University of Washington Tacoma UW Tacoma Digital Commons Journalist Communication Spring 3-1-2008 Journalist 2008 University of Washington - Tacoma Campus Moscow State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.tacoma.uw.edu/journalist Part of the Journalism Studies Commons Recommended Citation University of Washington - Tacoma Campus and Moscow State University, "Journalist 2008" (2008). Journalist. 1. https://digitalcommons.tacoma.uw.edu/journalist/1 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Communication at UW Tacoma Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journalist by an authorized administrator of UW Tacoma Digital Commons. --------- Black, White and i Students Speak Out Shades of Gray I As part of our Livejournalpage 1 I (http://community.livejournal.comljourn), we posed the question: Can I there be choice in politics? Here are a few of the MSU student responses. I I Kamila Yunusbaeva, 22-user Sunkama thankful spectator. Elections 2008 appeared On the one hand, the U.S. election system as a big performance of one actor and his looks very complicated... understudy. I On the other hand, it's like sieve; it's a long Anonymous\in livejournal.ru\ way but at the end you've got the right can- At the end of February my dad asked me: -II didate... - Why don't you vote for Medvedev? I Sergey Nacharov, 21-user Kv_a_nt - I know the end of this story. .. I i If Hillary wins, you may face the situation - Did he do anything bad for you? You ! with political dynasties etc. If McCain wins, study in the best Universaty for free; you No matter what country we may be from, I you'll get a continuation of the war in Iraq got grant for your studies from the gover- making choices is part of our daily lives. I and more complicated relations with Russia. ment ... Sometimes those choices are easy, but often i Whoever is elected, it's YOUR CHOICE! - Daaad .. ! People don't understand ... they are not. ! Americans really does choose. There was no - Ok. .. let's ask your granny! The theme of this magazine is "Choice." choice; there were no elections in Russia. - Granrnaaa!!! Do you like Putin Choices surround us, and too often, the I Anastasiya Gorshkova, 19-userTentabelIe and Medvedev? choices we make are done without thought­ I We do not live in a democratic country. No - Hm... Everybody say he is good!.. ful contemplation or deliberation. I choice, no voice. I'm fed up with the role of a I think he should be ... Yes ... he is good! i As a part of a joint collaboration between , .---------------- ------ -------- ---- -- -- -- ------_._._1 Moscow State University and the University of Washington Tacoma, the Journalist stafF I Yasen Zassoursky decided to use the theme of choice to rep­ I resent the array and magnitude of choices , The President of the Dept. ofJournalism, MSU facing us personally, nationally, and globally. i American democratic system is a good­ Through the combined efforts of the Russian working system, but it has become already and U.S. staff members, the magazine grew out of date. For example the election system \ from that kernel of an idea into the tangible itself, when citizens vote and then electors outcome that you now hold in your hands. elect a president. We can see a situation J The Journalist's lead article raises ques­ when a person, I mean Albert Gore, had the tions concerning if, when, andlor how much biggest amount of citizen's voices, but didn't choice we really have in presidential elections. become a president. Other politically-related articles discuss the In Soviet times elections in our country complexities of becoming an independent were a mere formality and didn't determine nation and who should own the rights to I anything. The system was based on an old the Northwest Passage. This issue also offers I People always have a choice. The question authoritarian concept of a kind ruler who a lighter side with stories focusing on such is how they use this opportunity to choose. can decide everything. It is difficult to give topics as love, fashion, and fame, as well as IIf we talk about an opportunity to make a up this concept for those people who were numerous other articles covering subjects political choice in Russia and the USA, we born with it, spent all their lives with it and including higher education, war photogra­ should understand that there is a big dif­ got used to it. First of all we should get rid of phers, and toxic beauty products. ference between our countries. America has old prejudices and stereotypes. Such a fight No matter the topic, each article ap­ very old democratic tradition while Russia is usually takes a long time. proaches it in relation to choice. Sometimes on the level of forming it. those choices may seem like choices between good and