b CABINET Date: Monday 12 January 2015 Time: 7.00 pm Venue: Room 8, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill, SW2 1RW Copies of agendas, reports, minutes and other attachments for the Council’s meetings are available on the Lambeth website. www.lambeth.gov.uk/moderngov Members of the Cabinet Leader of the Council, Councillor Lib Peck Deputy Leader (Policy), Cllr Imogen Walker Deputy Leader (Finance & Investment), Councillor Paul McGlone Cabinet Member for Children & Adult Services, Councillor Jackie Meldrum Cabinet Member for Environment & Sustainability, Councillor Jennifer Brathwaite Cabinet Member for Early Years, Youth & Families, Councillor Rachel Heywood Cabinet Member for Health & Wellbeing, Councillor Jim Dickson Cabinet Member for Housing, Councillor Matthew Bennett Cabinet Member for Jobs & Growth, Councillor Jack Hopkins Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, Councillor Jane Edbrooke Further Information If you require any further information or have any queries please contact: Anne Rasmussen, Telephone: 020 7926 0028; Email: [email protected] Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting and the Town Hall is fully accessible. If you have any specific needs please contact Facilities Management (020 7926 1010) in advance. Queries on reports: Please contact report authors prior to the meeting if you have questions on the reports or wish to inspect the background documents used. The contact details of the report author is shown on the front page of each report. @LBLdemocracy on Twitter http://twitter.com/LBLdemocracy or use #Lambeth Lambeth Council – Democracy Live on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/ Digital engagement We encourage people to use Social Media and we normally tweet from most Council meetings. To get involved you can tweet us @LBLDemocracy. Audio/Visual Recording of meetings Everyone is welcome to record meetings of the Council and its Committees using whatever, non- disruptive, methods you think are suitable. If you have any questions about this please contact Democratic Services (members of the press please contact the Press Office). Please note that the Chair of the meeting has the discretion to halt any recording for a number of reasons including disruption caused by the filming or the nature of the business being conducted. Persons making recordings are requested not to put undue restrictions on the material produced so that it can be reused and edited by all local people and organisations on a non-commercial basis. Representation: Ward Councillors may be contacted directly to represent your views to the Council: (details via the website www.lambeth.gov.uk) Speaking rights at Cabinet meetings Cabinet normally has a large amount of business to consider at each meeting. Accordingly, the order of the agenda and time allowed for each item is decided by the Leader of the Council beforehand. Cabinet expects there to have been prior consultation with the public and other interested parties on proposals and a summary of the results to be included in the report. Therefore, oral contributions from members of the public at the meeting should not normally be necessary. The time available may allow contribution(s) to be heard on reports on the agenda but this is entirely at the discretion of the Leader of the Council. Anyone wishing to speak must advise the Secretary to Cabinet before the day of the meeting, advising what aspect not covered in the report they wish to cover. Any such contributions are required to be brief; a maximum of three minutes is likely to be available. Speakers should ideally be on behalf of a number of people or a specific group. Speakers will be advised at the meeting whether and when they will be heard. Councillors may speak at the discretion of the Chair on agenda items, and are entitled to speak on matters that specifically concern their ward. Public Involvement at Council, Committee etc meetings - public notice questions, petitions, deputations and speaking rights (Standing Order 10): Please contact Democratic Services for further information – 020 7926 2170 or the number on the front page. AGENDA Page Nos. 1. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest Under Cabinet Rule 1.5.2, where any Cabinet Member has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (as defined in the Members’ Code of Conduct (para. 4)) in any matter to be considered at a meeting of the Council, a committee, sub-committee or joint committee, they must withdraw from the meeting room during the whole of the consideration of that matter and must not participate in any vote on that matter unless a dispensation has been obtained from the Monitoring Officer. 2. Minutes of Previous Meeting 1 - 10 To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 8 December 2014. 