General Index

General Index

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01120-5 - Trinity College Library Dublin: A History Peter Fox Index More information General index Abbot, Charles (1757–1829), politician, 131 Andrews, William (1724–83), Librarian, 95, Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill (1829–1913), 105, 355 Librarian Anglesey, Henry Paget, Marquess of appointed, 232, 356 (1768–1854), Lord Lieutenant of and Assistant Librarians, 232 Ireland, 182 and borrowing, 254 Annals of the Four Masters, 96 Catalogue of manuscripts, 30, 85, 233, 236, Annals of Loch Ce,´ 96, 160 237, 256 Annals of Tigernach, 97, 103 death and legacy, 256 Annals of Ulster, 23, 96 and donations, 249, 250 Anne (1665–1714), Queen, 51, 52, 55 and legal deposit, 239, 243 Anson, Sir William (1843–1914), politician, on the Library Committee, 212 248 and Long Room display, 254, 255, 290 Archer, John (d. 1811), bookseller, 112, 139 and manuscripts, 87 Aristotle (bust), 82, 83 and need for more space, 240, 241, 244, Armit, William (fl. 1802), Post Office official, 268 139 other publications, 80, 111, 205, 238, Ashbourne, Edward Gibson, Baron 256 (1837–1913), politician, 248 Aberdeen, University of, 76 Ashburnham, Bertram, Earl of (1797–1878), Aberdeen University Library, 130, 168, book collector, 164–5 186 Ashe, St George (1658–1718), Provost, 40, 45, Acton, Richard (d. 1689), Librarian, 46, 49, 61, 73, 75, 359 Vice-Provost, 37, 39, 43, 353 Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 101 Adams, Robin (1951–), Librarian, 341, 356 Assistant Librarian, 92, 124, 147, 149, 157, 191, Addison, Joseph (1672–1719), Secretary of 195, 196, 213, 232, 257, 299, 354–6 State, 51, 56 Atkinson, Robert (1839–1908), philologist, Agar, Charles (1736–1809), Archbishop of 212, 221, 236 Dublin, 120 automation, 330–3, 338, 341–3 Albert, Prince (1819–61), Prince Consort, 183 Baber, Henry (1775–1859), Keeper of Printed Albini, Franco (1905–77), architect, 310 Books, British Museum, 134, 135 ALCID (Academic Libraries Co-operating in Bacon, Francis (bust), 82, 83 Dublin), 349 Bacon, Roger (c.1214–92?), philosopher, 12, Alexander, Sir Jerome (1590–1670), lawyer, 34, 14, 20 35, 44, 47, 48, 84, 85, 86, 93, 358 Bain, John (fl. 1880), carpenter, 230 All Hallows Church, Dublin, 83 Bainbridge, John (1582–1643), astronomer, 31 All Hallows Monastery, Dublin, 6, 77 Baker, Thomas (d. 1844), stonemason, 176, All Souls College, Oxford, 82, 91 177 Allen, Jeremiah (1665–89), Librarian, 353 Baldwin, Richard (1668?–1758), Provost, 55, Allen and Unwin, publishers, 261–2 80, 89, 109 Alton, Ernest Henry (1873–1952), Provost, Balfour, family, 317 283–5, 298, 299, 304 Banville, John (1945–), novelist, 348, 363 Alvey, Henry (1554–1627), Provost, 10, 11 Barlow, James (1826–1913), historian, 211 374 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01120-5 - Trinity College Library Dublin: A History Peter Fox Index More information General index 375 Barlow, Thomas (1608/9–91), Bodley’s government grant, 310–12 Librarian, 27, 30 inadequate, 319, 321, 326 Barnes, Joseph (c.1549–1618), bookseller, 10 internal organisation, 321, 326, 327, 329, Barrett, John (1753–1821), Librarian, 330 Vice-Provost naming, 329 appointed Librarian, 110, 355, 356 opening, 321 as Assistant Librarian, 110, 111, 355 