• • Wear Special A Flower Lei Inaugural, Completion Tomorrow M AW A Issue VOL. XXVI UNIVERSITY OF HAWAll, FRIDAY, ~PRIL 30, 1948 No. 51 Leebrick Named To SPC; Elaborate Ceremony Features Heads For Aus.tralia Soon Dr . Karl C. Leebrick, university vice president, was appointed Annual Lei Day Pageant alternate member of the South Pacific Commission by President ' Harry S. Truman Wednesday morning, and will leave for Sydney, Australia , the scene of the Commission's first meeting, sometime next President Sinclair To Crown Caroline Lee In Gala week. Dr. Leebrick, who has · had a Program At Flower Bedecked Andrews .Amphi-theatre· Jong and distinguished career in Council Petitions. Amidst a galaxy of Hawaiian blossoms, Caroline Lee will be crowned Queen of May by President Gregg handling Far East governmental M. Sinclair at the "Na. Lei 0 Hawaii" spring pageant which will begin at 4 p:m. tomorrow at the An- problems, will serve as the United Due At Midnight drews amphitheatre. , States senior commissioner at the Petitions for all. ASUH councilors The queen, gowned in white satin, will be attended by May Freeth and Mercedes Kapela. conference, scheduled for May 10. must be turned in before midnight Notified by radiogram .early Eight island princesses will comprise her court. They include: Hawaii, Nani Kupihea, wearing a red today, according to President Rich­ holoku and a lehua lei; Maui, Lorraine Ching, wearing a pink holoku and a rose lei; Oahu, Marie Lee, ard Kosaki. wearing a yellow holoku and ilima strands; Kauai, Madeline Chun, wearing a royal purple holoku Elections are scheduled for Fri­ ·day, May 7. and a mokihana and maile lei; Molokai, Floraine F eikert, wearing a green holoku and a kukui lei. Thirty-eight candidates have .been Lanai Jackie Booth, in royal blue and a kaunaoa lei; Niihau, Phyllis Gregory, in white shell strands; nominated by the present council Kahoolawe, Winona Ellis, w~aring a gray holoku and a hinahina lei. The queen and each princess will to run for next year's seats. They have a page escort from TC ele- are: mentary school. - Senior council.ors: Ellen Kawa­ The flower kahilis, comprised moto, Toshiko Kohatsu, Ruth Nitta, Branch Post Office May, Be Stanley Kim, Alvin Shim, Robert of red hibisc'us and yellow plu­ Richardson, Clarence Fong. meria, will be borne by courtiers Shigeto Kanemoto, Mendel Borth­ Est.ahlished On UH Campus in white outfits with red and. yel­ wick, Albert Evensen, M~bel Toku­ The establishment of a branch receipt of approval from the U.S. low capes. , Yellow' day lilies will · naga, Dorothy Wong, Kazue Amioka post offi,ce on the university cam­ Postal Service by President Sin- decorate the' throne. for and James Iri:!ura:. I pus primarily the administrative cl air. The program wm consist of staff, faculty and students was dis­ Junior councilors: Ellen Ahana, The new postal station will in no many international dances. Direc­ Eichi Oki, Dewey Kim, Frances Mc­ cussed in President Gregg M. Sin- tors inclu de Mercedes Correa, Fili­ way affect the present ASUH mail Millen, Jean Serikawa, Barry Rubin, clair's office Monday morning. pino; Margaret Young, Chinese; system, but will make up for present George Koga. President Sinclair explained the Eleanor Nozoe, Japanese; TC stu­ Larry Tamanaha, · George · Lum, need for a better system to handle inadequacies. The proposed office dents, Swedish; Hawaiian, Ke Dr. C. K. Leebrick Benjamin Menor and Denis Wong. the school's mail by pointing out the will be equipped to handle cashing · Anuenue sorority and Eleanor Hi­ inadequacies of the present system Wednesday morning that President Also Leonard Walker, who was pe­ of money orders, accepting of par- ram, noted exponent of the hula. titioned. to take care of• the increased' cor­ CH.ORUS, GLEEMEN Truman bad appointed him, Dr. eel post, and other duties. Sophomore councilors: Sunao respondence caused by the growth Ke Anuenue chorus and Kalakau Leebrick awaited only final .word Murata, Herbert Kobayashi, Winona of the university. Gleernen will provide the music. from the state department con­ Ellis, Herbert Tanigawa, Scott Ro­ ' "At times the mail and packages The program, headed by Ke cerning bis diplomatic credentials bertson. a;1·e lying open on the tables in the Anuenue sorority, is being directed of Hawaii hall because of before completing his departure . James Nishi, Sadie Hokama, has~ment Help Wanted by Violet Marie Awai, general Hamilton Ahlo and Takashi Matsui. tbe lack of space, and untrained and plans. He expects to be gone about chairman ·and presid!'lnt of Ke Anue­ In addition, Ralph Aokli, whose ineufficient personnel in the mail Hawaiian Pine is seeking men nue. Adviser is Mrs. Dorothy Ka- two weeks. name was