THE NEW A MONTHLY ORGAN OF REVOLUTIONARY MARXISM Their Morals and Ours By Leon Trotsky Collapse of New Deal Max Eastman's Science By Maurice Spector By James Burnham The Socialist Party: A Head Without a Body By M. S. Lithuania and the N a ti onal Gt.lard and U.S.S.R. - By Jerome Labor - By G. Novack The Metaphysics of H. Levy By William Gruen TWENTY CENTS JUNE 1938 / At Home THE NEW INTERNATIONAL Noles A MONTHLY ORGAN OF REVOLUTIONARY MARXISM A HALF·YEAR of the revived NEW VOLUME IV JUNE 1938 NUMBER 6 (Whole No. 21) READERS who have been looking Published monthly by the New International Publishing Company. 118 UntYer8tty Place. INTERNATIONAL, and just beginning New York. N. Y. Telephone: ALgonquin 4-8541. Subllcriptioo rates: $2.00 per year: forward to the article, "Their Morals to go strong. An increased run for bundles: Hc for 5 copies and up. Canada and Foreign: $2.50 per YlI&r: bundles 18c for and Ours", which was promised in 5 copies and up. Single copy: 20c. Entered u lecood-clau matter December 9. 1931. the June issue is certain. Minneap· at the post omce at New York. N. Y .• under the act ot Jlarch 3. 1818. this column some time ago, will, we olis, Chicago and N ew York City are Editorial Board: JAMES BURNHAM, MAX 8HACHTMAN. MAURICE 8PECTOR. are sure feel rewarded for their pa· undertaking campaigns for the mag· BUllnnl Manager: MARTIN ABERN tience. Upon its receipt, the editors azine; see other columns. San Fran. TABLE OF CONTENTS debated on whether to divide it into cisco and Los Angeles, through the two or three installments, spread N.I. agents, Eloise Booth and John Their Morals and Ours, by Leon Trotsky. • . .. 163 over the same number of months, or Murphy, have made new arrange­ The Collapse of the New Deal, by Maurice Spector. .. 173 to print it in full in one single issue. ments for the development of litera­ Although our readers rightly prefer ture sales, and already the results A Head Without a Body, by M.S.. .. 175 a larger and more varied number of are noticeable. A new order has been Max Eastman as Scientist, by James Burnham. .. 177 shorter articles, we are confident of placed in McDonald's Bookshop, San their agreement with the decision to Reform Labor Politics and the Crisis-II, by David print this most stimulating and bril­ Francisco. An old-timer, A. C. Cowles ..................................... 181 Doughty, also disposes of a bundle liant article by Trotsky in one in­ in Los Angeles, in addition to the Problems of Colonial India, by S. Stanley. .. 184 stallment. Breaking it up to spread Party-Y.P.S.L. quota. Minneapolis Russia and the Lithuanian Crisis, by Jerome. .. 186 over a quarter of a year would have has increased its order by 25. been an injustice both to the author BOOKS: and his readers. Numerous increases to be recorded since the April issue: In Allentown, Metaphysics of H. Levy, by William Gruen ..•.•. .... 188 Debate brings to mind the still controversial questioft of the Kron­ Pa., Ruth Querio, agent, is following Call Out the Militia! by George Novack. • . .. 189 stadt uprising of 1921, on which up outside contacts through personal Wright and Trotsky have already visits and getting results. New The Truth About Spain, by BerTUlTd Wolfe ......... 190 Czechoslovakia's Fate, by W. Keller. .. 190 written in our pages. We have on Haven, Conn.: "May issue selling hand two communications on the wonderfully; newsstands all sold out; Inside Front Cover: At Home. Notes. subject-one from Victor Serge, in lend ten more at once."-Morris Inside Back Cover: Clippings. Paris, the other from Dwight Mac­ Gandelman. Youngstown, Ohio: "In­ Donald, one of the editors of the crease our order to 20 per month"­ Partisan Review. Crowded out of Harvey Dawes. Sydney, Australia: this issue, they will appear, with cently held a social at the home of TERNATIONAL. We were surprised at Increase our order to 40"-N. Ori­ comment by the editors, next month, glasso, Secretary, Workers Party...• comrade B. Ogren, attended by about your really excellent and beautiful under the heading of "Discussion". Advance Book Shop, Sydney, Aus­ 60 persons, mostly University stu­ review which indeed is in every re­ This is a feature of THE NEW INTER­ tralia: "Increase our order to 20.••. dents. The Indiana Harbor, Ind., gard superior to our European publi­ NATIONAL which, as we announced Congratulations on reappearance of branch is scheduled to hold a social cations."-H.T. in the editorial on policy that ap­ THE NEW INTERNATIONAL whic4 is for the N.I. Omaha, Nebraska: "THE NEW IN­ peared in our first issue, the editors well received here in Australia." The commentaries from so many TERNATIONAL is received with grati­ are concerned with maintaining and London, England: Increase order to sources on the high calibre of THE tude. It gets mighty lonely out in extending. 