NHS WEST LANCASHIRE CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP GOVERNING BODY MEETING 23 July 2019, 9.30 – 11.30 pm Boardroom, Wigan Road, Ormskirk, L39 2JW Item Time Agenda item Action Presenter WLCCGB 07/19/1 9.3 0 Welcome Chair 07/19/2 9.351 Declaration of Interests All 07/19/3 9.40 Minutes of previous meeting held on 21 May 2019 DR Chair 07/19/4 9.451 Matters arising - Action sheet DR Chair Communication 07/19/5 9.551 Chair’s update I Chair 07/19/6 101.05 Chief Officer’s update I Mike Maguire Governance 07/19/7 10 .15 Risk management report I Ruth Fairhurst Operational Management Section 07/19/8 10 .30 Integrated business report D Paul Jones 07/19/9 10 .45 Human Rights Policy DR Ruth Fairhurst Consent items 07/19/10 111.0 0 Minutes of sub-committees: I Chair - Executive Committee – After 16 April – 18 June 2019 - Quality and Safety Committee – April 2019 - Finance and QIPP – April 2019 Other minutes/action notes: - West Lancashire Community Safety Partnership – April 2019 - Joint Committee of CCGs – March 2019 Other Business 07/19/11 11 .15 Any other business I Chair Date and Time of Next Meeting – 24 September 2019, 9.30 – 11.30 am, tbc 15 minutes to be allocated for questions from members of the public based on agenda items. I – Information D-Discussion DR – Decision Required Members of the governing body will be available after the close of the meeting for informal discussion, time permitting Minutes DRAFT Meeting Title: West Lancashire Clinical Date: 21 May 2019 Commissioning Governing Body Meeting Time: 10.00 – 12.00 pm Venue: Boardroom, Hilldale, Wigan Road, Ormskirk Present: In attendance: Dr John Caine, Chair Cathy Ashcroft, Executive Assistant Mike Maguire, Chief Officer Ruth Fairhurst, Head of Corporate Governance and Paul Kingan, Chief Finance Officer/Deputy HR Chief Officer Travis Peters, Equality & Inclusion Business Dr Adam Robinson, Secondary Care Partner, Commissioning Support Unit Consultant Douglas Soper, Lay Member Steve Gross, Lay Member Dr Dheraj Bisarya, GP Executive Lead Dr John (Jack) Kinsey, GP Executive Lead Dr Peter Gregory, GP Executive Lead Apologies: Claire Heneghan, Chief Nurse Greg Mitten, Vice-Chair / Lay Member Dr Rakesh Jaidka, GP Executive Lead Dr Vikul Mittal, GP Executive Lead Agenda Summary of Discussion Action Item WLCCGB/ 05/19/01 Welcome and apologies for absence The meeting of the West Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body was opened by Dr John Caine. There were 3 members of the public present and one question had been received from the public in respect of the agenda. The question was referred to and the response will be emailed to the member of the public. 05/19/02 Declarations of interests Dr John Caine reminded committee members of their obligation to declare any interest they may have on any issues arising at committee meetings which might conflict with the business of West Lancashire CCG. Declarations declared by governing body members are listed in the CCG’s Register of Interests. The register is available either via the secretary to the governing body or the CCG website at the following link: Register-of-interests- Governing-Body-members-March-2019.pdf Declarations of interest from sub committees. None declared Declarations declared for this meeting included: None 05/19/03 Minutes of previous meeting held on 26 March 2019 The minutes of the meeting held on 26 March were approved as a correct record. West Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body meeting – 21 May 2019 Page 1 of 7 05/19/04 Matters arising The action sheet was updated. ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 05/19//05 • Annual report • Annual governance statement • Financial statements • External Audit findings report for the annual accounts • Management representation letter Paul Kingan confirmed that the Audit Committee had met before the Governing Body meeting, when a positive discussion had taken place around the accounts and annual report. The auditors anticipate an unmodified opinion of the financial statements and an unmodified opinion of the value for money arrangements. There are some minor adjustments to be made on the accounts. Delegated responsibility was sought from the Governing Body for Doug Soper and Paul Kingan to make minor amendments to the accounts and include them in the annual report. The statutory targets had been met and the auditors were impressed that 85% of the QIPP savings targets had been achieved. However, the auditors stated that if the CCG had not achieved their QIPP savings target, this would have resulted in a different audit outcome due to the CCG receiving NHS England funding at the end of the financial year. It was reported that the majority of the QIPP savings were achieved in medicines management. However, opportunities for making savings will reduce next year. There have been exceptional issues in this financial year, which have created adverse financial pressures. The auditors had stated their satisfaction