INDEX PAGE PAGE Aberdeen : — Angus, Double Snuff-pen from, . 22 King's College Chapel, Carved Oak See also Dundee; Finavon; Keithick; from, .....0 36 . Kirkto n; Montros e; Restennet; 3 Pulpitu19 — — —. Lofd — :m —, an at — t Sandyford, Kirriemuir. Mint at, . 204 /., 207 /. Animal Remains from Chambered Cairn, ——— University Court present Carved0 Oak36 , the Knowe of Ramsay, Orkneys . 415 Aberdeenshire : — ——— ——— from Finavon Vitrifie0 35 d Fort . , Horn Cream Skimme Spood ran n from, ——— —— , , —Kitchen-midde n near Gul- (purchase) ..... 24 lane, .....9 33 . See Craigs, Auchterellon ; Ellon; Inver- Anniversary Address ,r Georg1935Si y b ,e nochty, Doune of; Loanhead, Macdonald, ..... 4 Daviot; Lumphanan; Newlands, ——— Meeting, 1935, . .1 Oyne ; Parkhill, Lumphanam n To ; Antlers, Reindeer, from Rousay, 5 Orkney43 . , Fuaraich; Waterton, Bllou. Antonine Wall and Ditch near Bonny- Aberdour, Fife, St Fillan's Church, Rood 6 14 . bridge . , Not . then eo , Beam at, ..... 199Anvil-stone from Dwelling at Wiltrow, . 160 Address, Anniversary, 1935, ..4 . Ardeer Sands, Ayrshire t RinJe 1 , 2 g from . , Address to King Edward VIII. on Acces- Argyll: see Craignish; Daill, Kilarrow, sion, ...... 209 Islay; lona; Kilkerran, Campbel- Adze, Stone, from Longfleld, Dunrossness, town; Skipness. (donation) ....0 2 . Armchair from Birsay, Orkney, (purchase5 2 ) Aikerness, Evie, Orkney, Penannular Brooch Armlets:— 8 13 . from . Broc , hof Glass, from Newstead Fort, (purchase5 2 ). Ailsa, Marquess of, presents a Cinerary Shale, from Kitchen-midden, Gullane, . 336 Urn, .....3 39 . Silver, froe Skailth m l hoard, (dona- Aiusworth, John Francis, elected, . 2 tion) ...... 212 Airhouse, Oxton, Berwickshire, Flint Imple- Steatite, from Hut-circle8 , Jarlshof24 . , ments, etc. from, ...2 21 . Arms f , Ruthveno Coa , of t , carven o d Allan , electedE. , , ....8 14 . Aumrie door, . .312 Altars, Roman, at Auchendavy , Dunbarton- Arrow-heads:— shire, . 363, 371 Chalcedony, from Airhouse, (donation) . 212 to Cocidius, 373 Flint, from Airhouse2 , 21 (donation . ) Amphora, from Newstead Fort, (donation) 19 ——— found near Biglaud Farm, Rousay, Ancrum Mains, Roxburghshire, Burnisher (donation) .... 17, 359 from, ...... 21 ——— from Carsie, Blairgowrie, (dona- Anderson, Rev. R. S. G., on Sculptured tion) ...... 22 d LucStoneOl ef o Churchs , Wig- ——— from Lumphanan, (donation) . 22 townshire, ..... 139 ——— „ Midhowe, Westness, Rousay, ——— presents Waferin. g . Irons . , 392 (donation) ...9 35 , 17 . Andrew, Rev. Harry. , elected . , 356 ——— from Newhouses, Rousay, (dona- Andrews, Michael C., Death of, 3 tion) ..... 17 Angus, Bronz Vessele . eAg s from . , 352 — from Cis t New-landsta , Oyne, 329, 331 453 454 INDEX. PAGE Arrow-heads (contd.):— Basin, Stone, foun n Douno d f Invero e - Flint, from Rin f Brodgargo , Stenness, nochty, ..... 177 (purchase) ....4 2 . Bathgate, Thoma , presentD. s a Metas l Iron, from Newstead Fort, (donation8 1 . ) Mount. ..... 20 Quartz, from Tents Muir, (donation2 2 . ) Baton, Leith Special Constable's, (donation) 20 Atherton, Rev. 2 Willia , elected m. B. , Beads:— Auchendavy, Dunbartonshire, Roman Glass, from Newstead Fort, (donation) . 19 Altars at, . 