36 copies." - Mildred Kahn, for NEW INTERNATIONAL are so lauda­ the weeds and a 'trade unionist' can The July issue will also contain W.I.N. Group. tory that surely Party and Y.P.S.L. be mighty happy and get the clear an analysis of the convention now In many cities the circulation of comrades can, with some organized dope after messing around in all the going on of the Communist Party of the magazine has definitely improved efforts, obtain large numbers of new junk connected with our work. the United States. Its new constitu­ and prospects are reported very readers and subscribers. The N.!. is preserving the ideas and tioil, as our readers already have bright. T. Leonard, Boston, reports What readers say: the banner of the revolution."-A.R. learned from the press, is "demo­ that "Sales at stores increased this Detroit, Mich.: "I did not wish to Ted Selander, Toledo, Ohio, laud­ cratic" in a "new" sense, and has month; sold 27 out of 34 copies; this send you an empty letter, but Roose­ ing the magazine, at the same time evoic.ed a good deal of comment in is the best record they have had yet". velt's Recession struck my practise offers numerous suggestions for arti­ the press. What it really signifies, in In Lynn, Mass., St. Louis, Mo., Pitts­ with such disastrous force that it was cles. Other readers, follow suit. Sug­ relation to the development of inter­ burgh, Pa., Fresno, Calif., Newark, difficult to collect a few spare dol­ gestions are welcomed. national Stalinism, will be dealt with N. J., Philadelphia, Pa.-indeed in lars. .. I am sending you ten dol­ Readers in Glasgow, Scotland, in detail in our analysis. virtually all localities now, the S.W.P. lars to bring my pledge to date.••• S t r a s b 0 u r g, France, Washington; Like our "Discussion" section, a and Y.P.S.L. comrades are taking I find THE NEW INTERNATIONAL a D.C., and many other cities, too number of other features, old and hold of THE NEW INTERNATIONAL very stimulating magazine, and only numerous to cite here, send in their new, had to be crowded out of the and making progress with circula­ wish the editorial parts were even endorsement. current issue in order to make room tion. New York City still has to more extensive. The book reviews Sheffield, England: "THE NEW for more pressing articles, above all overcome laxness in two or three are very helpful."-S.G. INTERNATIONAL is the very thing. the one by Trotsky. But we can branches, but improvement will fol­ Vancouver, B.C.: "The April issue Will you please accept this cheque promise our readers the re-appear­ low soon. is a honey; keep up the good work. as a small token of my appreciation ance in July of "The Editor's Com. Everywhere THE NEW INTERNA­ It's getting better every issue."-G.S. -toward the cost of production."­ ments", which will be devoted large­ TIONAL is hailed. All the more reason, Hildegarde Smith, Hutchinson, Kan­ F.W.C. ly to the recent political develop. therefore, for our Party and Youth sas: "The February issue is gorgeous. How shall YOU say it? Well, we ments in Europe, the re-alignment comrades to take the steps necessary ... If you can keep up that record!" like flowers, of course, but better of the imperialist powers in prepara. to ensure the maintenance of our Of course we can-through the co­ yet, say it with donations and sub- tion for the coming world war-so vitally important for the policy of theoretical organ, and, moreover, to operative effort of the editors, busi­ scriptions. THE MANACER the labor and revolutionary move­ make expansion possible. Bundle cir­ ness department, Party and Y.P.S.L. • • • ments-and to the position of the culation is good, but subscriptions London, England: "From every is­ As we go to press, additional Soviet Union in the new picture remain our weak side, though there sue of THE NEW INTERNATIONAL, orders are coming in for the June which is being drawn. has been a slight improvement in there is something to be gained issue. Chicago, St. Louis,Kansas City, Our "Archives of the Revolution" recent weeks. But not nearly enough. which one can't possibly obtain from Hutchinson, St. Paul, Minneapolis, will also be resumed in the coming Organized subscription campaigns, as any other journal."-Henry Sara. Fargo and Allentown are among some issue with the publication of an ex­ in Minneapolis and Chicago, are the Winnipeg, Canada: "THE NEW IN­ of the cities that have placed extra tremely Interesting speech by Trot­ answer.
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