j;iiit· c-Li'Ci:iA". Ii? ir trtr 7 ti r· -.,-i·" i;· ·· ::- __ ii ·· ..:- .I '. e· .-·· iii r5 ·r_ -':i:r ji; :L";-.Tj-i;: r; 1:;...·-4I1:I: ii:l;r:l:ii·51lr;I;IEjB:;LI .. ,,.,. ·. · ii. 2( ,·- ,:. ,.··-· ·L--;: -'.-.._·----- ---. ?·:.. - -,. ·.. _ -. :_i.--- _.-. , . ·C1·-- -- -I ii s·---··ll Condaomns to be sold in0 orrns By Andrew L. Fish medicines such as Tylenol and mitories, Weinberg said. and Eric L. Chang Robitussin, Weinberg said. "MIT students are certainly MIT will install health aid dis- "It is quite clear that there are worthy of being protected and pensers, which will sell- condoms compelling reasons for making educated," Weinberg said. "We as well as other over-the-counter safe sex education and condoms hope they will respond appro- products, In all Institute dormi- available," Weinberg said. In- priately." tories, said Medical Director Ar- creasing concerns over Acquired Already, three people from the nold N. Weinberg on Wednesday Immune Deficiency Syndrome MIT undergraduate, graduate, evening. Fraternities may also re- played a major role in the deci- and junior faculty community ceive the machines. sion to install the machines. have died of AIDS, Weinberg The machines will be installed In addition to installing the said. There are "most certainly" "as soon as possible," Weinberg machines, the Medical Depart- others in the MIT community said. They will be located in dis- ment is currently putting together who have died of the disease, he creet places such as bathrooms information pamphlets on AIDS said. In addition, the Medical and contain condoms along with which will be distributed in dor- Center has treated AIDS patients in its patient clinic, he noted. Noble seeks dlocullontsB Weinberg said the plan to in- stall health-aid dispensers has the ~5~t~ig~it full support of President Paul E. for battle olver ten ure Gray '54. By SalmanI Akhtarr since litigation began," said At first, a group headed by Legal manaeuvers are continu- Leonard Minsky, director of the had considered just ing in former MI[T Professor Da- Weinberg Coalition. The Coalition has placing condom machines in dor- vid Noble's suit against MIT. The MIT been notifying faculty at nmitories. But the group decided Middlesex Superior Court is cur- and other universities about the that a more varied selection of rently considering a motion from case and has started a fund- products would be more benefi- Noble' lawyer seeking to compel raising campaign for Noble, he Also, people MIT to surrender certain docu- cial to students. explained. who might object to a condom ments, while MIT has withdrawn (Please turn to page 7) (Please turn to page 8) its motion asking the court to dismiss Noble's suit. Noble, who is now a professor rcta suy YaU UA wvork on at Drexel University, is suing MIT over his 1984 tenure denial, revising lASS-D plan which he alleges was made on po- By Katie Schwarz meeting, he said, and the CUP litical grounds. He had been an Faculty and student groups are subcommittee will wait for the in the Pro- assistant professor preparing revisions to the recent- council's vote before making its gram in Science, Technology and ly proposed humanities distribu- own recommendations. The pro- Society. tion requirement in response to posal itself is now scheduled for a for Kyle G. Peltonen/The Tech The National Coalition student and faculty opposition. vote at the May 20 faculty meet- in the Public Interest She is beautiful agairn. Th(e Statue of Liberty gleams Universities The Committee on the Under- ing. once more after extendeid restoration. See photo has taken up Noble's case. "We graduate Program and the Un- The UA Council agreed on six essay inside, have been supporting the case dergraduate Association have primary problems with the cur- financially and organizationally both formed subgroups to answer rent proposal at a meeting last objections to the current propo:s- Thursday: ~ sex-ually explicit film al. The faculty postponed voting * the number of classes eligi- LSC" to shol on the proposal at its meeting ble for humanities, arts and so- Andrew L. Fish ]Because the film was approved, it ber of Profemrna, said she would By last week, after 1400 students cial sciences distribution credit is The Lecture Series Committee is not subject to any of the re- like to find out more about Body signed a petition asking for more limited to 50, compared to 156 explicit strictions of the MIT Policy on Talk before commenting on it. will show the sexually time for student input. this year and 108 next year; Explicit Films. Unap- She did note, however, that Pro- film Body Talk in Kresgqe Audito- -SexuaLly Jonathan H. Gruber '87, stu- * there is little place for for- tbe proved films cannot be shown femina is interested in the con- rium on May 15._ It will be. dent representative on the CUP, eign languages and literatures in during Residence/Orientation tent of the film, and not simply first sexually explicit fi-mShow''n- will be on both committees and the current proposal's category Week or Registratiorr Day. oaf .ei-. whether MIT policy is being by LSC since March 2, 1995. - will be a liaison between them, system; pri- ther term and cannot be shown in Sfollowed. The movie is being shown said Undergraduate Association * there is no provision for ad- Auditorium. She said Profemina is con- marily because sexually explicit Kresge President Manuel Rodriguez '89. vanced placement for students If Body Talk is successful, cerned with how showing sexual- fiors have been profitable in the A committee set up by the UA with strong backgrounds; LSC will consider submitting ly explicit films might affect the past, according to Michael Ed- Council will prepare a resolution a HASS-D classes ray take other movies to the Pornography environment for women on carn- munds '89, chairman of LSC. either urging specific amendments faculty time and resources away Screening Committee, Edmunds pus. Some women regard sexual- Edmunds said LSC was planning to the proposal or urging the fac- from smaller humanities elec- the fall and said. He said that while LSC did ly explicit films as a form of ha- expensive lectures in ulty to reject it, Rodriguez con- tives; agree with every aspect of the rassment, she noted. the film would help defray costs. not tinued. This resolution will be a HASS-D classes may be too to sexually explicit film policy, it Huang said Profemina is con- "The time seemed right ready by the council's April 30 (Please turn to page 6) had no plans for violating it at (mease torn to page 6} show [a sexually explicit film]," · r -L--l '----· --- he said. He said LSC did not the current time. show a sexually explicit film for Edmunds said the Office of the over two years because there was Dean for Student Affairs had no- a lack of interest among LSC tified other groups which may members. want to present alternatives to Body Talk was approved by Body Talk. He said LSC would the MIT ad hoc Pornography try to help these groups book al- Screening Committee in 1985, ternative films. but has never been shown since. Caroline B. Huang G, a mem- . 1,uths lowbI sM'IT student crossing Hairvard Bridge By Earl C. Yen cer with the Metropolitan District An MIT student was robbed at Comrnission. knifepoint by four youths on the Chris C. Kraemer '89, a resi- Harvard Bridge on the night of dent of Pi Lambda Phi in Bos- April 15. The four youths, all be- ton, said he was walking home by tween the ages of 15 and 17, were himself on the East side of the apprehended and have been bridge at 10:30 pi when four charged with armed robbery by youths crossed the street and sur- means of a dangerous weapon, rounded him. according to Larry Gilois, an offi- One youth pulled out a large hunting knife and demanded that Kraemer hand over his money while another youth grabbed Kraemer's wallet. Moments later, all four fled. ARA is changing its Kraermer flagged down a Met- ropolitan District Commission required meal plan j police cruiser, and the police im- policy. Page 2. mediately found and apprehend- ed two of the alleged assailants in Professor of Music Boston. Lisette W Lambregts/The Tech John H. Harbison wins a One is 16 years old and the crocuses, the heralds of other is 15 years old, and both Mother Nature shows her true colors early last month as Pulitzer Prize. Page 2. spring, poke through barely thawed soil. (Please turn to page 8) - C---C-·IC c--_ , -- -- ---- I B~= PAGE 2 The Tech FRIDAY, alP-c- -- P, APRIL 24, 1987 ·II·IPP-·I ! ARA changes required meal plans By Kenyon D. Potter Housing and Food Services is re- speed of service at Morss Hall Beginning next semester, re- sponsible for policy decisions; and Pritchett Lounge, both quired student meal plan fees for ARA can only make recommen- housed in Walker Memorial. In on-campus living groups with dations.] addition, ARA plans to install ! dining facilities will be the same food wagons similar to the one for all classes, according to Gen- Renovations to close most currently located in Building 13 eral Manager of Food Services ARA services in Student Center in the Sala de Puerto Rico in the John Ledwick, director of ARA Student Center and the Weisner operations at MIT. Renovations of the MIT Stu- courtyard. dent Center will begin in Currently, minimum student August.
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