that the Community contract is being thoroughly monitored. The governing body: agreed to the following actions: • Authorise delegation to the chair of the audit committee and the chief finance officer to agree any changes from the review of the annual accounts and approve their sign off on behalf of the audit committee • the management representation letter be signed by the chief officer and chair on the day the review of the annual accounts is complete • the annual report and annual governance statement be approved by the governing body • the annual report and accounts be signed by the chief officer following the completion of external audit’s review. Paul Kingan thanked the finance team for working so well with the auditors. COMMUNICATION 05/19/06 Chair’s update The report provided members with an update on both strategic and operational issues since the last meeting. Dr John Caine highlighted key areas of interest: • Diabetes Prevention Week The events for diabetes prevention week were held in April across Lancashire. The purpose was to inform people about the risks of diabetes, identify people on moderate to high risk and encourage self-referral to GPs and advise on lifestyle changes. More information about risk can be found at https://riskscore.diabetes.org.uk/start • Intermediate care A review on intermediate care, for patients coming out of hospital or to avoid being admitted, began in January. The review is to understand the current position and develop a model to manage future demand. The recommendations should be available in May. West Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body meeting – 21 May 2019 Page 2 of 7 • Freestyle Libre The CCG has adopted the national criteria for accessing Flash Glucose Monitors, eg FreeStyle Libre. It was felt that patients who do not recognise when their blood sugar is dipping will benefit the most from this monitor eg children. This will be centrally funded for two years. The new policy is available on the CCG website. • Chronic pain A new specialist service for patients managing chronic pain has been developed. This is the iHelp pain management service for a more holistic approach for patient’s individual needs. The new provider, InHealth, started the two-year pilot in April 2019. • Dermatology The procurement exercise continues for dermatology services. There are two potential providers who will go through the co-design stage services. A patient focus group has also been organised for local patients to contribute their experiences. • Social prescribing The social prescribing pilot service in Skelmersdale has been extended in line with the government plan. This helps people with varying needs and challenges and prescribes activities. The governing body: Noted the contents of the report 05/19/07 Chief Officer’s update The report provided members with an update on both strategic and operational issues since the last meeting. Mike Maguire highlighted key areas of interest: • Mental health drop in sessions extended A specialist mental health drop-in support service, currently operating at three-hour session from Pulse in the Concourse, has been rolled out to seven days per week with funding from the CCG and NHS England. There is a great demand for this service and confidence that it will be fully utilised. The service can refer to the Mindmatters service and social prescribing. • Southport and Ormskirk NHS Hospital Trust (the Trust) services The Trust has a challenging situation with vacancies. Particularly in haematology and maxio-facial services, at a consultant level. The CCG is working with the Trust to try to put short-term plans in place for continuity for patients. • Duty to involve report The report outlines how the CCG has involved the public and stakeholders in their work. The report is available on the CCG website and will be available at community events and the annual general meeting. • Review of complaints The CCG follows virtually the same complaints process as other CCGs in Lancashire, through the Commissioning Support Unit (CSU). The CCG has a much higher volume of MP letters, but fewer complaints than other CCGs. 186 MP letters were received in 2018-2019 from Rosie Cooper MP. The MP has complained about the process for responding to MP letters and the CCG have commissioned Mersey Internal Audit Agency to carry out an independent review to ensure that the CCG is fully compliant with GDPR and that due process is followed. Any lessons learned will be shared across the Lancashire CCGs. NHS England will carry out their own review and the outcomes to both reviews will be considered. • Virgin Care NHS England has launched a national update, which requires the Walk In Centre to change to an Urgent Treatment Centre to provide more urgent care services. The CCG monitor the contract closely and work with Virgin Care to publish positive stories about their work eg investment in staff and a new IV clinic.
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