![Says Federal Board Against Vets' Bonus](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
•' _ .r. A • '•• ;^ > r ' THE WEATHEB AVBBAQB d a i l y dBOULATTOM’ F orom t of 0 . 8. Wenther Bnr— for the Month of Mnr<di» IMS Hartford 5,530 Parfly oloady today and fair to< Member of Audit Borena o f OlroahitleB. morrow. PRICE THREE CENTS VOL. LI., NO. 166. (ClaieUled AdvertlBlag on Page 14.) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1932. (SIXTEEN PAGES) 1^ URGES BEER TAX Senators Hear New York Stock Exchange Head SAYS FEDERAL BOARD TO EVEN BUDGET AGAINST VETS’ BONUS Counsel For Manufacturers LEVin LOSES Congressman Patman Says Thrusts Old Subject Back River at Hartford UGHTCASEIN Bankers Met Recently To Into Tax Dispute— Would Above Flood Stage Offset Movement To Pay Raise MilHons. HIGHER COURT Hartford, April 13 — (AP) —& the city were covered with water Soldiers— Head of Veter­ Swirling gray waters from the^ Waahlngton, April IS— (AP) — and men were working in shifts Fails To Bring Action In Way north today pushed the Connecticut manning the emergency pumps to ans of Foreign Wars Beer as a source of revenue was River here to its highest level since hold the river back from the city thrust back into the tax dispute to­ To Get Review of Rates, the great November flood of 1927, sewer system. day before the Senate finance com­ while Tn East Hartford several At several points in Vermont the Makes Statement. families fled their homes and scores mittee. Connecticut rose twenty Inches for of others worked to get personal be­ a new high this year. Islands In the James 'A. Emery, counsel for the Supreme Court Shows In longings to second stories as the river were submerged and meadows National Association of Manufac­ Washington, April 13.— (AP)— foundations of houses became sub­ flooded In many sections. turers, called for amendment of the Darold D. Decoe, National Com­ Maltbie Opinion. Testifying that neither short seljlng nor bear raids were responsible for the tumbling of stock prices, Presi- merged. Flood conditions existed at Brad­ Volstead Act and the regulated ient Richard Whitney of the New York Stodek Exchang is shown here (seated at table, at left) as he made his Forty children stayed home from mander of Veterans of Foreign manufacture of a cereal beverage ford, Vt., where Waits river con­ long-heralded appearance before the Senate Banking and Currency Committee in Washington. Whitney classes in the meadow school in verges with the Connecticut. One Wars, told the House ways and which he said would produce 5270,- Darlin street, In the East Hartford Hartford, April 13.~Prof. Albert blamed the demoralization of the market upon liquidation by the general public. family wsus forced to vacate their means committee today that "per­ 000,000 annually of revenue. lowlands near Connecticut Boule­ Levitt of Redding, who has been home. haps 98 per cent of the rank and “We are concerned neither with vard, because their homes were cut Heaviest Since Flood conducting a fight In the courts to the pros or cons of prohibition," he off by water. Dozens of others, The volume of water going over file of the World War veterans” are said. “The only issue is whether compel the Connecticut Light and RORABACK E E Q E D consl^ring it a larx, went by row­ the Winooski river dam at the behind the bonus payment proposal. we shall have beer, with or without Power Company to serve his home boat. "Gorge” where the Green Mountain Decoe, who came from Sacramen­ revenue. CONDON IS IN CONTACT Still rising at the rate of one- to, California, to sponsor the two at Redding, 3,000 feet beyond the Power Plant Corporation Is located “We urge the permissible manu­ tenth of a foot an hour, the weather was reported to be the heaviest billion dollar cash payment, said, facture of a palatable non-intoxi­ present end of its lines, without ex­ TO NATIONAL BODY bureau's official 10 a. m. record since the flood of 1927. At Middle­ "conditions are serious and the vet­ cant, competing with an illicit bev­ acting any special rate, has lost his WITH UNDY KIDNAPERS taken today at the gauge of the sex near Montpelier, the water cov­ erans need the money.” Hartford Electric Light Company’s "General Hines, veterans admin­ erage to produce revenue in a Na­ case in the Supreme Court of Er­ ered the highway to a depth of 16 Dutch Point plant was 18.7 feet, or istrator, estimated that last year’s tional emergency." rors. The court has handed down an Inches. Emery appeared after Senator nearly three feet above flood stage loan advances were spent 66 per opinion, written by Chief Justice Is Chosen For Another Four of 16 feet. L. A. Raplee, In charge At Concord, N. H,, the Merrimac cent on the necessities of life; 20 Harrison (D., Miss.), bad accused Maltbie, upholding the Public Utili­ was more than five feet above the Secretary Mills of not playing fair New York Educator Says He 0NEDMD,6HURT of the local bureau predicted the