APPENDICES Appendix A - List of Supplemental Documents ...........................................A-1 Appendix B - Industrial Categories with Pretreatment Standards ............................. B-1 Appendix C - Pollutants R egulated b y C ategorical P retreatment S tandards ..................... C-1 Appendix D - Clean Water Act Priority Pollutants and the Federal Water Quality Criteria ......... D-1 Appendix E - Federal Sewage Sludge Standards .......................................... E-1 Appendix F - Toxicity Characteristic Leachate Procedure Limitations ......................... F-1 Appendix G - Literature I nhibition V alues ...............................................G-1 Appendix H - Closed-cup Flashpoints for Select Organic Compounds .........................H-1 Appendix I - Discharge Screening Levels and Henry’s Law Constants for Organic Compounds ..... I-1 Appendix J - OSHA, ACGIH and NIOSH Exposure Levels ................................. J-1 Appendix K - Landfill Leachate Loadings ...............................................K-1 Appendix L - Hauled W aste L oadings .................................................. L-1 Appendix M - Hazardous Waste Constituents - RCRA Appendix VIII ........................ M-1 Appendix N - Statistical A pproach t o D etermining S ampling F requency ....................... N-1 Appendix O - Minimizing C ontamination i n S amples ......................................O-1 Appendix P - Methods for Calculating Removal Efficiency ................................. P-1 Appendix Q - Methods for Handling Data Below Detection Level ............................Q-1 Appendix R - Priority P ollutant R emoval E fficiencies ...................................... R-1 Appendix S - Specific Gravity of Sludge ................................................ S-1 Appendix T - Sludge AHL Equations Using Flow (in metric units) ........................... T-1 Appendix U - POTW C onfigurations ...................................................U-1 Appendix V - Domestic P ollutant L oadings ..............................................V-1 Appendix W - Best Management Practices Mini-Case Studies .............................. W-1 Appendix X - Region 1, Reassessment of Technically Based Industrial Discharge Limits Checklist . X-1 i This page intentionally left blank. ii APPENDIX A - LIST OF SUPPLEMENTAL DOCUMENTS GENERAL GUIDANCE ON PRETREATMENT TITLE DATE EPA Number NTIS Number ERIC Number CERCLA Site Discharges to POTWs August 1990 540-G-90-005 PB90-274531 W150 Guidance Manual Control Authority Pretreatment Audit May 1992 -- -- -- Checklist and Instructions Control of Slug Loadings To POTWs: February 1991 21W-4001 -- -- Guidance Manual Environmental Regulations and Technology: July 1986 625-10-86-005 PB90-246521 W350 The National Pretreatment Program Guidance for Conducting a Pretreatment September 300-R-92-009 PB94-120631 W273 Compliance Inspection 1991 Guidance For Developing Control Authority September -- PB90- -- Enforcement Response Plans 1989 185083/AS Guidance for Reporting and Evaluating September -- PB95-157764 W304 POTW Noncompliance with Pretreatment 1987 Implementation Requirements Guidance Manual for POTW Pretreatment October 1983 -- PB93-186112 W639 Program Development Guidance Manual for POTWs to Calculate September 833-B-93-007 -- -- the Economic Benefit of Noncompliance 1990 Guidance Manual for Preparation and July 1985 833-B-85-200 -- -- Review of Removal Credit Applications Guidance Manual for Preventing September 833-B-87-201 PB92-117969 W106 Interference at POTWs 1987 Guidance Manual for the Control of Wastes September 833-B-98-003 -- -- Hauled to Publicly Owned Treatment Works 1999 Guidance Manual for the Identification of June 1987 -- PB92-149251 W202 Hazardous Wastes Delivered to Publicly Owned Treatment Works by Truck, Rail, or Dedicated Pipe Guidance Manual for the Use of Production- September 833-B-85-201 PB92-232024 U095 Based Pretreatment Standards and the 1985 Combined Wastestream Formula Guidance Manual on the Development and December 833-B-87-202 PB92-129188 W107 Implementation of Local Discharge 1987 Limitations Under the Pretreatment Program Guidance on Evaluation, Resolution, and June 1993 821-B-93-001 -- -- Documentation of Analytical Problems Associated with Compliance Monitoring Guidance on the Privatization of Federally August 2000 832-B-00-002 -- -- Funded Wastewater Treatment Works Guidance to Protect POTW Workers From June 1992 812-B-92-001 PB92-173236 W115 Toxic And Reactive Gases And Vapors A-1 GENERAL GUIDANCE ON PRETREATMENT TITLE DATE EPA Number NTIS Number ERIC Number Guides to Pollution Prevention: Municipal October 1993 625-R-93-006 -- -- Pretreatment Programs Industrial User Inspection and Sampling April 1994 831-B-94-001 PB94-170271 W305 Manual For POTWs Industrial