363, 371 Jet, from Kitchen-midden6 , Gullane33 . , Auk, Great, from Chambered Cairne th , Steatite, from Broc f Virkieho , (dona- Knowe of Ramsay, . 417 /. tion) . • 20 Australia, Stone Knives with battered backs Beauly Priory, Inverness-shire, Screen at, from New South Wales, . 15 f.n.1929 19 , Axe-hammer Butt, Stone, from Fairnington, Beetle, Wooden, from North Berwick, Kelso, (purchase) . 24 /. (donation) ....8 1 . ——— from Friars Carse, (donation), . 148 Bell, Miss Elizabeth T., elected, . 14 •——— ,, Broch of Virkie, Shetland, (dona- Bersu, Professor Gerhard, electen a d tion) ...... 16 Honorary Fellow,...2 . Axes:— Berwick Mint, .... 203, 206 /. Bronze Flanged, from Dounreay, Berwickshire, Wooden Jelly Ladle from, (purchase) ....4 2 . (donation) . 18 Copper, Flat, from Milton Moss, Knock- See also Airhouse, Oxton; Ancrum ando, (donation) ...8 35 . Mains; Clints; Dryburgh Mains; Stone, foun Cisn di t Craignisha t , 3968 30 , Newmills, Lauder; Whitrighill. ——— from Craigs, Auchterellon, (dona- Best, John, Deat , ...hof 3 . tion) ...... 311 Biggar Church, Lanarkshire, Rood Beam — from Magus Muir, (donation) 213 . 186/ . and . Pulpitu . , mat , , —Parkhill , Lumphanan, (dona- Bigland, Rousay, Orkney, Flint Imple- tion) ...... 392 ment d Potteran s y found near, ——— from Waterton, Bllon, (donation) 311 (donation) ..... 359 Ayrshire: see Ardeer Sands; Crosraguel; ——— ——— Polished Quartz object found Kirklands, Kirkoswald; Perclewan, 2 39 nea. r Cair . Rinyof no . , Dalrymple. ——— Know , Orkneyeof , Flint Arrow-heads from, (donation) . 17 Badge, Hat, Lead, from Melrose, (dona- Birley, Eric, Marcus Cocceius Firmusn a : tion) ...... 360 3 36 Epigraphi . c Study . , by , Baird, Rev. Andrew, Death of, 3 Birrens Roman Fort, Dumfriesshire, Frag- Baliasta, Baltasound, Shetland, Perforated ments of Mortarium from, . 22 Stone and Pendant from, (donation) 17 Birsay, Orkney, Armchair from, (purchase) 25 Ball, Stone, Carved, unfinished, from Perth- Bittern, at Knowe of Ramsay, Orkney, 416, 418 shire, (donation) .... 361 Blair, Miss, presents a Cresset and Arm of Ballmclauch, Place-name, 0 2 . 13 . 9 . Cross . , Banchory Microllths, . 419 Bonachio, Bouagius, or Bonage, King's ——— Micro-burins at, .... 420 Moneyer, ..... 204 ——— River Terraces near Birkwood. , 419 Bone:— Banffshire: see Dufftown; Gollachy, Easter, ——— Burnt, from Ness of Burgi, . 384 Buckie; Gamrie. ——— Cetacean,. Piece of, with impressions, r HilBa l Roman Fort, Lantern Slide, of s from Earth-house, Jarlshof, . 247 presented., ....2 36 . ——— Objects of:— Barnton, Midlothian, Bronze Penannular from Earth-house, Jarlshof, . 242, 247 Brooch from, . .136 ,, Kitchen-midden near Gullane, . 337 Barr, J. M., elected, .... 2 ,, Viking House, Jarlshof, . 261 Barrovadus, name of, on Whithorn Stone, 321 ff. Adze-like, with horizontal perforations, Bars, Iron, from Newstead Fort, (donation9 1 , 18 ) from Hut-circle, Jarlshof, . 247 INDEX. 455 PAGE Bone, Object f (contd.):so — Buckle, Brass, from Freswick Links, Implement found in Braewick Loch, (donation) ....8 35 . 6 Eshaness39 . , (donation . ) Buckles, Shoe, German Silver, (donation) . 212 ——— Pointed, from Vementry, Shetland, Burgi, Ness of, Shetland, Excavation at, . 