GREATEST LEADER OF OUR FREEDOM STRUGGLE* DR. MANMOHAN SINGH (Prime Minister of India) It is an honour for me to be present here today at this provided moral, intellectual and political leadership of a inaugural function of the 150th Birth Anniversary rare quality to our country. They were widely loved and Commemoration of great patriot Pt. Madan Mohan respected and their politics was infused with a high degree Malaviyaji. of idealism, selfless service and the hope of building a Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviyaji was one of the new and modern India unshackled from colonial subjuga- greatest leaders of our freedom struggle who shaped the tion. Despite the cynicism that prevails today around us, values and ideals of modern India. Like many leaders of I believe that in the heart of each one of us there is a that generation, he was a man of many parts and his yearning for decency, for goodness and respect for funda- genius as an educationist, as a social reformer, as a writer mental human values. These are the same values that we and as a legislator has left a deep imprint on our polity associate with the founding fathers of our republic. And it and on our society. is our bounden duty to remind successive generations of what they aspired for in building a free and modern India. We remember Malaviyaji as the founder of the Banaras Hindu University, which is today one of the Despite the cynicism that prevails today around us, premier national universities in the country with nearly I believe that in the heart of each one of us there is a twenty thousand students and 140 departments ranging yearning for decency, for goodness and respect for funda- from social sciences to medicine and engineering. mental human values. These are the same values that we associate with the founding fathers of our republic. And it Malaviyaji wanted the youth of India to benefit from is our bounden duty to remind successive generations of an integrated education that incorporated modern scien- what they aspired for in building a free and modern India. tific knowledge, practical training, ethical standard and the study of the arts. He wanted to blend the best of In- I am extremely happy at the initiative taken by the dian learning with the modern scientific ideas of the West. Ministry of Culture to celebrate the life and achievements of one of our great patriots that Malaviyaji was. At the I can do no better than to quote his message on the first meeting of the National Committee headed by me founding of the Banaras Hindu University : that was set up to Commemorate the 150th Birth "India is not a country of the Hindus only. It is a Anniversary Year of Malaviyaji, we received a number of country of the Muslims, the Christians and the Parsees very constructive suggestions on the commemorative too. The country can gain strength and develop itself only events to be organized. We have established a National when the people of the different communities in India live Implementation Committee headed by renowned scholar- in mutual goodwill and harmony. It is my earnest hope statesman Dr Karan Singh to oversee the implementation and prayer that this centre of life and light which is coming of the various events. into existence, will produce students who will not only be A wide range of projects are being undertaken as intellectually equal to the best of their fellow students in part of the commemoration to make Malaviyaji’s ideals other parts of the world, but will also live a noble life, and achievements more accessible to a wider audience. love their country and be loyal to the Supreme ruler." Our aim is to motivate the youth of our country to learn I cannot think of a better ideal of education in our and be inspired by his thoughts, by his teachings and by country and it remains as relevant today as it was when it his achievements. was written nearly a hundred years ago. I am particularly glad to learn that special efforts Malaviyaji believed in the power of education and are being made to translate the biography and literary morality in arousing the national consciousness. works of Malaviyaji in different Indian languages. A That was an era when a group of like minded series of countrywide seminars, lectures and exhibitions individuals, who were men and women of unimpeachable will be organised for spreading his message to the people integrity and intellectual giants in their own rights, at large. * PM's speech at the commemoration of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahamana Madan Mohan Malaviya Inaugural Function held at New Delhi on December 27, 2011. 186 PRAJѪA : VOL. 58, PART 2, YEAR 2012-13 N 150th MAHAMANA MALAVIYA JAYANTI VISHESHANK : II ISSUE A Centre for Malaviya studies will be set up at the He was Chairman of the Hindustan Times from 1924 Banaras Hindu University, where a digital collection of to 1946 during which period a Hindi edition of the news- Malaviyaji’s writings will be compiled for the first time. paper was also launched. Pt. Malaviya campaigned to We also plan to establish chairs, scholarships and education secure entry for Dalits to the Kalaram Temple on the day related awards in his memory. of the Rath Yatra. He was a member of the Royal I do hope commemorative events will capture the |Industrial Commission of 1918 where he argued force- multi-faceted genius of Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya and fully for granting protection to Indian industries against his versatile contributions to the making of history of indiscriminate imports from abroad. modern India. For lesser mortals, these are the achievements of He worked tirelessly to build the Indian National many lifetimes. Congress, of which he was elected President four times. I conclude by quoting what Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru Malaviyaji served for 14 years in the Imperial Legislative said about Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviyaji - ‘It is fit and Council and later in the Central Legislative Assembly. He proper that we should pay homage to this great man who was a fiery orator and showed his oratorical skills and is the foundation stone of the huge building of Indepen- intellectual prowess in a four and a half hour long speech dence.’ What a glowing tribute to the great patriot, in the Imperial Council against the Rowlatt Bill. visionary and nation builder we honour today. NNN REMEMBER THE GREAT FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH MAHAMANA PT. M. M. MALAVIYA* Ladies and Gentlemen, competent to judge, to stand preeminent among the This is the twelfth Convocation of the Banaras Hindu languages of the world. It has been the medium of University. It was in October 1917 that the University expression of the most sublime thoughts conceived by started its work. In the twelve years that have elapsed man and uttered in the most elegant and majestic forms. much progress has been recorded. The ideal of the It has been elaborated with such a keen sense of the laws University was an institution which should revive the best of harmony that it stands unrivalled as the most economic traditions of the ancient gurukulas of India - like those of means of recording, conveying and remembering knowledge. Takshasila and Nalanda, where Hindu sages taught and Its study, as remarked by Sir Monier Williams, “involves fed ten thousand students at a time-and which should a mental discipline not to be surpassed”. We therefore combine with them the best traditions of the modern conceived it to be our sacred duty to make satisfactory Universities of the West where the highest instruction is provision at the proposed new centre of learning of our imparted in Arts, Science and Technology. race, for the study of this noble language and literature, as The objects of the University were thus formulated: the most potent means of preserving the spiritual sense of the continuity of ages, of a fellowship with the past and (i) To promote the study of the Hindu Shastras and of present, by which our most cherished national treasure Sanskrit Literature generally as a means of preserv- may yet be best utilized for the good of our people and of ing and popularizing for the benefit of the Hindus the world at large and handed down from generation to in particular and of the world at large in general, generation. It is for these reasons that in our scheme of the best thought and culture of the Hindus, and all that studies, Hindu Theology and Sanskrit learning occupied was good and great in the ancient civilization of India; the first place. It is therefore that in conferring degrees at (ii) to promote learning and research generally in arts our Convocations scholars who have studied Theology and and science in all branches; Sanskrit learning take precedence over all other scholars. (iii) to advance and diffuse such scientific, technical and It is a matter of great satisfaction to us that we have professional knowledge, combined with the secured the co-operation in the work of these Faculties of necessary practical training, as is best calculated to the best Pandits who are to be found in India. These revered help in promoting indigenous industries and in repositories of ancient learning help us in prescribing developing the material resources of the country; and courses and examining students, and a number of them (iii) to promote the building up of character in youth by are imparting regular instruction in our colleges of making religion and ethics and integral part of Theology and Oriental Learning in the Vedas, Vedangas, education.
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