JURNAL KOMUNIKASI DAN BISNIS Volume VIII No. 2 November 2020 EISSN 1593749001 GOOGLE CLASSROOM OR MOODLE? : UNIVERSITY STUDENT SATISFACTION IN DISTANCE LEARNING COMMUNICATION DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC Oleh: Gunawan Wiradharma ABSTRACT Distance learning is currently very much influenced by communication media. If in the past distance learning was done by module correspondence via postal delivery, now it is done using public internet facilities. Especially in the COVID-19 pandemic, almost all tertiary institutions utilize online learning for their lectures. There are two features that are commonly and commonly used as learning communication tools namely using Moodle and Google Classroom. The researcher uses the value expectation theory which is a derivative of the uses and gratification theory as a guideline for analyzing data and problems found in this study. Discussion Motives will include information, personal identity, integration and social interaction, and entertainment. Satisfaction will be achieved if the motive is fulfilled. The gap between satisfaction sought and satisfaction obtained will indicate differences in the level of satisfaction. The research method used is a comparative survey research. Data collection techniques through questionnaires were given to each of 116 Moodle and Google Classroom feature users in one of the public higher education in Jakarta. The results of this study were 232 PTN students were satisfied after using Moodle and Google Classroom features. Keywords: Motive, Satisfaction, Google Classroom, Moodle. ABSTRAK Pengajaran jarak jauh saat ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh media komunikasi. Saat ini dilakukan menggunakan fasilitas internet yang umum. Terlebih di masa pandemic COVID-19 ini, hamper semua perguruan tinggi memanfaatkan pembelajaran dalam jaringan untuk proses perkuliahannya. Ada dua fitur yang biasa dan umum digunakan sebagai sarana komunikasi pembelajaran yakni menggunakan Moodle dan Google Classroom. Peneliti menggunakan teori pengharapan nilai yang merupakan turunan dari teori uses and gratification sebagai pedoman untuk menganalisa data dan permasalahan yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian survei komparatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner diberikan kepada masing-masing 116 pengguna fitur Moodle dan Google Classroom di salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri (PTN) di Jakarta. Hasil penelitian ini adalah 232 mahasiswa PTN merasa puas setelah menggunakan fitur Moodle dan Google Classroom. Kata Kunci: Motif, Kepuasan, Google Classroom, Moodle ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Universitas Terbuka, Gedung Fakultas III Lantai 1 & 2, Jl. Pd. Cabe Raya, Pondok Cabe Udik, Pamulang, South Tangerang City, Banten 15418. [email protected] Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi – Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kwik Kian Gie 85 JURNAL KOMUNIKASI DAN BISNIS Volume VIII No. 2 November 2020 EISSN 1593749001 quota is also a problem, network constraints, the INTRODUCTION level of understanding online is more difficult, not all students and lecturers are ready for digital In order to prevent the spread and learning quickly, as well as other supporting transmission of various Covid-19s, the facilities such as the availability of laptops. government has implemented policies, one of As a social being, humans will never be which is to reduce and eliminate Teaching and satisfied forever. Every time human needs will Learning Activities (KBM) in all campuses (both continue to emerge and seem to have no limit. In public and private) in Indonesia. This decision addition, humans always need time and process to was considered very appropriate in order to be able to adapt to new environments and reduce contact and avoid crowds during the activities. Therefore, it is understandable that Covid-19 pandemic. However, the government many students complain about these new still urges all activities related to teaching and activities and methods because it is human nature. learning activities, such as lectures, discussions In connection with this new method, and other activities to continue by making various namely online teaching and learning activities and adjustments. One of the anticipations that was processes, Uses and Gratification theory, it is then put into effect was carrying out activities revealed that the audience basically uses mass online (on the network) or learning online using media based on certain motives. If human motives the synchronous method: UmeetME, Webex, are fulfilled, then human needs will also be Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, Googlemeet, and fulfilled. Those motives become a reference for others. Apart from synchronous methods, someone to choose which media (cellphone) they asynchronous methods are also applied: eLisa, will use. Every student must have their own Elok, Elearning Pharmacy, WhatApps Group, and reasons whether they should use the Moodle others. However, the teachers still pay attention to feature or prefer to use the Google Classroom the continuation of the teaching and learning feature. The reasons or motives can be different process and the achievement of the quality of but they can also be the same depending on the learning that has been determined. individual who uses them. These various efforts were made to avoid All the satisfaction will be created after the and break the chain of the spread of Covid-19, various needs or motives of the teenagers are met. which is currently shaking all countries in the The theory used to measure the satisfaction level world, including Indonesia. To anticipate the of adolescents is the Expectancy Values theory. outbreak of the virus, currently the most effective This theory includes Gratification Sought and way to do this is to do various activities at home Gratification Obtained. Each feature certainly has including working from home, studying from its own level of satisfaction and weakness. It home, not gathering and crowd-gathering, could be that the satisfaction regarding Moodle's keeping a distance, always wearing masks and features is greater, and vice versa, in fact, the washing hands diligently. Even with these satisfaction of Google Classroom features is conditions, students are still encouraged to get higher. Therefore, the purpose of holding this learning materials effectively as usual so they research is to explain the difference in the level of won't miss the lecture material. satisfaction in using the Moodle and Google However, many students consider that Classroom features among Communication teaching and learning activities using online Science students at one of the state universities methods / online methods like this are ineffective (PTN) in Jakarta. when compared to the usual methods. Not a few of them complained. In addition, the extravagant Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi – Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kwik Kian Gie 86 JURNAL KOMUNIKASI DAN BISNIS Volume VIII No. 2 November 2020 EISSN 1593749001 following, the researcher presents the Expectancy LITERATURE REVIEW Values model. The indicators of gaps regarding whether Uses and Gratification theory focuses someone is satisfied with the media according to heavily on motive as an independent variable that Kriyantono (2010: 212), are: influences media use. In this theory there is a 1) If the average GS score is greater than the GO variant called the Expectancy Values theory in the score, there will be a satisfaction gap because sense that someone's behavior is a function of the the needs obtained are less than the wants. 1. This means that the media fail to provide value of the expected results of an action. This satisfaction to the audience. theory contains the value of the goals to be 2) If the average GS score is the same as the GO achieved and the hope of successfully achieving score, there will be no satisfaction gap these goals. because all the desired needs are met. This Regarding this concept, Palmgreen asks means that the media is quite successful in whether the motives of the audience have been providing satisfaction to its audiences. fulfilled by the media and whether the audience is 3) If the average GS score is smaller than the GO satisfied after using the media. To measure the score, then the satisfaction gap is bigger than concept of satisfaction, Gratification Sought (GS) the desired needs. 1. This means that the and Gratification Obtained (GO) are used media are very successful in providing (Kriyantono, 2010: 210). This theory argues that satisfaction to their audiences. someone will exert themselves to the world (media) based on their beliefs and evaluations of The bigger the gap in the average score (mean score) that occurs, the media is more the world. Gratification Sought is the satisfaction unsatisfactory to the audience. And conversely, that is sought or wanted by an individual (motive) the smaller the gap in the average score that when consuming certain types of media. occurs, the more satisfying the media is for the Meanwhile, Gratification Obtained is the real audience. Meanwhile, motive is the beginning of satisfaction that a person gets after consuming a an individual using media. And evaluation is the certain type of media. final result to find out whether someone is According to Palmgreen, Gratification satisfied with the use of the media. The purpose Sought is formed from one's beliefs about what of this research is to find out whether the students the media can provide and from one's evaluation of Public
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