3. Parks and Open Spaces Capital Investment Plan 2014/15 – 2018/19 11 - 100 (Report 129/14-15) Key decision, all wards Report Authorised by: Strategic Director, Commissioning: Helen Charlesworth-May Portfolio: Cabinet Member, Neighbourhoods: Councillor Jane Edbrooke Contact for enquiries: Natalie Thomsen, Programme Manager, Commissioning, 020 7926 6212, [email protected] 4. New Alterations and Extensions Supplementary Planning Document 101 - 190 (Report No: 128/14-15) Key decision, all wards Report Authorised by: Sue Foster, Strategic Director Delivery Portfolio: Councillor Jack Hopkins, Cabinet Member for Business and Growth Contact for enquiries: Doug Black, Delivery Lead Conservation and Urban Design, 020 7926 4065, [email protected] 5. Flood Risk Management Strategy 191 - 252 (Report No: 126/14-15) All wards, key decision Report Authorised by: Sue Foster, Strategic Director Delivery Portfolio: Cllr Jennifer Brathwaite, Cabinet Member for Environment and Sustainability Contact for enquiries: Andrew Round, Commercial Services Development Officer, Delivery Environmental Services, 020 7926 1253 [email protected] 6. Council Tax Support Scheme 253 - 260 (Report No: 127/14-15) Key decision, all wards Report Authorised by: Strategic Director Guy Ware Portfolio: Deputy Leader/Cabinet Member for Finance & Investment, Cllr Paul McGlone Contact for enquiries: Tim Hillman-Brown, Head of Benefits and Customer Centres, BCS, 07852 167 416, [email protected] Page 1 Agenda Item 2 Ca b CABINET Monday 8 December 2014 at 7.00 pm MINUTES PRESENT: Cabinet Members: Portfolio: Councillor Matthew Bennett Cabinet Member for Housing Councillor Jennifer Brathwaite Cabinet Member for Environment & Sustainability Councillor Jim Dickson Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing Councillor Jane Edbrooke Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods Councillor Jack Hopkins Cabinet Member for Jobs & Growth Councillor Paul McGlone Deputy Leader (Finance and Investment) Councillor Jackie Meldrum Cabinet Member for Children & Adult Services Councillor Lib Peck Leader of the Council Councillor Imogen Walker Deputy Leader (Policy) Apologies for absence Councillor Rachel Heywood Also present: Councillor Tim Briggs Action required by 1. DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Jackie Meldrum, Cabinet Member for Children and Adults Services, declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in item 4 on the agenda, Housing Revenue Account and Budget Setting 2015/16 and left the meeting during the discussion of this item. 2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING RESOLVED: That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 10 November 2014 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record of the proceedings. Page 2 3. HOUSING REVENUE ACCOUNT RENT AND BUDGET SETTING 2015/2016 (Agenda item 3) (Key Decision – call-in deadline ends on Friday 19 December 2014) Councillor Matthew Bennett, Cabinet Member for Housing, introduced the report, which set out the proposed increases to rents and service charges and well as the position of the overall HRA. A 2.9 percent increase in rents was recommended as this level would help avoid a deficit within the HRA. Proposals had been developed in close consultation with Lambeth Living and Housing Area Forums. Tenants Council had also been consulted and had supported a 2.2 percent increase to rents however an increase at this level would bring the HRA into a deficit. A 5 percent reduction in communal service charges was also proposed. Cabinet received the following representation: Ron Hollis, member of the Tenants Council Executive, noted that it was important to look at the broader context for the rent increase and the overall increase to costs to many tenants across the borough. Poverty was increasing in Lambeth, with many families not being able to afford the basics in life. Poor health arising from unfit housing conditions was also on the rise in the borough and it was crucial that the Council did everything in its power to protect the most vulnerable in the borough. He recommended that rents were increased no higher than 2.1 percent to protect those most at risk in the borough. The Leader of the Council, Councillor Lib Peck, thanked Ron Hollis for his contribution which she felt described an accurate picture of the current situation for many people in the borough. She further noted that increasing rents at the recommended level had been a difficult decision for Members as they understood the difficulties that residents had to deal with in the current financial climate. The Deputy Leader, Policy, welcomed the comments made by the Leader of the Council and noted that the proposed rent increase was understandably difficult for many residents but also stated that much proactive work was being carried out around financial resilience across the borough which would assist
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