PREPARED BY STUDENTS OF MASTER STUDY PROGRAM HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Number 9 May 2020 U ovom broju: • Health workers (physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacist) density in Montenegro, • E-health in Montenegro, ANAMIRA LASICA RADOVIĆ • Role of the patient - centered health technologies in Montenegro, • Problems caused by temporary measures introduced in Montenegro and the world overall, MILICA MILETIĆ • Covid-19 call center activity report for period 20 March – 18 April 2020, NATALIJA DREKALOVIĆ, BOGDAN LABAN • ThePROF. structure DR DRAGAN of health LAUŠEVIĆ, system DR in Montenegro,ALEKSANDAR OBRADOVIĆ, DR MARIJA TODOROVIĆ, MR ENA GRBOVIĆ • Deaths attributable to air pollution in Montenegro, ŽELJKO MILIĆ • djelatnosti,LUKA MARAŠ Unapređenje aplikativnog rješenja eZdravlje uključivanjem stomatološke zdrastvene • NATAŠA DEVIĆ • MentalCiljevi i metode health statusskrininga in uMontenegro, zdravlju, NATAŠA ŽUGIĆ • Prevencija povreda i nasilja - kratak osvrt, NINA MILOVIĆ • Prevencija i rehabilitacija kardiovaskularnih bolesti, SVETLANA STOJANOVIĆ TIJANA LUČIĆ European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja 573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro European Commission. | http://www.udg.edu.me This publication [communication] reflects the views | [email protected] only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777 held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766 the information contained therein | PROJECT WEBSITE:www.ph-elim.net Health workers (physicians, nurses, dentists, pharmacists) density in Montenegro Mira Radović, Adviser in the Directorate for public health and programme health protection, Ministry of Health student of Master studies in health information management, UDG ABSTRACT Population health care is implemented at all lev- - els, based on the set goals, strategies, programs ing healthy lives and promoting the well-being at and plans, in order to provide the WHO recom- allVision ages of is Sustainable essential to Development sustainable Goaldevelopment. is ensur mendation "Health for all under the same - tional network of health care providers at all levels accessIn accordance to physicians to the andSDG physicians by focusing status on providing are just ofconditions public health and equalneeds rights." to be planned The and organiza continu- somemore efficientof the ways funding to reduce of health ambient systems, pollution, increased ally improved. Through planning, it is necessary to provide an adequate number of staff, that is, differ- save the lives of millions. ent categories of health professionals / associates Humansignificant resources progress play can a becentral made role in helpingin the ad to- and the necessary non-medical staff. vancement of the health sector, but in Montene- The process of human resource planning in the grro, as in many countries, there is a shortage of healthcare industry ensures the continuous im- medical staff in certain branches of medicine and provement of the quality of health care through inadequate geographical distribution. the implementation of the principles of inclusive- Strategic activities must be undertaken in the fu- ness, equity, accessibility and solidarity. In the analysis of human resources, in addition to orga- care personnel in order to keep them and prefera- - blyture to period, increase primarily them, which financial is essential support in for order health to quired and demographic structure and population keep the quality of health care in Montenegro. projectionsnizational network with special health emphasis care providers on the analysis are re Key words: Montenegro, density, physicians, of the age structure of employees in the health sec- nurses, dentists, pharmacists, workload. evaluates epidemiological situation. As the health INTRODUCTION caretor. Preferably system ensures analyzes the and protection migration trendsof human and Health workers, as the main human resource in health throughout the life span, it must be contin- the health care system, with their knowledge, ex- uously reformed in accordance with the needs and perience and skills should enable the implemen- requirements of the population. tation of health policies in order to preserve and improve the health of the population. European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja 573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro European Commission. | http://www.udg.edu.me This publication [communication] reflects the views | [email protected] only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777 held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766 the information contained therein | PROJECT WEBSITE:www.ph-elim.net Human resources in the health system in Mon- tion. tenegro Health care in Montenegro is mostly provided by public health institutions founded by the state. similar to that in most European countries. Health Private healthcare institutions, except in dentist- careThe is organization provided at primary,of health secondary care in Montenegro and tertiary is ry, are more prominent in the pharmacy business. levels. In public health institutions there is around 8,000 employees, including 200 at the Institute of regulated, so there are various forms of such activ- Public Health. About 77% of the total number of ity,The which field ofare private out of health control care (about is not quality, adequately price, employees are health care workers and 23% are protection of the insured, etc.) and which gives the non-medical workers. possibility of additional earnings to physicians al- Since health care providers in the health care ready employed in public institutions (especially system are doctors, the indicator of the number of- specialists) instead of being a supplement to pub- physicians by population is important for assess- lic health care. The primary health care reform ing health care in a particular country. The indi- under the Health system improvement project cator for Montenegro is 216 doctors per 100,000 in Montenegro, which started in 2004, has since inhabitants and is lower than the indicator in the 2006 introduced the Institute of Chosen Doctor as EU (334 in 2011 - according to WHO data). In a primary care provider, and the health center was 2017, in the public health system in Montenegro also retained as a reference center for primary has been employed 1,397 physicians and dentists health care with support units and other centers. In this way, Montenegro has aligned its primary comparison, there are currently 1,659 physicians health care system with EU standards. working(of which in 1,370 the Montenegrin physicians publicand 27 health dentists). system, By According to available data from 2017, Monte- which is 311 more than in 2013, when 1348 phy- negro had 622,373 inhabitants differently dis- sicians worked there. This means that the number tributed by municipalities, of which 26.98% in of physicians (per 1,000 population) since 2013, the northern region, 48.53% in the middle and when it was 2.1 has increased to 2.6 in 2018. The 24.57% in the coastal region. Human resource plan by 2022, foresees an in- crease from the current 2.6 to 3.2 physicians per health staff providing both primary and second- thousand inhabitants, bringing Montenegro closer aryIt ishealth important care toto theemphasize population this inbecause these areas.of the to the European average of 3.5. In 2017 out of 550 doctors, 33.09% of physicians Human resources play a central role in the ad- worked in the primary health care in the north- vancement of the health sector, assuming that the ern region, 40.91% in the central and 26.00% in basic requirements in terms of expertise, work- the coastal region. In the hospital health care of a load/employment, scope and distribution are total of 785 doctors, 21.66% worked in the north- met. Human resources are at a satisfactory level, ern region, 12.35% in the southern region, and but overall, at the level of Montenegro there is a 65.99% in the central one, where the Clinical Cen- shortage of medical staff in certain branches of ter of Montenegro (tertiary level) is located. medicine and inadequate geographical distribu- The mentioned proportions by regions, regard- European Commission Erasmus+ Project: | PROJECT COORDINATOR: University of Donja 573997-EPP-1-2016-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Gorica This project has been funded with support from the | Donja Gorica, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro European Commission. | http://www.udg.edu.me This publication [communication] reflects the views | [email protected] only of the author, and the Commission cannot be | Tel:+382(0)20 410 777 held responsible for any use which may be made of | Fax:+382(0)20 410 766 the information contained therein | PROJECT WEBSITE:www.ph-elim.net ing the ratio of the number of doctors and the pop- er and secondary education. The lack of these hu- ulation in them, indicates their uneven distribu- man resources in Montenegro indicate that certain tion in the territory of Montenegro. Also, it should activities should be undertaken in the forthcoming at the primary level, depending on the region in personnel in order to increase them, which is sig- whichbe emphasized they work, that are the not selected burdened teams with of approxdoctors- period, primarily
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