accidentally left out of room," h~_ said. , students, 5 ft. 6 in. and over, who hananui. The SPC meeting in Sydney will 1 Postmaster Albert P. Lino, who Tuesday's list. are interested in operating Yale Hi- Assisting Miss Awai are Mer­ was present at the' meeting, said discuss reportedly the ·ways of Four seniors, four juniors, and lift trucks in the company's plant . cedes Hutchison, publicity; Clarissa that he is in favor of establishing a strengthening international cooper­ three sophomores are to be elected. post office branch manned by per­ during the summer. Aping, usherettes; Mari~ Lee, coso ation in promoting the welfare of tumes; Lei Mamo Morita and sonnel from the postal department Any desiring this type of employ- Glaelys Awai, leis; Julia Stewart, the non-self-governing peoples of BOG Urges Students here on the campus to help off-set ment are asked to call at Hawaiian property; Nellie Stewart, program To Claim Lost Goods the university's mail problem. the Pacific area. SPC will act as Pine's employment office on Dilling- and invitations; Leocadia Lti i In order to dispose of the lost and It is tentatively planned to have an advisory body to the ·six powers ham Blvd. as soon as possible, or Kwan and Barry Rubin, PA sys­ found departm~nt before the close the post office in the basement of represented, The Netherlands, Aus­ of this semester, the Board of Gov­ Hawaii hall. Either rooms 1 or 5 to contact Miss· Minnie Yamauchi, tern; Corinthia Puaa, music ernors has set up the following sys­ I tralia, New Zealand', France, Great will be remodeled int.o offices upon UH employment counselor. Britain and the United States. tem for disposfng of all articles: 1. Losers may claim lost articles Rules Passed On until 3: 30 p.m., May 11. 2. Goods not claimed by losers ·Royalty Reigns Tomorrow Choice Prizes may be claimed by the finders from ·Dress At Parties Due Lei Winners May 12-18. The Student Organization and 3. After May 18, unclaimed arti­ Social Activities committee (SOSA) A lei contest sponsored by the cles will be given to charftab~e or­ working in cooperation with a sub­ ASUH, will be held in Hemenway ganizations, sold, or otherwise dis­ committee of .the Inter-Club Council, ban from 9: 30 to 12: 30 tomorrow. posed of at the discretion of the has reviewed the policy on dress at Each contestant will be allowed Board of Governors. student parties. 1 to enter not more than one lei in Rules passed and approved by both committees are: each of the three divisions, most Convention Delegates Formal- Women, form a 1 s beautiful, most original and most To Meet Wednesday (gowns); men, coats and ties or beautiful green and white. dinner jackets. There will be a meeting of all Free dinner and dance per couple Informal - Women, afternoon the delegates of the Model Consti­ frocks; men, coats with open shirt at Lau Yee Chai on any night of the tutional Convention Wednesday, or tie, no T shirts. Winners' choice, plus a five dollar May 5, at 6: 30 p.m. in the Alumni Sports-Women, skirts, sweaters cash prize will be awarded to the room, Hemenway hall. and aloha shirts; men, aloha shirts. first prize winners in the most Recommendations of the various Slacks and T sbi:r:ts to be worn committees on the different phases beautiful and most original lei divi­ only upon such occasions as football of the constitution will be consider­ sions. Second and third place win­ dances, barn dances, and the like, ed. Anyone interested is invited to and upon clearance with the SOSA ners Will receive $3.00 and $2.00 attend. committee. ;espectively: First prize winner of The following are the dates set An outline of procedures and he third division wi II receive a $5.00 for public hearings of the commit­ policies pertaining to student or­ ~ri2e. tees: ganizations for the coming year will Winning leis will be on display EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE- To- be ready for the new club officers by . ~ Lau Yee Chai on the night of day from 4: 30-6: 30 p.m. at TC 207. the end of this semester. "!ay 1. JUDICIAL COMMITTEE: To­ night at 7 in Women's lounge, Hem­ 'I'he contest rules are: Tickets Still Availafll~ 1· Le·is must be home-mad~. enway hall. 2 I l!or TG 'Beggar's Opera' l'Q • .All university students, faculty · SUFFERAGE AND ELECTIONS MAY QUEEN AND COURT-Queen Caroline f,ee (center) attended Tickets are still being distributed! . gj:lllbers and campus clubs are eli- COMMITTEE: Tonight at 7 in Alu­ for the Theatre Guild's "Beggar's · 3ie to enter. mni room, Hemenway hall. by i,s/,and princesses. will be crowned tomorrow afternoon in the out­ Opera" in the Farrington hall box- '. • :mach contestant may not enter .
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