381 (donation) ..... 17 ——— ——— ——— Potter d Stonan y e Discs See also Combs; Fabricator; Femur; from, .....6 38 . Needle; Piercers; Pins; Toggle. Burials in Bronze Age Cemetery, Loanhead Bonnybridge, Stirlingshire, The Antonine of Daviot, ..... 282 Wall and Ditch near, . .146 Burnishers, Quartz, from Ancrum Mains, Books, Donation Purchased an s , of s (donation) ..... 21 , 15032 , 15225 , 214, 216, 313, 361, 3990 40 , ——— ——— from Dryburgh Mains, (dona- Bools (Marbles), from Gatehouse-of-Fleet, tion) . .20,24 (donation) ..... 16 ——— ——— from Newstead, (donation) . 21 Borer, Flint, from Fairnington, Kelso, ——— ——— ——— (purchase) ... 24 (donation) ..... 21 ——— Quartzite, from Cray, Glenshee, Bowls, Samian, from Newstead Fort, (purchase) ..... 24 (donation) ..... 19 Button, Silver, with Buccleuch Arms, Box, Stone, in Hut-circle, Jarlshof, . 245 (donation) ..... 210 Bracers, Stone, from Cis t a Newlandst , ——— Slate, from Tents Muir, (donation) . 22 Oyne, .....9 32 . Braemore, Caithness, Metal Mounting from, 20 Cairn above Pit Burial at Loanhead of Braewick Loch: see Eshaness. Daviot Stone Circle, . 290 Brass, Objects of: see Brooch; Buckle; ——— Chambered, at Calf of Eday, Orkney, 225 ff. Ring; Snuff-pen. ——— ——— Taiverso Tuick, Orkney, . 227 Bremner, Simon, presents Flint Objects ——— ——— Stalled, the Knowe of Ramsay, and Buckle,....8 35 . in Rousay, Orkney, . 407 Broc Virkief ho Virkiee se : . ——— ——— —— —. 41 Relic3 ff . s from . , Brodgar, Ring of, Stenness, Orkney, Caithness Braemoree se : ; Dounreay; Fres- Arrow-hea slug-shaped dan d Imple- wick. ment from, (purchase) ... 24 Calder, Charles S. T., on The Dwarfle Bronze, Objects of:— Stane, Hoy, Orkney, . 217 from Viking House, Jarlshof, . 261 ——— ——— presents Pottery from Kirbuster, 22 See also Axe; Brooches; Cauldrons; ——— ——— Steatita „1 36 e Object . , Mounts; Patera; Pins; Rings; Calendars, Perpetual, (donation) • . 395 Skillet; Spear-head; Straps; Wire. Callander, Dr J. Graham, on Bronze Age Brooches:— Urns of Clay from Orkney and Brass, Highland, from Loch Morlich, Shetland, with a Note on Vitreous (purchase) ....4 2 . Material called "Cramp," . 441 Bronze, from Newstead Fort, (donation1 2 , 18 ) ——— —— d —Waltean . e GrantG th r n o , Gold, Talismanic, from the Doune of Know Ramsayf eo , Hullion, Rousay, Invernochty, . 148, 179 Orkney, ..... 407 Scottish Zoomorphic Penannular4 12 . , Camelon, Stirlingshire, Food-vessel found Silver Fibula, facsimil , from of emCa at, ...... 276 Liath Broch, Dunrobin, (purchase)0 15 . ——— Votiv390 e. Lanter . n from . , ——— Flat Ring, (donation) . 313 Cameron, Miss Euphemia, present a sGlas s ——— Luckenbooth, (donation) 210, 3139 35 , Flagon, ....3 2 . 3 Brown- . , . George . , Deat , hof ——— Rev. John A., elected, . 311 Brox, Roxburghshire, Inscribed Stone at, 33 Campestres, the, Dedication on Altar at (donation) ....3 2 . Auchendav , ...yto 3 37 . elected, S. Brydon . R , r D , ..2 . Carantus, Stone at Brox with epitaph of, 34 Buccleuch, Duke of, Death of, . 3 Carloway, Lewis, Ross-shire, Wooden Buccleuch Estates, Limited, presen- In t 1 31 Utensi . l foun . d near. , scribed Stone, ...3 2 . Carminnow Fort, Kirkcudbright, .
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