 GroatNeston 208 Kent Orcon.sec Odd Rode 296 ton-by-Sutton 28 Overton, see Frodsham.... )88 Grvat Saughall, see Shot- Keriniuclium, see Swctten- Mllll.rook 203 (Jverlou,seeMaIpus 2-i4 wiok 317 hum 349 Milliogton, see Boiling- Oxtou asa GreatStanney, see Stoke.. 347 KettU-shuluiu 209 ton 97 I'ttrkKate, see Great Neston ^68 Great Sutton 348 KIndertun, see Mlddlowioh 261 Milton, seeWi'ttvcrham.... 870 I'armc, «ee Moorcbbarrow . 252 Great Warford.seeAlderlcy 13 KIngsley 200 Mlnshull Vevnon.seeLelgh- Partington, see Carrington 97 GreatT, see Sbavington, King's Marsli, see Farndon 180 toM 218 I'eckforton.see Bunbury... 93 Wyounbury 398 Kingswood, see Dulamcro.. 171 Mobberley 254 PcdleyGrevn.seeAdlington 12 Grlndley, see Tusbiugham. 370 Kiuucrtou — Higher A, Mollhigton Banastru 255 I'ensby, see Woodchurch.. 389 Guildeu Sutton 191 I Lower, see Doddloston.. 173 Molllngton — Great, see Peov er—Inferio r,see Lo w er Hack Grceu, see Acton UI Kinaey Ilpath, see Audium. 2'J Backford 31 Peover 284 Halo 192 Kirby—West 2M Molllngton—Little 255 Peover—Lower , 284 Hale, see
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