T 1 FAN-/ UAN ollstl~s OFFICIAL STUDENT PUBLICATION VOL. 28, NO. 1 FLORIDA AGRICULTURAL & MECHANICAL UNIVERSITY, TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA OCTOBER 2, 1959 Fulbright Awards Pay Affairs System Listed Only one month remain to apply for some 900 Fulbright scholar- ships for study or research in 28 As Item For Immediate countries, the Institute of Interna- tional Education reminded pro- spective applicants today. Appli- Attention in S. G. A. cations are being accepted until November 1. In a press conference recently, I. Charles Robinson, president of SGA, revealed that he expects this school year to be the most Cultural Con- Inter-American notable in the history of FAMU's student government, although vention awards for study in 17 Student Congress. Latin American countries have the he also expects some opposition from the same filing deadline. This opposition crippled last year's student administration and hindered previous ones. Recipients of Fulbright awards for the study in Europe, Latin On referring to last year's SGA America, and the Asia-Pacific area Let's Play Smokey achievements, Robinson attested will receive tuition, maintenance that the majority political faction and round-trip travel. IACC Fire prevention Week will in Student Con- Scholarships cover transportation, be observed throughout the gress would not tuition, and partial maintenance country October 4-10 this year. let Clifford Tay- costs. IIE administers both of The year marks the 37th An- lor carry out his for the these student programs niversary of this presidentially program. "T h e U. S. Department of State. leaders of this proclaimed week. faction made this General eligibility requirements Purpose of Fire Prevension admission to me for both categories of awards are: Week is to direct public atten- themselves," said (1) U. S. citizenship at time of Robinson. application; (2) a bachelor's de- tion to the need for greater fire gree or its equivalent by 1960; (3) prevention and safety in every Robinson "However, these knowledge of the language of the community. 'The death toll leaders told me," Robinson re- host country; and (4) good health. from fire last year was 11,500 vealed, "that they would work capacity for in- A demonstrated and property loss exceeded one with him 100 per cent. This means dependent study aryl a good aca- that the problem of having a demic record are also necessary. billion dollars. united student body should be Preference is given to applicants The FAMUAN in conjunc- easily solved. Nevertheless, Robin- under 35 years of age who have tion with the National Board son feels that special efforts to not previously lived or studied of Fire Underwriters solicit unite the SOA are still needed. abroad. your cooperation. Only through The S O A President said: Applicants will be required to your action can progress be "There is much to be done in stu- submit a plan of proposed study made against the staggering dent government and the only way out profitably our maximum S Lovely Ruth Anderson was recently elected "Miss Pershing Riflees.s." QUeQueen that can be carried number of fires, fire deaths and we shall realize Ruth wili be honored duringq dance in er honor this month. She'is a soho- within the year abroad. Successful achievemement is that the Student more from Lakeland, Fifvto L - - candidates are required to be aell- fire losses in our country. Congress work with me and my _ 4_ ad. with approvemd instltUcs of administration. Lorenzo Brown, higher learning abrouas Gwendolyn Tuc and I cannot do' a )oo wi !!n7 ? h Enrolled students at a college or representatives werk4 akiet S university should consult t h e us." 55 Campus Leader campus Fulbright advisor for in- formation and applications. Others Brown is vice-president at the le nt may write to the Information and SGA; Miss Tucker is secretary. Counseling Division, Institute of Robinson listed the following as Attend Annual Stud International Education, 1 East items calling for immediate at- New York 21, New 67th Street, tention of the student body: York, or to any of liE's regional offices. 1. CONSTITUTIONAL RE- Reveille yISION - SGA Constitution Competitions for the 1960-61 definitely needs thorough re- Fifty-five student leaders and faculty members atttended the academic year close November 1, vision to rid it of its many 1959 Student Leadership Reveille held on campus in thhe Student 1959. Requests for application inadequacies, especially In re- forms must be postmarked before gard to the duties and powers Union Ballroom, September 17. October 15. Completed applica- of the branches of govern- The reveille was scheduled for machines should be baarred to all tions must be submitted by Nov- ment, committees, officers and Lake Hall, the site of the proposed users (students) unles s they have ember 1. officials. In