Community News VOL 21 NO 8 SEPTEMBER 2019 www.brightoncommunitynews.com.au Our school plan backed THE Brighton community rior rural site on the out- has given strong support skirts of Brighton. for the development of the While claiming the Edu- new $30-million Brighton cation Department’s consul- High School on the site of tation was “blue sky”, with the School Farm in the all site options on the table, centre of Brighton. by then announcing just Independent polling and three site options it was the community response to apparent that the State Gov- the Education Department’s ernment and officials had consultation on the location already removed the School of the high school point to Farm site from considera- a strong preference for it to tion. be built on the current site This was strongly criti- of the Jordan River Learning cised by attendees at the Federation’s School Farm in meeting and the Education the centre of Brighton. Department officials had The extensive poll, cov- difficulty in defending the ering the Brighton munici- decision, other than to say pality and conducted by the government had com- respected independent poll- mitted to improving the sters Myriad Research dur- School Farm on the current ing August, showed almost site. 60 percent of respondents in The three sites under favour of the high school government consideration being developed on the are the Pontville Park sports School Farm site and the grounds, the Racecourse farm being moved to Road/Seymour Street recre- About 100 residents and community members, including Minister for Education Jeremy Rockliff, Opposition Leader Rebecca White, Mayor Tony Foster Brighton’s outskirts. ation ground and a residen- and a number of Brighton councillors, attended the Education Department’s consultation session. Just 31 percent sup- tial-zoned greenfield site on ported the State Govern- the corner of Elderslie and Residents pointed to would lose its capacity to earmarked for future resi- and installing services for of the meeting was that the ment’s options, with less Brighton Roads. serious deficiencies sur- secure the future recre- dential development. the three sites selected, res- School Farm should be than 10 percent either Deputy Premier and rounding the sites being ational needs of Tasmania’s In an impassioned idents were concerned there moved to suitable available unsure or unconcerned. Education Minister Jeremy considered. They were con- fastest-growing population. defence of Brighton’s sport- would be insufficient funds farming land on Brighton’s At a well-attended com- Rockliff, Opposition Leader cerned that Brighton’s The Elderslie road site ing and recreational facili- left in the budget to con- outskirts. munity meeting on August Rebecca White, Brighton sporting, recreational and would need to be purchased ties, Cr Peter Geard said he struct the high school. Brighton Mayor Tony 13, residents spoke strongly Mayor Tony Foster and a community facilities would and water and sewerage ser- would move to take the gov- They questioned why Foster said the community in favour of building the number of Brighton coun- be compromised or lost if vices installed, eroding the ernment as far as the High the meeting wasn’t pre- meeting, attended by about high school in the centre of cillors attended the meeting the new high school was to $30-million construction Court if it moved to acquire sented with site options for 100 people, was a valuable town and moving the Jor- and witnessed the strength be developed on either the budget. the Pontville Park or Race- the relocation of the School exercise and provided the dan River Learning Federa- of the local community feel- Pontville Park or Racecourse As well, it would signifi- course Road sports grounds. Farm as part of the process. opportunity for Mr Rockliff tion School Farm to a supe- ing. Road sites and that Brighton cantly reduce a site already With costs of acquiring The overwhelming view Continued Page 4 Poll strongly supports farm Brighton site for our new high school Council INDEPENDENT polling of the Farm allowing for its redevelopment and Brighton municipality strongly sup- Option % growth in a more appropriate rural loca- ports the promised Brighton High total tion. School being developed on the current The new Brighton high school The government’s view is that the new site of the Jordan River Learning Fed- located on the existing School high school is best located on one of the Free Hard and Green Waste eration School Farm and the farm Farm site next to the primary 59.2 three potential sites – close to or within Next collection ee einnin being moved to rural land on the school, with the School Farm existing sporting and recreational facilities town’s outskirts. moved to a rural location close or on a greenfield site close to the town cen- Tuesday Decemer 3 2019 This poll was commissioned by to the Brighton township tre, with the School Farm continuing at Brighton Council to provide an objective its current location. Brihton Council provides a FREE HARD & GREEN