"roup connects young adults in Allston ~ 5 _: ...• .... _-:"-L.per Company .. wickedlocal.com/allston-I::.:)ri~gh.:to:.n~ ____-.:F~R:..:.ID:.:A:.:..Y:.:, ~J~UL::..:Y_4~,-=2:...:0-=O..:..8 _____________V_O_I._1_2_, N_O_. _47_ 1III_32~Pa...:g~es_Ii_· _3_S_ec_ti_on_s_7S_¢ WHE E SHOULD ST DENTS LIVE? Pushbackto Be housing plans c afted But neighbors can't agree on details By Sara Jacobi COR RESPON DENT Ot~ rs [BC neigbbors], s Mayor Thomas M. Menino publicly criti­ like Fran Gustman, Acized this week Boston pu hed for more drastic College's student housing plans, in particular its efforts to turn me ures, like picketing 2000 Commonwealth Ave. into a th signs that said dorm, area residents gathered to plan their own pushback to the If avid vs. Goliath." STAff PHOTO BY SARAH GA12KE university's plans. Monroe ladles out dark chocolate onto transparent film to harden and form Into spirals. Prepared In the Allston kitchen, the The only problem was neigh­ abut1flrs of the "Brighton campus" I::holcolate pieces will garnish cakes and I ecf desserts at each of the restaurant's locations. bors couldn't quite see eye-to-eye - t:hg fonner St. John's Seminary even with each other on a number land ~ don't like BC's plans to of topics related to the plan. houStl students there, either. Residents who live near the 2000 Corum. Ave building don't Neighbors spoke at a meeting Sweet l~ to the point want students to live there, and BC, page 18 Finale opens new central kitchen and headquarters in Allston By Elana Zak concoction a cOcoa color. On a stove sits ,F STAFF WR ITER "It's perfect. Big square chocolate sauce and raspberry and apri­ Charing Cross ]inale Dessert Company's new kitchen ••• it turned out to be cot purees, waiting to be stirred. Inside central production facility, also an unassuming brick building near Har­ known as a kitchen, is not the just a perfuct little spot." vard's new science complex is where all condos get the nod place to go if you're hungry. of Fmale's desserts are assembled and icole Coady, Executive Pastry Chef The smell of sugar floats throughout then shipped to one of its four restau­ By Keith Howard ing home on 1501 Common­ tJile air. In one comer, small, round rants, including the nearby Coolidge CORRESPONDENT wealth Ave. ocolate cakes are being sliced for the cake with a warm center. In another, 200 Comer location. The Department of Neighbor­ La&t week, the DND met with ssert company's signature dish, pounds of cream~olored mousse mix "The pastry kitchen is almost the heart hood Development made an in­ the fOur developers to let them olten Chocolate, a gooey chocolate with Valrhona (hocolate, turning the RNALE, page 17 formal decision to endorse one of know that the Brighton Partner­ ~ the four proposals to develop a ship tor Community Reinvest- condo at the site of a former nurs- CONDOS, page 18 SIDE Ca seaf oil ill still Art welcomes visitors to Allston own Neighborhood native Repair work in advocated for public art Clev land Circle c! By Hannah McBride CORRESPONDENT "In a place where you continues Rotating blue panels reach- I k d ing 22 feet into the air may not 00 aroun and see By eaI Simpson look like a welcome mat, but signage all over the 5rAFF ~ they greet travelers as they enter ERTAIN MEN T Two w ks after a ruptured Allston. buildings, the power line dumped nearly 5,00) The sculpture, "Allston Di- onslaugbt of ads is gallons of mineral oil in Brook­ rectional," originally installed Exploring line's Mud ly River, NSTAR in 2005 and recently spruced up now preceded by an said it has y t to determine wh~1t and finished, marks the gate- actual piece of art." the artists life caused the spill. way into Allston-Brighton. An "We're still investigating the accompanying plaque pays Paul Berkeley, Allston ~SEEPAGE 11 exact cauSl:," aid Caroline homage to the town's name- __________ Allen, a SpOke man for NSTAF ~ sake, American painter and which operates the line. 'These poet Washington Allston. red for the sculpture, but said things take lime." Allston, who kept the likes of the pan Is' color, Boston blue, Fourth Repair wark at the comer of writer Washington Irving and ties the sculpture to both the city Sutherland and StrathmOI1~ poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge and its surroundings. roads, whet the spill originated as company, never lived in "The neighborhood has a lot of July after a pow r line ruptured, may modem-day Allston. of its own history, but it should continue fo another two weeb. A Cambridge resident, he is have connection to city," he transportation Crews hav been working to re­ buried in Harvard Square. said. "With the blue, it's a really place