SUPPREssION AND ERADICATION OF BLACK MARKET P-8 (OPINION) Vol. IV, No. 106, 9th Waxing of Wagaung 1379 ME www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Tuesday, 1 August 2017 N ATIONAL Tents of violent attackers discovered in Mayu Mountain PAGE-3 PARLIAMENT Ministry of Education to establish new MRTV channel PAGE-2 PARLIAMENT Amyotha Hluttaw debates Farmland Law, increased foreign investment in agriculture PAGE-2 A health official assists a schoolgirl in wearing mask following recommended precautionary measures in Kawthoung. PHOTO: KYAW SOE NATIONAL Three dead bodies found in Chook Pyin Creek, in Death toll from seasonal influenza reaches 12 Yathedaung Township PAGe-6 WITH two more deaths from of Health and Sports said yes- to Yankin Children’s Hospital more than 210 patients are re- H1N1 influenza yesterday, terday. and Waibargi specialist Hos- ceiving treatment for the severe the number of death toll has Two patients receiving pital on 28th July, said a state- acute respiratory infection at reached 12 or 5.6 per cent of treatment for the seasonal in- ment released by the Ministry hospitals nationwide, of them 62 those who have been confirmed fluenza A H1N1 positive died of Health and Sports. are contracted with the swine flu. to have the virus, the Ministry yesterday after being admitted The statement said that SEE PAGE-9 LOCAL BUSINEss Peace Commission, PNLO make joint Rubber production season comes to a close visit to ceasefire area in Mon State PAGE-5 THE Peace Commission Chair joint field visit to ceasefire areas lor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and process funding in December LOCAL BUSINEss and members, Union and State in Thaton Township, Mon State comprising representatives of 2016. Myanma Insurance, Government Ministers, and the yesterday. both government and Ethnic The visit is a part of the private companies Chair and senior members of The Joint Coordinating Armed Organisations, identified priorities for peace process allowed to sell four new the PaO National Liberation Body for Peace Process Fund- peace-supporting development funding. policies Organisation (PNLO), made a ing, chaired by State Counsel- as one of the priorities for peace SEE PAGE-9 PAGE-5 1 AUGUST 2017 2 PARLIAMENT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Ministry of Education to establish new MRTV channel Kyaw Thu Htet, Hmwe an education TV channel so that plans to implement installation of Kyu Zin the whole populace, from urban ICT equipments and studio fiber (MYANMAR NEWS AGENCY) and rural areas including hilly channel connections and acqui- regions, can access online edu- sition of technicians and profes- The Government will create a cation,” said U Ye Lwin of Ahl- sionals. “It cannot be implement- state-run television channel, one constituency. “It will be very ed overnight by the Ministry of the Government Education Tel- helpful for the future of children Education, needing to take time” evision channel, devoted to en- to broadcast educational pro- Dr Myo Thein Gyi said. The Py- hancing Myanmar’s education grammes, stories and lessons ithu Hluttaw also addressed a reforms, according to a Pyithu on discipline, moral ethics and new emergency warning system Hluttaw motion approved yester- spiritual values. Simultaneously, over SMS. Deputy Minister for day. The motion was introduced we can reduce inequality in edu- Transport and Communications by Dr. U Hla Moe of Aungmye- cation. It will be more effective for U Kyaw Myo described a pilot thazan constituency. Union Minister for Education Dr Deputy Minister for Transport the education system to rapidly program me whereby text mes- and Communications U Kyaw “If the channel is established Myo Thein Gyi. PHOTO: MNA develop if punctual lessons are sages that contained weather Myo. PHOTO: MNA the Ministry of Information will available.” Union Minister for warnings were sent over mobile subsidize technical assistance satellite earth station in Yangon or teaching centres will come to Education Dr. Myo Thein Gyi also networks. and infrastructure of broadcast- and Nay Pyi Taw (Tatkon), build- the places where students live. supported the motion saying: “I “The Disaster Alert Notifica- ing,” Union Minister for Infor- ing the studio, purchasing and Students from England can get hereby support the motion and it tion Mobile Application includes mation Dr. Pe Myint said. “And, it installation of machinery needed educational attainments of de- should be approved by the Hlut- news and information, emergen- will be necessary for the Ministry for the project, hiring fiber chan- grees conferred upon by Amer- taw. Arrangements should be cy phone numbers and what to of Education to film and broad- nel connections will all require ican universities by linking with made to broadcast educational do and what not to do in time of cast programmes. The GETV Ministry of Education funding. computers and networks without lectures and stories as a separate natural disasters, advance noti- Channel will be included in