Fine-tuning Building Taking the South Africa’s Advancement ladders to conversation philanthropy practice sustainability forward heroes 4 5 7 10 Inyathelo Annual Report 2014-2015 Inyathelo Report ® www.inyathelo.co.za When you’re through changing, you’re through! Zenariah Barends, Chairperson, Inyathelo Board of Trustees The headline to this article is taken from a quote by an American author called Bruce Barton. It speaks to the fact that every organisation, whether WORKING TOGETHER: Dancers at the 2014 Inyathelo Philanthropy Awards it is a non-profi t, corporate or institu- tion, has to regularly review itself to which are original and born out of the assess whether its vision and mission South African experience. Inyathelo’s remains relevant. Change is often Beyond Expectations off erings are unique to its context – every required but as we know, change can training programme, publication and web be uncomfortable and even lead to platform suits the requirements of South confl ict because of the disruption it universities and civil society organisations African institutions and organisations. causes. This can appear counter-pro- in South Africa; to give thought to what This does not mean that people beyond ductive for an organisation. However, philanthropy means in our own national our borders cannot make use of these if approached with an open mind context and to share these new ideas with resources – in fact I believe that many of and with an attitude that embraces both sectors. our products, such as our ASK fundraising innovation, the benefi ts of change to tool kit, are generic enough to be valuable an organisation can be immense and Every day has involved learning – from globally. To my knowledge, there is little reinvigorating. The rupture can lead Inyathelo staff , from my peers in the sector, comparable to what we have produced to something great. from partners who have contributed their over the past decade. own knowledge, from our benefi ciaries – If any of you have been following the hundreds of individuals and organisa- Inyathelo can also be proud of the Inyathelo closely during the last year, tions that interact with Inyathelo, bringing role it has played in encouraging good you will know that change has been their own experiences, knowledge and governance in the NPO sector. Together a defi ning theme. In December 2014, ideas to add depth to the Advancement with its partners, it has put great eff ort Inyathelo moved offi ces and opened I look forward to watching paradigm. This combination has resulted into establishing The Independent Code the Civil Society Sustainability Centre Inyathelo fl y as it reinvigorates in an astounding organisation that meets of Governance for Non-Profi ts in South in Woodstock, Cape Town. Much the highest standards of excellence and Africa as a counterpoint to King III. The thought went into the design and and reinvents itself, writes off ers innovative services with values steady growth in numbers of organisations board members were invited to visit Shelagh Gastrow, outgoing focused on courtesy, respect, sharing, that have signed up to the Code is a the space and contribute towards how Inyathelo Executive Director. thoughtfulness and empathy. Inyathelo tribute to hard work done by our staff it would realise Inyathelo’s expanded staff always give their full attention to to popularise the document. Inyathelo vision. The leadership of the organisa- people who require our support and they has also been involved in research and tion stepped bravely into the unknown demonstrate a genuine commitment to monitoring aspects of government policy to chart the course into the future. his is my fi nal contribution as ensuring the sustainability of our institu- relating to an enabling environment for Executive Director to the Inyathelo tions and civil society organisations. both the philanthropy and civil society Central to the re-imagining of Inya- T annual report. Since founding the or- sector, and will continue to do so. Taking thelo, has been its executive director, ganisation in 2002, Inyathelo has provided Looking back, it is still amazing to me the Advancement concept and applying Shelagh Gastrow, who was also a me with the most incredible opportuni- that the original two person entity we it to Inyathelo itself has been proof that ties to grow as a person, to develop the set up has transformed into a dynamic Continued on page 2 concept of Advancement as it pertains to hub off ering a range of services, all of Continued on page 2 2 | Inyathelo Annual Report 2014-2015 Inyathelo Report Charting a course into the future From page 1 ing Inyathelo as a formidable institution that is making an invaluable contribu- founding director of Inyathelo 13 years tion to civil society. During her tenure, ago. Under her leadership, the organi- Inyathelo has become an institution sation established a strong programme which is synonymous with building and of support for the non-profi t sector, advancing capacity. Shelagh does not