LOST. _EMPLOYMENT SERVICES. (Continued.) _____ __DOMESTIC. DIAMOND WRIST WATCH on 7th st. s w., RELIABLE AGENCY. DE 5ft«l. 1402 11th. near Procurement Division or vicinity 12 th has cooks, waitresses^ houseworkcrs day and G sts. n.w. Reward. Adams 2831. workers, part-timers, nurses, chamberm-* ris. __ Man Power Lets DIAMOND WRIST WATCH monogram "M ___ M*__ Added Call This Liberal Year E G.' reward. Keepsake. HELP Hoyas Scrimmage Freely Room 903. Mayflower Hotel._ WOMEN. .-_ __.__ _•_ EYEGLASSES, lady’s, folding: lost'August ARTISTS. irtlxfs. Wat^r color Full Of 29: white gold with silver chain, reward. part time. State expcr:ei ce.rfducation and Phone NA. 8444._ phone Box 4**-B 8tar. BEAUTY OPERATOR FRENCH POODLE, brown, shaggy-haired, tood flnaer *ivi>r. Lowe's Beauty Shop. 200 Homer Bids ME. resembles sheep dog. red collar. $lo re- 1 ♦>*!»> Smoolher I _ ward Oliver _ *54._ __ Play Likely BEAUTY OPERATOR tU-around M »ts. fx’lerT- GLASSES, man’s, vie. 2‘!nd and enc». ‘2520 Itth n.w 1.1* n.w. liberal reward. 1807 Monroe st. n e BEAUTY OPERATOR; must b« ^xpr-i- ii With everything: *25 week. B x 4:;,*s-B. S*ar Hilltop Squad TELESCOPIC GLASSES. case marked Haustetter. N. Y. lost Thurs., 8ept. 12. GIRL to work in bookb'.nderv no experi- Liberal reward Marie McCourt. 1312 29th ence required;, permanent position w 'h st. n.w. CO. 8747. Return immediately. .steady increase in salary State a~», Not Under education, etc. Box 4 15-B Sta- Wraps WIRE-HAIRED TERRIER7 female. Ruff": HOUSEKEEPER whi'“ care child. 1.9 Md. tag 7 235. Also male dog. brown and in. Phone Hobart 17*1. after d p m black. “Sandy”; Dist. tag 89938. Please LADY young, as a beginner to fake ;,•> Extra Backfield call WI. 5212. Reward. selling and interior decora'ing. Give a.e Supply WRIST WATCH, lady's, gold, "ribbon band. and nationality. Box 311-B. 8tar near and F Great Boon Elgin works, lost Saturday 9th LADY, between 25 and 30. for ou'^ide % Proving or on Chevy Chase bus. Reward. Woodley promotion work: applican* must be enm 0747._ aetic and able to maxe bond on0 w:*h r to Coach preferred; good income for right per* Hagerty reward’ S ilarv and commission Apply 9 a rr. $100 Mr. Harris. 3337 Conn, ave In taxicab between O'Donnell's Res- Bv LEWIS F. ATCHISON. taurant and Jones' Garage, lady's black MASSEUSE, young experienced, full rr leather pocketbook. with initials "R. W. P.“ part time. To giv* scientific reducing ir.a sage Star Let's see now, Georgetown has the Phone Dupont 2979.^ Box_4U*-M. MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST, “good typi'U or take an end or linemen, give two, HELP MEN. Shorthand not essential M.r.or trrn- a covev of fresh ball toters. includ- nician s work Washington Professional ARTISTS, artists. Water color. Full or Bureau, 927 15th s:. w threp guys twice as fast as Joe part time State experience, education ing NURSE, graduate, for Private h w- and phone. Box 4K8-B. Star. p;ra! Mellendeck. and—make a note of hour duty: age 25-35 Call Columbia 4751 AUTO SALES MANAGER—Excellent oppor- SALESLADIES /.or smart this, it's important—enough man- man to sell Dodge f^ecia/ shop, tunity lor experienced only experienced need apnly. Permanent to a of cars. Must have following power scrimmage couple and Plymouth j position. 3415 a*, e be Conn. times a week without wrecking the and come well recommended. Must j 1 sober Local references. Box 242-B. Star SALESLADY, one with f irnr ;re exo-n-r.re preferred Give a«e naDonairv references Sa'-irdav rxoer ~rrc starting lineup. BARTENDER, with and .salary expected Bo-: be regular. Apoly after 312-B. Star Any coach will tell you scrimmage nights: might p in Dude Ranch. Wash -Balto. blvd. SALESWOMAN—No cen linc 5'raiaht Is one of the most items salary. Permanent. About important BOOKKEEPER and office manager, exneri- 35. St/e ;», 1 Joiki Conn ave on a college eleven's diet. It's the enced. State full qualifications and expen- where brittle-boned ence Box 230-B. Star._ STENOGRAPHER, secretarial "dutie« p-r- laboratory boys rnaneut position wrh nation;1: c rr*-..,; CARPENTER with own car to work a* odd able to operate Ediohcne. Firnr h a i are discovered, where those who including tinning jobs, home rnaimehance qualifications, exnenence typing speed, and John W. Johnson. memorize plays letter-perfect on the guttering painting. nationality a^e and religion. B x 4k B 3815 14th st n.w. Star blackboard show whether they can __ for perma- COLLECTOR. 21 to 4'* years, TEACHER commercin' En. -h think, how they react under fire office of national ! ’’book- nent position with local keep.:.