planning, 303–12, 326 and Codex Z, 111, 156, 256 Bernard, Edward (1638–97), scholar, 32, 40 death, 153, 154 Catalogi, 45, 46, 77, 85, 87, 142, 236 and the Fagel collection, 122 Bernard, John Henry (1860–1927), Provost, and George IV, 153 254, 273 his character, 111, 153 Bernard, Nicholas (d. 1661), clergyman, 9, 25, and legal deposit, 132 27, 28 and the Lending Library, 150 Betham, Sir William (1779–1853), antiquary, and manuscripts, 142 154, 162, 206, 360 and purchases, 112, 138, 139 Beverley, Horatio (fl. 1664), brother of binder, and repairs, 151 29 and thefts, 114, 145, 146 Bibliotheque` royale, Paris, 129 and visitors, 152, 153 Bieler, Ludwig (1906–81), Celtic scholar, 316 Barry (fl. 1638), Kildare Hall librarian, 19 Bigger, C. J. (d. 1886), Library porter, 207 Barry, Matthew (d. 1696), government official, Bill, John (1576–1630), bookseller, 10 76, 77 binders. See Devoy, Joshua; Exshaw, John; Barton, John (d. 1718), Librarian, 353 Figgis, William; Galwey & Co.; Barwick, Edward (b. c.1790), Assistant Leathley, Joseph; Lewis, Christopher; Librarian and book thief, 144–6, 157 Mercier, Richard Edward; Mullen, Bastable, Charles Francis (1855–1945), George; Pilkington, Frederick; Powell, economist, 280 Roger;Sleater,William;Thom&Co. Bath library, 36, 37, 42, 46, 47, 68 Bindon, Thomas (1685–1740), Librarian, 59, Bath, Rachel Fane (Bourchier), Countess of 354 (c.1613–80), benefactor, 36, 37, 358 Biomedical Library, 314, 325 Beattie, William (1903–86), Librarian, Birmingham, George A. (James Owen National Library of Scotland, 321 Hannay) (1865–1950), novelist, 362 Beckett, Samuel (1906–89), writer, 308, 334, Bishop (or Bushop), James (fl. 1637–54), 362, 363 Librarian, 21, 353 Bective Abbey, County Meath, 77 Black, Adam (1784–1874), publisher, 194 Bedell, William (1571–1642), Provost, 18, 31 Bodkin, Thomas (1887–1961) art historian, Behnes, William (1791?–1864), sculptor, 179 335, 362 Bender, Albert (1866–1941), benefactor, Bodleian Library, Oxford 279–80, 361 building, 65, 198, 274, 277 Bender, Philip (c.1831–1901), rabbi, 279 catalogue, 173, 174, 175, 192, 216, 217, Beresford, John (1738–1805), politician, 139, 235 360 Commons Journals, 107 Beresford, Lord John George (1773–1862), curators, 94, 168, 193, 239 Archbishop of Armagh, 206, 360 donations, 30, 41, 91, 140, 165 Berkeley, George (1685–1753), Librarian, foundation, 11, 12, 14 bishop, 53, 58, 60, 69, 84, 354, 361 Friends, 284 Berkeley, James (1839–1926), benefactor, 361 funding, 292, 349 Berkeley, Robert (1698–1787), Librarian, 60, heating, 180 354 legal deposit Berkeley Library, 344 17th century, 130 appeal, 305–6, 308–11 18th century, 107 architectural competition, 309–11 19th century, 132, 137, 168, 169, 193, 194, description, 321–2 223, 224, 239 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01120-5 - Trinity College Library Dublin: A History Peter Fox Index More information 376 General index Bodleian Library, Oxford (cont.) security, 207, 255, 338, 345 20th century, 260, 271, 301, 349, Book of Lecan, 30, 44, 50, 104 350 Book of Leinster, 102, 160, 212 21st century, 347 Book of Mulling, 108, 230, 252, 253 manuscripts, 30, 41, 46, 89, 91, 101, 140, 160 book repository. See Santry Book Repository New Bodleian, 277 books, number of, 357–8 papyri, 163 17thcentury,7,13 purchases, 91, 161, 