City of Onalaska Meeting Notice COMMITTEE/BOARD: Plan Commission DATE OF MEETING: November 17, 2020 (Tuesday) E ST. 1851 ® TIME OF MEETING: 7:00 P.M. This meeting is being conducted via remote conferencing software due to a State of Emergency. Members of the public may call to listen in and provide public input at: Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/94241126970?pwd=RVE5SnRhdDRnWHVkVmE4bE40YTZTZz09 • Phone Number: 1-312-626-6799 • Meeting ID: 942 4112 6970 • Password: 8675309 PURPOSE OF MEETING 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting 3. Public input: (limited to 3 minutes / individual) Consideration And Possible Action On The Following Items: 4. Public Hearing: Approximately 7:00 PM (or immediately following Public Input) to consider an Annexation Petition submitted by Joel and Kelsie Whited, 405 Long Coulee Road, Holmen, WI 54636 to annex N4563 Green Coulee Road from the Town of Onalaska to the City of Onalaska (Tax Parcel #10-25-2) PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that members of the Common Council of the City of Onalaska who do not serve on the Commission may attend this meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have decision making responsibility. Therefore, further notice is hereby given that the above meeting may constitute a meeting of the Common Council and is hereby noticed as such, even though it is not contemplated that the Common Council will take any formal action at this meeting. NOTICES MAILED TO: *Mayor Kim Smith – Chair *Jan Brock *Knute Temte *Ald. Tom Smith *Amber Pfaff *Craig Breitsprecher Ald. Jim Olson Ald. Dan Stevens Joel & Kelsie Whited Ald. Diane Wulf Ald. Steven Nott Ald. Cari Burmaster * Jarrod Holter, City Engineer **Kevin Schubert City Attorney City Administrator La Crosse Tribune Dept. Heads. Coulee Courier Onalaska Omni Center WKTY WLXR WKBT WXOW WLAX Onalaska Public Library *Committee Members * * Alternate Member – for City Engineer Date Notices Mailed and Posted: 11-12-2020 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the City of Onalaska will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with a disability to ensure equal access to public meetings provided notification is given to the City Clerk within seventy-two (72) hours prior to the public meeting and that the requested accommodation does not create an undue hardship for the City. 5. Review and Consideration of a Certified Survey Map submitted by the City of Onalaska to subdivide one (1) City-owned parcel into two (2) new parcels and two (2) outlots for the property located at 255 Riders Club Road, Onalaska, WI 54650 (Tax Parcel # 18-2096-50) 6. CLOSED SESSION: To consider a motion to convene in closed session under Section 19.85(1)(e) for the purpose of deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session • Review and Consideration of a Development Agreement with Broham Investments, LLC If any action is required in Open Session, as the result of the Closed Session, the Plan Commission will reconvene in Open Session to take the necessary action and/or continue on with the printed agenda. 7. Adjournment Agenda Item: CITY OF ONALASKA # 4 STAFF REPORT Plan Commission – November 17, 2020 Agenda Item: Public Hearing and Consideration of an Annexation Application Applicant/Owner: Joel and Kelsie Whited, 405 Long Coulee Road, Holmen, WI 54636 Parcel Number: 10-25-2 Site Location: N4563 Green Coulee Road, Onalaska, WI 54650 Existing Zoning: Rural (La Crosse County Zoning District) Neighborhood Single Family Residential and Golf Course (to the east) Characteristics: Conformance with The Comprehensive Plan identifies this area as being within the City’s Comprehensive Plan: Environmentally Sensitive Residential District. This district is intended for lower density single-family development on compact lots with common open space that allows for the protection and environmentally sensitive areas. Background: The property at N4563 Green Coulee Road is directly adjacent to the Coulee Golf and Bowl golf course. The applicant is requesting that this 0.47-acre parcel be annexed into the City of Onalaska. The property currently is on a well and septic system and the need for utilities is the basis for the annexation petition. The City should approve proposals for annexation into the City of Onalaska only when meeting the following utilities and community facilities criteria, or if other important community goals are met: □ The area proposed for annexation has access to or can be easily connected to areas already served by the City, thereby allowing efficient delivery of services, facilities and utilities. □ The increased tax base and overall benefit to the City of approving the annexation outweigh the actual financial impact on the community for providing police, fire, road maintenance and other public improvements and services to the annexation area. The Comprehensive Plan also states that decision on annexations should also address the following criteria/standards: i) Economic impacts; ii) Social impacts; and iii) Environmental impacts. Action Requested: As a public hearing will be held, the Plan Commission should consider public input prior to acting on the requested annexation petition. 