Something Spartans get for everyone a homecooked win Downtown specialty shops increase SJSU rototills Aggies in Homecoming FEATURE PAGE 4 SPORTS -- PAGE 6 Volume 83, No. 27 Serving the San Jose State University Corn munity Since 1939 Tuesday, October 9, 1984 Science building declared safe after fire By Patricia Hannon Department chairman. matter of minutes," said Captain "We are basically packaging ev- Daily staff writer "I don't think anyone walking Gerry Hubbard of the fire depart- erything up and desposing of it," Hill The Old Science Building at into the building would notice the ment. said. "We are handling the situation Fourth Street between San Fernando odor to be any different than usual." The firefighters and IT Corp. and trying to get it back in shape." and San Carlos streets were reopened Between 200 and 300 people were completed the job by using large fans Lane said he sees no problem in Monday at 7 a.m. They were closed evacuated from the building as a re- to eliminate as much of the smoke as reopening the building. Friday after a fire in the science sult of the fire, which started after possible before clean up began. "My feeling is that there was a building resulted in chemical fumes. lab technician Michael Lane dropped About 50 gallons of ether are used fire, but those fumes contain nothing Damage and repair costs will a bottle of flammable liquid ether. by the chemistry department each more than what we normally work take about two or three weeks to esti- "As far as I can tell it was ignited semester as a solvent for most of the with," Lane said. mate, said Joanne Rife, SJSU public by a heating element in our drying organic compounds they work with. No injuries resulted from the fire information officer. oven," Lane said. He said that within Lane said. although Neptune said some fire- The decision to reopen the build- 20-30 seconds he and the other techni- chemical spills and were ing was annouced by Henry Orbach, cian, Dann LaCoe, who were in Sci- Clean up of fighters and police officers continued associate executive vice president of ence Room 150 where the fire started, damaged chemicals treated for smoke inhalation and re- Facilities Development and Opera- were out of the building. through Monday by IT Corp. leased. tions, after a committee analyzed in- They sounded the fire alarm, The company is responsible for Most of the personal belongings formation submitted by the Interna- which automatically initiated the the safe clean up of the fire and left in the building by students were tional Technology Corp. IT Corp. is CO2 fire extinguishing system that chemical hazards, said Earl Hill, op- reclaimed. Dean of the School of Sci- contracted to SJSU to clean up chem- worked to put out most of the flames. erations supervisor for IT Corp. This ence Lester Lange still has a jacket fires and spills. the San Jose includes scrubbing the walls and that has not been claimed. ical Firefighters from Yonko Noguch Daily staff photographer "They essentially told us there Fire Department extinguished the floors, as well as segregating, pack- was no danger in reopening the build- rest of the blaze. aging, labeling and disposing of all Staff writer John McCreadie con- San Jose fire inspectors assess the damage caused to the Old ing," said John Neptune, Chemistry "The fire was knocked down in a damaged chemicals. tributed to this report Science Building by Friday afternoon's toxic chemical fire. Ex-SJSU president Look ma, no hands Remedial to speak tomorrow classes 'Race for the White House' discussed to be analyzed by John Bunzel By Mike Di Marco Daily staff writer By. Mike Di Marco He is senior research fellow of Negotiations are under way be- Daily staff writer the Hoover Institution at Stanford tween SJSU President Gail Fullerton John Bunzel, SJSU president University. He was also appointed to and Richard Golf, San Jose Commu- from 1970 to 1578 and noted political the Civil Rights Commission by Pres- nity College District chancellor that scientist will speak on "Politics 1984: ident Reagan in December 1983. would allow SJSU students to enroll The Race for the White House," at Bunzel's eight-year tenure as In community college remedial noon tomorrow in Business Class- president was marked by con- courses without jeapordizing their room 4. SJSU troversy. When Bunzel came to student aid Bunzel has published numerous SJSU, the campus was embroiled in Federal guidelines for eligibility articles on politics and American protests against the Vietnam War: and distribution of financial aid stip- business. His most recent book, his there were frequent clashes between ulate that students must be enrolled fourth, focuses on California Assem students and police. In November, in 