278, 293, 350 18th century, 66, 90 Radcliffe Camera, 198 19th century, 151, 158, 184, 209, 243 readers, 14, 93, 186 20th century, 243, 291, 309, 321, 326, regulations, 71 343 in seventeenth century, 12 21st century, 343 shelving, 245 Boran, Elizabethanne (1966–), historian, 16 staff, 291 borrowing. See also Lending Library statistics, 184 of manuscripts, 14, 39, 85, 88, 94, 98, 103, and Ussher’s library, 27, 30 104, 111, 142, 154, 156, 212, 254 Bodley, Sir Thomas (1545–1613), scholar, 10, of printed books, 14, 15, 18, 19, 38, 39, 50, 11, 12, 14, 30, 129 60, 254, 284 Bolongaro-Crevenna, Pietro Antonio regulations, 18, 19, 70, 71, 93, 185, 197, 212, (1736–92), book collector, 141 284, 314 Bolton, Charles Paulet, Duke of (1661–1722), Bossange, Barthes` and Lowell, booksellers, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 55, 56 166 Bolton, Theophilus (c.1678–1744), Archbishop Boswell, John (d. 1749), Assistant Librarian, of Cashel, 73 354 Bolton Library, Cashel, 73 Bourchier, Henry, Earl of Bath (c.1587–1654), Bonaparte-Wyse, William (1826–92) Provenc¸al politician, 35, 36 scholar, 278, 361 Boyle, Ina (1889–1967), composer, 362 Book of Aicill, 104 Boyle, Michael (1610?–1702), Archbishop of Book of Armagh, 205–7, 227, 230, 316, Armagh, 48, 358 360 Boyle, Robert (bust), 82, 83 Book of Ballymote, 30, 87–8 Bradford,J.G.(fl. 1890–1921), Copyright Book Club of California, 280 Agent, 238, 248, 249, 260 Book of the Dead, 163 Bradshaw, Henry (1831–86), Cambridge Book of Dimma, 162, 183, 230, 316, 338, 360 University Librarian, 226, 228 Book of Durrow Brady, Sir Maziere (1796–1871), Lord binding, 24, 86, 155, 316 Chancellor of Ireland, 282 borrowing of, 39 Brambell, Samuel (fl. 1874–1924), Assistant cumdach (shrine), 24, 44 Librarian, 232, 262 donation of, 23, 24, 358 Bray, Barbara (1924–2010), writer, 363 exhibition, 183 Brehon Law Commissioners, 101, 160 facsimile, 315, 316 brehon laws. See manuscripts: legal security, 207 Brereton, Sir William (1604–61), army officer, Book of Kells 20 binding, 86, 155–6, 183, 211, 212, 315, 316 Brewster Owen, public-relations firm, 308 borrowing of, 39 Brian Boru (d. 1014), High-King of Ireland. donation of, 23, 24, 358 See harp (‘Brian Boru’) exhibition in the Library, 183, 230, 254, 255, Brinkley, John (1766–1835), astronomer, 112, 282, 336, 345 179 exhibition outside the Library, 308, 309, 336 British Library. See British Museum facsimile, 315, 316, 335, 345 Library/British Library lecture on, 282 British Museum and Lord Ashburnham, 164, 165 and ‘Brian Boru’ harp, 318 missing leaves, 88 British Museum Library/British Library and Queen Victoria, 183 bindery, 211–12, 253, 316 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01120-5 - Trinity College Library Dublin: A History Peter Fox Index More information General index 377 catalogue, 173–5, 191, 216, 217, 221, 235, Burgh, Thomas (1670–1730), Surveyor 342 General, 53, 58, 62–7 duplicates, 361 Burghley, William Cecil, Baron (1520/21–98), exhibitions, 254, 309 royal minister, 9 legal deposit Burke, Edmund (1729/30–97), politician, 19th century, 134–6, 167–72, 192–4, 224, 98–100, 107, 179, 359 225 Burrowes, Robert (d. 1841), Assistant 20th century, 247, 248, 261, 263, Librarian, 355 265 Bushe, Kathleen (d.

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