*. Night school. Box 15<>. needed. Mr. Murray. Arlington. when the backfires and publishers. Car Virgin a, strategy Room 4 34. Bond Bids TELEPHONE SOLICITORS ?0 <r,; where a coach may try a new play and general mag- CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATOR azmec f0r an organ.ration excellent com- or variation of an old one without hav° tar. superintendent, experienced, must mission and expense Experience firm, operation D C helpful his record or Growing contracting Telephone neces arv Wrre c e%. impairing prestige. and vicinity. Reply w;*h com- ring Maryland Pf :,:eoce and telephone number. Box Scrimmage heretofore has been plete details of experience, educauon. ref- .? 1 Star. erences and salary expected. Box 14-B. WAITRESS A\D sadly lacking in Georgetown's train- FULL HOUSE—There was a time when could muster little more than Ken Ben Bulvin and Lou Ghecas. Back row—Joe Jack Star. COCNrEROrRI.. rxpT Georgetown McNicol, McFadden, under :tu y»ars rf a i ,< rel- An * ing diet. The squad was unbal- in home-cooked food one full or two That w'as as COOK, exp good pm. backfield at most. recently as last year, but those Buckley, Jules Koshlap, Jack Jim and Andlou Dixie Barbecue. Marlboro and : Tally-Ha Rrslaaran-., HO JT.a anced. It had linemen galore, but Johnny Barret, Spender, Castiglia Pig pike sr. r v No calls Benning rd Hillside. Md. Take Seat ; phone a mere handful of backs and not days apparently are over as this photo of the Hoya ball toting regiment indicates. Falcone. Pleasant waitress, whit-, experienced. Apn.y bus__ •;>19 Conn, ave n.w ENGINEER and maintenance man App’v big ones. The ball carriers simply Left to right, front row—Frank Dornfeld, Mill McLaughlin, A1 Hull, Bill Gardiner, —Star Staff Photo. j WAITRESS, In person, bring reference and license. Ap- j experienced muu be over 21*. couldn't a lot of neat appearing a* sop up punishment ply mornings front desk, Hotel Ebbut, 10th Apo.’v Auor:a Re«*au* rant 110K North Caoito! s* during the week and come back and H sts n w.__I ESTIMATOR, for home remodeling and WAITRESSES colored < 2 ■ exp ai*rt* with perform- effleiet/ Saturday top-notch maintenance, young pxd with car. John , attractive._ 194«* 9th nw and his aides Join W J4th st n w. WOMAN whit-. ances, so Jack Hagprty Reinhart Wants Soft Spectators Johnson. 3815 h-Ip clear, an* in ex- Three National Titles change for room Turner and Cut and board, no avoided body contact whenever pos- ; Adrift, FILIPINO HOUSEMAN, must be first-class laundry; Slagle no children cook: live m give age. experience and : Taylor 919*. sible. It was a modified form of In Drills Terp references Box 4-i1-B. Sfar._ COMBINATION GRADUATED NURSE- frarricide on the Hilltop with the SECRETARY Pedal on Colonial Scouting Maryland's football At Stake as J Redskins Reach With FURNITURE finisher, experienced: perma- j Must he able to type nd compose I***- linemen murdering their 4,C Quota nent position Box 131-B. Star._ ter5 S*a*e full qualifications in husky team should be no for own backfield brethren. problem JUNIOR DRUG CLERK, full time, thor- handwriting. Box 4 4 1 R. S’ a r pigskin fifth columnists anxious ough! v experienced local reference* Pe> Two Backfields Lined I’p. worth Pharmacy. Georgia ave. and Upshur BUNDLE Grid to get a line on the Terps. It's so Eight New Men on Squad and Jules Shoot at school grad Lou Ghecas Koshlap Prospects wide the coaches Perry JUNIOR DRUG CLERK, huh WRAPPERS. open seriously exp in typing Drug tore exp. not neces- were of EfFcien* women ib**tween ftge* rf held out scrimmage entirely are the By BILL DISMER, Jr. be available for duties as a tackle, sary. but will be considered. Box 331-B, considering locking gates 30) for scr» ;ce d-?k w: ipp ng M last season and Joe McFadden was the Redskins’ weakest I Star. ^perienced Work for their own protection. With last release of Vet- ostensibly po- 1 i and excep- a'.'.y nea'. A/,- Terps Overtime; the Holds night’s KAST in ,f in only three sessions. Amazing but Friday, 13th, Bob the STITCHER'FEEDERS experienced, Ply per n or hv > Yesterday Jack Faber almost eran Halfback Jay Turner and sition, although Fisher, National Capital Press. Inc., 301 N s’ n.e. j true. With this limited supply of RALEIGH C. U. Weak at Center; was run down bv a bicyclist tak- No Fears for Pistol Rookie Guard Chuck Slagle having fourth new lineman kept, was a _1 .V_ HABERDASHER. to risk to » F S' N V.* Pm. °o< barks Haperty couldn't afford tackle on Southern California's 1933 LAUNDRY MARKER AND SOP TER I _132 ing a short cut over the field pruned the Redskins to their league dept to these three vital cops.
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