including higher education institutions, leave the organisation with the spoils. which continues to thrive to this day. She leaves behind a rich legacy, which we can only celebrate. Philanthropy, was redefi ned to incorpo- rate the giver who did not necessarily In understanding the nature of change, emanate from those that have. The re- we have learnt that we cannot cling and alisation that anyone could be involved attach ourselves to the idea that only in giving and that this constituted a one person, no matter how outstand- philanthropic act permeated through ing they are, can determine the success the Inyathelo Philanthropy Awards of an organisation. The team that A PLACE TO SHARE AND LEARN: The Inyathelo Civil Society Sustainability Centre which celebrated its eighth year in remains as the active core at Inyathelo 2014. Under the leadership of Shelagh have themselves taken ownership of Gastrow, Inyathelo has successfully the vision. I applaud the team that have A centre for civil society support managed to increase awareness of phi- become the bedrock of this institution. lanthropy in South Africa. We know that there will never be From page 1 and enhance our work, particularly The But… just like organisations have to another Shelagh and we should not Kresge Foundation, the Charles Stewart review themselves, individuals too have expect this. For the organisation to the theory really does work. Inyathelo Mott Foundation and The Raith Foun- to engage in self-refl ection and assess thrive, we will deliberate very carefully fi nally has its own premises thanks to the dation; the many trustees who served their vision and path for their lives. As on the best person suited to step into incredible support of committed donors, Inyathelo over the years including three the organisation grows, so should the the shoes left vacant. While continuity our ability to generate income and build board chairs : Richard van der Ross, Mills individuals within them refl ect the ex- is essential, we embrace the possibility a reserve, and the hard work and support Soko and Zenariah Barends; the incred- pansiveness that this inevitably brings. of change that this moment provides. of staff . The Inyathelo Civil Society ible staff who have made such a great On behalf of the board of trustees, we Sustainability Centre was created and contribution, not only to the ethos of the It was during this process that Shelagh thank Shelagh for her sterling contribu- designed specifi cally to provide support organisation but have added depth to the decided that she wished to focus more tion. She has left behind an indelible to the sector. For me personally, this was concept of Advancement – very specially closely on philanthropy – an area of mark, which will endure. We wish her a fi nal commitment to ensure that a viable Dianne Whiting without whom I would work which she has been intimately well in her new journey. and sustainable organisation has been not have been able to function; the repre- associated with and in which she has established, that can off er the public a sentatives of the universities, civil society developed sought after expertise. In I conclude by thanking the staff and my wonderful opportunity to share and learn. organisations and philanthropic partners 2015, she will be leaving Inyathelo. fellow trustees at Inyathelo. I have no who have shared their experiences While this step will have an impact, I doubt that the excellence that defi nes The Centre includes a book lounge with with us, enabling us to learn and adapt choose to view it as one that is positive. Inyathelo will continue through your the best stocked library on Advancement our thinking and models; our service actions and commitment. To my fellow and philanthropy in the country; the providers who have helped us to function I wish to pay tribute to Shelagh, a cou- trustees, thank you for the support and FundingFinder donor database to assist effi ciently and have added to the quality rageous and visionary leader who has counsel that you have provided during organisations with their prospect research; of our work, especially Michael Daries of played an enormous role in establish- this year of change at Inyathelo. hot desks for people requiring space to Kult Creative who has been tightly bound work for a day or longer; incubation space to our brand development since the for new CSOs; the Inyathelo non-profi t formation of Inyathelo; Candice and Mark clinic that gives coaching, mentorship Christians of INCOSO who have added and support for organisations that need to the effi ciency of our conferences and assistance in a range of ways – from Justine Gevisser who conceptualised and start-ups to long-standing organisations delivered the most stunning Inyathelo that are now facing other challenges - Philanthropy Awards events; our associ- Looking for donors? and a range of print and online resources ates who have contributed to our thinking produced by Inyathelo.
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