Project evaluation series Mid-term evaluation of the FAO-EU FLEGT Programme, phase III PROJECT EVALUATION SERIES Mid-term evaluation of the FAO-EU FLEGT Programme, phase III FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, 2019 Required citation: FAO. 2019. Mid-term evaluation of the FAO-EU FLEGT Programme, phase III. Rome. The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers, whether or not these have been patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by FAO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. 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Null, ©FAO/Sean Gallagher, ©FAO/Giulio Napolitano, ©FAO/Sean Gallagher, ©FAO Contents Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................................................................... v Acronyms and abbreviations .................................................................................................................................. vi Executive summary ................................................................................................................................................... vii 1. Introduction........................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose of the evaluation ........................................................................................................................1 1.2 Intended users ..............................................................................................................................................1 1.3 Scope and objective of the evaluation ................................................................................................1 1.4 Methodology .................................................................................................................................................2 1.5 Structure of the report ...............................................................................................................................4 2. Background and context of the project ............................................................................ 5 2.1 Context of the Programme ......................................................................................................................5 2.2 Theory of Change ........................................................................................................................................8 3. Evaluation questions: key findings .................................................................................. 11 3.1 Evaluation Question 1: Relevance ...................................................................................................... 11 3.2 Evaluation Question 2: Design............................................................................................................. 13 3.3 Evaluation Question 3: Communication .......................................................................................... 14 3.4 Evaluation Question 4: Partnerships? ............................................................................................... 17 3.5 Evaluation Question 5: Comparative advantage 3.6 Evaluation Question 6: Efficiency ........................................................................................................ 20 3.7 Evaluation Question 7: Effectiveness ................................................................................................. 22 3.7.1 Outcome 1: Support to VPA Countries....................................................................................... 23 3.7.2 Outcome 2: Support to non-VPA countries.............................................................................. 25 3.7.3 Outcome 3: Increasing the capacity of the private sector, particularly micro, small and medium enterprises .............................................................................................................................. 27 3.7.4 Outcome 4: Communication and knowledge management .............................................. 29 3.7.5 Outcome 5: Impact monitoring ..................................................................................................... 31 3.8 Evaluation Question 8: Sustainability ................................................................................................ 32 3.9 Evaluation Question 9: Impact ............................................................................................................. 33 3.10 Evaluation Question 10: Gender ......................................................................................................... 35 4. Conclusions and recommendations ................................................................................. 39 4.1 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................. 39 4.2 Recommendations ................................................................................................................................... 40 Appendix. List of people interviewed ...................................................................................... 43 iii Mid-term Evaluation of the FAO-EU FLEGT Programme, Phase III Figures and tables Figures Figure 1: Programme level Theory of Change for Phase III ................................................................... 9 Figure 2: Theory of change – example from the Philippines .............................................................. 10 Figure 3: Analysis of cost-drivers of Phase II and Phase III of FAO-EU FLEGT Programme ....... 22 Tables Table 1: List of countries supported by Phase III of the FAO-EU FLEGT Programme .................... 6 iv Mid-term Evaluation of the FAO-EU FLEGT Programme, Phase III Acknowledgements The FAO Office of Evaluation (OED) would like to thank the FAO-EU FLEGT Programme team, who were able to facilitate field visits, team meetings and constant requests for information, reports and documentation. The evaluation was managed by Ahmedou Ould Abdallahi from the FAO Office of Evaluation; the evaluation team was composed of Tom Blomley (Team Leader), James Gasana and Abidah Setyowati. Particular thanks go to Bob Simpson (former programme manager), Marc Vandenhaute (acting programme manager) and Daphne Hewitt (private sector support). At the regional and country level, the Office wishes to thank FAO staff for organizing and hosting field visits, with special thanks to Bruno Cammaert, Jhongsathit Aungvitayatorn, Josil Murray, Erica Pohnan, Karl Villegas, Sarah Fumey, Godwin Codjoe, Guillermo Navarro and Nhaydu Bohorques. Finally,
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