User Permitting Guidance Manual September 833-B-89-001 PB92-123017 W109 1989 Metals Translator: Guidance for Calculating June 1996 823-B-96-007 -- -- a Total Recoverable Permit Limit from a Dissolved Criterion Model Pretreatment Ordinance June 1992 833-B-92-003 PB93-122414 W108 Multijurisdictional Pretreatment Programs: June 1994 833-B-94-005 PB94-203544 W607 Guidance Manual National Pretreatment Program: Report to July 1991 21-W-4004 PB91-228726 W694 Congress NPDES Compliance Inspection Manual September 300-B-94-014 -- -- 1994 Pollution Prevention (P2) Guidance Manual June 1998 821-B-98-017 -- -- for the Pesticide Formulating, Packaging, and Repackaging Industry: Implementing the P2 Alternative POTW Sludge Sampling and Analysis August 1989 833-B-89-100 -- -- Guidance Document Prelim User’s Guide, Documentation for the January 1997 -- -- -- EPA Computer Program/Model for Developing Local Limits for Industrial Pretreatment Programs at Publicly Owned Treatment Works, Version 5.0 Pretreatment Compliance Inspection and July 1986 833-B-86-100 PB90-183625 W277 Audit Manual For Approval Authorities Pretreatment Compliance Monitoring and (Manual) (Software) (Software) (Software) Enforcement Guidance and Software September 831-F-92-001 PB94-118577 W269 (Version 3.0) 1986 (Software) September 1992 Procedures Manual for Reviewing a POTW October 1983 833-B-83-200 PB93-209880 W137 Pretreatment Program Submission Procuring Analytical Services: Guidance for October 1998 833-B-98-004 -- -- Industrial Pretreatment Programs Region III Guidance for Setting Local Limits June 1994 -- -- -- for a Pollutant Where the Domestic Loading Exceeds the Maximum Allowable Headworks Loading Protecting the Nation's Waters Through June 2001 833-R-01-001 -- -- Effective NPDES Permits: A Strategic Plan FY 2001 and Beyond RCRA Information on Hazardous Wastes for September 833-B-85-202 PB92-114396 W351 Publicly Owned Treatment Works 1985 Report to Congress on the Discharge of February 1986 530-SW-86-004 PB86-184017 & W922 & Hazardous Wastes to Publicly Owned PB95-157228 W692 Treatment Works A-2 GENERAL GUIDANCE ON PRETREATMENT TITLE DATE EPA Number NTIS Number ERIC Number Supplemental Manual On the Development May 1991 21W-4002 PB93-209872 W113 And Implementation of Local Discharge Limitations Under The Pretreatment Program Source: Updated, originally part of U.S. EPA’s Introduction to the National Pretreatment Program, EPA-833-B-98-002, February 1999, pp. 51-52 GUIDANCE ON INDUSTRY PRETREATMENT STANDARDS TITLE DATE EPA Number NTIS Number ERIC Number Aluminum, Copper, And Nonferrous Metals December 800-B-89-001 PB91-145441 W119 Forming And Metal Powders Pretreatment 1989 Standards: A Guidance Manual Guidance Manual For Battery Manufacturing August 1987 440-1-87-014 PB92-117951 W195 Pretreatment Standards Guidance Manual for Electroplating and February 1984 440-1-84-091-G PB87-192597 W118 Metal Finishing Pretreatment Standard Guidance Manual For Implementing Total September 440-1-85-009-T PB93-167005 W339 Toxic Organics (TTO) Pretreatment 1985 Standards Guidance Manual For Iron And Steel September 821-B-85-001 PB92-114388 W103 Manufacturing Pretreatment Standards 1985 Guidance Manual for Leather Tanning and September 800-R-86-001 PB92-232024 W117 Finishing Pretreatment Standards 1986 Guidance Manual for Pulp, Paper, and July 1984 -- PB92-231638 W196 Paperboard and Builders’ Paper and Board Mills Pretreatment Standards Guidance Manual for the Use of Production- September 833-B-85-201 PB92-232024 U095 Based Pretreatment Standards and the 1985 Combined Wastestream Formula Permit Guidance Document: Pulp, Paper, May 2000 821-B-00-003 PB2002- -- and Paperboard Manufacturing Point 106590 Source Category (40 CFR Section 430) Permit Guidance Document: Transportation March 2001 821-R-01-021 -- -- Equipment Cleaning Point Source Category (40 CFR 422) Small Entity Compliance Guide: Centralized June 2001 821-B-01-003 -- -- Waste Treatment Guidelines and Pretreatment Standards (40 CFR 437) Source: Updated, originally part of U.S. EPA’s Introduction to the National Pretreatment Program, EPA-833-B-98-002, February 1999, pp. 51-52 A-3 This page intentionally left blank. A-4 APPENDIX B - INDUSTRIAL CATEGORIES WITH PRETREATMENT STANDARDS Source: U.S. EPA’s Introduction to the National Pretreatment Program, EPA-833-B-98-002, February 1999, Figure 13, p. 14. (Updated) Category 40 CFR Type of (SIC Codes)* Part (Sub- Overview of Pretreatment Standards Standard*** [NAICS Codes]** parts) Aluminum Forming 467(A-F) PSES Limits are production-based, daily maximums and (3353, 3354, 3355, 3357, PSNS monthly averages. Subpart C prohibits discharges 3363) from certain operations. [331315, 331316, 331319, 331521] Battery Manufacturing 461(A-G) PSES Limits are
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