evil, or between black and white, Journalist - but most often they are gray. / Joint project ofthe MSU department ofJournalism, Moscow The articles in this magazine were also I and Univel'Sity ofWashington Tacoma. choices. The writers of each story chose the Staff. Artem Galustyan (editor-in-chief) (MSU), Rachel DeForrest (editor-ill-chief) (UW), topic and approach, so not only does this Meagan Ross (UW), Daniel Nash (UW), Maria Danova (MSU), Elena Potapova (MSU), magazine represent choices in life, but it also Amina Sheikhova (MSU), Diana Koulchitskaya (MSU), Tatiana Fedorova (MSU), Valen- represents the choices of the Journalist staff I tina Matryonkina (MSU), Elena Komilova (MSU), Irina Hlatova (MSU), Natasha Kiselyova members, each bringing with them their own (MSU), Daria Klimenko (MSU), Elena Gutkiaa (MSU), Yana Dm.itrieva (MSU), Svyatoslav cultural and national perspectives and styles. I Neklyaev (il/Jagrophib editor) (MSU) We invite you to read the efforts of the Layout: Galina Kuznetsova : students from both universities, but remem­ Instructors: Dr. Maria Lukina, Dr. Chris Demaske Contact: [email protected] I.- ,. _ber . .____. the choice _is__ yours_ ._____ __ -1I 4 Stakes are High for Arctic Seafloor I Stu~-e-n-ts-a-t -UWT-'--an-d-M-S-U-w-e-r-'e :, i asked: Who do you think should con- I trol the Arctic's seafloor and shipping ; I lanes? The answers below offer a sam- pling of the disparity of views on tIli.s Ihighly political issue. I Vesper (UWT): No one should have I command and control ove~ that region. I Darin (UWT): Good Lord! Must I someone OWN everything? , Erin (UWT): The UN. ' Jenya (MSU): This area should be I shared between all the boarding coun­ ! tries. ~ Veronica (MSU): The Northwest Pas- ' , sage can be controlled by the whole I world. l Amina (MSU): If the countries don't I come to an accommodation, there can be an international conflict. The Arctic , I seafloor should be shared equally. ,------ ---------- of the bordering countries. But who has a off Alaska to try and attain United Nation right to them? approval to extend the nautical boundary for eptune, step aside. Though long ago Russia, the United States, Canada, Den­ the submerged plateau of the Chukchi Cap. N the oceans' parameters were parceled mark and Norway, all are .each maneuvering Another group is eyeing the Arctic sea­ and divided among nation's shorelines, as to get a piece of the pie. Canada is taking floor, but ownership is not on their agenda. of last year, new territory became available dramatic steps trying to secure shipping Since the thaw allowed exploration of the for the first time: the Northwest Passage. lane rights with plans to construct a coastal region, scientists have conducted several ex­ 1he Northwest Passage, a route connect­ military base and add heightened patrols to peditions. Some scientists believe the colder ing the Pacific and Arctic oceans, has been maintain control over the area. The incred­ water could help them project global warm­ the stuff oflegends since the 18th century. ible attention to the surface may be designed ing by monitoring its effects on marine life. Last summer, thanks to global warm­ to better control what lays below-the sea Others are taking advantage of new access ing, it finally became a reality and since floor. to this unknown region to identify species its appearance, countries bordering the Fluctuating oil reserves and peak oil pro­ (see below) not found in warmer waters. new waterway have been stepping up to jecti<;ms have key countries jockeying to claim All agree that this pristine area's days will claim it as their own. Several governments potential new oil and natural gas reserves be numbered once ownership is settled and anticipate the frozen expanse to be trans­ under the sea floor. Russia claims the North cOllimercial interests move in. formed into exploitable resources: newly Pole to be an extension of the Siberia shelf; The Northwest Passage: once an tmob­ accessible shipping lanes above, migrating Canada counters that it connects Russian to tainable goal by the maritime community is fish within, and potential geo-petroleum Canadian shores; and Denmark asserts it to now a reality, both bringing countries closer resources below. Staking a claim to any be an extension of Greenland. Meanwhile, together through its watercourse and farther of these resolirces could mean a lot to any the U. S. has been busy mapping the seafloor apart with its treasures below. 5 Balkan Crossroads Kosovars celebrated theirfreedom withfirew orks and drum sessions. However, controversy is still raging over thefate ofthe world's 194 state bombing campaign and to send troops to the ,'IIill have the chance to rise up from the ash­ territory.
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