HOUSE RECORD First Year of the 166th General Court State of Calendar and Journal of the 2019 Session New Hampshire Web Site Address: www.gencourt.state.nh.us Vol. 41 Concord, N.H. Thursday, June 27, 2019 No. 20X HOUSE JOURNAL NO. 19 (Cont’d) Thursday, June 13, 2019 Rep. Ley moved that the House adjourn. Motion adopted. HOUSE JOURNAL NO. 20 Thursday, June 27, 2019 The House assembled at 10:00 a.m., the hour to which it stood adjourned, and was called to order by the Speaker. Prayer was offered by House Chaplain, Reverend Kate Atkinson, Rector of St. Paul’s Church in Concord. God of space and time, we thank You that You give us space in our lives to notice the wonder of creation, and we thank You that You give us time to appreciate that wonder. As we come to the close of a full and challeng- ing legislative session, help us all to embrace those gifts, to slow our pace, to breathe more deeply, to open our eyes more widely, and to recognize Your spirit all around us and within us. God of renewal, restore our souls as we enter this season of rest and recreation, strengthen our bodies, quiet our minds, heal our discomforts, surprise and delight us! For we serve You best when we are the best that we can be. Amen. Representative Patrick Abrami, member from Stratham, led the Pledge of Allegiance. The National Anthem was sung by Annie Gorman, a student from Stratham. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Reps. Bartlett, Danielson, Gidge, Harriott-Gathright, Klein-Knight, Massimilla and Vincent, the day, illness. Reps. Baroody, Freitas, Goley, Gould, Hall, Kotowski, Le, Lynne Ober, Russell Ober, Opderbecke, Pitre, Query, Read, Suzanne Smith, Snow, Spanos, Swinburne, Thompson, Torosian, Treleaven, Vallone, Wolf and Yakubovich, the day, important business. Rep. McNally, the day, illness in the family. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Jean and Michael Gorman, parents of the singer, guests of Rep. Abrami. Susan Hager, guest of Rep. String- ham. Sabrina Whisman, guest of Rep. Prout. Caitlin DeLuca, and Joe and Trudy Fedora, guests of Rep. Mal- loy. Lisa and Christina Gunski, wife and daughter of Rep. Gunski. Dick and Jane Merlino, parents of Rep. Merlino. Othniel Harris, guest of Rep. Mombourquette. UNANIMOUS CONSENT Rep. Packard requested Unanimous Consent of the House regarding a motorcycle accident in Randolph and addressed the House. Without objection, the Speaker ordered the remarks made by Rep. Packard be printed in the Permanent Journal. MOMENT OF SILENCE A moment of silence was observed in honor and in memory of the victims and their families of the motorcycle accident in Randolph, New Hampshire. REMARKS Rep. Packard: Thank you, Mister Speaker. Could I, and I know I asked you for a little latitude if you would give it to me, could I have Rep. St. Clair and Rep. Walsh come down and join me? I want to bring up a hor- rible tragedy that happened last Friday night. Seven motorcyclists were run over by somebody who shouldn’t 2 27 JUNE 2019 HOUSE RECORD have been on the road. His license should have been suspended. His CDL license should have been suspended and it wasn’t. Blame isn’t going to bring those people back, but this person should not have been on the road and because he was, seven people are dead. Those people were friends of mine and Tom and Charlie. We all belong to an organization; New Hampshire Motorcyclists Rights Organization and they were good people. They were former Marines and they were good Marines and they were up there on charity and they were run over. It was horrific. Some of the police officers up there said it was the worst thing they had ever seen and they actually got sick because it was so bad. This should never had happened. It’s a horrible, horrible tragedy. I lost a friend. He was actually at my wife’s funeral last year and I saw him up in Laconia on the 10th and they said they couldn’t make my wife’s run because they were doing another charity run. So, thank you, Mister Speaker, but what I would like to ask is that maybe first, all Marines stand up. All past Marines stand up and let’s give them a real round of applause. I know they say once a Marine always a Marine. I was not a Marine, but once a Marine always a Marine. These were good people and with your permission, Mister Speaker, could we have a moment of silence for these wonderful people that passed away? Thank you. MOTION TO SUSPEND HOUSE RULES Reps. Ley and Hinch moved that House Rules be so far suspended as to permit introduction and consider- ation, and, if passed, immediate third reading of HJR 3, making temporary appropriations for the expenses and encumbrances of the State of New Hampshire. Motion adopted by the necessary two-thirds vote. RESOLUTION Reps. Ley and Hinch offered the following: RESOLVED, that in accordance with the list in the possession of the Clerk, HJR 3 shall be by this resolution read a first and second time by the therein listed title. Motion adopted. INTRODUCTION OF HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION First and second reading HJR 3, making temporary appropriations for the expenses and encumbrances