12 units at one college. Fullerton 1970, Bunzel held a question-and-an- and Goff are trying to work out an ag- swer session with students in Morris reement in which students in need of Dailey Auditorium that caused out- remedial work could enroll in a com- rage when he said he had never seen munity college and the university, police take "the first violent step" in without maintaining the 12 unit mini- confrontations with students. mum at either institution. "iSJSU) does not offer remedial He was often called "racist" for courses," Fullerton said. "If it his opposition to the Black Studies doesn't count toward the baccalau- Department while serving as chair- reate degree, we're not supposed to man of the Political Science Depart- be offering it. The community col- ment at San Francisco State Univer- leges can. sity, where he taught from 1963 to "What we were hoping to work 1968, and for his support of the Bakke out is a situation whereby a student reverse discrimination decision. enrolled here, needing to take a re- In spring 1977, members of the medial course, can go to San Jose Revolutionary Student Brigade and City College or Evergreen Valley Col- others opposing the Bakke decision lege and still get their financial aid." marched to Bunzel's Tower Hall of- A consortium agreement be- fice, demanding he meet with them in tween the SJCC District and SJSU a public debate. He refused. The fol- would legally allow a student to take lowing fall, RSB membersagain specific remedial courses at commu- try to realize that if marched on Tower Hall where they nity college, but "the program is not besieged Bunzel and chained and fully resolved yet," Goff said. "We somebody doesn't locked the Hall's front doors. are trying to find out what we can do to have a better flow of minority stu- call me a son of a His reign as SJSU president sac dents into the California State Uni- conflicts with the faculty as well. In versity system." bitch, I'm not doing 1974, five economics professors took Goff said the agreement may be Bunzel to court to regain Academic ready by November. my job.' Senate voting rights for the depart- Fullerton said there is a continu- John Bunzel ment, which Bunzel had earlier taken ing problem of students entering the former SJSU president away. university "who are very bright, but for whom English is a second lan- by Bunzel was sued again in 1975 guage." Fullerton said she hears blyman Tom Hayden and the cam- four part-time economics professors from employers who complain about paign against corporate America. who had not been rehired. The suit new employees' inability to write. was decided in Bunzel's favor. In a Joe DeVera - Daily staff photographer a frequent pub- Donald Ryan, director of SJSU's He has also been 1978 interview, Bunzel answered his and educatio- financial aid student services, said lic lecturer on political criticism. SJSU student Brad Armstrong has a head sports cold ones for quick relief during political analyst the program may allow students en- nal affairs. Bunzel is for beer and hands for cheering on the those tension-filled games. Perhaps the radio in San Francisco, con- "I try to realize," he said, "that rolled in less than 12 units in either for CBS Spartans. His custom homecoming helmet lush life has replaced the Spartan life. ducting weekly broadcasts through- if somebody doesn't call me a son of a college system to still receive finan out the 1984 election campaign bitch. I'm not doing my job." continued on back page the Associated Students Election Board and Board all relate to the election code of the lative acts may be created, amended or re- Additionally, Coughlan made reference Judicial Committee. A.S. Constitution, particularly, Section IV pealed by a two-thirds majority vote of the to Section IV of Article III of the A.S Consti- Recreation and Events Center opponent which governs campus advertising during board of directors subject to the provisions tution. That section states that the functions Larry Dougherty filed the two complaints elections. Dougherty believes that Legis- of its rules of procedure. and powers of the board of directors are: 1 Thursday against the Student Union Board lative Directive No. 2 passed by the A.S. When the A.S. board passed its legis- to operate as the supreme policy-making of Directors and the A.S. Board of Directors. Board Sept. 26 would suspend or cancel part lative directive, it did so with a vote 01 8-0 in body of the association, and 2) to delegate Each complaint is multi-faceted and is di- or all of the Election Code Section IV. favor of passage. specific authority to the executive branch or Election rectly tied to the Rec Center controversy.
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