1 REQUEST FOR ACTION & CONSIDERATION BY PLAN COMMISSION: November 17, 2020 Agenda Item 4: Public Hearing and Consideration of an Annexation Petition submitted by Joel and Kelsie Whited, 405 Long Coulee Road, Holmen, WI 54636 to annex N4563 Green Coulee Road from the Town of Onalaska to the City of Onalaska (Tax Parcel #10-25-2). 1. Annexation Application Fee: $300.00 dollars (PAID). 2. Green Coulee Sanitary Sewer Fee: $341.00 per acre * .47 acres = $160.27 dollars. 3. Topography Map Fee: $10.00 per acre * 0.47 acres = $10.00 dollars (minimum fee). 4. Park Fee: $922.21 dollars per residential unit. 5. Deferred Water Special Assessment: $2,353.86 dollars. 6. Deferred Sanitary Sewer Special Assessment: $2,371.67 dollars. 7. Deferred Curb & Gutter Special Assessment: $814.53 dollars. 8. Annexed land to be placed in the R-2 Low Medium Density Residential Zoning District. 9. Owner/developer must notify City prior to any utility connection to City-owned utilities takes place. Connections to occur within one (1) year of annexation. 10. Owner/developer shall pay all fees and have all plans reviewed and approved by the City prior to obtaining a building permit. Owner/developer must have all conditions satisfied and improvements installed per approved plans prior to issuance of occupancy permits. 11. All conditions run with the land and are binding upon the original developer and all heirs, successors and assigns. The sale or transfer of all or any portion of the property does not relieve the original developer from payment of any fees imposed or from meeting any other conditions. 12. Any omissions of any conditions not listed in Plan Commission Minutes shall not release the property owner/developer from abiding by the City’s Unified Development Code requirements. Page 1 of 1 2 PETITION FOR ANNEXATION TO: City Clerk TO : Town of Onalaska City of Onalaska Town Clerk 415 Main Street N5589 Commerce Road Onalaska, WI 54650 Onalaska, WI 54650 We, the undersigned, Joel Whited, Kelsie Whited (Printed Name(s)) do hereby respectively petition the City of Onalaska, Wisconsin, to annex the real estate described hereinafter to the City of Onalaska, which is to be detached from the Township of Onalaska, County of La Crosse, Wisconsin to the City of Onalaska and that the subject property be zoned ____R_-_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ ________ _ _ ___ ____ upon annexation. The property, which is the subject of this petition, is contiguous to the current boundaries of the City of Onalaska. A complete and accurate legal description and a scaled map of the area is attached hereto and incorporated herein. This instrument constitutes a Petition for direct annexation pursuant to Sec. 66.0217(2), Wis. Stats. The number of electors residing within the boundaries of this property is Q and the undersigned are the sole owners and fee title holders to this/these property(ies). Therefore, pursuant to Sec. 66.0217(4), Wis. Stats., no notice or publication is required. A copy of this Petition is being mailed to the State of Wisconsin, Department of Administration, for review as required by Sec. 66.0217(6), Wis. Stats., along with the requisite Wisconsin Department of Administration Annexation Fee. A complete and detailed legal description and map must accommodate this petition at the time of application in order for it to be placed on the Plan Commission Meeting agenda. Short 'forms or abbreviated legal descriptions will not be accepted. Maps must be to scale and dimensioned. 'I' 1 I 3 WI Dept. of Administration Request for Municipal Boundary Review 101 E. Wilson Street, 9th Floor Annexation Review Madison WI 53703 608-264-6102 Fax: 608-264-6104 wimuniclpalbou ndaryreview@wl .gov Wisconsin Department of Administration http://doa.wi.gov/municipalboundaryreview/ Petitioner Information Office use only: Name: Joel Whited, Kelsie Whited Address: 405 Long Coulee Road Holmen, WI 54636 Email: jQelrnwbiled@grnail&Qrn 1. Town where eroeerty is located: Town of Onalaska Petitioner's phone: 2. Petitioned City or Village: Citt of Onalaska 608 - 797 - 2410 3. County where proeerty is located: La Crosse Town of Onalaska Clerk's phone: 4. Population of the territo� to be annexed: 0 608-783-4958 5. Area {in acres) of the territory to be annexed: 0.47 6. Tax parcel number(s) of territory to be annexed City of Onalaska City Clerk's phone: {if the territoryis eartor all of an existing earcel): 608-781-9530 Representative's Name and Address: Surveyor or Engineering Firm's Name & Address: Coulee Region Land Surveyors LLC Joel Whited Christopher Fechner 405 Long Coulee Road 917 South 4th Street, PO Box 1954 Holmen, WI 54636 La Crosse, WI 54601 City State LIP City State Zip Phone: 608 - 797 - 2410 Phone: 608 - 784 - 1614 E-mail: ioelmwhited®amail.com E-mail: couleereaionlandsurvevors.com Re uired Items to be rovided with Submission: 1.
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