WASTE collection assessment of community sentiment on The new Brighton high school The government has proposed three service to help residents dispose of unanted items and reen aste the location of the new Brighton High located at one of the proposed possible locations for the new high school: 31.0 Waste must e placed on the nature strip the niht prior to the aove delivery and School and the existing Jordan River State Government sites, with the • On the existing sporting and recre- must e ale to e lifted safely y to men Learning Federation School Farm, School Farm remaining in its ation grounds at Pontville. including relative support for nominated current location • Next to existing recreation facilities All items such as tree ranches and cuttins must e tied in 20 or less undles options for both schools. Unsure/don’t know 4.8 in Racecourse Road. and a maximum of 15m in lenth and 20cm in diameter The telephone survey of Brighton • On the corner of Elderslie Road and Loose material must e aed Items such as rule soil rocs and Council residents was conducted by Don’t mind/don’t care 5.0 Brighton Road. concrete ill not e collected Commercial aste ill also not e collected respected Tasmanian pollsters Myriad Research during August this year. various times and days to maximise the Myriad Research reported a clear HARD WASTE AND GREEN WASTE MUST BE KEPT SEPARATE opportunity for all qualified residents majority of survey respondents in favour The total survey sample of 419 Total volume of items must not exceed 2m3 respondents (50 percent from Brighton to be included in the survey sample. of the School Farm site option (close to and 50 percent from other parts of the All respondents were read the fol- 60 percent of total) compared with a sig- Brighton municipality) broadly reflected lowing concise outline before question- nificantly lower support for the govern- lease do not endaner Council staff y leavin out roen lass asestos or the population profile of the Brighton ing: ment option (just over 30 percent of chemicals This free service is availale only to residents ho currently receive municipality for area, age group and total), with 10 percent not favouring erside collection gender and provides statistically valid Brighton Council is of the view that either option. outcomes for the target population – the new high school is best located on the The relative levels of support are For more information on this service phone Brihton Council on 6268 7000 Brighton municipality permanent res- current School Farm site, next to the exist- summarised in the chart above. idents aged 18 years and over. ing primary school, with the redeveloped Levels of support for the School Knowledge of the proposed high School Farm located in a more rural loca- Farm option were similar for those living school development was high, with 87 tion and close to the Brighton township. in the Brighton township and those liv- percent of respondents familiar with the Council believes that a co-location of ing elsewhere in Brighton and marginally Email [email protected] debate and up to 93 percent awareness the primary and high school will be best stronger for female residents and those www.brighton.tas.gov.au in the Brighton township. for student access, transport and safety with children under 18 living at home. Interviewing was conducted over aspects, with a new location for the School Continued Page 4 2 Brighton Community News September 2019 Community News YOUR COUNCIL Published monthly by the Brighton Council. It is distributed to households and businesses Tony Foster (Mayor) PO Box 263 throughout the municipality. Brighton7030 Circulation: In excess of 9000. Tel: 0419 357 927 [email protected] Editorial: Ingrid Harrison Finance Committee (Chair), Southern Tas- Mobile 0418 342 450 manian Councils Association, Emergency Management Advisory Committee, Planning Authority, Heritage and email: Environment, Waste Management, TasWater (owner repre- [email protected] sentative, Civic Pride Consultative Group, Southern Tasma- nian Councils Association. Advertising queries: Cathy Harper Barbara Curran (Deputy Mayor) Brighton Council, 1 Daniel Place 1 Tivoli Road, Old Beach, TAS, 7017. Brighton 7030 Tel: 6268 1522 Ph 6268 7035 Fax 6268 7013 [email protected] Bill Arnol, Brighton Market manager, presents a cheque for $500 to Lions treasurer Katie Finance Committee (Deputy Chair), Parks email: Dermody. [email protected] and Recreation Committee (Deputy Chair), Heritage and Environment Committee (Chair), Waste Management Design & Typesetting: Facing Pages Committee (Deputy Chair), Planning Authority, Southern Lions get their share Tasmanian Councils Association (alternate), Brighton Pri- Printing: The Mercury, Hobart, TAS, 7000 mary School Council, Waste Strategy South (alternate rep- resentative), Taswater (deputy representative), Civic Pride October 2019 edition deadlines: Consultative Group, Remembrance Park Complex Consul- at monthly market tative Group (Chair).
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