GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM ~ fcfm'T ~ST (1f!l!) PUBLIC WORI{S ROADS DEPARTMENT (PWRD) ::ESTABLISHMENT-& BRANCH IANATA BHAWAN :: DISPUR ::GUWAHATI-781006 ORDERS BY THE GOVERNOR OF ASSAM NOTIFICATION Dated Di spur, th e 5th Jun e, 202 1 No . RBEB .116/2019/ Pt-l/ 76: In the interest of public service, the Governor of Assam is pleased to reorgani ze a nd rena me the existing Circles of the Public Works Ro ads Department, including the 4(four) newly created Circle Offi ces, a long with the respective Divi sions unde r their jurisdi ction (excluding the Si xth Schedule Di stricts) as pe r a rrangement show n below w.e.f. the da te of issue of this noti fica tion: Sl. Existing Na m e Renam ed Circle Jurisdiction Name of Divisions under the Renam ed Circle of Dis tr ict 1. Guwahati Roa d Kamrup Road Circle Ka mrup 1. So uth Kamrup Territo rial Road Div isio n Circle H.Q . : Guwahati (Rural) 2. Jalukbari & Hajo Territori al Road Divis ion H.Q. : Guwahati 3. Brahmaputra Bridge Construction Division 2. Guwahati AR IAS P City Road Circle Kamrup 1. East Guwahati Territori al Road Division Circle H.Q.: Gu wahati (Metro) 2. Di spur Territori al Ro ad Di vision H.Q. : Guwahati 3. West Guwahati Territori al Road Division 3. Nalbari Road Na lb ari Ro ad Ci rcle Na lba ri 1. Na lb ari Di stri ct Territori al Road Division Circle H.Q. : Na lbari H.Q. : Nalba ri 4. Western Assa m Goa l para & So uth Goal pa ra & 1. Dudhnoi & Goa l para East Territorial Road Division Circle Sa lm ara Road Circl e So uth 2. Goa l para West & Jaleswar Territo ri al Road Di vision H.Q. : Goalpara H.Q.: Goalpara Sal mara 3. South Sa lmara Di strict Territori al Roa d Di vision. 5. Nagaon Roa d Nagaon & Hoj ai Road Nagao n & 1. Batadraba, Dhing & Raha Te rritorial Roa d Di vision Circle Circle Hoja i 2. Nagaon, Barhampur & Ru pahi hat Territo rial Road H.Q .: Nagao n H.Q. : Nagaon Di vision 3 . Hojai Di strict Territorial Road Di vision 4. Kal iabor & Sa muguri Territorial Road Di vision 6. )arhat Road jorhat Road Circle )arhat 1. )arhat, Dergaon & Titabor Territo ri al Roa d Di vision Circ le H.Q. : )a rh at 2. Teak & Ma ri ani Territorial Road Division H.Q .: )arhat 7. Dibrugarh Road Dibruga rh Road Dibruga rh 1. Dibruga rh, Lahowal, Mo ran & Ti ngkhong Terri torial Circle Circle Roa d Di vision. H.Q. : Dibruga rh H.Q. : Dibruga rh 2. Chabua, Duli ajan & Naharkati a Territo ri al Road Division. 8. North Lakhi mpur La khimpur & Maj uli Lakhimp ur 1. Lak himpur , Nao boich a & Bih pu ria Te rritorial Road Roa d Circle Road Circle & Maju li Division. H.Q. : Lakh impur H.Q . : Lakhim pur 2. Dh akuakhana Te rritorial Road Di vision 3. Maj uli Di stri ct Territorial Road Div ision. 9. Tezpur Road So ni tpur & Bi swanath So nitpu r & 1. Tezpur, Sootea & Ranga para Territo ri al Road Di vision Circle Roa d Circle Biswanath 2. Barchall a & Dh ekiajul i Territori al Roa d Division H.Q. : Tezpur H.Q .: Tezpur 3. Bi swanath Di strict Territori al Road Division. ~- Gohpur Civil Sub-Division Territori al Road Di vision. 10. Mangaldai Road Darra ng & North Darra ng & 1. Ma nga ld oi & Dalga on Territorial Road Di vision. Circle Kamrup Ro ad Circl e No rth 2. Sip aj har & Ka laigaon Territori al Road Di vision. H.Q . : Darra ng H.Q. : Ma ngald ai Kamrup 3. No rth Kamrup Territorial Road Di vis ion. 11. Guwahati NEC Bonga iga on & Dhubri Bongaigaon 1. Bo nga igaon Di stri ct Territori al Road Di vision. Circle Road Circle & Dhubri 2. Bilashi para Civil Sub-Di vision Te rrito ri al Road Division H.Q .: Guwa hati H.Q. : Dhubri. 