fact, the present student camp, but was changed a written permit from the electoral statutes are completely lack- because of inclement weather, commission." This was also recom- ing of a set of by-laws. mended in the group report. Capt. Willie E. Jenkins Jr. Five discussion groups were Air Fore Reserve 2. PAY AFFAIRS-A fool- Group chairman, George Brown, formed from the main topic "Vol- proof system of regulation of placed a recommendation on the ues Affecting FAMU's Growth." Seeks More Members Jenkins Added pay affairs for student organ- floor to prevent a queen (Miss Topics for discussion were what Isations is desperately needed. values are to be considered in dor- FAMU or attendant) from suc- A number of Florida A and M To ROTC Staff Student organizations are no ceeding herself. Cornelia Mc- Captain Willie E. Jenkins Jr. of mitory living, in student organiza- University students are members longer allowed to sponsor pay Gowan and others argued in oppo- of the Tallahassee Air Force Re- Petersburg, Virginia, was recently tion participation, in student elec- affairs. tions, in maintaining high scholar- sition on the grounds that "if a serve Squadron. This Squadron assigned to the Army ROTC in- ship, and in creating and main- party likes this person, and nomi- meets on campus in the Army structional staff at Florida A&M 3. RE-APPORTIONMENT- taining a wholesome moral tone nates her again" she should be ROTC Building at 6:00 p.m. dur- University. He is serving as in- Representation in Student on campus. eligible to run. The recommenda- ing the school year. Both men and structor for sophomore students. Congress does not seem to ef- fectively reach the student. A Among the many suggestions tion was voted on and a majority women who are veterans are eli- Captain Jenkins returned from presented by the groups, the ones decided against it. gible to Join. Germany in March where he liberal re-apportionment plan A colorful recommendation came served as operations officer with might well solve our problem. most likely to pass concerns stu- Interested persons may call dent elections. from the group on creating and the 46th Armored Infantry Regi- 3-1491 or visit the Squadron Of- ment. He was awarded the Bronze 4. "MISS FAMU"-A spe- rein- maintaining a wholesome moral cial election is being planned Since the party system was fice, Room 217, Avant Building, Star Medal and the Combat In- stated tone on campus. The group sug- for a new "MISS FAMU." by a vote of 37 to 25 by the 201 West Park Ave., Tallahassee. fantry Badge. student leaders at the retreat last gested that each month the "Miss FAMU" elect married He finished high school in FAMUAN carry photographs of a summer. May, the group presented a report Petersburg and received a B.S. over the asking the electoral commission to young lady and gentleman labeled "Miss Charm" and "Mr. Esquire." TALLAHASSEE - In December from Virginia State College. He 5. TRAFFIC COURT - A screen all candidates and to cen- of 1957, the Southern Association joined the ROTC detachment from traffic court has been appoint- sor all campaign literature. Methods of selecting these individ- uals were not discussed. of Colleges and Secondary Schools the Advanced Infantry School at ed. It must be set to work im- "Censoring this stuff would cur- granted Florida A&M University Fort Benning, Ga. mediately. A system of pro- The students visited the pro- tail the obscene literature that full membership into the Associa- Accompanying Captain Jenkins cedures for traffic regulations posed camp site and St. Marks came out last year," a member re- tion. Thus, placing FAMU on the to Tallahassee were his wife, and fines for violations mt during their recreation period. plied. " same academic level as the other Thelma, and two daughters, Karen be drawn up by this group. He continued, "the mimeograph (Continued on Page 3. Col. 5, two state-supported universities. and Adrian. (Continued on Page 3, Col. 5) 7 THE FAMUAN Friday, October 2, 1951 The World In Two Hands College Debated By Boswell Jackson Mr. K and Mr. E As the Soviet Union set a ter- By R. C. E. ALLEN rific pace In the field of science, Fourteen days ago, Soviet Premier Nikita F. Khrushchev our people are more and more unboarded his huge airliner at Andrews Air Force Base. As displeased With the type of scho- lars our colleges other heads of state customarily do, he received the presidential and schools are producing. handshake before proceeding to address the crowd of people that gathered to cheer and boo him. Some claim that we have only attendance and bigness in Ameri- At the time, heads of some 82 states had paused and placed ca. But "mere attendance Is not their eyes and hearings directly across the Atlantic and Pacific evidence of study." A noted col- to the United States.
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