A Weekly Newsletter by Fatemi Dawat 29January April 201622nd 2016 Issue:Issue: 116 13th23 Rabi Rajab al-Aakhar al-Asab 1437H Updates Sijill Article Prophetic Utterance NazaraatUpdates & Photo Gallery Syedna Taher Saifuddin’s RA Janaaza Mubaraka Announcements Publicationsand Amal Detail HaftiMilad for Imam-uz-zaman Syedna Qutbuddin’s RA Ziarat Announcement & Amal News and Events DetailsShz Dr Abdeail Bs leads SyednaJanaza Abdul namaaz Qadir in LondonNajmuddin RA Urus Mab’as Waaz & First Misaq Prophetic Utterance Dawat History Series NewsSijill-ul-Bisharat & Events – The AyyamulAnnouncement Barakatil of Khuldiyya Imam – Syedna TUSTayyib’s First WaazSA Birth Highlights & Selected Video Clips presented with English translation - subtitles Happiness Captures Love Qasida In Translation (Surat Aal-Imran: 159) SyednaMilaadu Khuzaima Maulana-l-Imam-it Qutbuddin’s- RA Janaza Namaaz and Dafan If you have resolved [to do it], then rely on Allah Tayyibi A few days before Syedna Qutbuddin’s Address to Mumineen in RA wafaat, there was a request made for YemenFatemi Madrasa dates of the continuation of Syedna’s cross VideoWazeefa of Syedna Multi FakhruddinMedia eModule TUS Ad- (Amirul Mumineen SA) examination in the Bombay High Court. At dress in Arabic to Mumineen in Yemen the time Syedna wasA in Mumin Bakersfield, is always Califor cheerful- and happy nia because he had traveled to the USA for Sadaqallah Video health purposes.Rasulullah The SA doctors narrated were the accountoptimis - his heart” (al-muminu bishruhu fi wajhihi hisSyedna heart” Fakhruddin’s (al-muminu TUS bishruhu Sadaqallah fi wajhihi oftic a thatday whenSyedna Eisa would Nabi ASbe ablemet Yahyato travel Nabi. to wa huznuhu fi qalbihi). To cope with the waVideo huznuhu with fiEnglish qalbihi). translation To cope with the EisaMumbai Nabi and smiled also atattend Yahya court. Nabi, When but Yahya those sadness and sorrow in our heart, we seek sadness and sorrow in our heart, we seek Nabipresent frowned – including in response Syedna Fakhruddinand said, “Oand refuge in sabar and the remembrance refuge in sabar and the remembrance Spirittwo otherof Allah, Mumineen you laugh - asked as thoughSyedna youQut - of Imam Husain SA. Syedna Burhanuddin’s of ImamSyedna Husain Taher SA. Saifuddin’s Syedna Burhanuddin’s utterance of have no fear of Allah’s punishment!” Eisa buddin for his decision regarding his travel RA doa always echoes in our ears: “ay thisRA ayatdoa beforealways his echoes final journey in our wasears: divine “ay Nabi replied, “O Nabi of Allah, you frown as thoughto Mumbai you haveand theno hopecourt in dates, Allah’s Syedna rehmat re - parwardigaar, tu mumin ne hamesha providence.parwardigaar, Syedna tu Khuzaimamumin ne Qutbuddin’s hamesha andcited mercy!” this ayat: Allah “if you Ta’ala have then resolved revealed [to todo khush-u-khurram raakhje, ek Husain na utterancekhush-u-khurram of this ayatraakhje, before ek his Husain final jour na- bothit], then Yahya rely Nabi on Allahand Eisa (fa izaNabi: azamta “The fatawone I - gham siwa koi gham na dikhawje.” neygham was siwa indeed koi gham the same. na dikhawje.” loveakkal most ‘alal-laah is the – Suratone whoAal-Imran: smiles 159).most” In SaifuddinThese was leavinghadith andMumbai sayings so encourclose to- As Thesein every hadith journey and sayingsin life, encourSyedna- (ahabbukumahindsight, this ilayya utterance abashshukuma). was prophetic. ageher deliveryan overall date. positive Syedna Taherand optimisticSaifuddin Qutbuddin’sage an overall reliance positive was on and Allah optimistic Ta’ala in TheIn ayatthis thatshort Syedna anecdote Qutbuddin is a great re - outlookbestowed in life.exceptional The smile shafaqat on an individual’son her be- hisoutlook final injourney. life. The Syedna smile onQutbuddin an individual’s mani- lessoncited was and alsophilosophy: pronounced be happy by another and hope Dai- facefore leaving,is an essential and she manifestationalone did qadambosi. of that festedface is the an virtueessential of Ibrahimmanifestation Nabi’s oftawak that- fulat thein life. onset It is of not a theparallel case andthat unforgettablethis world is outlook.As they wereRasulullah in the car,said: driving "When towards a mumin the kuloutlook. both inRasulullah life and in said: wafaat. "When a mumin freejourney. of sadness The Dai and was grief Syedna – but Taher our Saifuddin Hudaat meetstrain station, his brother Syedna mumin, Taher he shouldSaifuddin call outtold meetsMay his brotherAllah Ta’ala mumin, elevate he should Syedna call Qut out- encourageRA, and the us journeyto be happy was hisand final hopeful journey in theShehzada salaam Hatimgreeting Bhaisaheb, to him, grasp “apnay his hand,jayye buddin’sthe salaam ruh greeting mubarak to in him, the highestgrasp his darajaat hand, keeping faith in Allah Ta’ala, His mercy and to Matheran. When Syedna Taher Saifuddin andche tolook Sakina at him ne ghanuwith a bharihappy hatu, face. magar, This ofand Jannat look - atin himthe companywith a happy of Syedna face. TaherThis rehmat. Remembering and counting our was leaving Saify Mahal to go to the train appliesfa iza