the leaky section of power Allston Directional sculptor nice cliruogue, all the history ~SEEPAGE3 line and th drainage system has Peter Brooks originally chose aside, between piece and sky." also been flu hed to remove any Broolts, the Beaver Country residual oil, Day School visual arts director, "It's a v ry big job, becauSI~ Artist Peter Brooks created a said mllch of Boston's public sculpture In Packard's Comer it's such a large cable," Allen art is formal and traditional, said. that serves as the gateway to Allston. "figures memorializing dead Crews ru~hed to contain the white men." New types of art spill after it was reported around STA ff PHOTO 8'1' KATE FLOCK SCULPTURE, page 18 SPiLl, page 11~ ;* Call For a Free 19." Something For JWWl/ Market Analysisl 19 Everyone laundry&.. Dover FINE ORIENTAL RUGS &: CARPETING 17 Cleaners FREE IN-HOME DESIGN ~2I . • Expert Cleaning Shawmut Properties 18 Covere by BC/BS CO ATION 134 Tremont Street· Brighton & other insurances. Oak Square YMCA • Shirt Service & UG TRIAL FR E GIFT 615 Washington St All work done on premises. YOllr Neighborhood Realto1® Brighton, MA 02135 ~~ r Rd. , Natick . (Boo) 36 B'3778 617 ..713-4300 617-782-3535 535 Washington Street on St., Hanover . ( 781) 826-0010 Bay Blvd., Tampa, Fl (BBB) 9GO-RUGS Tel. 617·787·2121 All A r1can Home Aid ~..lom www.ymcaboston.org 151 Suth [land Rd., Brighton 617 -254-9730 www.doverrug.com WII'W. C21shawmut.com I 2 A1lston·Brighton TAB Friday, July 4, 200 wickedlocfil.cDm!allstDn-brighton REMEMBERIN G OL D A LLSTON- BRIGHTON • sch@ols d racial, ethnic relations, circa 1920 ha~idscI)me Winship Elementary School, on Dighto Sbeet, as It looked when young John Mclane attended school there before a third story was added to accommodate Brtghton's burgeoning school population. An Interior view of the Elliott Greenhouses on Kenrick Street, west of the Braytori big canvas drop was set up, let's Y8 feet Italians kept to' their Dwn sectiDn Df Shan­ Road Intersection. John and his playmates from the Lake Stre t neighborhood were regularty entertained by a whistling Italian Immigrant who pas ed through the wide and 10 feet high, and in that drop nDn, Shepard, SnDW and Winship streets. neighborhood on his way to work at the Elliott establishment. about fDur feet Dff the ground was a hole, and a blac man would stick hi, head Dut BM: They called that neighborhood Remember nDW, YDu're dealing with a 6- hands behind his back and he'd look up through tlmt hole. NDW, about 25 to' 30 Bugg's Village, YDU know. Dr 7-year-old kid, WhD'S looking at them at the sky and he'd just start Whistling. feet away, ),ou'd be standing anll you'd be from a distance Df a hundred Dr 200 feet YDU cDuldn't see his lips mDving ' and ""1'''''''''''' I went to' the Winship given the as they were called ''nickel 1M: Yes. NDw the Dnly thing that I ever perhaps, and there were always at least he'd be whistling, and talking td the the first., secDnd, and third bricks," a type of basebalL and you'd saw that was different in the ltallans was twO', and sDmetimes three Dr fDur Df them birds. SO' when he'd start walking d.own then the fDurth and fifth grade throw it at the head Df the black I nan to see how, on Sunday - it seemed to' be an eth­ together, and they're talking back and from FDster Street on his way to' WDrk, Bennett School, and then I if YDUcoul d bit him. That was considered nic thing - they wDuld all CDme DUt., per­ fDrth in their language. We had a WDrd fDr we'd start yelling ''Here CDmes ' the ... to Allston to the WashingtDn a sport! The reason I'm telling YDUthis is haps a dDzen men, and stand in groups them. If someone asked, "WhO' are thDse whistling man !" It ShDWS YDU what kind The schools were then to' indicate bow attitudes have changed and be talking in Italian, and gesturing. people DUt in the field?," we'd answer Df entertainment 5., 6- and 7-year-olds crdI.vded. They were sO' crowded from that time to' this. It was the >arne way And as a 6- Dr 7-year-old kid, I'd wDnder "They're the gDminigish - that's the way craved back then. Was/lJIlgtcm Allston School that my when the luilians first came to BrightDn. what was gDing Dn there. Italian sounded to' us." [ed. possibly a roultn-graJle class was hDused DUt in the People say everything in BrightDn was mangling Df the Italian expressiDn fDr "I BM: SO' YDU we 10 when YDU moved dlt"J!round in a temporary buil~g and hunky-dDry, but it wasn't with regard to BM: I remember the story YDU tDld me, dDn't understand," nDn capisce.] Parents frDm TrapelD RDad to' GDrdDn Street? nml-graae class occupied a horse Dn race Dr ethnic relations.
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