of the State of New Hampshire. Rep. Wallner moved Ought to Pass. Motion adopted. RESOLUTION Rep. Ley offered the following: RESOLVED, that HJR 3, making temporary appropriations for the expenses and encumbrances of the State of New Hampshire, be read by title only and that it be read a third time by this resolution, and that its title be the same as adopted, and that it be passed at the present time. Motion adopted. COMMITTEE OF CONFERENCE REPORTS ON SENATE BILLS CONSENT CALENDAR - SENATE BILLS Rep. Ley moved that the Consent Calendar with the relevant Committee of Conference Reports as printed in the day’s House Record be adopted. SB 118, establishing a child fatality review committee, removed by Rep. Camarota. Consent Calendar adopted. COMMITTEE OF CONFERENCE REPORT ON SB 30 Committee of Conference Report on SB 30, relative to the advisory board on services for children, youth, and families. Recommendation: That the Senate recede from its position of nonconcurrence with the House amendment, and concur with the House amendment, and That the Senate and House each pass the bill as amended by the House. The signatures below attest to the authenticity of this Report on SB 30, relative to the advisory board on services for children, youth, and families. Conferees on the Part of the Senate Conferees on the Part of the House _________________________________________ _______________________________________ Sen. Carson, Dist. 14 Rep. Long, Hills. 10 _________________________________________ _______________________________________ Sen. Chandley, Dist. 11 Rep. Berrien, Rock. 18 _________________________________________ _______________________________________ Sen. Cavanaugh, Dist. 16 Rep. French, Graf. 14 _______________________________________ Rep. Fowler, Rock. 20 27 JUNE 2019 HOUSE RECORD 3 COMMITTEE OF CONFERENCE REPORT ON SB 31 Committee of Conference Report on SB 31, relative to membership of the New Hampshire community devel- opment advisory committee. Recommendation: That the Senate recede from its position of nonconcurrence with the House amendment, and concur with the House amendment, and That the Senate and House each pass the bill as amended by the House. The signatures below attest to the authenticity of this Report on SB 31, relative to membership of the New Hampshire community development advisory committee. Conferees on the Part of the Senate Conferees on the Part of the House _________________________________________ _______________________________________ Sen. Carson, Dist. 14 Rep. Josephson, Graf. 11 _________________________________________ _______________________________________ Sen. Cavanaugh, Dist. 16 Rep. Mombourquette, Hills. 5 _________________________________________ _______________________________________ Sen. Chandley, Dist. 11 Rep. Porter, Hills. 1 _______________________________________ Rep. MacDonald, Carr. 6 COMMITTEE OF CONFERENCE REPORT ON SB 82-FN Committee of Conference Report on SB 82-FN, relative to school food and nutrition programs. Recommendation: That the Senate recede from its position of nonconcurrence with the House amendment, and concur with the House amendment, and That the Senate and House each pass the bill as amended by the House. The signatures below attest to the authenticity of this Report on SB 82-FN, relative to school food and nutri- tion programs. Conferees on the Part of the Senate Conferees on the Part of the House _________________________________________ _______________________________________ Sen. D’Allesandro, Dist. 20 Rep. Cornell, Hills. 18 _________________________________________ _______________________________________ Sen. Fuller Clark, Dist. 21 Rep. Luneau, Merr. 10 _________________________________________ _______________________________________ Sen. Giuda, Dist. 2 Rep. Ford, Graf. 3 _______________________________________ Rep. Weyler, Rock. 13 COMMITTEE OF CONFERENCE REPORT ON SB 86 Committee of Conference Report on SB 86, establishing a commission to study programs for serving individu- als with certain developmental and mental health disabilities. Recommendation: That the Senate recede from its position of nonconcurrence with the House amendment, and concur with the House amendment, and That the Senate and House adopt the following new amendment to the bill as amended by the House, and pass the bill as so amended: Amend RSA 171-A:34, IV as inserted by section 1 of the bill by replacing it with the following: IV.(a) Legislative members shall receive mileage at the legislative rate when attending to the duties of the commission. (b) In the performance of its duties, the commission may solicit information and testimony from any person or entity with expertise or experience relevant to the study. The signatures below attest to the authenticity of this Report on SB 86, establishing a commission to study programs for serving individuals with certain developmental and mental health disabilities. Conferees on the Part of the Senate Conferees on the Part of the House _________________________________________ _______________________________________ Sen.
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