3. Dh ubri Civil Sub-Di vision Territori al Road Di vision. 12. )arhat NEC Circle Charaid eo & Sibsagar Charaideo & 1. Sibsagar & Th owra Territori al Road Division. H.Q. : jorhat Road Circle Sibsagar 2. Naz ira & Amguri Territo ri al Road Division. H.Q. : Sibsagar 3. Charaid eo Di strict Territorial Road Di vision. 13. RIDF -11 Circle Mo rigaon Ro ad Circle Mo rigao n 1. Mo ri gaon Di strict Territo ri al Road Di vision H.Q. : Guwahati H.Q .: Morigaon 14. Haflong NEC Ha fl ong NE C Circl e Umrangso 1. Umrangshu NEC Di vision Circle H.Q.: Hafl ong H.Q. : Haflo ng \ ~ e l o f2 ~~ Sl. Ex isting Name Renamed Circle jurisdiction Name of Divisions under the Renamed Circle of District 15. None Barpeta Road Circle Barpeta 1. Barpeta, Baghbar & Chenga Territorial Road Division H.Q.: Barpeta 2. Bhabanipur, Patacharkuchi & Sorukhetri Territorial (Newly created*) Road Division 3. Sorbhog & jania Territorial Road Division 16. None Dhemaji Road Circle Dhemaji 1. Dhemaji Territorial Road Division H.Q. : Dhemaji 2. ]onai Territorial Road Division., (Newly created*) 17. None Golaghat Road Circle Golaghat 1. Golaghat & Khumtai Territorial Road Division H.Q. : Golaghat 2. Bokakhat Territorial Road Division (Newly created*) 3. Sarupathar Territorial Road Division. 18. None Tinsukia Road Circle Tinsukia 1. Tinsukia, Doom Dooma & Sadia Territorial Road Division H.Q. : Tinsukia 2. Digboi & Margherita Territorial Road Division. (Newly created*) * Newly created v1de Govt. Sanction letter No. RB£8.116/ 2019/ Pt.ll/ 43 dated 09.11.2020. (R'J"h mp ~ Commissioner & Spl. S retary to the Govt. of Assam y/Public Works ads Department, Dispur Memo No. RBEB.116/2019/Pt-1/76 -A Dated Dispur. the 5 111 Iune.2021 Copy for favour of information and kind needful to the: 1. Accountant General (A&E), Assam, Maidamgaon, Beltola, Guwahati-2. 2. P.P.S. to the Hon'ble Chief Minister, Assam, Dispur. 3. P.S. to the Hon'ble Minister, PWD, Assam, Dispur. 4. P.S. to Principal Secretary to the Hon'ble Chief Minister, Assam, Dispur. 5. P.S. to Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt of Assam, Finance Department, Dispur. 6. P.S. to Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt of Assam, T&D Department, Di spur. 7. Principal Secretary, BTC l<okrajhar/KAAC, Diphu/ NC HAC, Haflong. 8. P.S. to the Commissioner & Sp l. Secretary to the Govt of Assam, PWRD/ PWD(B&NH) Assam, Dispur. 9. P.S. to the Secretary to the Govt of Assam, PWRD, Assam, Dispur. 10. Publisher, Assam Govt Press, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati-21 for Gazette Notification. 11. All the Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads/ EAP 1 Border Roads & N EC Works/ Building/ N H), Assam, Guwahati. 12. Officer on Special Duty, PWRD/PWD(B&NH), Assam, Dispur. 13. All the Deputy Commissioner, Assam. 14. All the Add!. Chief Engineer, PWD (Roads/ EAP I Border Roads & NEC Works/ NH/Building), Assam, 15. All Superintending Engineer, PWRD, Assam/ Officers concerned for information and necessary action. 16. All the Deputy Secretary/ Under Secretary, PWRD/ PWD(B&NH), Assam, Dispur. 17. Establishment Branch/Confidential Branch, PWRD, Dispur. 18. All the Executive Engineer, PWRD, for information and necessary action. 19. All the Asstt. Executive Engin eer, PWRD, for information and necessary action. 20. Nodal Officer (IT)-cum-OSD (IT), PWRD, for publication in the web-portal of PWRD. By order etc It--~ I 2:> Z/ (M. Rahman) Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Assam (i/c) Public Works Roads Department (Esttt.-B Branch) Page 2 of 2 .
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