azamta to our fatwakkal interactions ‘alal-laah” with (Sakinafellow Saifuddinapplies to and our Syedna interactions Mohammed with Burhafellow- blessings and ne’mat helps us to be happy station, Busaheba Sakina Aaisehaba came Mumineenwas very distraught but also applies that we to arehow going, we meet but nuddin.Mumineen May but Allah also Ta’ala applies grant to how us sabar we meet and and hopeful. for shifa and wada’. She was nine months and“if you greet have people resolved in all [toaspects do it], of then our life.rely Toon solaceand greet in peoplethe saya in allof aspectsSyedna ofQutbuddin’s our life. To Even in times of grief Amirul pregnant and distraught that Syedna Taher thisAllah). effect, Amirul Mumineen has said, “be successor,this effect, Syedna Amirul Taher Mumineen Fakhruddin has said, TUS. “be Mumineen SA asserts that, “a mumin’s smiling and happy with everyone” (al-bishru smiling and happy with everyone” (al-bishru 1 Nazaraat & Photo Gallery Syedna Taher Saifuddin’s RA Janaaza Mubaraka In the wake of Ayyamul Barakatil Khuldiyya and the Janaza of Maula to oversee the arrangements. Near Chowpatty, the crowd our beloved Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin at the beginning of Rajab, of Mumineen became virtually uncontrollable and the police, out we present this unique Nazaraat article. of fear, unilaterally decided to put the Janaza in a car. At that When Syedna Taher Saifuddin passed away to the heavenly moment, Qutbuddin Maula stopped them with the niyyat that abode in Matheran on the 19th of Rajab, Syedna Burhanuddin sum- as many Mumineen as possible should attain their most fervent moned Syedna Qutbuddin and singled him out with honors which he desire of giving shoulder to the Janaza. Amidst the chaos, he or- did not bestow upon anyone else. ganized the police officers into a Only some of these priceless naz- ring formation around the Janaza, araat may be revealed here: by which they regained control, and • Syedna Burhanuddin asked Syed- were then able to systematically na Qutbuddin to accompany him let in Mumineen for attaining this in the car in which he took the most holy sharaf. Janaza Mubaraka of Syedna We are also presenting some Taher Saifuddin from Matheran unique photographs from Syed- to Saify Mahal. na Taher Saifuddin’s janaza. In • Syedna Burhanuddin consulted one of the photos presented here Syedna Qutbuddin where he the parda of baitullah which was thought Syedna Taher Saifuddin draped over Syedna Taher Saifud- should be buried. Syedna Qut- din’s Janaza is visible. Just the night buddin did araz to Burhanud- before Syedna Qutbuddin’s dafan, din Maula that he consider the divine providence (inayat ilahiyah) mubarak place of Qasr-e-Husaini provided from Syedna Qutbuddin’s for burial, which today is Rozat khazanah the most appropriate Tahera. cloth to drape over the kafan – the • When Syedna Burhanuddin very same piece of cloth formerly opened the kafan mubarak to see Syedna Taher Saifuddin’s noo- draped over the Kabatullah which was used to drape the janaza rani face for the very last time, he summoned only Syedna Qut- mubaraka of Syedna Taher Saifuddin. buddin to attain this most high honor with him. May Allah give Afzal-ul-Jaza to his Dais, Syedna Taher Saifud- • As per the amal of Duat Mutlaqeen, Syedna Burhanuddin walked din and Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin and Syedna Khuzaima behind the Janaza of Syedna Taher Saifuddin as it was carried on Qutbuddin. May their nazaraat from a’la illiyeen continue to flow the shoulders of hundreds of thousands of Mumineen from Saify towards their waaris Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS, and from him Mahal to Saify Masjid. Burhanuddin Maula tasked Qutbuddin towards all Mumineen, Muminaat and their children. Ameen. Publications Hafti for Syedna Qutbuddin’s RA Ziarat It is our tradition that we recite surats – especially yaseen, doas and qasidas – during ziarat of our Du’aat Kiraam. Syedna Burhanuddin RA gave raza mubarak for the publication of “Tas- beehul Barakatit-tahera” (1385H is the year of Syedna Taher Saifuddin’s wafaat and the numeric value of the name of the hafti is also 1385). This hafti was published for Mumineen to pray from when they came for the ziarat of Syedna Taher Saifuddin in Rozat Tahera. This hafti has been used in Rozat Tahera since that time, and continues to be used also after Syedna Burahnuddin’s wafaat. After Syedna Qutbuddin’s wafaat, a hafti has similarly been published for Syedna Qutbuddin’s ziarat in Darus Sakina with the raza mubarak of Syedna Taher Fakhruddin. The historic name of the publication is “Sakinatu Tasabeehil Barakatil-qutbiyya” (1437H is the year of Syedna Qutbuddin’s wafaat – and the nu- meric value of the hafti name is also 1437). Syedna Fakhruddin has advised that those who are out of Mumbai or cannot come for ziarat should recite the included surats, doas and qasidas with the niyyat of Syedna Taher Saifuddin, Syedna Mohammed Burha- nuddin and Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin’s ziarat.
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