per cent on Investments; 8 per cent ties Commission in its refusing to flood would reach its crest tomor­ flashboards of the Garvin’s Falls on automobiles and only 7 per cent with the fiuance committee in re­ order the lighting company to ren­ Year Term By Republi­ dam and was overflowing into the ferring it to the original treasury row morning, near the 20 foot point. on purposes from which no benefit der such service. Is Stifl Meeting Them revenue plan rather than submitting lowlands. was received,” Decoe said. In disposing of Mr. Levitt’s claim ASSHIPS COLLIDE EN OTHER STATES The (tonnectlcut was rising In the He was introduced by Repre­ new proposals. cans of State. vicinity of Springfield. Engineers at The letter by Mills to the commit­ that a public utility company is After Returning From Boston, April 13.—(AP)—New sentative Patman (D., Tex.), who tee said he preferred either the obliged to serve all within the ter­ England’s river bwk communities Turners Falls predicted a volume told newspapermen just before the original Treasury plan or the ritory it is chartered to serve with­ prepared today to battle this sec- of 80,000 cubic feet per second. third day’s hearing tegaL that be Hartford, April 13.— (AP) — J. They consider seventy thousand revenue blU as it was reported by out discrimination in rates provided Mysterious Night Journey. Fireman Falls Between Ves­ tlmi’is rivers, brought to the freshet believed Tuesday’s meeting of the Henry Roraback of this d ty and the House ways and means commit­ it can do so without materially af­ stage by raln-swelled streams. feet flood water. Federal Reserve board with tbe^ The Connecticut swept away 700 tees to the measure passed by the fecting its financial or rate struc­ Miss Katherine Byrne of Putnam •nie Connecticut river at Hart­ governors of the twelve reserve House and now before the finance ture, the court ruled as follows: sels and Crushed— Coast were re-elected to the National ford rose with alarming speed dur­ feet of flashboards at thq Turners banks had dealt with the bonus Hopewell, N. J., April 13^— (AP) Falls dam. The flow today at the committee. He offered to go before Challenge Not Permitted committee for another four year ing the night and shortly before question. "The mere fact that ore resides —Dr. John F, Condon Indicated to­ Vernon, Vermont, dam was about "I believe the board discussed th^ committee at any time to aid in Guard Boat Damaged. term at an organization meeting of midnight stood at 17.9 feet above flanging the bill, however. within a district which a public day he had renewed negotiations sea level. Through the early morn­ 86,000 cubic feet per second with creating a pretense at reflation of utility corporation has charter au­ with the kidnapers of the Lindbergh Oonnecticut’s delegation to the Re­ ing the river continued to rise at reports from other up-country the currency for the purpose of off­ publican National convention here points that the waters were reced­ setting the movement to pav the ^ HARRISON’S CHARGE thority to serve does not give him baby, to whom be already had paid the rate of .1 of an inch an hour. ,xuch an interest in the rate struc­ New York, April 18.— (A P )—One today. Mr. Roraback and Mies Meadows to the north and south of ing some. soldiers bonus,” Patman said. Waahlngton, April IS— (AP) — a $00,000 ransom, and police dis­ A letter from Secretary Mills to the ture of the company as to permit member of the crew of tho Coast Byrne are chairman and vice chair­ Decoe spent only about fire min­ man, respectively, of the Republi­ utes on the stand and was not Senate finance committee referring him to challenge it before the com­ closed they had received a "mys­ Guard cutter Manhattan was lost the Senators to the treasury's orig­ mission or before the courts. He terious message” telling where defi­ can State central committee. questioned by committee memben. overboard and six ctistoms men Thirty-one of the thirty-eight He concluded with the statement: inal tax program rather than sub­ must be either a customer of it or nite information of the baby’s were injured today in a collision be­ delegates and alternates were pres­ "I feel the bonus payment would mitting a new one drew from Sena­ one honestly .seeking to have its whereabouts might be obtained. tween the cutter .and the panama ent when the delegation gathered at OVEH 200 DELEGATES be the biggest and best pay-day this tor Harrison (D., Miss.) today tbp service extended to Urn under cir­ "I'm convinced I bad cofi^ct with Uie Hartford Qub at 11:30 to or­ assertion that be *^Bn‘t been fair cumstances involving the reason- raili^ad steamship Gusa^ujll in the cOuilt^ has received for many the HHlnapers and I still have con harbor midway b e t w ^ the Bat* ganise for the buslnesa of the Chi­ months;’* to this committee," ahi’bnees of that sohedqle: ai.1 if tact wltj! them,” Dr.
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