t . / anrt|patpr iEupnitm IBsvuih \ MANCHESTER, CONN. THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1975- VOL. XCIV, No. 138 Manchester—A City of Village Charm TWENTY-FOLR PAGES PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS NEWS - S 'J U CAPSULES Saigon Mobilizes To Stem Attack Doesn't Expect Road SAIGON (UPI) — Communist troops Communist troops attacKed but were Australian and one Filipino have been the sixth district capital to fall since the met strong Communist resistance today, HARTFORD (UPI) - Gov. Ella T. extended their six-day offensive to the fer­ repulsed and suffered 46 men Killed in at­ pinned down inside the city since fighting begining of the six-day offensive. the command said. Grasso says she does not expect the tile MeKong Delta rice growing region tacKs on three district capitals — county broke out. In Saigon, the government announced it legislature will approve this session an today, overrunning five hamlets and put­ seats — in Ba Xuyen province, 100 miles Just 25 miles north of Ban Me Thuot, To the north, government relief forces was mobilizing draft-eligible men "to expansion of Interstate-91 north of Hart­ ting three district capitals under ^eavy at­ south of Saigon, command spokesman Lt. however. Communist- forces Wednesday trying to Recapture overrun Tien Phuoc meet the battlefield requirerpent in the ford. , tacK, the Saigon command said. Col. Le Trung Hien said. overran the district capital of Buon Ho — district capital, 340 miles north of Saigon, face of large-scale Communist attacKs.” “We have heard considerable opposition The new assaults expanded fighting to The militia suffered 12 Killed and 23 to the widening of 1-91, and I have no the length of South Vietnam. Previous wounded, Hien said. problem,” she said Wednesday. "I don’t Communist thrusts strucK at a 400-mile Government warplanes knocKed out expect any bill would come up from the line hmning north of Saigon, but not sbuth eight tanKs and damaged nine others in legislature.” of the capital. driving bacK a Oommunist armored AsKed if she would sign an 1-91 bill, she Viet Cong saboteurs blew up a bus with a assault near the Parrot’s BeaK sector of land mine near Tra On district capital, 60 the Cambodian border and Go Dau Ha dis- Rocket Delays Cambodia Airlift repeated she did not expect one would be passed. miles southwest of Saigon, Killing 18 \ trict capital, 35 miles west of Saigon, the civilians and wounding 20 others, a Saigon command said. FBI in Judgeship Probe military spokesman said. Pilots said they Killed 77 Communist PHNOM PENH (UPI) - Rebel gunners “ limited progress” in the week-old Twenty-six rebels were Killed in the The command said an Air Vietnam com­ soldiers during the bombing missions. fired a rocket into an ammunition dump at government push to recapture Tuol Leap, WASHINGTON (UPI) - The long- fighting Wednesday, military sources In the five-day house-to-house battle for Pochentong airport today, setting off an a rebel artillery position five miles west of said. delayed controversial nomination of mercial flight was believed hit by enemy antiaircraft fire Wednesday near PleiKu in ' the provincial capital of Ban Me Thuot, 163 explosion that forced a two-hour halt in the airport. One western source said government former Gov. Thomas J. MesKill as a miles north of Saigon, field officers said the U.S. food, fuel and ammunition airlift Heavy government airstriKes against federal judge has again been stalled, this the Central Highlands, Killing all 26 per­ troops around the capital defense sons aboard, including three Americans. the government poured in fresh troops to to Cambodia's beseiged capital. Tuol Leap Wednesday Killed 110 rebels, perimeter “seem to be doing better the time until a probable FBI looK into the fight off thousands of tank-led North Viet­ An American spokesmen said the rocket the sources said. Connecticut property leasing scandal. In Saigon, the government ordered a last few days—the lines are tighter, better nationwide mobilization, placing every namese and Viet Cong troops. exploded in “a small ammunition storage The Communist-led rebels launched and stronger.” An expected vote Wednesday by the The Saigon command said government area” at the airport and a series of heavy attacKs against government troops Heavy fighting continued at the MeKong Senate Judiciary Committee was put off man from the ages of 17 to 35 on military call to meet the Communist drive. forces cleared the city of Communist explosions followed. trying to clear the road between PreK river towns of NeaK Luong and Banam, 35 for a week to further study conflicting In the MeKong Delta, Communist troops tanKs, destroying 46 of them, but added, “I understand the flights resumed com­ Phneou near the capital’s northern out­ miles southeast of Phnom Penh, where testimony by MesKill and others involved “It is too difficult to say what part (of the ing in about two hours iater,” the sKirts and the Cambodian 7th Division rebel mortars caused fresh civilian in the leasing program. overran five hamlets near Ba Tri district 3 town, 47 miles southwest of Saigon, the city) belonged to whom.” spokesman said. base at Doeum Ampil, six miles to the casualties Wednesday. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., Nine Americans, three Canadians, one Military sources meanwhile reported north. Wednesday prepared a letter for the ap­ command said. proval of Sen. James Eastland, the chair­ man of the Judiciary Committee, asKing the FBI to interview Key figures in the scandal. House Votes $6 Million Indictment Refinery Rejected Actress Sues Supermarket AUGUSTA, Maine (UPI) - The Board of Environmental Protection has formally For Emergency Jobs NEW YORK (UPI) - Award employes last November and Rumored In rejected the Pittston Co.’s proposed $500 winning actress Cicely Tyson forced into a room where their million oil refinery at Eastport but left the WASHINGTON (UPI) - The House has jobs” from private contracts for federal W ednesday filed a $2 m illio n belongings were searched. Hearst Case door open for the firm to pursue the issue. approved a nearly 36 billion emergency work would open up another 1 million jobs. dam age suit in Manhattan Supreme The suit, which seeKs an ad­ The board Wednesday unanimously ap­ employment measure which exceeds But Rep. Robert Michel, R-Ill., said the Court against a supermarKet ditional $200,000 in dam ages for HARRISBURG, Pa. (UPI) - A U.S. proved the refinery site and product piers grand jury met here today but federal President Ford’s proposals by about ?4 Democrats’ claims of 180,000 new jobs alleging that she and a companion Miss Siem, said the search took but rejected the firm’s proposed delivery from the 31-65 billion for public service sources refused to comment on published million. were searched without cause. place in full view of other shoppers. system of crude oil. The 35.9 billion appropriations measure work is “deceptive.” He said 50 per cent reports that it might consider indictments Pittston vice president A.F. Kaulakus Miss Tyson won an Eriimy award against “a person or persons” for har­ passed the House Wednesday on a 313 to of the jobs to be filled under this program According to the suit the actress said he was “disappointed” but said for her 1974 role in “The boring fugitive newspaper heiress Pat- 113 roll call vote. It was sent to the Senate are “recalls — public employes laid off and her companion, Susan Siem, within a weeK the firm would asK the BEP for what was expected to be speedy con­ and who are called bacK to worK.” Autobiography of Miss Jane Pitt­ tricia Hearst in northeastern Penn­ were seized by four PathmarK to hear additional testimony on the sideration. Lynn defended his call for a veto on m an.” sylvania several months ago. delivery system because “we’ve spent too ! ' President Ford has agreed to spend 32 grounds that the money would be an much to drop it now.” billion of the appropriation, but he has not “excessive stimulus” to the economy. Usually cooperative federal sources Pittston’s plan called for the delivery of indicated publicly whether he would But House SpeaKer Carl Albert scoffed would answer no inquiries concerning the crude oil by bringing supertanKers through accept the other 34 billion. James T. Lynn, at Lynn’s explanation. grand jury session and the hotel at which M Head Harbour Passage, a narrow channel Ford’s new budget director, said he will “In the face of an economy with more TJ.S. Attorney John Cottone was staying r% ;-Hl between Canadian Moose and Campobello urge Ford to veto the bill because it more than 7 million unemployed, with the. Compromise.Offered said the federal prosecutor was refusing all calls. Islands. than doubles the money the administration grea^st idle productive capacity in more ' i ' ■ - wanted. than 30 years,” Albert said, “I find this “The grand jury will be meeting all day In Boston Race The money is spread over a score of argument about excessive stimulus to the and indictments will be handed down this 13 programs already authorized in law by the economy to be entirely without merit or afternoon,” Cottone was quoted by the BOSTON (UPI) — A South Boston state last Congress, but which have not been ful­ On Aid to Cambodia representative, who since September has support.” Harrisburg Patriot as saying Wednesday I led this city’s anti-busing forces in op­ ly funded. WASHINGTON (UPI) - Nearly a Wednesday,. 189-49, to bar further military night. The largest single item is 31-65 billion majority of the House has expressed an assistance to Cambodia or South Vietnam A posing court ordered desegreation, has entered.the race to end Kevin H.
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