the The Ministry of Information will moving an inch from their own TV channel. In support of the es- fication and alerts,” U Kyaw Myo MRTV network. Equipment will cooperate with the Ministry of Ed- places. Myanmar also needs an tablishment of a separate educa- said. “To improve the efficiency be provided depending upon the ucation.” “Teaching and learning educational TV channel. Simply tion TV channel in combination of the system we will negotiate location of the studio and what is now done in the classroom, but broadcasting lectures by a profes- with information technology plat- implementation with the Minis- is to be filmed by the Ministry of the future paradigm of learning sor as if he reciting from memory forms, the Ministry of Education try of Social Welfare, Relief and Education. will be beyond classrooms,” said will not attract students.” will submit grant budgets in re- Resettlement and the Ministry Setting up fiber channel con- U Min Thein of Taungdwingyi “Educational investment spective financial years by laying of Transport and Communica- nections and connecting it to the constituency. “Instead schools should be made by launching down long-term and short-term tions.” Amyotha Hluttaw debates Farmland Law, Republic of the Union of Myanmar increased foreign investment in agriculture Office of the President Order 19/2017 th Thura Zaw, Mi Mi Phyo 1379 ME, 8 Waxing Day of Wagaung (MYANMAR NEWS AGENCY) (31 July 2017) Controversial proposed amend- U Set Aung appointed Deputy Minister ments to Myanmar’s Farmland for Planning and Finance Law were debated by at least 20 parliamentarians during yester- In accordance with the provisions stated in article 234 (a) day’s meeting of the Amyotha and (d) of the Constitution of the Republic of the Union Hluttaw in Nay Pyi Taw. of Myanmar and section 16 (b) (9) of Union Government The debate focused on the Law, U Set Aung has been appointed as Deputy Minister rights of landowners to sell or for Planning and Finance. lease land to foreigners without state approval. Deputy Minister for Agriculture, U Hla San. PHOTO: MNA Parliament members ar- Livestock and Irrigation U Hla Sd/ Htin Kyaw gued for and against regulations Kyaw. PHOTO: MNA President Republic of the Union of Myanmar on farmland sales and leases. Some legislators argued Other legislators argued plans to open a technical train- that easing restrictions on that Myanmar should continue ing school in Loikaw in Kayah agricultural lands would open to restrict foreign investment in State in FY2018-2019. Pyithu Hluttaw Judicial and one of Myanmar’s largest eco- agriculture. Deputy Minister for Agri- nomic sectors, and its largest “Foreigners hired land for culture, Livestock and Irriga- Legal Affairs Committee employer, to greater foreign a one-year contract to grow tion U Hla Kyaw announced a investment. Myanmar agricul- watermelon in Mandalay and plan to increase the number and chairman meets Yangon ture lags behind many of its Sagaing regions,” said MP U width of sluice gates in dams neighbours in the region due Hla San. “But, the soil was de- and dikes to mitigate rising wa- Region Hluttaw to the lack of agricultural inputs graded after one year due to ter levels. The Deputy Minister including fertilizers, pesticides, their overuse of fertilizer.” said some sluice gates on some Pyithu Hluttaw Judicial and Lwin Oo and party yesterday seed productions, farming ma- Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker dams and dikes were not ad- Legal Affairs Committee at the Hluttaw Building in Nay chinery, storage facilities, food announced that the discussion equately maintained due to a Chairman U Khin Maung Win Pyi Taw. processing and packaging fa- of the MPs will be reviewed at lack of funds. met Yangon Region Hluttaw The officials discussed cilities, quality testing facilities the bill committee. The next regular Amyotha Judicial, Rule of Law, Com- matters relating to works and training across agricultural Other matters discussed at Hluttaw session is scheduled plaints and Appeals Scrutiny of the two committees. supply chains. the Amyotha Hluttaw included for 2 August. Committee chairman U Myint —Myanmar News Agency 1 AUGUST 2017 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 Thai government opens centers for migrant workers to register By Pwint Thitsar Identity (CI) to Myanmar work- ers after they have received THAILAND’s Ministry of La- approval from Thailand’s Min- bor has opened 99 centers na- istry of Labor. “We have set up tionwide for Myanmar migrant six centers to issue these cer- workers to upgrade their legal tificate booklets,” said U Moe status, said the Embassy of Aung Khaing. “There are plans Myanmar in Bangkok. to open up three more centers The ministry began work in areas with a large concen- on 24 July to formalize the le- tration of Myanmar workers.” gality of migrant workers after Myanmar workers who new labor regulations took ef- have received the CI booklet fect on 23 June.
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